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Upcoming Balance Notes - 10/1/2019

Irenio CalmonHuang.2048

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@"Robert Gee.9246"

Why is tempest going to work out to being a worst support then scraper when the scraper was not a "support" class and tempest was?

Look at what cd cast times and effects you have on scraper skill as well as core eng and compare them to what an tempest and ele has.

Ex. Support super speed what dose scraper super speed being near perma and tempest being on a 40 sec cd is that real balancing?

Condi conviction from core eng (with protection clears) and ele only getting reg clears with out any type of "reward" for cleaning.

Strong boons from eng from skills as well as condi conversion with 240 from Compounding Chemicals as well as a healing effect for self that can be carried over to your team mates from having 1 boon of any type where tempest only gets 120 and 120 from being 90% hp with out any real strong boons to be applied to and no added effect from giving boons.

I can go on.


Why is scraper a better support then tempest when scraper was not made to be an support but tempest was?

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:


> ### Engineer


> - Cleansing Field (Med Kit): Fixed a bug that caused this skill to remove more conditions than intended.


Fix The field placement bug. The field appears at the location where you were before the animation started instead of your current position when the animation ends. (so you end up standing almost outside the field when it appears when moving)

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> @"Robert Gee.9246" said:

> Just wanted to jump in to address a few questions and comments I've seen popping up frequently in relation to these update notes:


> **Why does Function Gyro die when CCed?**

> Destruction on CC allows other players to counter the skill just like they would counter a normal stomp or res attempt. There is no point to the gyro existing after being interrupted as we don't feel it's fair for it to attempt multiple stomps or reses. This has been the functionality since the rework but we are clarifying it in the upcoming update because players are under the mistaken assumption that Function Gyro has low health and armor. The Function Gyro has 18k health and 1.3k armor. (A level 80 Elementalist in ascended armor with no bonus toughness or vitality has about 12k health 1.9k armor.)


> **Can Improvisation recharge my Heal or Elite?**

> Improvisation recharges one of your utility skills. It does not recharge the Heal or the Elite.


> **What does Mending Might do?**

> This was an editing error that should be fixed for the final release notes next week. Mending might heals the warrior whenever the warrior grants might to an ally and has no internal cooldown.


> **Power Break isn't related to Mantra of Pain, which skill does this note refer to?**

> This is another error and should be "Power Spike". It should be corrected on the final notes.


> **How much barrier does Call of Valor give?**

> About 2.5k with a 1x healing multiplier.


I made a considerably longer post but i figured its just a waste of the proverbial ink.


So the highly situational primary mechanic (as in the holomode, the beastmode, the astral form) that cost us a elite toolbelt and several good adept traits (and is mostly just a downgrade anyhow to the original anyhow) needed counterplay that badly that you felt like designing an entirely new layer of counterplay. I mean outside of the fact that it still got low armor, can be killed, cced and has a limited duration. Wow. In what world was the old function gyro over performing that badly? Here i thought the old scrapper was broken due to its 1v1 sidenode stalling potential (in which case the function gyro doesn't even figure in the equation!). Anything without stability is a pinball, and every downed state that can't already waltz away from the function gyro got CC. It is a primary mechanic that it is designed to fail at the one small niche it was meant for. And you see nothing wrong with this?


Let it be balanced around the fact that it can be destroyed, has a limited duration, and can be knocked all over the place already (which already improves the odds that it will naturally expire). At the moment its the biggest failure since turrets. Let that sink in.



Ps Did you apply the same care when you considered adding a trait to warrior increasing damage against scrappers by 50%? Since scrappers can't stop generating barrier thanks to the same obligatory minor trait reducing our health that people didn't like either? Or is that reserved for Frankensteins monster over here?



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> Warrior's Cunning: This new trait increases damage by 25% against foes with health above 90%. Additionally, it increases damage by 50% against foes that have barrier. These bonuses do not stack.


Huge nerf to Weavers because of that! Why so big increase? Warrior even now can one-shot Weaver,

**THIS CHANGE IS VERY UNHEALTHY** since weaver has a little barrier every 5-10 sec...


Make a cap, like applicable if target has more than 2000 barrier...

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> @"Kalan.9705" said:

> Total failure to address the flaws & weaknesses of other 'support' options (static, immobile, resistance, stability, ground stuff) compared to powerful Firebrand support.

