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We are willing to pay for New Content ! Please !


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

> > > > Maybe basic commerce 101 would help. When stuff doesn't sell, you make it more appealing by reducing the price. Maybe Anet should try that? Demand is low, supply is infinite, lower the price to match. Don't only target whales with gambling problems. I've seen countless things in the gem store I would buy. Then when I click that buy gems button and see the price, I freak out. It's just too expensive, especially with exchange rates.

> > >

> > > You have the statistics to prove this? You have the financial records that show this supply/demand curve is unbalanced? Just because you don't approve of the cost does not prove your point.

> > >

> > > ANet most certainly has this data and knows exactly where the pricing needs to be to hit their goals.

> >

> > It's a digital good. Supply is always infinite.

> > Are you asking to see the stats with infinite vs demand?


> I agree supply is infinite in theory (database has a finite amount of space). I didn't see how you can make the leap that "basic commerce 101" isn't what Anet is already doing even though you don't like the price.




My evidence is the dropping population, dropping developers, and very few purchasing i see going on in my guilds and in my personal circle. Actually my personal circle is appalled by the prices. With exchange rate nearly every item costs more than the game itself.

My secondary evidence is the climbing gem prices. The prices go up as supply drops. Supply drops because people aren't buying them. The whales are leaving, anet needs to give the middle class and lower class people a chance to buy things.

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Ppl discussing semantics are missing the point.

There are ppl who are willing to spend money on actual content.

Not some questionable labeled prolog use which is not even episode 1 and might not even provide as much minuscule content as each previous ls episode used to be.

Uncertainty is going to cost anet a hell lot of money, which they could avoid by providing what they're paid for.

It's time that tech-companies start to act in the interest of their customers, as is retail forced to do more than ever.


There's money lying on the street, ready to be picked up and only fools would miss that chance. I don't think that anet is a bunch of fools.

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> @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

> > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

> > > > > Maybe basic commerce 101 would help. When stuff doesn't sell, you make it more appealing by reducing the price. Maybe Anet should try that? Demand is low, supply is infinite, lower the price to match. Don't only target whales with gambling problems. I've seen countless things in the gem store I would buy. Then when I click that buy gems button and see the price, I freak out. It's just too expensive, especially with exchange rates.

> > > >

> > > > You have the statistics to prove this? You have the financial records that show this supply/demand curve is unbalanced? Just because you don't approve of the cost does not prove your point.

> > > >

> > > > ANet most certainly has this data and knows exactly where the pricing needs to be to hit their goals.

> > >

> > > It's a digital good. Supply is always infinite.

> > > Are you asking to see the stats with infinite vs demand?

> >

> > I agree supply is infinite in theory (database has a finite amount of space). I didn't see how you can make the leap that "basic commerce 101" isn't what Anet is already doing even though you don't like the price.

> >

> >


> My evidence is the dropping population, dropping developers, and very few purchasing i see going on in my guilds and in my personal circle. Actually my personal circle is appalled by the prices. With exchange rate nearly every item costs more than the game itself.

> My secondary evidence is the climbing gem prices. The prices go up as supply drops. Supply drops because people aren't buying them. The whales are leaving, anet needs to give the middle class and lower class people a chance to buy things.


Ok, so all subjective. Got it.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:



> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > If it's any consolation, in a recent interview, Mike Z. stated that Elite Specializations could come in Living World updates.

> Yes, _could_ come. Not _would_ come. He said, that:

> > Things that we wouldn’t rule out – but that we’re not talking about today – would be like another mount, another elite specialisation, those types of things. Those are all things that traditionally have waited until a boxed product is ready. But instead, now we’re saying, ‘look, here are the things that we’re doing. Here’s what we’re releasing right now. Here’s what’s next.’

> So, elite specs are like an expansion - they aren't ruled out. This doesn't mean they are coming. It probably means that (like with an expansion, again), they are neither actually working on or planning them right now.




Nothing like leaving out part of a quote to fit your agenda.


