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Suggestion: Lock BG in T4 as motivation for servers to win


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Currently there is very little incentive to win weekly matchups.

Instead, I hear players and servers tanking intentionally to avoid the ‘reward’ of fighting BG in T1.


‘Stop ppting!’ ‘It’s not fun fighting Blobgate!’ ‘I’m tired of using 10 men to fight BG’s map queue!’ Etc.


So players tank to avoid winning.


If that’s the case, why don’t we turn things around so that BG becomes the ‘stick’ in tier 4 to motivate all the other servers to fight and win their weekly matchups?

Even the 2 servers that end up in T4 with BG will be fighting hard to get 2nd so they climb out to T3 next week.


So instead of rewarding winners with tangible items that will just encourage more stacking, we encourage them by using BG as the stick in T4.

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announce servers reset. on d day, kick all off their servers. then ppl choose where they want to be at. profit. <3


anet then manually merges serves based on wvw activity after a month. then next 2 months players can transfer off their servers.


also during weekends = wvw season tournaments.


quarterly server resets would be great.

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So, you're somehow going to motivate a couple servers to suddenly get more players to win and get out of t4, when they can't even do that even without bg in t4?

You might as well take out scoring if you want to manipulate where servers are permanently placed.


> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> announce servers reset. on d day, kick all off their servers. then ppl choose where they want to be at. profit. <3


Yeah cause wvw players have totally always been so good about balancing populations on their own.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> So, you're somehow going to motivate a couple servers to suddenly get more players to win and get out of t4, when they can't even do that even without bg in t4?

> You might as well take out scoring if you want to manipulate where servers are permanently placed.


> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > announce servers reset. on d day, kick all off their servers. then ppl choose where they want to be at. profit. <3


> Yeah cause wvw players have totally always been so good about balancing populations on their own.


well yes. :) before paid transfers, we didn't have this issue. also, you can't really balance wvw in terms of numbers. there are 5 people than can beat 15 and 15 that can't beat five. and there's 35 that can kill 2 80 blobs and 80 blobs that can't fight 35. but if there's population on all three sides, it's fun.

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The idea is a bit silly. I don't really think its feasible to put the most stacked server at the bottom against low pop servers.


But you are 100% on the money. Currently fighting bg this week, and there are guilds actively abusing people in team chat for ppting because they don't want to fight bg next week. This has happened with every link I've been with so far. Nobody wants to fight bg, and people usually take a week off the game when its their servers turn to be in T1.


That server needs to die for the good of the game. Personally I don't really care who I'm matched up against and just play for fun. But its annoying having half my server quit whenever we're against bg.


Btw anybody else notice that bg love systematically breaking only way pointed keeps. Like they'll go around each map and break every enemy way point across all 4 maps like clockwork.

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> @"Doug.4930" said:

> The idea is a bit silly. I don't really think its feasible to put the most stacked server at the bottom against low pop servers.


> But you are 100% on the money. Currently fighting bg this week, and there are guilds actively abusing people in team chat for ppting because they don't want to fight bg next week. This has happened with every link I've been with so far. Nobody wants to fight bg, and people usually take a week off the game when its their servers turn to be in T1.


> That server needs to die for the good of the game. Personally I don't really care who I'm matched up against and just play for fun. But its annoying having half my server quit whenever we're against bg.


> Btw anybody else notice that bg love systematically breaking only way pointed keeps. Like they'll go around each map and break every enemy way point across all 4 maps like clockwork.


So... because your server is abusing people in team chat, BG needs to die...


Got it.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > ive enjoyed fighting bg when against their not blob. weve killed a few and we were schooled too. i wonder why some dislike losing sometimes.


> Huh... You must be mistaken. According to these forums, BG only has one omniblob with more players than the map caps for the other servers allow.


well, id be a fool and beat the forums with experience keke

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Everyone cries that there are no fights anymore, they get matched up with BG and can't just ktrain all day and have to fight for something and it's all of a sudden, "we need to break up blobgate".


Funny how that works....


As someone who has fought BG many, MANY times and was linked with BG here just a few weeks ago for a while. In prime time, the other servers often have the same or greater numbers than BG. Also, BG very seldom has any map queues at all outside of reset, you might see a queue on EBG when a call out is made for keep or something and then back to none. With that said, they are pretty organized as far as servers go, it had been a while since I had seen that much communication and response to map call outs.


The hyperbole about BG is getting old. They win by coverage, the other servers have a good chance in prime time, or even beat BG back in prime time, however the other servers are so stacked to that one time zone that after prime time the other servers have very few people on and often no tags, while BG still has someone running, far reduced from prime time numbers as well, but a smaller group with a tag vs undefended night capping and well, they own and often T3 everything by morning and no one wants to log in and have to try for T3 structures, so they log out, further compounding the effects. I would see this when I faced BG on the servers I was on, we would have big numbers fighting in the last matchup, and then get matched with BG and the tags on my server would have HALF or less the numbers as just the week before. These are the fair weather people, any time a harder matchup comes along, they bail and either don't play for the matchup, or the go do PvE etc while in that matchup.