> Total failure to address Holo it either needs to have a lot of CC, or a lot of sustain, or a lot of dmg, or a lot of invuln stealth etc, or really short cooldowns, but not everything all at once.

> Condi thief is too high reward for little risk.


> Scourge changes need to be totally shelved. Someone completely new needs to take a totally fresh look at whatever you want to tweak about scourge. These changes look like probably the worst changes I've seen to a class in 25+years of playing MMO's since UO. I'm just amazed how you could gut the central themes of a class so thoroughly. I thought the druid changes were bad, then the chrono changes were worse, but scourge changes set a new bar for ruining a class. Astonishing.


+1, scourge isn't even that great in pvp anymore. it's a... "shade" of what it was when PoF launched

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Although it seems as war can be a support now, let's not forget, that it will still be bad. Like what are those warhorn changes? You still won't use warhorn if you want condi cleanse, much better to use a fb, especially if the past cooldowns are kept. You won't even use it for boons, cause well, they are a bit useless. Nice to see some love for tactics, but they still seem a bit useless, maybe only the cd reduction, but still discipline much better. Can mostly speak about PvE, but even in WvW or PvP I can't find any usefulness than we already have on a much better form from other classes. Necro is just "Oh, there is a problem there, here is how we are going to fix it. We will just remake a traitline that makes no sense to something that makes sense but it's useless"... Nerfing scepter on guardian? Like why? It's not even the thing that does most of the damage. Buffing ranger at 1500 range, like just give all the people who play that more reason to not use their brain. Won't even talk about the rest. Overall, personally speaking, just delay the patch 1-2 more weeks and actually think better about everything, now it's just wasted all your work...

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Overall, I am happy with these changes for Revenant. I find them to be well-implemented and a positive step in the right direction. Forced Engagement is the highlight of the changes for me, gaining huge impact potential. The cooldown reductions to Mallyx, as well as the Call to Anguish change, will put the legend at a pretty nice spot and I really look forward to trying it out with a lot of its flow restored. Overall this feels like a big win for the core class, which I am very enthusiastic about. I will list some issues that I'd like to see focused on in the future:

* Both Jalis and Mallyx have their stunbreaks attached to skills that have cast times. This is less of an issue for Jalis as it has stability to help alleviate this, but with Mallyx, it is more glaring. I would suggest that Pain Absorption gain its self-resistance boon immediately upon skill usage, while the remaining functionality be dependent upon the cast time. This way, the skill can be stowed for an instant stunbreak while still gaining some benefit to the skill beyond *just* the stunbreak.

* On the topic of stunbreaks, I think it is important that in today's powercreep, Ventari gain the benefit of having access to one. Purifying Essence is the obvious choice in my eyes, and could be raised to an energy cost of 30 to mirror Pain Absorption/Riposting Shadows. An extra condition clear added on would be fair for this as well.

* The healing orbs for Salvation are quite clunky in their current form due to their short duration, semi-random spawning location, and small pickup radius. I think they would immediately become more impactful if Healer's Gift, for example, caused all healing orbs to travel to the lowest health nearby ally. This would dramatically improve their performance and actually make the mechanic more respectable. If the healing orb mechanic is meant to be a star feature of the traitline, it needs to be given the proper treatment to actually shine.

* Regeneration was a core component to Salvation, and this has been removed. I would like for this to be reintroduced into the tree. My personal idea is to change the functionality of Words of Censure to the following: *Spawn a healing orb when removing a condition from an ally. Healing orbs grant regeneration.* This would further amplify the impact of healing orbs, diversify regeneration access for the class, and provide better support synergy to Mallyx's condition manipulation.

* Revenant remains the only class to have *no* trait or skill that interacts with revival. I consider this to be more of an oversight than an intentional design decision, especially since Revenant has a more inherently supportive toolkit at its core than many other classes. It is a point that bugs me a bit, similarly to Glamour and Spectral skills no longer having a dedicated trait. I would like to see this implemented either through Ventari's tablet, Salvation, or Invocation. A quick idea is for a rez trait to replace Fierce Infusion, which is a rather lackluster trait in Invocation. Something like: *Increase your revival speed by 10%. Further increase your revival speed for each upkeep point currently in use.* Another idea is for Ventari's tablet to increase *incoming* revival speed by X% within Y radius, giving the tablet a potential large impact in group play as it would increase the revival speed of all allies currently reviving.