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It all comes down to business, and its likely that anet isnt even the one making these decisions, but ncsoft. This is a company striving to make profits, and that is the main factor driving the game. Expansions are risky, they take years of time and resources that could otherwise be spent on more regular releases. Its likely they arent worth the risk when the gem store can continue to provide a stable income. Anet and ncsoft now have data from 2 expansions, so they have some idea of what would happen if they released a third. Its never as simple as just asking what kind of content the players want, or what kind the devs want to make.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> > I think the point that most fans of Guild Wars wanted to make after the August 30th Annoucement, is the following. Most loyal fans, both hardcore and casual, are willing to pay for brand new content; rather than only receiving living story episodes.


> LS episodes is new content so ... ????


> > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > > @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> > > Ok. When I say “We” it should only represent the majority of players that were upset or disappointed with the August 30th press release.

> > >

> > > I suppose some players were happy with that press release and I never intended to include the happy players .

> > >

> > > But for those players that were disappointed, Even a little bit, I don’t think anyone was really able to pinpoint the real take away message that the let down “majority” experienced.

> > >

> > > Although ANET certainty is now aware that we want expansion level content, I’m making my statement as follows.

> > >

> > > So I will say it again. I want new content and I am willing to pay for it ! New game changing dynamics or new elite specializations or new game modes .

> >

> > When you say "we," you can include me. I am so willing to pay for a new expansion. Of course I appreciate getting LW content and that it's free, but I want a PoF-sized expansion. Have gotten quite burned out on GW2 lately -- the grindfest of Skyscale acquisition started it for me a few months ago, the 8/30 announcement disappointed me in a big way, and now I feel less inclined to play. Hopefully next Tuesday I'll get some enthusiasm again.


> Oh the irony ... you don't want more LS because you are burned out on that steady stream of content ... but can't wait to get absolutely crushed by a ten ton expansion.


> Don't get me wrong ... I would pay for new content to, but that doesn't ONLY mean it has to be in an expansion. Hell, I would pay for patch that ONLY had new elite specs ,... not even new content. There are TONS of ways Anet can give us new content AND make us pay for it.


I'm not burned out on the content per se and am looking forward to the new episode tomorrow. I got burned out/angry over the Skyscale acquisition grind for reasons I can't fully articulate. I love the Skyscale and it's now my favorite mount, but the grind killed my spirit for a few weeks.

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> I'm not burned out on the content per se and am looking forward to the new episode tomorrow. I got burned out/angry over the Skyscale acquisition grind for reasons I can't fully articulate. I love the Skyscale and it's now my favorite mount, but the grind killed my spirit for a few weeks.

I'm still grinding for my Skyscale. The LS episode release tomorrow will set me back even more. :(


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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:


> >

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > If it's any consolation, in a recent interview, Mike Z. stated that Elite Specializations could come in Living World updates.

> > Yes, _could_ come. Not _would_ come. He said, that:

> > > Things that we wouldn’t rule out – but that we’re not talking about today – would be like another mount, another elite specialisation, those types of things. Those are all things that traditionally have waited until a boxed product is ready. But instead, now we’re saying, ‘look, here are the things that we’re doing. Here’s what we’re releasing right now. Here’s what’s next.’

> > So, elite specs are like an expansion - they aren't ruled out. This doesn't mean they are coming. It probably means that (like with an expansion, again), they are neither actually working on or planning them right now.

> >

> >

> >

> Nothing like leaving out part of a quote to fit your agenda.



Nothing like assuming anyone who dares criticizing the current direction has some kind of agenda.


The quote Astral posted is accurate word for word. What's missing is the conclusion of that paragraph (and answer). Let's see if that changes anything :


_"Some of that was given in the **roadmap from February**. We’re getting pretty close to being done with all the things I said we were going to do, and now going into the territory of the things that **I said were on the horizon**."_


It's pretty obvious to anyone with basic reading comprehension that the things that "were on the horizon", are the things mentioned in the final part of said roadmap.



Only three things get a specific mention in that and they are :


* A WvW matchmaking change

* A jewelcrafting extension

* A PvP modes festival


I admit, my reading comprehension skills **are** pretty basic. It's probably why, no matter how hard I try, I cant see anything about elite specs in there.


