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Latest Scourge upcoming changes (finalized)


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These changes will make the scourge in PvP even more vulnerable than it is now, probably gonna play something else then. There is no point in being a scourge anymore while dying so fast. And I am 100 % sure that it's gonna be that way.


I really want to encourage you to express your opinion in the recent thread with those changes. This is the only way we can still change something. The rework is done now anyway, but at least we can fight for a "dismiss all sand shades" button.

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> @"Serenity.6304" said:

> These changes will make the scourge in PvP even more vulnerable than it is now, probably gonna play something else then. There is no point in being a scourge anymore while dying so fast. And I am 100 % sure that it's gonna be that way.


> I really want to encourage you to express your opinion in the recent thread with those changes. This is the only way we can still change something. The rework is done now anyway, but at least we can fight for a "dismiss all sand shades" button.


We can't even get a "dismiss all minions" button. :/

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> @"fewfield.7802" said:

> > @"Zero.3871" said:

> > Yeah, this changes of arenanet does exactly the opposite of what everyone wants xD. scourge will be BUSTED in zerg fights while weaker in small scale. will be funny...


> how's it gonna be busted ?


when you can hit 10 people instantly on range? atm you can hit 5 people on range 5 around you. with that change range bomb of scourge become MORE destroying.

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Overall the shade skills imo should have only been around the caster from the start of scourge's release.

The grand master traits should have provided different game play function like being able to place a ranged shade etc.




Scourge should have been like a real support with real support tools other than barrier from the start

Damage should have never been high from the start

Support should have been added as promised long ago but it never was.


In wvw scourge will have more ranged offensive power in zergs

in pvp scourge will become weaker and need even more protection than before or be forced to use more resources to cover itself and the area it wants to target.

in pve scourge is just gonna be a bit more clunky but should still be fine.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Awesome, they truly manage to make things even worse, previously people complained because shades with sand savant were wrecking 5 players at once in their zerg and now they will complain that shades with sand savant wreck 10 players at once in their zerg... Truly, the devs never cease to amaze me...


> > @"XECOR.2814" said:


> Truth be told, dps scourge will probably just give up on using shades, from a dps point of view, it will merely be a loss of condition duration, no more no less and since you can probably already overcap condition duration, it should be fine. It's not like condi scourge have an impressive dps anyway, so a bit less won't even be registered in the players minds.


> Overall, I'm really wondering how anet could come up with such changes based on what I've read on the feedback thread. It's like they didn't even understood that the problem of the _sand savant_ scourge is it's ability to deal damage with shades. If we weren't in september I'd suspect those notes to be a bad april fool's joke.


> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Awesome, they truly manage to make things even worse, previously people complained because shades with sand savant were wrecking 5 players at once in their zerg and now they will complain that shades with sand savant wreck 10 players at once in their zerg... Truly, the devs never cease to amaze me...


> > @"XECOR.2814" said:


> Truth be told, dps scourge will probably just give up on using shades, from a dps point of view, it will merely be a loss of condition duration, no more no less and since you can probably already overcap condition duration, it should be fine. It's not like condi scourge have an impressive dps anyway, so a bit less won't even be registered in the players minds.


> Overall, I'm really wondering how anet could come up with such changes based on what I've read on the feedback thread. It's like they didn't even understood that the problem of the _sand savant_ scourge is it's ability to deal damage with shades. If we weren't in september I'd suspect those notes to be a bad april fool's joke.


The thing is, you have to place shade because of sadistic searing+getting to 100% condi duration. Its a big dps loss if you dont. without placing shade makes the class a melee condi class with low dps. And i remember they said its a ranged hybrid support class from its introduction. Idk, the changes seem very rushed and not given much thought.


Unless they also change sadistic searing and give free ~15% condi duration these changes will delete pve scg

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@"ZDragon.3046" said:


The feedback was saying that the issue was the coverage, what did you expect?