* Ventari's 3 second cooldown on Ventari's Will makes the legend feel a bit clunky to use given the high-speed pace that combat occurs at. Lowering the cooldown to 2 seconds (and implementing a 3s ICD to Blinding Truths) would allow for the legend to become much more successful in reactive supportive actions. Between this and Purifying Essence becoming a stunbreak, the legend would be at a very healthy spot.

* I would like to see a bit more support synergy with legends, and I'd particularly like for the combination of Jalis and Ventari to gain further momentum. While I appreciate the impact of Draconic Echo Herald, I overall find Glint's passive boon application to be uninteractive and passive in regards to a support playstyle. A personal desire of mine is to give AoE barrier application to Rite of the Great Dwarf or to instead attach it to Versed in Stone. I think that is all the legend would need at that point. I don't really know if Shiro has the space to become more supportive due to the nature of its legend skills, but perhaps for Mallyx, Demonic Defiance's damage reduction could also apply to resistance applied to allies.

* Core lacks a defensive offhand weapon. I consider this to be a considerably glaring issue. Offhand sword's rework was a significant change and created a really strong weapon choice for power Revenants, but it left less weapon diversity for non-power Revenants. This is perhaps not an issue for Heralds, but it is for the core class, Renegade, and any future elite spec that is implemented. As an example, a core condi Revenant will naturally want to take both mace and axe. Mainhand sword has condition damage synergy via Abyssal Chill, but there is no offhand weapon that could really pair with it, especially with the removal of the slow/chill application on Deathstrike (which I agree with, mind you) for offhand sword. I'd say that this is part of the reason that staff sees so much play in competitive modes for any build. To avoid overlap, I would ideally like for *Herald's shield be tweaked to become more supportive to leave space for a new core offhand weapon: focus. Two skills that I think would fit well for any (PvP/WvW) build would be 1. a block, and 2. boon removal, similar to Necromancer's Spinal Shivers.*


Beyond that, I think some attention to the Corruption traitline would be of benefit. There are some great traits in there, but the traitline could use some updating to the lesser performing traits. I don't really have any suggestions on what this could be, but I consider Replenishing Despair, Spontaneous Destruction, and Maniacal Persistence in biggest need of attention.


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> @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> > @"Jasonbdj.4021" said:

> > RIP scourge, ANet did the opposite that people asked for nerfing it in PvE and PvP more but buffed in WvW.


> It's not buffed in WvW. Its damage at a range is... sorta buffed because it hits more people. However, what made scourge truly bad in WvW was the fact that it was able to support its sub squad with barrier pulses from sand shade at the same time as dealing all of its damage. It did all the DPS with absolutely zero sacrifice in utility. I specifically ran a power burst blood/barrier scourge that did easily 20-30k aoe damage bursts while still applying barrier to my entire havoc. THIS is what made them broken in WvW... HOWEVER... most of that barrier came from sand shade pulses of some kind.


> By making the necro pulse zero of the sand shade skills on itself once a shade is placed, it forces you to choose between support and damage rather than getting both at once all the time with no effort. At BEST you can place two small shades away and one next to you but it still won't provide near the damage or support that big shade bombs did in WvW previously. And for the condi builds, you have to invest pretty heavily in to condi damage, which means you're not taking the barrier skills. This is a definite step in the right direction.


The choice isn’t so much between support OR damage, since a ranged shade can still do both. The choice is between personal sustain/defense or ranged support/damage. The lack of mobility, blocks, and invulns for necro is justified by the second health bar, which scourge lacks. Barrier’s the crucial compensation for scourge, yet now unavailable when playing ranged? (Imagine rangers losing 50% of their armor rating and being immune to protection while using a bow.)


Your “at best” scenario means that a shade next to or on the scourge is a 15-second prison, over and over again. Step out of it and lose access to reliable self-barrier and cleanse, so an already low-mobility class has to stand still to hardly survive while becoming as juicy of a target as any downed player. Get knocked out of shade and lose self-shade skills. While the scourge is not also the shade, it’s highly vulnerable to both melee and ranged attacks.


