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What is the class it feels worst for you to lose against?


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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Thief.


> I hate stealth mechanics in pvp modes, totally kills the fun of it when someone can ambush you out of nowhere and has almost a guaranteed chance of fleeing when you gain the upper hand.


> It's a frustrating waste of my time having to deal with that tactic and if I can't get the kill then I get nothing out of it either.

> This basically means it's very easy for a troll to abuse stealth and teleport mechancis to constantly harass the same player through a fight, even if they can't kill said player they can still kitten them off severely.


> Also gives them a special talent for interfiring in other skirmish's which wouldn't be so bad if you could see them coming which you can't.

> Had plenty of moments in WvW for example where there would be a few of us waiting for a capture point to open up and just before it does, a small group de-stealth and obliterate us with absolutely no way to even defend against it.


> It's a crappy but very effective tactic so i've hated stealth in pvp modes in every MMO i've played that has it, I regard it as a cheap mechanic in general because of how easy it is to abuse.

> Even in PvE I strongly dislike using it to skip content in dungeons etc




only here in Guild Wars 2 such Bad Design Mechanics such as Stealth can be freely abused and exploited without consequences


(yesterday, about 19 of us watched a Thief freely teleporting combined with Stealth into our keep (SMC) stairs being fully secured. We didn't bother reporting him as he teleported his group to SMC stairs. Some new players who witnessed it were angry that we did not bother because, what is new really. Mesmer no longer can do that anymore unless if its a hacker. Somehow with Thief, its ok and is 'working as attended'...'that is what they are supposed to do', ''that is who they are' 'L2P', 'Noob' the same repetitive usual scapegoating blameless excuses for 8 years and ongoing)


-So there-


- I forgot to mention, i /waved at the Thief and he waved in return and jumped with joy as he was teleporting his group. Why not?? Thief never does anything wrong



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Necro and guards. I hate how guards can get burns ticking as high as burst skills damage wise and with power lvs dropped their sustain to burst with burns are way overturned. Necro I don't find overperforming except for the fact anet didn't make tweaks to their death shroud

regeneration state in accordance to the drop in power lvs leaving them far to tanky.

Classes that have access to condi's specifically a lot of access to burning are able to build with sustain stats and achieve burst like spikes with the condi's ie burning.

Over all though the sustain of a handful of classes were not tweaked for the power lv drop leaving them to tanky, these are any class that was high sustain before and even more so if have access to shroud or barriers etc. Almost every match has 2 burn guards/dh, necrosis, and usually a condi core ranger or weaver that spikes high burns and for a reason so with that said I think I find dying to any of these new fotm specs that are being spammed right now to be the most annoying more so cuz I just don't get why people don't stick to the classes they like and have to bandwagon to what they hear is OP and of the most cheese lol.

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Guard(every spec) is rly annoying, they kill all the time my pets I seconds, with their burn and symbols.


And their aegis proc after cc denies most of my burst.


In my opinion mesmer is actually one of the most fun classes to fight, fast paced and you see if you fight a good or a bad mesmer

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Specifically deadeye. Deadeye is one of the worst game design decisions I have ever seen. It is fun for exactly one person, and I worry about those people.


I also find it super stressful fighting minion mancers and clone spam mesmers. Revolting.


Burning just ticks too high, which results in some disgusting builds.


Core necro needs a bit of a look at too atm, but that's just a fotm thing.

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> @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

> Easy pick: Mesmer. Not because they are particularily broken but I just hate the clones and illusions and their ability to break targeting, especially when they go invisible too.

> It's just pure cancer to fight them imo, no matter if 1v1 or in a team fight.

> While I think I'm actually not too bad at figuring out quickly who the actual player character is, the necessity to do this is just kitten imo.

> And I dislike clones not only for the visual clutter I think it's also the most important utility that enables mesmer to sprial out of control if there's some broken trait or anything. Mobility is also extremely good, especially in-fight.


Shift + Tab = Previous Enemy


I believe it will always reacquire the mesmer if your original target was the mesmer and they use a break target skill. This is one of the reasons there seems to be a big gulf between those who struggle to fight mesmers and those who easy mode kill them.




As for the topic itself, it's not a class that I dislike losing against, it's the abuse of mechanics. I've fought people playing all sorts of classes and using not the strongest thing they can and it's fine if I mess up and die, on the contrary I hate fighting something you have no hope of winning against because it's simply over tuned and you'd need them to mess up pretty badly to win against.

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> @"shion.2084" said:

> Feels worst to lose against the class I'm playing... no excuse then :)

It's a toss-up between this and the class I main (guardian). Losing to the same class is frustrating, but so is losing to a class whose weaknesses I should know intimately.


Engineer (specifically holosmith) was my choice pre-nerf.

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