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New charr helms exclusive to RNG


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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

> > I could theoretically play for the next 10 years and never get it. Thats not a good thing.


> Or you could buy the box off the Trading Post...


Sorry to burst you bubble of a white knight, but the box with those helms can't be trade it. Its account bound.

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> @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

> > > The new charr helms are amazing, however, they can only be obtained through RNG. Can you please put them on the map vendor for hatch chili + volatile? I would love to not feel screwed over by the game due to random numbers and luck.

> >

> > This sentiment that says "If I can't have it now I am screwed over" is the real problem here.


> No, i just want to be able to realistically work towards something other than relying on RNG.


> I could theoretically play for the next 10 years and never get it. Thats not a good thing.


Or you could play it for a couple of weeks at most and then move on to something more worth your time (not necessarily in the same game even). If enough players do that and new maps start dying prematurely, Anet might get the hint and fix their drop rates (or not and let the population shrink).

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> @"Bear.9568" said:

> RNG is heavily related to "probability", no need to discuss statistics. In short, save all loot boxes and open them in large stacks 100+. Your % chance of obtaining the item does not increase, however the probability does.


I am a bit confused here. Are you trying to say that with more attempts you are more likely to get an item?

I am not sure probability works like that.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

> > The new charr helms are amazing, however, they can only be obtained through RNG. Can you please put them on the map vendor for hatch chili + volatile? I would love to not feel screwed over by the game due to random numbers and luck.


> This sentiment that says "If I can't have it now I am screwed over" is the real problem here.


Its your kind of mentality to assume that people having a problem with drop rates is the exact same as "I want it now" is the actual real problem.

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> @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

> > @"Bear.9568" said:

> > RNG is heavily related to "probability", no need to discuss statistics. In short, save all loot boxes and open them in large stacks 100+. Your % chance of obtaining the item does not increase, however the probability does.

> >

> I am a bit confused here. Are you trying to say that with more attempts you are more likely to get an item?

> I am not sure probability works like that.


Read my op

% chance of obtaining said item stays the same, however probability of obtaining said item increases.

I recommend you do some research :)

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> > @"Brother.1504" said:

> > Love the new map. Appreciate the wvw and spvp reward tracks with special skins. Can anyone link what these Charr helms in question look like?


> Here ya go: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glower_of_the_Khan-Ur

> This is the medium armor piece, but it seems all three helms look the same regardless of armor weight. :)


Then I dont see the reason why you dont get all 3 weight class with 1 box, they look the friggin same. ( should be the same with invisible shoes imo )

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> @"Bear.9568" said:

> > @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

> > > @"Bear.9568" said:

> > > RNG is heavily related to "probability", no need to discuss statistics. In short, save all loot boxes and open them in large stacks 100+. Your % chance of obtaining the item does not increase, however the probability does.

> > >

> > I am a bit confused here. Are you trying to say that with more attempts you are more likely to get an item?

> > I am not sure probability works like that.


> Read my op

> % chance of obtaining said item stays the same, however probability of obtaining said item increases.

> I recommend you do some research :)


I think the source of Ol Nik's confusion (certainly of mine) is that percent chance is a way of measuring probability - so it's not possible for the probability of something to go up if the percent chance remains the same. Thus for your statement to make sense you must be talking about two different probabilities, one that you're calling "% chance" and one that you're calling "probability". What do you mean by those terms?


Also, what evidence do you have that opening 100 boxes at once gives a better chance of getting this item than opening 100 boxes over a longer period of time? I'm genuinely curious.

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Well, now there are buy orders for Visage of the Khan-Ur on the TP, so the container is definitely not account bound and it has dropped for someone.


Judging from unlock stats on gw2efficiency it looks like 1 user (and unkown number of non-users, possibly 0) have unlocked Heavy (Gaze), at least 1 non-user have picked Medium (Glower), but no one have yet picked Light (Glance) since efficiency can't find that item in the API.

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> @"SidewayS.3789" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

> > > I could theoretically play for the next 10 years and never get it. Thats not a good thing.

> >

> > Or you could buy the box off the Trading Post...


> Sorry to burst you bubble of a white knight, but the box with those helms can't be trade it. Its account bound.


You sure?





