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How to fix WvW


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**Just remove team based on world server, make 3 major order alliances (not real guilds, npc guilds)**



Order of Whispers(Red) / vigil (Blue) / Durmand Priory(Green) ;


Player will choose one to follow ( make a reset option with a timegate of 1 week);


Give rewards based on player order (give different legendary gifts/skins/weapons so players will play on all teams);


**Make a mega server map to WvW like in PvE, where players of all servers can enter**


Make 1 to X(on demand) parallel maps, let players use join in map party option, so they can try to enter with their friends if the map is not full;


Make a cap limit on maps:

450 players per map/150 for each team, if some team reach the maximum number of players they will be teleported to another map;


**Auto balance the maps when outnumbered reach a limit of 50% more players after 100 players on the map**



map 1: blue team has 45 players/ green 30 / red 40

when a new blue player try to enter the map he will be teleported to map 2 since green is outnumbered;


green and red new players will be teleported to map 1 until they lose the outnumbered buff


**Give stats buffs to outnumbered players**


Based on how many enemies players are around them (3000 radius not the full map) : 20% damage reduction + 20% damage


**Make sieges more worth and fun to play**


Remove the items for siege building they are annoying on the inventory, make them skills based on your mastery, give us a new skill shortcut to build things;


if player put points on building they should be able to build better balistas/rams/etc...


**Don't let players atk from walls or from the ground, force them use sieges to atk from walls or hit players on the walls**


Make sieges like balistas and arrows carts cost 80% less supplies to build, so players can build at one time and fight each other with them;

Make sieges like balista and arrows carts do more damage;


**Make Caravans worth protection**


Give us a option to caravan follow us so we can carry more supplies, if the caravan dies the players around it lose all the supplies, so we will have a new game play of saboteurs and guards


**Make a option to call help from Mist Champions to atk buildings**


Even stronghold spvp has mercenaries


Give us a option to call legendary mercenaries after the team give enough supplies to them and help us take buildings


**Give better rewards based on what the player have taken**


Sentry 1 pip

Camp 2 pips

Towers 3 pips

Keep 4 pips

Castle 5 pips


5-10 player kills 1 pip


**Give more Grandmark shards per chest**


Let us make at least one piece of ascended per week, so you can complete a ascended gear in 1 month and a half like in pve;


Give 5 grandmark shards per chest as a final reward


**Give buffs at pve to orders that win, so pve players will join WvW**


They must participate and get at least a chest to get the buff


+100 to all stats at PvE

+20 magic find/exp


maps will be full anytime of the day, will give better rewards and worth playing



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So many wrongs... doesn't make a right.



> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> **Just remove team based on world server, make 3 major order alliances (not real guilds, npc guilds)**

> Exemples:

> Order of Whispers(Red) / vigil (Blue) / Durmand Priory(Green) ;


I suggested this as an identity for sides years ago, also dragons and gods could be used.


> Player will choose one to follow ( make a reset option with a timegate of 1 week);


So people can get together during the week and plan for a side to stack?

What's the plan for winning? what's the point of winning? is winning even a point? cause you just pick a side the next week anyways.


> Give rewards based on player order (give different legendary gifts/skins/weapons so players will play on all teams);


You need to explain this. Order based on what?


> **Make a mega server map to WvW like in PvE, where players of all servers can enter**


Do you mean megeserver free for all? or eotm setting? cause you're having people chose one of three sides already.


> Make 1 to X(on demand) parallel maps, let players use join in map party option, so they can try to enter with their friends if the map is not full;

> Make a cap limit on maps:

> 450 players per map/150 for each team, if some team reach the maximum number of players they will be teleported to another map;


The current limits are lower than that, it might even be at most 70/70/70 depending on the map and there's still lag, what do you think it will be like when there's 150/150/150.


> **Auto balance the maps when outnumbered reach a limit of 50% more players after 100 players on the map**

> Exemples:

> map 1: blue team has 45 players/ green 30 / red 40

> when a new blue player try to enter the map he will be teleported to map 2 since green is outnumbered;

> green and red new players will be teleported to map 1 until they lose the outnumbered buff


Sure I guess.. and when the stack side has a number of empty maps under their control I guess they just ktrain around for free rewards? especially with what you plan below with pips.