If you put yourself into ANet's shoes and read the feedback, the way they modify shades is a brilliant way to answer the feedback they got. If I didn't know that the real issue is the damage done, I would even cheer ANet for the good work. After all they keep the 10 targets support while reducing the coverage and offering clear In fight choices of gameplay to the players. You could even say that they make it so the scourge's choices to lay a shade or not, matter strategically.


Ultimately it won't shut down the complains and will certainly create even more issues but, undeniably, it is a brilliant way to answer the coverage concern that the players voiced.


Now, I agree with you that scourge was sold as a support spec and damage should have never been it's strong point. I also agree with you that barrier stacks incredibly well in WvW and ANet should probably have focused on a different kind of support. I'll also say that there idea to make scourge's boon corruption corrupt boons into a smaller array of condition was a good idea even if boon corruption is not adapted to PvE (or PvE isn't adapted to boon corruption).


ANet could have shut down most of the complains long ago by removing the F1 proc on other F skills and reworking F5 into a defensive skill that don't deal damage. This would have made PvE players complains but it would also have made things easier to balance in all gamemodes (even in PvE).


In PvE, just giving perma vigor to mobs with defiance/breakbar/indomitable would be enough to give some room for boon corruption and thus put all this boon corruption stacked on punishment skills to use. If the damage ain't enough, add 1 or 2 extra stacks of torment when corrupting boons to punishment skills (PvE only) and it would have done the trick.


They could have changed F5 so that it reduce damage taken by 15% when you stand in the shade/scourge area instead of dealing damage. With _sand savant_ the scourge would have had 30% damage reduction for a few seconds... How OP would that have been?


They could even make _desert empowerment_ let F5 pulse low amount of barrier for a truly good yet not OP support synergy with _abrasive grit_.

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> The thing is, you have to place shade because of sadistic searing+getting to 100% condi duration. Its a big dps loss if you dont. without placing shade makes the class a melee condi class with low dps. And i remember they said its a ranged hybrid support class from its introduction. Idk, the changes seem very rushed and not given much thought.


> Unless they also change sadistic searing and give free ~15% condi duration these changes will delete pve scg


Does a range hybrid support spec need to deal competitive damage? I know that it would hurt in PvE but look at the druid for example, except for it's ability to give might, the spec is totally wasted be it for damage or support.


The scourge is supposed to capitalize on boon corruption to deal damage. Would this be hard to open up some space for this purpose to shine in PvE? Nope, it's just a matter of giving a perma stack of vigor to mobs with defiance/breakbar/undomitable (something that they can already do on training golem). From there they can totally create a "viable" PvE condi spec (even if it mean increasing the number of torment stacks that punishment skills apply when they corrupt a boon in PvE).


NB.: From my point of view, sadistic searing is and have always been a badly designed trait. Sure it give the player a reason to use F1 but is it really worth? I mean we are talking about 1-2 stacks of burn.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> @"ZDragon.3046" said:


> The feedback was saying that the issue was the coverage, what did you expect?


> If you put yourself into ANet's shoes and read the feedback, the way they modify shades is a brilliant way to answer the feedback they got. If I didn't know that the real issue is the damage done, I would even cheer ANet for the good work. After all they keep the 10 targets support while reducing the coverage and offering clear In fight choices of gameplay to the players. You could even say that they make it so the scourge's choices to lay a shade or not, matter strategically.


> Ultimately it won't shut down the complains and will certainly create even more issues but, undeniably, it is a brilliant way to answer the coverage concern that the players voiced.


To be honest i was just speaking out loud im not drastically concerned. It was more of just food for thought of my personal opinions


I think this is a good way to handle coverage when it comes to zone control vs target cap. I cant say im happy with scourge as a whole because scourge turned out to be something other than what i was hoping for originally when they initially wrote it off as a "support" but i think the risk of now not having your own aoe on you and on your shades is good for most game modes in pve it wont matter too much in pvp it makes the risk / reward more outstanding. In wvw the coverage for big zerg fights is going to be even better lol. I think people in wvw will most certainly still complain but at the same time they could have nerfed it heavily and people in wvw would still complain about scourge.