Btw feel free to handwave this insidious copy-pasting as part of an agenda too.


Edit : I see now the line of your quote that was missing from the thread I was replying to. That caused the wrong assumption that the post was for the dev quote and cost me a couple mins of my time hunting down links for the interview and the blogpost...


My main point stands though, there is no reason in bringing "agenda accusations" in the discussion.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:


> >

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > If it's any consolation, in a recent interview, Mike Z. stated that Elite Specializations could come in Living World updates.

> > Yes, _could_ come. Not _would_ come. He said, that:

> > > Things that we wouldn’t rule out – but that we’re not talking about today – would be like another mount, another elite specialisation, those types of things. Those are all things that traditionally have waited until a boxed product is ready. But instead, now we’re saying, ‘look, here are the things that we’re doing. Here’s what we’re releasing right now. Here’s what’s next.’

> > So, elite specs are like an expansion - they aren't ruled out. This doesn't mean they are coming. It probably means that (like with an expansion, again), they are neither actually working on or planning them right now.

> >

> >

> >

> Nothing like leaving out part of a quote to fit your agenda.

Interesting. I was 100% sure that i was quoting your whole post. I honestly didn't _see_ that second line (and i don't really know how it is possible, since i would literally have had to edit it out, so it would be hard to miss).

If i have noticed it, i would not have responded to it, since i do agree with what you said there.

I still think that what MZ said means they _aren't_ working on any elite specs at the moment, and that they are only on the table, next to expac and gw3.


And, speaking of my "agenda" - i don't have one. Well, beyond hoping against all signs that it's somehow going to get better. I am just speaking my mind, even if what i say might be uncomfortable for some people.


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> @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> I think the point that most fans of Guild Wars wanted to make after the August 30th Annoucement, is the following. Most loyal fans, both hardcore and casual, are willing to pay for brand new content; rather than only receiving living story episodes.


> Customers that are willing to pay for new content are very different from the free to play crowd that are less likely to support the game.


> Free content is always good to get us through huge content droughts in between expansions. But the driving force is that most loyal fans are willing to pay for new content. And it just so happens that willingness to pay for new content in the PC Gaming industry is through Expansions.


> Perhaps the point of the August 30th announcement was for everyone that has not bought Path of Fire already, better do it now in order to receive Season 5 (Saga) for free.


> Now of course your loyal fan base which has already bought both expansions for this game want more, are now begging and proclaiming how much we desperately need New Content and we are willing to pay for it !


> This is what matters the most to me and I don’t think has been stated directly. The fans that were upset by this announcement, who were dedicated enough to attend or even watch the entire 45 min event, wanted something tangible to look forward too. And the driving point that I hope ANET understands is that we simply want more Guild Wars 2.


> Please make new content for all the GW2 game-modes, as we love this game and we want more of it ! And We are willing to pay for it ! We need a new Expansion, sometime in the next 2 years in order for this game to not die off and be forgotten.


> As of right now, Path of Fire came out 2 years ago. I can definitely wait 1 year for the next expansion to arrive. But Most players need hope and more definitive statements than “expansions are not off-the-Table”.


> Simple statements stating that ANET is working on an expansion, but doesn’t know whether it will take 1 year or 2 years to develop, would give players hope and confidence to keep playing and stay invested in the game.


New Content takes time to develop. The Living World updates are to keep players entertained between large content development.


only real funding comes from Gem Store, which not everybody uses frequently or consistently to develop content along with new skins. This is why it takes time.

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The only thing expansions five are major systems like gliding, mount system, or the especs, but if they’re willing to add that level of stuff to Living World updates? Then yeah, throw xpacs out.


Xpacs aren’t required, they’re just the status quo, shit we’ve gotten way more content from Living World than we have from xpacs anyway. I’m going to just wait and see how this new season goes before I join the “we need expansions” boat, I have faith that they’re not needed.

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The business model adopted by ANET is completely unsuccessful. The free world dynamics means that more products are available in the gem store, but PVE cannot get any unique rewards.