The more plausible scenario is scourges will need to become extremely stingy about casting their shades in order to survive, perhaps not casting, or maybe creating a personal path of shades during melee combat, which is possible only by saving them up and not casting them ranged. But that’s still basically telegraphing positioning, and only making the prison slightly larger. (Generally speaking, not including that one specific WvW zerg build you mention, which could have been dealt with, specifically.)


Also, less use of shades basically nullifies three traits explicitly triggered by placing shades (F1). Anet did not clarify the details of exactly how the 22 other shroud-based traits (not counting the reaper trait line) interact with scourge now, but if “shade skills will only fire around them when they do NOT have a shade up”, it’s unclear how that will work. How will Path of Corruption work if a shade is 600u away and F2 doesn’t fire? If F5 doesn’t fire around the necro, will it fail to trigger Spiteful Spirit or Weakening Shroud? Or is the scourge in a quasi-trait-granting shroudness which is **not** shroud? It’s unclear.


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> @"Oslaf Beinir.5842" said:

> Do you guys even know that Scourge exists also in pvp and not just wvw zerg play? In Pvp it already gets decimated versus power bursts both melee and ranged and especially ranged. With the proposed changes to the Sand Shade mechanics and the usability of the F2345 the scourge is DEAD as soon as he places a shade! Anyone with a brain will just go up and melee their faces off as soon as they place a shade anywhere! Just walk up to the sucker and melee em good they cant fear someone off cleanse or shield themselves. If you camp your short lived shades you are asking to be cc'ed there aoe'ed there and swarmed there cuz you are dead without it and can even support anyone besides you.


> You have effectively deleted scourge from pvp. This will have consequences on the meta and now bunker specs will have NO PROBLEMS EXISTING! fights will last longer and boons will be more than abundant. this void scourge leaves cant be filled by reaper and core.


> Have you not learned from your catastrophe with Chronomancer? It is horrible you effectively removed it from competitive play! You do NOT BALANCE, you instead retire out of play until further notice! we have told you since day one scourge saw daylight to change Sand Savant where it was oppressive in WvW zerg play and so strong everywhere else. instead we have gone on a long crusade of nerfs to the class ranging from potency of effects, arm time and delayed activation even to supportive effects not just damage , nerf to torch skills, removal of corrupt on sand shade trait, dhuumfire cooldown nerf , path of corruption nerf , plague sending nerf, punishment skills nerfs, etc.

> how do you plan on compensating the class at this point where it could only defend it self with damage! This is horrible and mechanic tweeks like this does not change much. if you will go so far then you need to redesign the class and overhaul it completely not just retire it from competitive play like you did with Chronomancer, Druid, scrapper and Renegade.



> Tl;dr: PvP Scourge: Removed

> WvW Scourge: Buffed Range Bomb

> PvE Scourge: huge nerf on moving bosses plus cluncky af for a dps class


> GG, we only asked you to nerf Sand Savant not butcher the class




Just use the smaller shades, you hit 5 ppl with those and keep one rdy to put on yourself if an enemy gets too close, or walk into your own shade...


You are not forced to play the single big shade.


Now scourges have to actually think about placing shades and not just spew them out on cd while drooling on their keyboard.

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We got the scourge mechanics in exchange for Death Shroud. At the very least, a scourge placing shades and having no selfsustain option left should have access to a DS-like version of Desert Shroud, acting as that second healthbar we no longer have.

I mean, why would I NOT want to place shades as a scourge? If I want to play melee, there's Reaper. Of course scourge is range / mid range. However, as soon as the shade is out in PvP, I'll be dead in seconds. Fun.


I hope this is means necro gets a new elite spec next patch. Didn't they pretty much ruin Reaper before PoF as well? Now that Jhavi is a confirmed necro with a shield... Maybe necro will actually get a tank role soon. Who knows.

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The +50% damage against targets with barrier from warrior is busted already. Imagine a target having only a small amount of barrier and a full zerker warrior hits an evisecerate with +50% damage. This will lead to unhealthy oneshot scenarios. A lot of barrier application in group settings comes from your team members, you often have no controll wether you gain a barrier from an ally or not. This trait punishes teamplay.


A really horrible balance and design decision.


I strongly hope the +50% damage done is applied ONLY to the barrier itself and NOT the healthpool.