Scourge is the most viable in wvw and necro being close to the top tier levels of viable in any game mode is simply a nuance for anything that is not a necro or at least thats how it comes off when i read alot of things both here and in game.



> Now, I agree with you that scourge was sold as a support spec and damage should have never been it's strong point. I also agree with you that barrier stacks incredibly well in WvW and ANet should probably have focused on a different kind of support. I'll also say that there idea to make scourge's boon corruption corrupt boons into a smaller array of condition was a good idea even if boon corruption is not adapted to PvE (or PvE isn't adapted to boon corruption).


The boon corrupting to specific conditions is good i wish there was a bit more touch up across the line on how boon conversions work as well as punishing effects against targets who have no boons so that boon corrupts were still some what viable in pve where boons are kind of rare. Maybe we will get there one day.



> ANet could have shut down most of the complains long ago by removing the F1 proc on other F skills and reworking F5 into a defensive skill that don't deal damage. This would have made PvE players complains but it would also have made things easier to balance in all gamemodes (even in PvE).


That is a tricky one I would have argued to get rid of the idea of placing shades all together for just moving aoe's that worked defensively and provided area support around the necro. Traits that made barrier stronger than what it is on other professions. etc.



> In PvE, just giving perma vigor to mobs with defiance/breakbar/indomitable would be enough to give some room for boon corruption and thus put all this boon corruption stacked on punishment skills to use. If the damage ain't enough, add 1 or 2 extra stacks of torment when corrupting boons to punishment skills (PvE only) and it would have done the trick.


That could work or the easier way just as i said above give boon corrupt skills a bonus effect that triggers when used against a foe with no boons. This could be something simple like applying bleeds, torment, or increasing the damage done by that skill. This makes the boon corrupt skills viable in pve while keeping their power to boon manage in pvp and wvw. (even-though i hate necro being the main boon counter in this boon dripping meta.)


A good example would be necromancer axe 3 right now its bonus strike only triggers on foes under 25% which is kind of ok in pvp every once in a while the extra strike catches some one off guard. I personally would like it better if it did the extra strike if always if the foe you hit with the initial skill has no boons.


> They could have changed F5 so that it reduce damage taken by 15% when you stand in the shade/scourge area instead of dealing damage. With _sand savant_ the scourge would have had 30% damage reduction for a few seconds... How OP would that have been?


Considering Holo smith was a dps spec that launched with a build that allowed massive dps while being able to hold 50 - 95% damage reduction for both strikes and condi damage i would say not very op. 30% damage reduction for few seconds on something like scourge that has no true shroud would have probably been ok if the f5 did not have a damaging components tacked onto it.




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> @"Flumek.9043" said:

> This is ULTRA CRINGE LEVEL of clunky.


> Even for ANet, and even for necro standards.


> I think the best way for PVP is TO NEVER place a shade untill you already win a fight and are clearing downed bodies. Pathetic bad design.


it just means if you want to cover the point and yourself you now have to place 2 shades one on the point and one on yourself or simply move yourself to your placed shade. its different it not exactly game breaking but it is forcing you to use more resources or not and just be the shade yourself.


Perhaps though this is part of their overall plans with what they have cooked up for death magic.

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So glass scourge bomb is going from:



1.5-2k per f1-4, 10k f5, per 5 targets= 16-20k each, 80-100k total

5x 1 corrupt= 5 corrupts

5x 1s fear

2.5k barrier per 5 allies= 12.5k barrier

2 condi cleanse and 2 might per 5 allies= 10 cleanses and might



1.5-2k per f1-4, 10k f5, per 10 target= 16-20k each, 160-200k total

10x 1 corrupt= 10 corrupts

10x 1s fear

2.5k barrier per 10 allies= 25k barrier

2 condi cleanse and 2 might per 10 allies=20 cleanses and might





1.5-2k per f1-4, 8k f5, per 10 targets= 14k-16k each, 140k-160k total (160% current)