WOW, FF14, and some MMO games in Asia have proven that time charging (especially by minute) is the most successful MMO operating model.

DLC extension charges are only available for stand-alone games, which is why GW2 has always been like a stand-alone game, and players are getting less and less, and ANET revenue is getting lower and lower.

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> @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

> > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

> > > > > Maybe basic commerce 101 would help. When stuff doesn't sell, you make it more appealing by reducing the price. Maybe Anet should try that? Demand is low, supply is infinite, lower the price to match. Don't only target whales with gambling problems. I've seen countless things in the gem store I would buy. Then when I click that buy gems button and see the price, I freak out. It's just too expensive, especially with exchange rates.

> > > >

> > > > You have the statistics to prove this? You have the financial records that show this supply/demand curve is unbalanced? Just because you don't approve of the cost does not prove your point.

> > > >

> > > > ANet most certainly has this data and knows exactly where the pricing needs to be to hit their goals.

> > >

> > > It's a digital good. Supply is always infinite.

> > > Are you asking to see the stats with infinite vs demand?

> >

> > I agree supply is infinite in theory (database has a finite amount of space). I didn't see how you can make the leap that "basic commerce 101" isn't what Anet is already doing even though you don't like the price.

> >

> >


> My evidence is the dropping population, dropping developers, and very few purchasing i see going on in my guilds and in my personal circle. Actually my personal circle is appalled by the prices. With exchange rate nearly every item costs more than the game itself.

> My secondary evidence is the climbing gem prices. The prices go up as supply drops. Supply drops because people aren't buying them. The whales are leaving, anet needs to give the middle class and lower class people a chance to buy things.


Another reason the prices are climbing is that MORE people are buying items with gold than you have people buying gold with gems.


Every single whale whose ever played GW2 could still be in the game, they’re just not converting gems into gold, and/or more people have begun to buy gem store items with gold, that would also increase the price.


If anything they need to add some gold sinks (outside of gemstore) to incentivize whales to convert gems into gold, because at the moment there really isn’t a reason to do so.

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> @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

> > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > > > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

> > > > > > Maybe basic commerce 101 would help. When stuff doesn't sell, you make it more appealing by reducing the price. Maybe Anet should try that? Demand is low, supply is infinite, lower the price to match. Don't only target whales with gambling problems. I've seen countless things in the gem store I would buy. Then when I click that buy gems button and see the price, I freak out. It's just too expensive, especially with exchange rates.

> > > > >

> > > > > You have the statistics to prove this? You have the financial records that show this supply/demand curve is unbalanced? Just because you don't approve of the cost does not prove your point.

> > > > >

> > > > > ANet most certainly has this data and knows exactly where the pricing needs to be to hit their goals.

> > > >

> > > > It's a digital good. Supply is always infinite.

> > > > Are you asking to see the stats with infinite vs demand?

> > >

> > > I agree supply is infinite in theory (database has a finite amount of space). I didn't see how you can make the leap that "basic commerce 101" isn't what Anet is already doing even though you don't like the price.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > My evidence is the dropping population, dropping developers, and very few purchasing i see going on in my guilds and in my personal circle. Actually my personal circle is appalled by the prices. With exchange rate nearly every item costs more than the game itself.

> > My secondary evidence is the climbing gem prices. The prices go up as supply drops. Supply drops because people aren't buying them. The whales are leaving, anet needs to give the middle class and lower class people a chance to buy things.


> Another reason the prices are climbing is that MORE people are buying items with gold than you have people buying gold with gems.


> Every single whale whose ever played GW2 could still be in the game, they’re just not converting gems into gold, and/or more people have begun to buy gem store items with gold, that would also increase the price.


> If anything they need to add some gold sinks (outside of gemstore) to incentivize whales to convert gems into gold, because at the moment there really isn’t a reason to do so.


I'm ultimately fine with exploiting whales.