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> @"miriforst.1290" said:

> > @"Robert Gee.9246" said:

> > Just wanted to jump in to address a few questions and comments I've seen popping up frequently in relation to these update notes:

> >

> > **Why does Function Gyro die when CCed?**

> > Destruction on CC allows other players to counter the skill just like they would counter a normal stomp or res attempt. There is no point to the gyro existing after being interrupted as we don't feel it's fair for it to attempt multiple stomps or reses. This has been the functionality since the rework but we are clarifying it in the upcoming update because players are under the mistaken assumption that Function Gyro has low health and armor. The Function Gyro has 18k health and 1.3k armor. (A level 80 Elementalist in ascended armor with no bonus toughness or vitality has about 12k health 1.9k armor.)

> >

> > **Can Improvisation recharge my Heal or Elite?**

> > Improvisation recharges one of your utility skills. It does not recharge the Heal or the Elite.

> >

> > **What does Mending Might do?**

> > This was an editing error that should be fixed for the final release notes next week. Mending might heals the warrior whenever the warrior grants might to an ally and has no internal cooldown.

> >

> > **Power Break isn't related to Mantra of Pain, which skill does this note refer to?**

> > This is another error and should be "Power Spike". It should be corrected on the final notes.

> >

> > **How much barrier does Call of Valor give?**

> > About 2.5k with a 1x healing multiplier.


> I made a considerably longer post but i figured its just a waste of the proverbial ink.


> So the highly situational primary mechanic (as in the holomode, the beastmode, the astral form) that cost us a elite toolbelt and several good adept traits (and is mostly just a downgrade anyhow to the original anyhow) needed counterplay that badly that you felt like designing an entirely new layer of counterplay. I mean outside of the fact that it still got low armor, can be killed, cced and has a limited duration. Wow. In what world was the old function gyro over performing that badly? Here i thought the old scrapper was broken due to its 1v1 sidenode stalling potential (in which case the function gyro doesn't even figure in the equation!). Anything without stability is a pinball, and every downed state that can't already waltz away from the function gyro got CC. It is a primary mechanic that it is designed to fail at the one small niche it was meant for. And you see nothing wrong with this?


> Let it be balanced around the fact that it can be destroyed, has a limited duration, and can be knocked all over the place already (which already improves the odds that it will naturally expire). At the moment its the biggest failure since turrets. Let that sink in.



> Ps Did you apply the same care when you considered adding a trait to warrior increasing damage against scrappers by 50%? Since scrappers can't stop generating barrier thanks to the same obligatory minor trait reducing our health that people didn't like either? Or is that reserved for Frankensteins monster over here?





Function Gyro might as well not exist at this point.


And I haven't even noticed the warrior buff at first, if this applies to the healthpool this is INSANE. So basically the supposed tank specialization is now designed to be one-shotted by warriors. A+++

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> @"Robert Gee.9246" said:

> Just wanted to jump in to address a few questions and comments I've seen popping up frequently in relation to these update notes:


> **Why does Function Gyro die when CCed?**

> Destruction on CC allows other players to counter the skill just like they would counter a normal stomp or res attempt. There is no point to the gyro existing after being interrupted as we don't feel it's fair for it to attempt multiple stomps or reses. This has been the functionality since the rework but we are clarifying it in the upcoming update because players are under the mistaken assumption that Function Gyro has low health and armor. The Function Gyro has 18k health and 1.3k armor. (A level 80 Elementalist in ascended armor with no bonus toughness or vitality has about 12k health 1.9k armor.)


> **Can Improvisation recharge my Heal or Elite?**

> Improvisation recharges one of your utility skills. It does not recharge the Heal or the Elite.


> **What does Mending Might do?**

> This was an editing error that should be fixed for the final release notes next week. Mending might heals the warrior whenever the warrior grants might to an ally and has no internal cooldown.


> **Power Break isn't related to Mantra of Pain, which skill does this note refer to?**

> This is another error and should be "Power Spike". It should be corrected on the final notes.


> **How much barrier does Call of Valor give?**

> About 2.5k with a 1x healing multiplier.


Why have you decided to balance Chrono by continuing to make it more unfun to play? I'm not complaining about how strong or weak it is but every change just seems designed to make it mechanically unfun. People can ultimately put up with nerfs if they are fair but actually making classes horrible to play will drive people away from the game.