> **Give stats buffs to outnumbered players**

> Based on how many enemies players are around them (3000 radius not the full map) : 20% damage reduction + 20% damage


And how many enemies till it kicks in? 1v2? 1v3? 1v5? At some point that buff becomes useless cause wvw is a numbers game. Can imagine outnumbered buff on warriors tho lol, oh hey perma stealth thieves will be great here too. While I've seen and played with stat boost for outnumbered (WoW had it in wintergrasp), I don't think it's appropriate for a game that has access to so much one shot abilities/combos/stealth/super tank builds.


> **Make sieges more worth and fun to play**

> Remove the items for siege building they are annoying on the inventory, make them skills based on your mastery, give us a new skill shortcut to build things;

> if player put points on building they should be able to build better balistas/rams/etc...

> **Don't let players atk from walls or from the ground, force them use sieges to atk from walls or hit players on the walls**

> Make sieges like balistas and arrows carts cost 80% less supplies to build, so players can build at one time and fight each other with them;

> Make sieges like balista and arrows carts do more damage;


So you want siege wars, which a lot of players don't want.... all you're going to do is encourage more treb wars with shield gens so people won't have to deal with all the wall siege.


> **Make Caravans worth protection**

> Give us a option to caravan follow us so we can carry more supplies, if the caravan dies the players around it lose all the supplies, so we will have a new game play of saboteurs and guards




> **Make a option to call help from Mist Champions to atk buildings**

> Even stronghold spvp has mercenaries

> Give us a option to call legendary mercenaries after the team give enough supplies to them and help us take buildings


This was discussed recently in another thread.


> **Give better rewards based on what the player have taken**

> Sentry 1 pip

> Camp 2 pips

> Towers 3 pips

> Keep 4 pips

> Castle 5 pips

> 5-10 player kills 1 pip


We don't earn pips for taking or killing stuff, we earn participation, which in turn lets the game know if we qualify for pips on the tick every 5 mins, how many pips we get depends on other things such as wxp rank, commanding, server loyalty, outnumbered, war score placement. This is to make sure you're active. They have mentioned maybe increasing rewards for taking harder objectives, like a t3 or having to fight through more defenders. If we straight up hand out pips we're going to see ktrains rolling around instead because then pips won't be restricted to 5mins ticks, it'll be how fast can you take camps and towers around the maps.


> **Give more Grandmark shards per chest**

> Let us make at least one piece of ascended per week, so you can complete a ascended gear in 1 month and a half like in pve;

> Give 5 grandmark shards per chest as a final reward


If you want it faster, craft it. Wvw reward costs are mostly based on time which lightens the monetary/material cost. But I do agree a bit that some of the time locks are probably a little too long.


> **Give buffs at pve to orders that win, so pve players will join WvW**

> They must participate and get at least a chest to get the buff

> +100 to all stats at PvE

> +20 magic find/exp

> maps will be full anytime of the day, will give better rewards and worth playing

> profit


We already had buffs to pve in the past, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Power_of_the_Mists , most pver's didn't know or cared about it, I don't even remember there being an uproar about having it removed.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Uuuuh... if you auto balance maps, whats even the point of choosing a side?


you can stay forever on one side, no one will force you to change, but play for fun/rewards and not play in a empty team?


that's why this game is dead, 1 server has all the players while others servers has 10 players, the outnumbered team will just leave, then the full server will just leave too since they have no enemies anymore and then you have a dead wvw

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> **Don't let players atk from walls or from the ground, force them use sieges to atk from walls or hit players on the walls**

Hey guys, I am defending and you sitting next to the wall, I maybe can shoot you from here but wait, time out let me build an arrow cart or a ballista and then we can fight , ,alright? .... just a moment.... hey where are you going???

Hey guys, I am attacking and you are on the wall really close to our zerg, maybe we can scourge, ele aoe spam and fb, mesmer pull to make the wall hot and deter you from defending but NO hold on, let us build some arrow carts and attack you from here, let me just throw some down and.... hey stop destroying them.