10x 1 corrupt= 10 corrupts (200% current)

10x 1s fear (200% current)





1.5-2k per f1-4, 8k f5, per 10 targets= 14k-16k each, 140k-160k total (80% current)

10x 1 corrupt= 10 corrupts (100% current)

10x 1s fear (100% current)

1.75k barrier per 10 allies= 17.5k barrier (70% current)

2 condi cleanses and 2 might per 10 allies= 20 cleanses and might (100% current)


.....Who on earth thought that was what the players wanted when we asked for sand savant nerfs? Sand savant does too much because it is 10 target. The solution to that is not 'make it vastly easier to land 10 target hits'.


Sure, the melee bomb from scourge is now 20-30% less effective than it was but you made it significantly easier to do. At the tradeoff of making it 60-100% more effective at range? This change just forces groups to never enter >900 range, because if you do you instantly lose. Way to shake it up!


As for having to choose whether to bomb at range or in melee, instead every party will have 2 scourges. 1 that bombs at range and 1 that saves the bomb for a melee push/2nd range bomb. And they'll be even stronger bombs than they were since now you only need half as many scourges to bomb in the same place, making it easier to concentrate a spike.


Or they can cast f3 first, so the shade bomb becomes f3, f1, f5, f2, f4. That way you lose a 1.5-2k damage tick and now provide barrier to 10 people around you instead of 5. While still doing more damage than the current iteration.

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What they intend to do does not look wrong to me. If I understand correctly, there will be a hard choice between offensive Scourge and defensive/support Scourge. Placing a shade elsewhere will have more risk so Scourge will need an escort if it wants to perform any sort of ranged offense or defense.


I like the increased scaling, too. Barrier-sharing will definitely cost dps but may also become more effective when built for it. The suggestion there are more changes to come is also a good sign. Death Magic changes could strengthen group support in core and the elite specializations, potentially improving barriers when sacrificing even more dps or adding some other type of support. Boons come to mind.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > The thing is, you have to place shade because of sadistic searing+getting to 100% condi duration. Its a big dps loss if you dont. without placing shade makes the class a melee condi class with low dps. And i remember they said its a ranged hybrid support class from its introduction. Idk, the changes seem very rushed and not given much thought.

> >

> > Unless they also change sadistic searing and give free ~15% condi duration these changes will delete pve scg


> Does a range hybrid support spec need to deal competitive damage? I know that it would hurt in PvE but look at the druid for example, except for it's ability to give might, the spec is totally wasted be it for damage or support.


> The scourge is supposed to capitalize on boon corruption to deal damage. Would this be hard to open up some space for this purpose to shine in PvE? Nope, it's just a matter of giving a perma stack of vigor to mobs with defiance/breakbar/undomitable (something that they can already do on training golem). From there they can totally create a "viable" PvE condi spec (even if it mean increasing the number of torment stacks that punishment skills apply when they corrupt a boon in PvE).


> NB.: From my point of view, sadistic searing is and have always been a badly designed trait. Sure it give the player a reason to use F1 but is it really worth? I mean we are talking about 1-2 stacks of burn.


No spec is designed with just 1 role in mind. Scg was introduced as dps support. You could lean towards dps but still give small cleanses and barrier to group on the tradeoff that you ALREADY DIDNT had competitive raw damage. But this change is literally challenging the core concept of scg as it removes the support while doing damage element completely from dps scg.


Also yes those burns were very important because 1. They are burn and 2. Sadistic searing is used very frequently and there is no other skill in necromancers arsenal that increase dps that could replace it.

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> @"Serenity.6304" said:

>This is the only way we can still change something. The rework is done now anyway, but at least we can fight for a "dismiss all sand shades" button.

Agreed that we will need a "remove all shades" button so you can quickly swap between ranged DPS and melee DPS. With these changes, there's literally no way to defend yourself from melee attackers, which is ridiculous.