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> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > @"aceofbass.2163" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > @"aceofbass.2163" said:

> > > > > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > > > > - Barrier: Updated the visual effects of this effect to be less profession specific.

> > > > > - Alacrity: Updated the visual effects of this effect to be less profession specific.

> > > >

> > > > finally!

> > > >

> > > > Also, I like all the changes except for maybe the detection pulse change.

> > > >

> > > > However;

> > > > > ### Warrior

> > > > >

> > > > > - Call to Arms: This skill has been renamed Call of Valor, and its functionality has changed. Removed an unnecessary unblockable skill fact. This skill now removes 3 conditions from affected allies instead of specific conditions. It also now applies barrier in addition to vigor.

> > > >

> > > > I really don't like that this will have barrier. I know you guys are working towards support warrior but I think barrier on it will be overkill on top of it's innate tankiness. Just my opinion.

> > > >

> > > > > - Master:

> > > > > - Warrior's Cunning: This new trait increases damage by 25% against foes with health above 90%. Additionally, it increases damage by 50% against foes that have barrier. These bonuses do not stack.

> > > >

> > > > and lastly, this. Dwayna save us. Can this be looked at before being released? This is too much. Imagine a weaver cast a dual attunement skill and applies barrier to himself. He cannot opt out of not having barrier but he will suffer the next 5 seconds receiving 50% more damage from a warrior, not to mention that teenee tiny amount of said barrier.

> > >

> > > I played yesterday rev w/o barrier trait lol, need to get used to it before patch hits.

> > >

> > > What will happen is that players will have to focus on barrier builds if they have barriers. if there’s a small barrier that player is in trouble.

> > >

> > > Ventari rev can have constant small barrier generation, time to choose another trait to wvw/spvp. :)

> > >

> > > But imo I do t mind the change of pace, alot of players are being carried by spam and barrier output, I believe players will have to spam less and analyZe what they can do.

> >

> > Uhmm...what? Did I miss something? How can ventari provide barrier. Unless you are equipping rune of sanctuary


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Resilient_Spirit


Ah salvation traitline. Not ventari itself.

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> @"Lich King.1524" said:


> > Warrior's Cunning: This new trait increases damage by 25% against foes with health above 90%. Additionally, it increases damage by 50% against foes that have barrier. These bonuses do not stack.


> Huge nerf to Weavers because of that! Why so big increase? Warrior even now can one-shot Weaver,

> **THIS CHANGE IS VERY UNHEALTHY** since weaver has a little barrier every 5-10 sec...


> Make a cap, like applicable if target has more than 2000 barrier...


OR maybe don't use the dual attack if you see that they have the soldiers focus buff... Unlike scrapper you have the ability as a Weaver to NOT give yourself barrier. That or bring all the CC.


You aren't seeing the scourges complain about this, so far and probably due to being preoccupied, but they too have the same ability to control when they have barrier.


P.S. poor scrappers...

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> @"melodyspectrum.2980" said:

> > @"miriforst.1290" said:

> > > @"Robert Gee.9246" said:

> > > Just wanted to jump in to address a few questions and comments I've seen popping up frequently in relation to these update notes:

> > >

> > > **Why does Function Gyro die when CCed?**

> > > Destruction on CC allows other players to counter the skill just like they would counter a normal stomp or res attempt. There is no point to the gyro existing after being interrupted as we don't feel it's fair for it to attempt multiple stomps or reses. This has been the functionality since the rework but we are clarifying it in the upcoming update because players are under the mistaken assumption that Function Gyro has low health and armor. The Function Gyro has 18k health and 1.3k armor. (A level 80 Elementalist in ascended armor with no bonus toughness or vitality has about 12k health 1.9k armor.)

> > >

> > > **Can Improvisation recharge my Heal or Elite?**

> > > Improvisation recharges one of your utility skills. It does not recharge the Heal or the Elite.

> > >

> > > **What does Mending Might do?**

> > > This was an editing error that should be fixed for the final release notes next week. Mending might heals the warrior whenever the warrior grants might to an ally and has no internal cooldown.

> > >

> > > **Power Break isn't related to Mantra of Pain, which skill does this note refer to?**

> > > This is another error and should be "Power Spike". It should be corrected on the final notes.