Dude like in what realm of extraterrestrial thinking are you on? here is a better option if you hate walls that much, remove all objectives from wvw, make it an open plane field, 3 armies marching from each starting point in formation, let the slaughter happen for a set duration, the team which had the most remaining players would win then reset and start again.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> So many wrongs... doesn't make a right.


just see things as a whole not individual suggestions


> > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > **Just remove team based on world server, make 3 major order alliances (not real guilds, npc guilds)**

> > Examples:

> > Order of Whispers(Red) / vigil (Blue) / Durmand Priory(Green) ;


> I suggested this as an identity for sides years ago, also dragons and gods could be used.


yeah that was just a example

> > Player will choose one to follow ( make a reset option with a timegate of 1 week);


> So people can get together during the week and plan for a side to stack?


so what is the problem with people getting together? that's why i suggested auto balance and "npc guilds teams" on maps, theres like 10+ servers all the teams and maps will be full, if everyone choose only one order they will have to queu to play<< see the mega server suggestion


> What's the plan for winning? what's the point of winning? is winning even a point? cause you just pick a side the next week anyways.



is there a point on winning now? what's the point of winning? is winning even a point? that's why i suggested a buff on pve, also they can just think in another prizes, only who participated should win rewards


> > Give rewards based on player order (give different legendary gifts/skins/weapons so players will play on all teams);


> You need to explain this. Order based on what?


" Examples:

Order of Whispers(Red) / vigil (Blue) / Durmand Priory(Green) ;"


each order should give different npc/items rewards, so people will rotate teams

also you understand it, like you said could be dragons/gods...they can also apply auto balance to join orders


> > **Make a mega server map to WvW like in PvE, where players of all servers can enter**


> Do you mean megeserver free for all? or eotm setting? cause you're having people chose one of three sides already.


no i mean mega servers, like every server will play together on one map, the teams will be based on the order choosen, they can make parallel maps with half of the servers if they get too full, that's why i give the suggestion to remove team servers and give some kind of order guilds

for now only EB have people playing, we have more maps and they are very empty, i would like to play all the maps, the auto balance will force people who try enter eb while their team is too full play crystal desert, so outnumbered teams will have a chance to battle for eb



> > Make 1 to X(on demand) parallel maps, let players use join in map party option, so they can try to enter with their friends if the map is not full;

> > Make a cap limit on maps:

> > 450 players per map/150 for each team, if some team reach the maximum number of players they will be teleported to another map;


> The current limits are lower than that, it might even be at most 70/70/70 depending on the map and there's still lag, what do you think it will be like when there's 150/150/150.


yeah that was just a example and randomly choosen number



> > **Auto balance the maps when outnumbered reach a limit of 50% more players after 100 players on the map**

> > Examples:

> > map 1: blue team has 45 players/ green 30 / red 40

> > when a new blue player try to enter the map he will be teleported to map 2 since green is outnumbered;

> > green and red new players will be teleported to map 1 until they lose the outnumbered buff


> Sure I guess.. and when the stack side has a number of empty maps under their control I guess they just ktrain around for free rewards? especially with what you plan below with pips.


like i side before, if they turn it in a mega server there will be no empty maps, since all the servers will be together



> > **Give stats buffs to outnumbered players**

> > Based on how many enemies players are around them (3000 radius not the full map) : 20% damage reduction + 20% damage


> And how many enemies till it kicks in? 1v2? 1v3? 1v5? At some point that buff becomes useless cause wvw is a numbers game. Can imagine outnumbered buff on warriors tho lol, oh hey perma stealth thieves will be great here too. While I've seen and played with stat boost for outnumbered (WoW had it in wintergrasp), I don't think it's appropriate for a game that has access to so much one shot abilities/combos/stealth/super tank builds.


yeah that was just a example and randomly choosen number, they can start at 1:5, if a thief kill 5 players because of 20% dmg they deserve to die anyway he is already outnumbered and have way less chances to survive, also they can just balance it, in every game with those kind of buffs the game just work.



> > **Make sieges more worth and fun to play**

> > Remove the items for siege building they are annoying on the inventory, make them skills based on your mastery, give us a new skill shortcut to build things;

> > if player put points on building they should be able to build better balistas/rams/etc...

> > **Don't let players atk from walls or from the ground, force them use sieges to atk from walls or hit players on the walls**

> > Make sieges like balistas and arrows carts cost 80% less supplies to build, so players can build at one time and fight each other with them;

> > Make sieges like balista and arrows carts do more damage;


> So you want siege wars, which a lot of players don't want.... all you're going to do is encourage more treb wars with shield gens so people won't have to deal with all the wall siege.


yeah i want siege wars, they are useless now, also you can still fight on foot, i just want siege wars on wall vs ground thought, what is the point if everyone just use aoe skills on the walls, is that fun? they can just make other balistas and carts behind the zerg to kill the ones on the wall, you are trying to invade a building so you should use siege weapons, if you want to use your skills you fight on foot after the wall is down, this will also make supplies worth.


lets do a example:

>a party want to take a tower

they make balistas and carts behind them and protect it while they try to destroy the carts/balistas on the wall

>the defending party

will make carts and balistas at the wall, if they get destroyed they will have to remake it or fight on foot, the tower will run out of supplies thought since they don't have the camp advantage anymore, so unless they leave the tower and go fight on foot they will get invaded.


so this will make sieges and supplies worth and force more pvp.

no more unfun aoe spam on walls


> > **Make Caravans worth protection**

> > Give us a option to caravan follow us so we can carry more supplies, if the caravan dies the players around it lose all the supplies, so we will have a new game play of saboteurs and guards


> Meh.


maybe, just a suggestion for faster supplies



> > **Make a option to call help from Mist Champions to atk buildings**

> > Even stronghold spvp has mercenaries

> > Give us a option to call legendary mercenaries after the team give enough supplies to them and help us take buildings


> This was discussed recently in another thread.


> > **Give better rewards based on what the player have taken**

> > Sentry 1 pip

> > Camp 2 pips

> > Towers 3 pips

> > Keep 4 pips

> > Castle 5 pips

> > 5-10 player kills 1 pip


> We don't earn pips for taking or killing stuff, we earn participation, which in turn lets the game know if we qualify for pips on the tick every 5 mins, how many pips we get depends on other things such as wxp rank, commanding, server loyalty, outnumbered, war score placement. This is to make sure you're active. They have mentioned maybe increasing rewards for taking harder objectives, like a t3 or having to fight through more defenders. If we straight up hand out pips we're going to see ktrains rolling around instead because then pips won't be restricted to 5mins ticks, it'll be how fast can you take camps and towers around the maps.


yeah that's why no one play wvw, who will waste 3 full days on wvw just to get a chest, time gated chests is the worst option now.



> > **Give more Grandmark shards per chest**

> > Let us make at least one piece of ascended per week, so you can complete a ascended gear in 1 month and a half like in pve;

> > Give 5 grandmark shards per chest as a final reward


> If you want it faster, craft it. Wvw reward costs are mostly based on time which lightens the monetary/material cost. But I do agree a bit that some of the time locks are probably a little too long.


yeah then everyone will leave wvw and just play pve instead since not everyone has 24h to play and wvw is item dependent, also i just want the option to play wvw/pve/pvp and get the same rewards and gear myself on the choosen mode, i think everyone thinks like that, also crafting is very easy but i need to leave wvw and play pve what make wvw more empty right?


> > **Give buffs at pve to orders that win, so pve players will join WvW**

> > They must participate and get at least a chest to get the buff

> > +100 to all stats at PvE

> > +20 magic find/exp

> > maps will be full anytime of the day, will give better rewards and worth playing

> > profit


> We already had buffs to pve in the past, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Power_of_the_Mists , most pver's didn't know or cared about it, I don't even remember there being an uproar about having it removed.


yeah that was just a example, they removed it because everyone was changing to winning server since theres no auto balance, also those buffs don't even worth it unless you get all at the same time, they can give things that will atract people to wvw, but a stats buff can atract pve people since they will have more power to finish raids/fractal easier



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It seems like you joined wvw recently (you didnt know why people join squads), and would rather want rewards waaaaaay faster than currently available (eg pips for... Capping?) Or the grandmaster shards suggestion.

I can understand new people to the mode wanting shinies faster. I cant empathize with them, however. If you like the mode, play it. Rewards will come soon enough. If it feels like a grind, play what you enjoy. Its about fun, anyway.

If you want the shinies, welcome

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> **Just remove team based on world server, make 3 major order alliances (not real guilds, npc guilds)**


> Exemples:

> Order of Whispers(Red) / vigil (Blue) / Durmand Priory(Green) ;


> Player will choose one to follow ( make a reset option with a timegate of 1 week);


> Give rewards based on player order (give different legendary gifts/skins/weapons so players will play on all teams);


> **Make a mega server map to WvW like in PvE, where players of all servers can enter**


> Make 1 to X(on demand) parallel maps, let players use join in map party option, so they can try to enter with their friends if the map is not full;


> Make a cap limit on maps:

> 450 players per map/150 for each team, if some team reach the maximum number of players they will be teleported to another map;


> **Auto balance the maps when outnumbered reach a limit of 50% more players after 100 players on the map**


> Exemples:

> map 1: blue team has 45 players/ green 30 / red 40

> when a new blue player try to enter the map he will be teleported to map 2 since green is outnumbered;


> green and red new players will be teleported to map 1 until they lose the outnumbered buff


> **Give stats buffs to outnumbered players**


> Based on how many enemies players are around them (3000 radius not the full map) : 20% damage reduction + 20% damage

Stopped reading at this point.