Just as someone else said in a post here, their own server is abusing people in map chat who are having fun PPTing, because all the fair weathers want to tank so they can fight other servers they can just blob down with little effort.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Doug.4930" said:

> > The idea is a bit silly. I don't really think its feasible to put the most stacked server at the bottom against low pop servers.

> >

> > But you are 100% on the money. Currently fighting bg this week, and there are guilds actively abusing people in team chat for ppting because they don't want to fight bg next week. This has happened with every link I've been with so far. Nobody wants to fight bg, and people usually take a week off the game when its their servers turn to be in T1.

> >

> > That server needs to die for the good of the game. Personally I don't really care who I'm matched up against and just play for fun. But its annoying having half my server quit whenever we're against bg.

> >

> > Btw anybody else notice that bg love systematically breaking only way pointed keeps. Like they'll go around each map and break every enemy way point across all 4 maps like clockwork.


> So... because your server is abusing people in team chat, BG needs to die...


> Got it.


Well no, Its more because of the attitude of so many players in this game. Like @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said so many people are interested in Ktraining. The don't want a challenging matchup, and they're willing to abuse the system whenever possible. This was evident as the moment BG opened a few weeks ago:


![](https://i.imgur.com/tn1fsem.jpg "")


We went from 5 full servers to 2 almost overnight.


Nobody wants to fight BG because of the coverage. People like me are fine and don't really care as all I do is roam and have small scale fights mostly. But I think its fair to say alot of this player base enjoy playing this mode as it was intended. Defending and upgrading objectives being a key feature of the game. But why bother doing any of that when you know the moment your guild goes to bed, or prime time ends, BG are just going to roll around the maps breaking every non paper objective they can.


BG don't have map queues 24/7. But they do have an IMMENSE coverage advantage over every other server, and on average outnumber their opponents. The picture I linked backs up this claim.


So thats why I wish it would die. Because its the go to server if you want to karma train and win every matchup. It may not drive me from the game, but there's absolutely no doubt its a factor in driving many others from the game.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > So, you're somehow going to motivate a couple servers to suddenly get more players to win and get out of t4, when they can't even do that even without bg in t4?

> > You might as well take out scoring if you want to manipulate where servers are permanently placed.

> >

> > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > announce servers reset. on d day, kick all off their servers. then ppl choose where they want to be at. profit. <3

> >

> > Yeah cause wvw players have totally always been so good about balancing populations on their own.


> well yes. :) before paid transfers, we didn't have this issue. also, you can't really balance wvw in terms of numbers. there are 5 people than can beat 15 and 15 that can't beat five. and there's 35 that can kill 2 80 blobs and 80 blobs that can't fight 35. but if there's population on all three sides, it's fun.


It was free transfers before that, and people were stacking then too, it's just that most of the servers were still at good health and no one noticed. They stacked before tournaments when free transfers were handed out, hell some servers like HoD were stacked before the game released lol. There was a mass amount of people that moved from DB to SoS like oct/nov 2012, then again later on when SoS crashed not even 6 months later and they moved to BG (wanna take a wild guess who's alliance this was?).


People complained after the population dropped and noticed guilds kept moving up, either getting paid to move to t1 or moving to t2 for the fight tier. Let's not forget how many times guilds bandwagon and then abandoned DB na during the years, like 7 times. The only times anything seemed balanced was the fight tiers t2 then t3 for a very short period, and when the t1 wall was up and everyone didn't have to deal with the 3 blob servers up there.


So no, players won't balance themselves, do free transfers today and I'm sure they would stack one server just for the forum salt.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > So, you're somehow going to motivate a couple servers to suddenly get more players to win and get out of t4, when they can't even do that even without bg in t4?

> > > You might as well take out scoring if you want to manipulate where servers are permanently placed.

> > >

> > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > > announce servers reset. on d day, kick all off their servers. then ppl choose where they want to be at. profit. <3

> > >

> > > Yeah cause wvw players have totally always been so good about balancing populations on their own.

> >

> > well yes. :) before paid transfers, we didn't have this issue. also, you can't really balance wvw in terms of numbers. there are 5 people than can beat 15 and 15 that can't beat five. and there's 35 that can kill 2 80 blobs and 80 blobs that can't fight 35. but if there's population on all three sides, it's fun.


> It was free transfers before that, and people were stacking then too, it's just that most of the servers were still at good health and no one noticed. They stacked before tournaments when free transfers were handed out, hell some servers like HoD were stacked before the game released lol. There was a mass amount of people that moved from DB to SoS like oct/nov 2012, then again later on when SoS crashed not even 6 months later and they moved to BG (wanna take a wild guess who's alliance this was?).


> People complained after the population dropped and noticed guilds kept moving up, either getting paid to move to t1 or moving to t2 for the fight tier. Let's not forget how many times guilds bandwagon and then abandoned DB na during the years, like 7 times. The only times anything seemed balanced was the fight tiers t2 then t3 for a very short period, and when the t1 wall was up and everyone didn't have to deal with the 3 blob servers up there.


> So no, players won't balance themselves, do free transfers today and I'm sure they would stack one server just for the forum salt.


i don't mind as long as lots of population on 3 servers :P

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