> > >

> > > **How much barrier does Call of Valor give?**

> > > About 2.5k with a 1x healing multiplier.

> >

> > I made a considerably longer post but i figured its just a waste of the proverbial ink.

> >

> > So the highly situational primary mechanic (as in the holomode, the beastmode, the astral form) that cost us a elite toolbelt and several good adept traits (and is mostly just a downgrade anyhow to the original anyhow) needed counterplay that badly that you felt like designing an entirely new layer of counterplay. I mean outside of the fact that it still got low armor, can be killed, cced and has a limited duration. Wow. In what world was the old function gyro over performing that badly? Here i thought the old scrapper was broken due to its 1v1 sidenode stalling potential (in which case the function gyro doesn't even figure in the equation!). Anything without stability is a pinball, and every downed state that can't already waltz away from the function gyro got CC. It is a primary mechanic that it is designed to fail at the one small niche it was meant for. And you see nothing wrong with this?

> >

> > Let it be balanced around the fact that it can be destroyed, has a limited duration, and can be knocked all over the place already (which already improves the odds that it will naturally expire). At the moment its the biggest failure since turrets. Let that sink in.

> >

> >

> > Ps Did you apply the same care when you considered adding a trait to warrior increasing damage against scrappers by 50%? Since scrappers can't stop generating barrier thanks to the same obligatory minor trait reducing our health that people didn't like either? Or is that reserved for Frankensteins monster over here?

> >

> >


> This.

> Function Gyro might as well not exist at this point.


> And I haven't even noticed the warrior buff at first, if this applies to the healthpool this is INSANE. So basically the supposed tank specialization is now designed to be one-shotted by warriors. A+++


Funny thing is not even stability (defense field, since mass momentum does not apply to the gyro) protects from destruction. So they are concerned of counterplay, but the counterplay to that counterplay which requires a heavier investment from the scrapper than the standard CC everyone who cant already ignore it has is entirely rendered moot. Scrapper indeed is undeserving of that "S".


Honestly all that's missing now is that the function gyro rallies the enemy when its destroyed. Would that be enough?

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> @"miriforst.1290" said:

> > @"melodyspectrum.2980" said:

> > > @"miriforst.1290" said:

> > > > @"Robert Gee.9246" said:

> > > > Just wanted to jump in to address a few questions and comments I've seen popping up frequently in relation to these update notes:

> > > >

> > > > **Why does Function Gyro die when CCed?**

> > > > Destruction on CC allows other players to counter the skill just like they would counter a normal stomp or res attempt. There is no point to the gyro existing after being interrupted as we don't feel it's fair for it to attempt multiple stomps or reses. This has been the functionality since the rework but we are clarifying it in the upcoming update because players are under the mistaken assumption that Function Gyro has low health and armor. The Function Gyro has 18k health and 1.3k armor. (A level 80 Elementalist in ascended armor with no bonus toughness or vitality has about 12k health 1.9k armor.)

> > > >

> > > > **Can Improvisation recharge my Heal or Elite?**

> > > > Improvisation recharges one of your utility skills. It does not recharge the Heal or the Elite.

> > > >

> > > > **What does Mending Might do?**

> > > > This was an editing error that should be fixed for the final release notes next week. Mending might heals the warrior whenever the warrior grants might to an ally and has no internal cooldown.

> > > >

> > > > **Power Break isn't related to Mantra of Pain, which skill does this note refer to?**

> > > > This is another error and should be "Power Spike". It should be corrected on the final notes.

> > > >

> > > > **How much barrier does Call of Valor give?**

> > > > About 2.5k with a 1x healing multiplier.

> > >

> > > I made a considerably longer post but i figured its just a waste of the proverbial ink.

> > >

> > > So the highly situational primary mechanic (as in the holomode, the beastmode, the astral form) that cost us a elite toolbelt and several good adept traits (and is mostly just a downgrade anyhow to the original anyhow) needed counterplay that badly that you felt like designing an entirely new layer of counterplay. I mean outside of the fact that it still got low armor, can be killed, cced and has a limited duration. Wow. In what world was the old function gyro over performing that badly? Here i thought the old scrapper was broken due to its 1v1 sidenode stalling potential (in which case the function gyro doesn't even figure in the equation!). Anything without stability is a pinball, and every downed state that can't already waltz away from the function gyro got CC. It is a primary mechanic that it is designed to fail at the one small niche it was meant for. And you see nothing wrong with this?