No damn no

You can't duel with unbalanced stats!


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> @"bluberblasen.9684" said:

> > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > **Just remove team based on world server, make 3 major order alliances (not real guilds, npc guilds)**

> >

> > Exemples:

> > Order of Whispers(Red) / vigil (Blue) / Durmand Priory(Green) ;

> >

> > Player will choose one to follow ( make a reset option with a timegate of 1 week);

> >

> > Give rewards based on player order (give different legendary gifts/skins/weapons so players will play on all teams);

> >

> > **Make a mega server map to WvW like in PvE, where players of all servers can enter**

> >

> > Make 1 to X(on demand) parallel maps, let players use join in map party option, so they can try to enter with their friends if the map is not full;

> >

> > Make a cap limit on maps:

> > 450 players per map/150 for each team, if some team reach the maximum number of players they will be teleported to another map;

> >

> > **Auto balance the maps when outnumbered reach a limit of 50% more players after 100 players on the map**

> >

> > Exemples:

> > map 1: blue team has 45 players/ green 30 / red 40

> > when a new blue player try to enter the map he will be teleported to map 2 since green is outnumbered;

> >

> > green and red new players will be teleported to map 1 until they lose the outnumbered buff

> >

> > **Give stats buffs to outnumbered players**

> >

> > Based on how many enemies players are around them (3000 radius not the full map) : 20% damage reduction + 20% damage

> Stopped reading at this point.

> No kitten no

> You can't duel with unbalanced stats!



since when 2v1 3v1 5v1 is dueling?

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Always believed they should have treated it like Poker. Shuffle players into a WvW...server, randomly every week. Work with what your given. Sometimes you would have gotten a good hand, sometimes a bad hand. But you could still change your professions, skills all that other good stuff. If Anet had to they could have placed all the top DPS players, or even the highest level players at the top of the deck and slowly dealt them out to each team server.

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> @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

> Always believed they should have treated it like Poker. Shuffle players into a WvW...server, randomly every week. Work with what your given. Sometimes you would have gotten a good hand, sometimes a bad hand. But you could still change your professions, skills all that other good stuff. If Anet had to they could have placed all the top DPS players, or even the highest level players at the top of the deck and slowly dealt them out to each team server.


There are many of us that only play with our guild mates. You’d lose a good number of them...

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

> > Always believed they should have treated it like Poker. Shuffle players into a WvW...server, randomly every week. Work with what your given. Sometimes you would have gotten a good hand, sometimes a bad hand. But you could still change your professions, skills all that other good stuff. If Anet had to they could have placed all the top DPS players, or even the highest level players at the top of the deck and slowly dealt them out to each team server.


> There are many of us that only play with our guild mates. You’d lose a good number of them...


this. my group of 7 slayers is worth more than a blob. next idea pls

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All I take away from this is:

New player who wants his rewards faster and who had the most success while his side was defending an objektive.


Suffice to say: some of the ideas are strait up hilarious (pips for kills? Lol) while other ideas give away that the tc has not played wvw for long (loyalty and objective defense based server pride is one of the last elements some old school wvw players have. No one does night shifts based on rewards, especially not when you hit diamond after the weekend anyway).


What most new players do not get: pips become a non issue for wvw regulars. You'll have them full in no time once you actually play the game mode, even faster after a few months of climbing ranks (which happens while playing the game mode).

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > Uuuuh... if you auto balance maps, whats even the point of choosing a side?


> you can stay forever on one side, no one will force you to change, but play for fun/rewards and not play in a empty team?


> that's why this game is dead, 1 server has all the players while others servers has 10 players, the outnumbered team will just leave, then the full server will just leave too since they have no enemies anymore and then you have a dead wvw


But they haven't left.

Every time it opens people flood in.

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1. Get rid of mounts, gliding is plenty

2. Shut down the bottom tier of both NA and EU

3. Offer free transfers to any server except top 3

4. Combine EU and NA and do server shifting. NA prime on NA servers EU prime on EU servers

5. Make mists uplevel only. Training wvw grounds perhaps

6. Stop trying to make siege to counter siege.

7. Make scouting actually worth something again

8. oh and get rid of mounts thx :)

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