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> @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

> > @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> > > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

> > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

> > > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > > > > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

> > > > > > > Maybe basic commerce 101 would help. When stuff doesn't sell, you make it more appealing by reducing the price. Maybe Anet should try that? Demand is low, supply is infinite, lower the price to match. Don't only target whales with gambling problems. I've seen countless things in the gem store I would buy. Then when I click that buy gems button and see the price, I freak out. It's just too expensive, especially with exchange rates.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You have the statistics to prove this? You have the financial records that show this supply/demand curve is unbalanced? Just because you don't approve of the cost does not prove your point.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ANet most certainly has this data and knows exactly where the pricing needs to be to hit their goals.

> > > > >

> > > > > It's a digital good. Supply is always infinite.

> > > > > Are you asking to see the stats with infinite vs demand?

> > > >

> > > > I agree supply is infinite in theory (database has a finite amount of space). I didn't see how you can make the leap that "basic commerce 101" isn't what Anet is already doing even though you don't like the price.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > My evidence is the dropping population, dropping developers, and very few purchasing i see going on in my guilds and in my personal circle. Actually my personal circle is appalled by the prices. With exchange rate nearly every item costs more than the game itself.

> > > My secondary evidence is the climbing gem prices. The prices go up as supply drops. Supply drops because people aren't buying them. The whales are leaving, anet needs to give the middle class and lower class people a chance to buy things.

> >

> > Another reason the prices are climbing is that MORE people are buying items with gold than you have people buying gold with gems.

> >

> > Every single whale whose ever played GW2 could still be in the game, they’re just not converting gems into gold, and/or more people have begun to buy gem store items with gold, that would also increase the price.

> >

> > If anything they need to add some gold sinks (outside of gemstore) to incentivize whales to convert gems into gold, because at the moment there really isn’t a reason to do so.


> I'm ultimately fine with exploiting whales.


Not sure if that’s sarcasm or not, but In all honesty there’s not really any gold sinks in this game in general, it could really use a few more to get gold out of the economy.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > I'm not burned out on the content per se and am looking forward to the new episode tomorrow. I got burned out/angry over the Skyscale acquisition grind for reasons I can't fully articulate. I love the Skyscale and it's now my favorite mount, but the grind killed my spirit for a few weeks.

> I'm still grinding for my Skyscale. The LS episode release tomorrow will set me back even more. :(



It honestly made me want to never visit the LW4 maps again. :s Good luck.

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> > > I think the point that most fans of Guild Wars wanted to make after the August 30th Annoucement, is the following. Most loyal fans, both hardcore and casual, are willing to pay for brand new content; rather than only receiving living story episodes.

> >

> > LS episodes is new content so ... ????

> >

> > > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > > > @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> > > > Ok. When I say “We” it should only represent the majority of players that were upset or disappointed with the August 30th press release.

> > > >

> > > > I suppose some players were happy with that press release and I never intended to include the happy players .

> > > >

> > > > But for those players that were disappointed, Even a little bit, I don’t think anyone was really able to pinpoint the real take away message that the let down “majority” experienced.

> > > >

> > > > Although ANET certainty is now aware that we want expansion level content, I’m making my statement as follows.

> > > >

> > > > So I will say it again. I want new content and I am willing to pay for it ! New game changing dynamics or new elite specializations or new game modes .

> > >

> > > When you say "we," you can include me. I am so willing to pay for a new expansion. Of course I appreciate getting LW content and that it's free, but I want a PoF-sized expansion. Have gotten quite burned out on GW2 lately -- the grindfest of Skyscale acquisition started it for me a few months ago, the 8/30 announcement disappointed me in a big way, and now I feel less inclined to play. Hopefully next Tuesday I'll get some enthusiasm again.

> >

> > Oh the irony ... you don't want more LS because you are burned out on that steady stream of content ... but can't wait to get absolutely crushed by a ten ton expansion.

> >

> > Don't get me wrong ... I would pay for new content to, but that doesn't ONLY mean it has to be in an expansion. Hell, I would pay for patch that ONLY had new elite specs ,... not even new content. There are TONS of ways Anet can give us new content AND make us pay for it.


> I'm not burned out on the content per se and am looking forward to the new episode tomorrow. I got burned out/angry over the Skyscale acquisition grind for reasons I can't fully articulate. I love the Skyscale and it's now my favorite mount, but the grind killed my spirit for a few weeks.