> > >

> > > Let it be balanced around the fact that it can be destroyed, has a limited duration, and can be knocked all over the place already (which already improves the odds that it will naturally expire). At the moment its the biggest failure since turrets. Let that sink in.

> > >

> > >

> > > Ps Did you apply the same care when you considered adding a trait to warrior increasing damage against scrappers by 50%? Since scrappers can't stop generating barrier thanks to the same obligatory minor trait reducing our health that people didn't like either? Or is that reserved for Frankensteins monster over here?

> > >

> > >

> >

> > This.

> > Function Gyro might as well not exist at this point.

> >

> > And I haven't even noticed the warrior buff at first, if this applies to the healthpool this is INSANE. So basically the supposed tank specialization is now designed to be one-shotted by warriors. A+++


> Funny thing is not even stability (defense field, since mass momentum does not apply to the gyro) protects from destruction. So they are concerned of counterplay, but the counterplay to that counterplay which requires a heavier investment from the scrapper than the standard CC everyone who cant already ignore it has is entirely rendered moot. Scrapper indeed is undeserving of that "S".


> Honestly all that's missing now is that the function gyro rallies the enemy when its destroyed. Would that be enough?


I didn't even consider that part. Wow. So basically the only way to make it work at all is aoe blinds?

At least they could have made trait options to improve the FG, like choosing either its ability to res or stomp but let it actually manage to do it.

Although I don't understand why it's getting "fixed" in the first place, iirc none of Scrapper overperforming issues in the history of ever had anything to do with FG.


So when are we nerfing warrior banner that has 100% to finish enemies, shouldn't _that_ have counterplay? And it's not even a mechanic an entire specialization is built on, only an elite.


P.S. I know you joke about the enemy rallying but honestly at this point it feels like a very real possibility.

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Tempests: I am a support... :(

Anet: Ny

Tempests: I have Healing Power armor

Anet: Support Tempests with [imbued Melodies](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Imbued_Melodies "Imbued Melodies") are way OP, lets delete them, here some 7% damage because all classes must follow the meta

Tempests: But I'm a support...

Anet: Well, you have [Elemental Bastion](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elemental_Bastion "Elemental Bastion")

Tempests: But the thresholds and the protection and the concentration and...

Anet: Its OP

Tempests: :(

Anet: Why noone plays Tempests anymore?


Anet: Anouncing Tempests will be deleted from game cause noone uses it


Anet: Oh by the way, that thing we announced in the Living Story announcement about Builds, will only be available in GW1 and 3, because GW2 doesn't need it.


Anet: Why are you like that?

Former Anet emplyees: Something went bad.

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> @"Aria Lliane.8693" said:

> Tempests: I am a support... :(

> Anet: Ny

> Tempests: I have Healing Power armor

> Anet: Support Tempests with [imbued Melodies](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Imbued_Melodies "Imbued Melodies") are way OP, lets delete them, here some 7% damage because all classes must follow the meta

> Tempests: But I'm a support...

> Anet: Well, you have [Elemental Bastion](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elemental_Bastion "Elemental Bastion")

> Tempests: But the thresholds and the protection and the concentration and...

> Anet: Its OP

> Tempests: :(

> Anet: Why noone plays Tempests anymore?

> Tempests:

> Anet: Anouncing Tempests will be deleted from game cause noone uses it

> Eles:

> Anet: Oh by the way, that thing we announced in the Living Story announcement about Builds, will only be available in GW1 and 3, because GW2 doesn't need it.

> Noone:

> Anet: Why are you like that?

> Former Anet emplyees: Something went bad.


Sorrowful and truthful at the same time. u.u

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Man the reaction to the scourge changes really shows how much people have gotten used to and are relying on pure brainless spam gameplay. Any change to shades requiring tactical placement and thought will be hated by the community lol. I'm glad there trying to finaly address the scourge spam as it definitely needed to be addressed tho this may not be the best way. Hopefully they can find away to address the issue without making it so clunky in pvp and pve. Wvw it needs further nerfed as they changes solved nothing.

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