Incoming salty ranting in 3, 2, 1....

In PvP, if you want to contribute to a team fight, you drop your shades from a distance.... but now, as soon as you drop your shades far away, the enemy will just focus you down because you won't have cleanse from F2, won't have barrier from F3, won't be able to fear melee attackers with F4, won't be able to pressure melee attackers with F5..... in other words, you'll be a defenseless bag of bones. This change is so.... backwards..... :#

I guess you COULD drop a shade on top of yourself so you have one in the distance and one on melee, but that's still ridiculous and clunky. You can't possibly kite around a shade and survive. You can't afford to sit still in PvP - you gotta move and kite as a Necro. It's literally the only way to survive. And kiting is impossible if you have to stay on top of your shades. So you have two options - kite away from your shades but sacrifice F2,F3,F4,F5, OR stay on top of your shade like a sitting duck but keep F2,F3,F4,F5. Truly something that will separate good players from bad /sarcasm

On the other hand, if you take Sand Savant so you got a nice, big shade to kite around, you're also screwed because you have only one shade. As soon as you drop it far away from you, you're screwed. If you re-cast it on top of yourself (assuming you don't get instakilled before then), the cooldown is so long that eventually you won't be able to keep re-positioning your shade to keep up with your kitting. Eh..... I can't see a way around this to make it manageable without having a "remove all shades" button.


The barrier reduction is also ridiculous. The whole thing about scourge is to have barrier instead of deathshroud/reaper shroud. Now that barrier will be even smaller, and this change will mostly affect Curses Scourge, which is already harder and more squishy than Blood Scourge!!!

Couldn't they just reduce the amount of barrier that allies get while not changing the barrier that the Necro gets? (so the Necro keeps its defensive capabilities but has reduced support?) -_- Logic? No? Okay.... :astonished:


The only upside is - this might make core Necro <3 or Reaper a better option in PvP because the alternative has been gutted like a piglet. So I guess it's not all bad, just the fact that scourge will suck.


TL:DR: *ugly cry *

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Flumek.9043" said:

> > This is ULTRA CRINGE LEVEL of clunky.

> >

> > Even for ANet, and even for necro standards.

> >

> > I think the best way for PVP is TO NEVER place a shade untill you already win a fight and are clearing downed bodies. Pathetic bad design.


> it just means if you want to cover the point and yourself you now have to place 2 shades one on the point and one on yourself or simply move yourself to your placed shade. its different it not exactly game breaking but it is forcing you to use more resources or not and just be the shade yourself.


> Perhaps though this is part of their overall plans with what they have cooked up for death magic.


I understand what it means.


And you use words like "JUST" pretty casually.

Just drop a nuke.

Just nerf it to oblivion. Just make it even stronger in WWW where its main problem, while making it even glassier and clunkier in PVP where its almost unplayable.


And then you still have trust in Anet, in necro, and in DeathMagic getting reworked for 3rd time ?

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > The thing is, you have to place shade because of sadistic searing+getting to 100% condi duration. Its a big dps loss if you dont. without placing shade makes the class a melee condi class with low dps. And i remember they said its a ranged hybrid support class from its introduction. Idk, the changes seem very rushed and not given much thought.

> >

> > Unless they also change sadistic searing and give free ~15% condi duration these changes will delete pve scg


> Does a range hybrid support spec need to deal competitive damage? I know that it would hurt in PvE but look at the druid for example, except for it's ability to give might, the spec is totally wasted be it for damage or support.


But ranger has a spec that is still pretty good in dealing dmg.

Both power and Condi are in a pretty decent or even good spot. Cause they still can bring spirits.


Necro may have a spec, that does 10% less dmg than ranger on the golem, but in raid scenario, the gap is much higher and Necro doesn't give unique dmg buffs


Overall Necro seems not to be allowed to do anywhere near the dmg, other classes do.

Even when druid was mainly a support spec, you could play it as condi.