Sure ... I think that's definitely something Anet could have improved; they didn't explain how long the quest was so it felt long to people that expected it to be shorter. That still doesn't make it a grind. Defining something as a grind because it's too long for you isn't want Anet promised to not do in GW2.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Sure ... I think that's definitely something Anet could have improved; they didn't explain how long the quest was so it felt long to people that expected it to be shorter. That still doesn't make it a grind. Defining something as a grind because it's too long for you isn't want Anet promised to not do in GW2.


Something in a game is a grind if the player thinks it's a grind. It varies from player to player. For example, getting the griffon took me longer than getting the skyscale, yet I never felt it was a grind. Others did. YMMV



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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Sure ... I think that's definitely something Anet could have improved; they didn't explain how long the quest was so it felt long to people that expected it to be shorter. That still doesn't make it a grind. Defining something as a grind because it's too long for you isn't want Anet promised to not do in GW2.


> Something in a game is a grind if the player thinks it's a grind. It varies from player to player. For example, getting the griffon took me longer than getting the skyscale, yet I never felt it was a grind. Others did. YMMV




And that's not something Anet deal with because the game doesn't cater to individual players. It's a ridiculous notion that Anet has done something wrong because some player subjectively labels something as 'a grind'. If you aren't willing to have a common understanding of what that word means, you can't realistically expect Anet to not not impose 'grindy' elements on you as a player.


Anet was PRETTY clear about what they meant when they said they were taking grinding out of the game, and it had NOTHING to do with removing hard or long quests for things. If people are complaining this is 'grindy' and it goes against what Anet said GW2 would be, then they should be immediately dismissed and explained to how their expectations do not align with what Anet delivered.

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Even whales that represent of the majority of gemstore sales eventually get bored and move onto other games in search of “new gameplay” mechanics and diversity.


Not just the whales, but Every gamer wants the game to be fun and be rewarding for time invested. Players don’t mind grind as long as it’s profitable or at least fun.


But both casuals and hardcore gamer’s have different tolerance levels until even they get bored and burned out doing the same daily routine. Expansions bring new players into the game, living world/Saga is just player retention and maintaining the player base.


When Roller beetle racing came, this was genuine brand new content and I absolutely loved it. I hope the living world Saga will deliver new content that didn’t exist in the game previously.


For example, if ANET brought selecting a new secondary Dual core profession to the game as part of the Icebrood Saga, I would be shocked and will eat my words.


But unfortunately, I only think we will see Quality of Life improvements like Build Templates or mastery 500 in Jeweler crafting. There is promise, but we really don’t have a road map into 2020.


We need an expansion with new features like player housing, or Guild Vs Guild PvP and other new game modes. That would be an awesome time to bring the WvW alliance system forward if it hasn’t happened yet and would be a strong selling point.


An Expansion with PvP features for more causal PvE fans like in Factions, as well as competitive PvP fans. Factions was the highlight of Guild Wars 1 with the siege/tank turtle fights Luxons vs Kursiks.


I’m still hoping for a Canthan expansion 1 year from now. It didn’t happen this month obviously, so now I can hope for 1 year longer for a quality product. But mark my words, if I wait another 12 months and there is no mention of an Expansion by then, i’m Going elsewhere.


Two months ago, I wasn’t researching new games to play and the thought of jumping to another rpg never crossed my mind. Well all that changed this month and I’m even thinking of buying a new pc to play Kingdom under Fire 2 or even Final fantasy online.


I love this game, I’ve grown up with this game, and want to see it continue. Only time will tell, but I was extremely let down by that August 30th annoucement. ANET did not successfully give a proper sales pitch highlighting how the new Saga brand would be different from the Living world episodes.


I am willing to pay for new content in the format of expansions that add new gameplay mechanics. If the IceBrood Saga delivers, I will be pleasantly surprised. But I will wait a maximum of 12 months before permanently moving on to try something else. I think my tolerance level is much higher than most people.

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> @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> Even whales that represent of the majority of gemstore sales eventually get bored and move onto other games in search of “new gameplay” mechanics and diversity.