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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"SidewayS.3789" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

> > > > I could theoretically play for the next 10 years and never get it. Thats not a good thing.

> > >

> > > Or you could buy the box off the Trading Post...

> >

> > Sorry to burst you bubble of a white knight, but the box with those helms can't be trade it. Its account bound.


> You sure?


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Visage_of_the_Khan-Ur


> https://www.gw2tp.com/item/91924-visage-of-the-khan-ur


When i posted, there wasnt a single drop. Still the drop rate its lower i guess, than the Chak Egg infusion

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> @"Mushuchalaka.9437" said:

> This may be unpopular opinion but I think some RNG is fine. Gives the item some value/prestige. I was drooling over the Berserker's Lightward's Battlestaff when it came out and still don' t have it nor have I paid for it, even though I can afford it. Little bit overpriced on the TP, but I have no problem how it is. I do get impressed when someone has it, because it's uncommon. Although it's rare to see someone have/use the skin.


Personally, I don't have TOO much of an issue with the masks being locked behind RNG. However, that being said, they ARE tied to a Meta achievement and relying on RNG to complete a Meta achievement for those who didn't spend nearly all day yesterday grinding out a certain track in WvW for the meta award seems a bit...too much.


While I understand people want this to be a 'prestige item', I think that argument falls apart in the face of the items (particularly the helms) being Charr only. Personally, I would allow them to be sold by the pepper vendor for a larger price (500 peppers ea., 1500 for all three) OR RNG locked which grants you all three via one unlock. Giving players an option to farm and target a reward or rely on RNG is never a bad thing.

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> @"Robj.6815" said:

> Personally, I don't have TOO much of an issue with the masks being locked behind RNG. However, that being said, they ARE tied to a Meta achievement and relying on RNG to complete a Meta achievement for those who didn't spend nearly all day yesterday grinding out a certain track in WvW for the meta award seems a bit...too much.

You don't have to complete this achievement to complete the meta. There is an overhead of 15 achievements that you can skip. It's there as a choice, probably one of the more unpopulare ones, but still there for those that would rather buy their way towards the meta achievement.

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> @"SidewayS.3789" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"SidewayS.3789" said:

> > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > > @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

> > > > > I could theoretically play for the next 10 years and never get it. Thats not a good thing.

> > > >

> > > > Or you could buy the box off the Trading Post...

> > >

> > > Sorry to burst you bubble of a white knight, but the box with those helms can't be trade it. Its account bound.

> >

> > You sure?

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Visage_of_the_Khan-Ur

> >

> > https://www.gw2tp.com/item/91924-visage-of-the-khan-ur


> When i posted, there wasnt a single drop. Still the drop rate its lower i guess, than the Chak Egg infusion


Source? I hope you're not basing this off what you see on the TP because that's not a _good_ indicator of drop rates.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"SidewayS.3789" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"SidewayS.3789" said:

> > > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > > > @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

> > > > > > I could theoretically play for the next 10 years and never get it. Thats not a good thing.

> > > > >

> > > > > Or you could buy the box off the Trading Post...

> > > >

> > > > Sorry to burst you bubble of a white knight, but the box with those helms can't be trade it. Its account bound.

> > >

> > > You sure?

> > >

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Visage_of_the_Khan-Ur

> > >

> > > https://www.gw2tp.com/item/91924-visage-of-the-khan-ur

> >

> > When i posted, there wasnt a single drop. Still the drop rate its lower i guess, than the Chak Egg infusion


> Source? I hope you're not basing this off what you see on the TP because that's not a _good_ indicator of drop rates.


Not at all, considering that most people im assuming are using the ones they get. Ecspecially Charr players.

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> @"Robj.6815" said:

> > @"Mushuchalaka.9437" said:

> > This may be unpopular opinion but I think some RNG is fine. Gives the item some value/prestige. I was drooling over the Berserker's Lightward's Battlestaff when it came out and still don' t have it nor have I paid for it, even though I can afford it. Little bit overpriced on the TP, but I have no problem how it is. I do get impressed when someone has it, because it's uncommon. Although it's rare to see someone have/use the skin.


> Personally, I don't have TOO much of an issue with the masks being locked behind RNG. However, that being said, they ARE tied to a Meta achievement and relying on RNG to complete a Meta achievement for those who didn't spend nearly all day yesterday grinding out a certain track in WvW for the meta award seems a bit...too much.