Also warrior is considered a support, but does more dmg than Necro (condi and power)

And if I remember correctly, warrior even gets a (in my opinion totally unnecessary) dmg buff for allies on warhorn



> The scourge is supposed to capitalize on boon corruption to deal damage. Would this be hard to open up some space for this purpose to shine in PvE? Nope, it's just a matter of giving a perma stack of vigor to mobs with defiance/breakbar/undomitable (something that they can already do on training golem). From there they can totally create a "viable" PvE condi spec (even if it mean increasing the number of torment stacks that punishment skills apply when they corrupt a boon in PvE).


> NB.: From my point of view, sadistic searing is and have always been a badly designed trait. Sure it give the player a reason to use F1 but is it really worth? I mean we are talking about 1-2 stacks of burn.



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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> But ranger has a spec that is still pretty good in dealing dmg.

> Both power and Condi are in a pretty decent or even good spot. Cause they still can bring spirits.


> Necro may have a spec, that does 10% less dmg than ranger on the golem, but in raid scenario, the gap is much higher and Necro doesn't give unique dmg buffs


> Overall Necro seems not to be allowed to do anywhere near the dmg, other classes do.

> Even when druid was mainly a support spec, you could play it as condi.

> Also warrior is considered a support, but does more dmg than Necro (condi and power)

> And if I remember correctly, warrior even gets a (in my opinion totally unnecessary) dmg buff for allies on warhorn



The thing is that warrior is designed around the idea that it play with "power". Increasing it's own power and it's allies power. The whole design of this profession revolve around this idea since launch. This is something that led ANet to reduce the warrior overall coefficient in the early days of the game because it made them the absolute king of PvE (Before the elementalist era). The issue is that it made the warrior an absolute trash in PvP, which led to balance in "numbers" that slowly put the warrior closer to it's release strength. Which is why despite their PvE support they deal an astounding level of damage now. The very existence of their support make them impossible to really balance in the game.


The necromancer is in a different position. The necromancer is designed to make use of conditions, changing boons into conditions and conditions into boons, gathering conditions on himself and sending them on it's foes. Similarly to the warrior, it make the necromancer extremly difficult to balance for all gamemode throught numbers. However in case of the necromancer it's because PvE isn't designed to make use of the necromancer's design.


The warrior's tools make him very strong in PvE and below average in PvP while the necromancer's tools make him strong in PvP and below average in PvE. Since ANet try it's best to address PvP in priority and a lot of players think that it's how it should be, the current situation is logical. The thing is that the necromancer need PvE to change for him to become balanced. The warrior on another hand is an impossible equation, it just cannot be "balanced" unless you remove from him the unique tools that give extra power which would go against it's design.

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> What they intend to do does not look wrong to me. If I understand correctly, there will be a hard choice between offensive Scourge and defensive/support Scourge. Placing a shade elsewhere will have more risk so Scourge will need an escort if it wants to perform any sort of ranged offense or defense.


> I like the increased scaling, too. Barrier-sharing will definitely cost dps but may also become more effective when built for it. The suggestion there are more changes to come is also a good sign. Death Magic changes could strengthen group support in core and the elite specializations, potentially improving barriers when sacrificing even more dps or adding some other type of support. Boons come to mind.


Their intention made sense, the execution is what was stupid. You just cast f3 first now and provide both 10 target damage and 10 target support since the f3 affects 10 around you when you dont have a shade up. Instead of providing 100% barrier to 5 people, it's now 70% to 10. Multiple scourge run in every group, so this is a big net gain in both support and damage.


You could even just use shades in melee with harbingers shroud for a huge increase in output. It used to be that HS only activated around the scourge and the shade after 3s, but since you couldn't move the shade without disrupting HS it only landed if you could make people stand in it. Now you can cast it while moving into melee range and it will follow you if you don't have a shade active, so 10 target HS is now doable. That's even more corrupts, barrier, and spike damage lmao

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > What they intend to do does not look wrong to me. If I understand correctly, there will be a hard choice between offensive Scourge and defensive/support Scourge. Placing a shade elsewhere will have more risk so Scourge will need an escort if it wants to perform any sort of ranged offense or defense.

