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The Life of a Loner in PVP


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It is perfectly Ok if you know each other and both parties know it just for fun. It is not ok if it is a stranger cause chats are not good at conveying word play, so it is not cool to be a cunt to people you don't know. There is the exception that if the person is annoying you have the right to annoy him.

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Getting too excited doesn't seem like a good excuse to me. Getting too excited would be saying "boom!" or "I'm the greatest!" out loud while you're playing, and it wouldn't bother anyone on the opposing team because they're not there in your house to hear it. When you make the decision to actually type the comment and then actually do so, those overt conscious acts take you out of the "too excited involuntary response" excuse. Such behavior is that of a poor sport and a jerk, in my opinion, unless you also compliment them when they crush you and make sure to offer such compliments at least once a match to those you are gloating over.


Obviously, judging from the reaction here, a lot of people disapprove of your comments. You might want to think about that.

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It seems to me you’re confused as to what your intention is when you “tease” the opposing team. You also didn’t make your intention known to others in the match; intention is important in the current form of society for moral judgments.


If your intent is harmless, it would be better to express that along with your other attempts at communication, but you didn’t do so, which is likely to be unfortunately misinterpreted.


Intention-interpretation is a very important dynamic that you have to consider.


1. So did you know all along the effects of what you said, but you said it anyway because you couldn’t care less about the consequences?

2. Or, did you know about the consequences, foresaw that you were going to leave the guild, but chose to say the things you said anyway?

3. Rather, did you actually get kicked from the guild or received criticism about your actions, then try to reimagine the event as you not fitting in and leaving anyway?

4. You seem to label yourself as non-normal; are you very special? Please describe your unique traits that you use to define yourself as apart from the crowd.

5. So you don’t care about interacting within a guild with a requirement to be courteous; why were you in that guild in the first place?


6. The thing I am most interested in is what kind of guild would be your ideal; what would the guildmates be like for you to feel like an involved, unrestricted member?


If you don’t care about courtesy stuff in online gaming, what you’re doing here is actually a very valid tactic to try and tilt players of the enemy team. Players with poor focus or sensitive egos would be very receptive to your radiant joy, and I would say that you’re definitely not the worst of the lot if you don’t trash-talk your team, or spew non-constructive criticism at enemies. Fully serious players would filter out useless information like this though, and focus on things such as information given out in teamchat, the swaps on focus targets, the minimap and situations that evolve in fights.


You of course have the freedom to do what you want in the game, you just have to know and accept any consequences from your actions be they good or bad. Players should learn not to be affected so easily in PvP (I must admit sometimes I also feel the big tilt), and by sacrificing your own chances at friendship with the “normals” which you don’t need, you’re helping to toughen up the ones with the determination to stay in the ring and fight it out. You should be thanked for your unbeknownst effort, genuinely.


>! Sorry I’m so bored at work I tend to rant

>! Keep doing what you’re doing though if it makes you happy, there need be no higher cause outside of the well-being of the individual; hope for a higher ideal is overrated and all we need is The Smiths and Nietzsche.

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> > Lol, lets be real here, your not posting things like that in chat for "harmless fun". Your doing it to be an kitten. Simple as that.


> It is harmless fun.


> I'm missing the part where you're permanently damaged. You likely forget about it before your next match but in the moment it's likely annoying. It doesn't make more harmful just because you personally dislike it.


> It doesn't work like that.

The listener determines the meaning of the message.


Even when you explain yourself - like you did here - people can feel annoyed and behave accordingly (= block you). And that should not surprise you. You are simply trashtalking. A lot of people don't like that - esp. in an mmo videogame - a place full of introverted people and a place where people just want to chill.

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > @"Rubedo.8769" said:

> > Lol, lets be real here, your not posting things like that in chat for "harmless fun". Your doing it to be an kitten. Simple as that.


> It is harmless fun.


> I'm missing the part where you're permanently damaged. You likely forget about it before your next match but in the moment it's likely annoying. It doesn't make more harmful just because you personally dislike it.


> It doesn't work like that.


No your simply being an ass, its no wonder you quit your guild as they probably would have booted you out since its fairly obvious that you are a toxic individual. From what you say you should be able to walk down the street and give the finger to everyone you pass by and if they call you out for it their the ones with the problem? Get over yourself.


From the way you responded to other people here though I don't think you'd have the guts to do stuff like this outside the game. Let me put it this way, you go out to the local park and play some 1 on 1 basketball with a perfect stranger and you beat them somehow and scream "Boom you suck!" at the end, what do you think is gonna happen? I'm willing to put money on you being on the receiving end of the worst beat down of your life. Because thats how the real world works.


Your a keyboard warrior, nothing more.

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