> While I understand people want this to be a 'prestige item', I think that argument falls apart in the face of the items (particularly the helms) being Charr only. Personally, I would allow them to be sold by the pepper vendor for a larger price (500 peppers ea., 1500 for all three) OR RNG locked which grants you all three via one unlock. Giving players an option to farm and target a reward or rely on RNG is never a bad thing.


All 3 unlock may be reasonable, but we don't know what the drop rate is really is at the moment. I wouldn't base it off the tp as someone said, it's possible many are wearing it when they find it. It's definitely overpriced right now and only impatient players or really rich players would overpay. Which I like keeping it as RNG for the sole reason, it gives new players a chance to get something worthwhile and make money off veteran players who have spare gold and are willing to pay. Having some lottery feeling brings some excitement and provides something for new(or even poor veteran) players to farm/work for. I think it's healthy for the game overall to have some items solely RNG. My 2 cents.



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> @"Mushuchalaka.9437" said:

> This may be unpopular opinion but I think some RNG is fine. Gives the item some value/prestige. I was drooling over the Berserker's Lightward's Battlestaff when it came out and still don' t have it nor have I paid for it, even though I can afford it. Little bit overpriced on the TP, but I have no problem how it is. I do get impressed when someone has it, because it's uncommon. Although it's rare to see someone have/use the skin.


Agreed. Rng is fine and adds value to the items. An example of this was the modrem weapons. As soon as it became easy to obtian the value just plummeted. So now when you see one its like meh so what.

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> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> > @"Bear.9568" said:

> > > @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

> > > > @"Bear.9568" said:

> > > > RNG is heavily related to "probability", no need to discuss statistics. In short, save all loot boxes and open them in large stacks 100+. Your % chance of obtaining the item does not increase, however the probability does.

> > > >

> > > I am a bit confused here. Are you trying to say that with more attempts you are more likely to get an item?

> > > I am not sure probability works like that.

> >

> > Read my op

> > % chance of obtaining said item stays the same, however probability of obtaining said item increases.

> > I recommend you do some research :)


> I think the source of Ol Nik's confusion (certainly of mine) is that percent chance is a way of measuring probability - so it's not possible for the probability of something to go up if the percent chance remains the same. Thus for your statement to make sense you must be talking about two different probabilities, one that you're calling "% chance" and one that you're calling "probability". What do you mean by those terms?


> Also, what evidence do you have that opening 100 boxes at once gives a better chance of getting this item than opening 100 boxes over a longer period of time? I'm genuinely curious.


Simple answer: The likelihood obtaining said item has a greater probability of showing up with more rolls "loot boxes". The % chance at which you can obtain the item never changes.

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> @"Bear.9568" said:

> > @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> > > @"Bear.9568" said:

> > > > @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

> > > > > @"Bear.9568" said:

> > > > > RNG is heavily related to "probability", no need to discuss statistics. In short, save all loot boxes and open them in large stacks 100+. Your % chance of obtaining the item does not increase, however the probability does.

> > > > >

> > > > I am a bit confused here. Are you trying to say that with more attempts you are more likely to get an item?

> > > > I am not sure probability works like that.

> > >

> > > Read my op

> > > % chance of obtaining said item stays the same, however probability of obtaining said item increases.

> > > I recommend you do some research :)

> >

> > I think the source of Ol Nik's confusion (certainly of mine) is that percent chance is a way of measuring probability - so it's not possible for the probability of something to go up if the percent chance remains the same. Thus for your statement to make sense you must be talking about two different probabilities, one that you're calling "% chance" and one that you're calling "probability". What do you mean by those terms?

> >

> > Also, what evidence do you have that opening 100 boxes at once gives a better chance of getting this item than opening 100 boxes over a longer period of time? I'm genuinely curious.


> Simple answer: The likelihood obtaining said item has a greater probability of showing up with more rolls "loot boxes". The % chance at which you can obtain the item never changes.


But in that case why is it better to save up boxes and open them all at once, rather than just opening them as you obtain them? That's what you were claiming, but if the probability of getting the item from an individual box never changes, there's no reason to save up the boxes.

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