> Not just the whales, but Every gamer wants the game to be fun and be rewarding for time invested. Players don’t mind grind as long as it’s profitable or at least fun.


> But both casuals and hardcore gamer’s have different tolerance levels until even they get bored and burned out doing the same daily routine. Expansions bring new players into the game, living world/Saga is just player retention and maintaining the player base.


> When Roller beetle racing came, this was genuine brand new content and I absolutely loved it. I hope the living world Saga will deliver new content that didn’t exist in the game previously.


> For example, if ANET brought selecting a new secondary Dual core profession to the game as part of the Icebrood Saga, I would be shocked and will eat my words.


> But unfortunately, I only think we will see Quality of Life improvements like Build Templates or mastery 500 in Jeweler crafting. There is promise, but we really don’t have a road map into 2020.


> We need an expansion with new features like player housing, or Guild Vs Guild PvP and other new game modes. That would be an awesome time to bring the WvW alliance system forward if it hasn’t happened yet and would be a strong selling point.


> An Expansion with PvP features for more causal PvE fans like in Factions, but also hardcore PvP fans. Those were some of the most fun times with the siege/tank turtle fights Luxons vs Kursiks.


> I’m still hoping for a Canthan expansion 1 year from now. It didn’t happen this month obviously, so now I can hope for 1 year longer for a quality product. But mark my words, if I wait another 12 months and there is no mention of an Expansion by then, i’m Going elsewhere.


> Two months ago, I wasn’t researching new games to play and the thought of jumping to another rpg never crossed my mind. Well all that changed this month and I’m even thinking of buying a new pc to play Kingdom under Fire 2 or even Final fantasy online.


> I love this game, I’ve grown up with this game, and want to see it continue. Only time will tell, but I was extremely let down by that August 30th annoucement. ANET did not successfully give a proper sales pitch highlighting how the new Saga brand would be different from the Living world episodes.


> I am willing to pay for new content in the format of expansions that add new gameplay mechanics. If the IceBrood Saga delivers, I will be pleasantly surprised. But I will wait a maximum of 12 months before permanently moving on to try something else. I think my tolerance level is much higher than most people.


Why no player marriages? It looks obvious it was intended. There is wedding attire for sale all the time. There is a wedding area in lions arch. Why no marriage system? It could be a simple as a marker on the map to show where your spouse is in the game. Maybe on your 1 year anniversary you get a once a day teleport to your spouse item that stops working if you get divorced?

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> @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> The only thing expansions five are major systems like gliding, mount system, or the especs, but if they’re willing to add that level of stuff to Living World updates? Then yeah, throw xpacs out.


> Xpacs aren’t required, they’re just the status quo, kitten we’ve gotten way more content from Living World than we have from xpacs anyway. I’m going to just wait and see how this new season goes before I join the “we need expansions” boat, I have faith that they’re not needed.


I'd feel a lot more comfortable supporting this new paradigm if its unveiling had included some indication that not only are these expansion-level features on the table, but they are actively being worked on, have been for some time, and we'll begin seeing regular releases along with the living story centerpiece. But it didn't sound that way to me. It sounded like a rosy way of saying that we'll be seeing less content, but at least we won't have to wait 2 years and pay for it! Yippee?

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No to paid content.

Here's a sobering thought, they admitted expansions have not been dropped they are still being considered.

It's the same as admitting they are not working on one and if they ever change their minds, not that there is something wrong with their minds, mind you!!!

Starting to work on an expansion after the Saga would bring us to late 2022, early 2023. I'm gonna try the saga but only try, the second I realize we go back to old maps too often and new content is also being phased out as is expansion. That will confirm my suspicions that there is no expansion and it is not the expansion that moves it is only yourself.....on your way out the door.

If I'm right goodbye Anet, you will not milk me.


> @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> Living world will fail. It’s just a matter of time, how long will it take to fail.

It already has failed they're called sagas now, sagas are also the reason you don't hear about expansions.

If they are successful they will replace even expansions but with a DLC price tag.

Fanboys get ready to be milked, that excludes me of course. B)



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