> >

> > I like the increased scaling, too. Barrier-sharing will definitely cost dps but may also become more effective when built for it. The suggestion there are more changes to come is also a good sign. Death Magic changes could strengthen group support in core and the elite specializations, potentially improving barriers when sacrificing even more dps or adding some other type of support. Boons come to mind.


> Their intention made sense, the execution is what was stupid. You just cast f3 first now and provide both 10 target damage and 10 target support since the f3 affects 10 around you when you dont have a shade up. Instead of providing 100% barrier to 5 people, it's now 70% to 10. Multiple scourge run in every group, so this is a big net gain in both support and damage.


> You could even just use shades in melee with harbingers shroud for a huge increase in output. It used to be that HS only activated around the scourge and the shade after 3s, but since you couldn't move the shade without disrupting HS it only landed if you could make people stand in it. Now you can cast it while moving into melee range and it will follow you if you don't have a shade active, so 10 target HS is now doable. That's even more corrupts, barrier, and spike damage lmao


> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > What they intend to do does not look wrong to me. If I understand correctly, there will be a hard choice between offensive Scourge and defensive/support Scourge. Placing a shade elsewhere will have more risk so Scourge will need an escort if it wants to perform any sort of ranged offense or defense.

> >

> > I like the increased scaling, too. Barrier-sharing will definitely cost dps but may also become more effective when built for it. The suggestion there are more changes to come is also a good sign. Death Magic changes could strengthen group support in core and the elite specializations, potentially improving barriers when sacrificing even more dps or adding some other type of support. Boons come to mind.


> Their intention made sense, the execution is what was stupid. You just cast f3 first now and provide both 10 target damage and 10 target support since the f3 affects 10 around you when you dont have a shade up. Instead of providing 100% barrier to 5 people, it's now 70% to 10. Multiple scourge run in every group, so this is a big net gain in both support and damage.


> You could even just use shades in melee with harbingers shroud for a huge increase in output. It used to be that HS only activated around the scourge and the shade after 3s, but since you couldn't move the shade without disrupting HS it only landed if you could make people stand in it. Now you can cast it while moving into melee range and it will follow you if you don't have a shade active, so 10 target HS is now doable. That's even more corrupts, barrier, and spike damage lmao


HS sound bursty but only afk ppl will stand in it, maybe it requires more coordination like stealth blast and cc which are fine to me. So that now people need to work together properly in order to land the massive dps.

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > What they intend to do does not look wrong to me. If I understand correctly, there will be a hard choice between offensive Scourge and defensive/support Scourge. Placing a shade elsewhere will have more risk so Scourge will need an escort if it wants to perform any sort of ranged offense or defense.

> >

> > I like the increased scaling, too. Barrier-sharing will definitely cost dps but may also become more effective when built for it. The suggestion there are more changes to come is also a good sign. Death Magic changes could strengthen group support in core and the elite specializations, potentially improving barriers when sacrificing even more dps or adding some other type of support. Boons come to mind.


> Their intention made sense, the execution is what was stupid. You just cast f3 first now and provide both 10 target damage and 10 target support since the f3 affects 10 around you when you dont have a shade up. Instead of providing 100% barrier to 5 people, it's now 70% to 10. Multiple scourge run in every group, so this is a big net gain in both support and damage.


> You could even just use shades in melee with harbingers shroud for a huge increase in output. It used to be that HS only activated around the scourge and the shade after 3s, but since you couldn't move the shade without disrupting HS it only landed if you could make people stand in it. Now you can cast it while moving into melee range and it will follow you if you don't have a shade active, so 10 target HS is now doable. That's even more corrupts, barrier, and spike damage lmao


The point is that the feedback was saying that the issue was coverage which is what Anet adressed. The fact that it will create tons of foreseeable issues afterward just give them something to chew on in the next months.

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