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Inventory space problem


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I have 140 inventory slots and almost all are full. My poor FB has 4 gear sets (different armor/trinkets/weapons/ascended) and it take up to 60 slots. And I'm not even talking about miscellaneous; all the asc mats (1stack below 250), collections, pots and many many more. I even bought 20 shared slots (which is huge QoL change, thanks Anet!).


How do you handle cluttered inventory?

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Time to make legendary armor it seems :)

ANET has mastered artificial inconvenience, thus, things like this happens. Later they implement a way to lessen that inconvenience via the gemstore item (permanent bank access contract) or costly upgrades (like legendary armor and trinkets) which cost a lot of gold to make (convert gems to gold).

You just have to balance how much do I really want this to be more convenient vs how much do I want to spend.

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I am a hoarder :)


I have fully maxed shared slots (24 slots), bank tabs (17 tabs), and material storage (2000 units for each item that can be deposited). I also have 21 characters with max bag slots. On top of that, I am levelling a personal guild for more storage.


I salvage everything that I cannot sell or if the resulting mats are more expensive than the item itself.


I sell/destroy:

- all collection items that have no further use;

- all skins after they are unlocked in my wardrobe.


I store:

- legendary ingredients;

- crafting mats;

- dyes, skins, and other items I use for investments;

- boosters, wardrobe unlocks, and similar BLC items;

- exotic gear for some of my not fully levelled characters (but I am thinking about getting rid of it since it takes too much room);

- ascended trinkets/weapons that are currently not in use.


I use bank mostly for the items that I need to be accessible on any of my characters: Crafting mats, gear, boosters, and alike. Investments are stored either in the guild bank or on one of the least used characters. I keep legendary components in the inventories of the characters that have corresponding professions. On rare occasions, I keep those items in shared slots.


Once in about 3 months, I review my inventory via gw2efficiency and clean it up.


Eventually, I plan on having 320 slots (10 x 32-slot bags) on each of my characters. But this is more of a vanity project rather than a true necessity.

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> @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

> I am a hoarder :)

> > Eventually, I plan on having 320 slots (10 x 32-slot bags) on each of my characters. But this is more of a vanity project rather than a true necessity.

In that case you must learn to subdue your ego and learn to hoard less or forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will. ;)

@ Wefal

That applies to you as well, keep in mind the ego is the enemy the true enemy. :o



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I just have multiple of the same profession that I commonly play for different stat types. Such as two Warriors, one for Power and the other Condi. Then there's multiple characters dedicated to just being additional bank space for items I don't look for as often, excess materials and others that hold various boxes. Bank is split up; Top two are for boxes/bags to be opened on a low level alt, next two are excess resources to be moved to alt characters, the rest are food, boosters, etc; items used by multiple characters but not often enough to be put in the shared slot.

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Maybe I'm just a filthy hoarder...

I have a love-hate relationship with wardrobe. On one hand no doubt the usefulness of wardrobe. On the other hand, if I get something cool, I will keep it as the original trophy rather than just store it in wardrobe and delete it.


I want to organize my bank/inventory, but right now the method is so primitive it takes hours to sort just my bank.

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> @"wefal.8426" said:

> Maybe I'm just a filthy hoarder...

> I have a love-hate relationship with wardrobe. On one hand no doubt the usefulness of wardrobe. On the other hand, if I get something cool, I will keep it as the original trophy rather than just store it in wardrobe and delete it.


> I want to organize my bank/inventory, but right now the method is so primitive it takes hours to sort just my bank.


If you want to do it and you don't mind the clutter that's fine, but if it's causing you problems it might be worth having a serious think about what you can get rid of. For example if there's an equipment piece which doesn't let you select the stats and which has stats you don't currently have a use for you may as well get rid of it. The skin in your wardrobe is proof that you got it, and the item itself serves no purpose except to fill up bank space.


And it doesn't have to be all or nothing. You could keep some stuff for nostalgia but get rid of others. Maybe just have a quick look through your bank and inventories for anything you definitely don't need.

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How do I handle inventory clutter? Permanent bank access express, max shared inventory, max bank slots, max storage expanders and a personal guild with all three bank slots unlocked.


Means my characters don't have to keep lots of stuff on them. I'm also slowly replacing exotic weapons so that I can keep account bound alt weapons in the bank rather than on characters.

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> @"wefal.8426" said:

> I have 140 inventory slots and almost all are full. My poor FB has 4 gear sets (different armor/trinkets/weapons/ascended) and it take up to 60 slots. And I'm not even talking about miscellaneous; all the asc mats (1stack below 250), collections, pots and many many more. I even bought 20 shared slots (which is huge QoL change, thanks Anet!).


> How do you handle cluttered inventory?


I roll up more alts.

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> @"Fines Juliverine.5846" said:

> So you got 140 slots which I assume are seven 20 slot bags ... just craft the 32 slot bags and you got 84 slots more

> It is even available as ingame reward


SO you have more space to carry even more junk with ya. Atleast that's what happens with me and games..

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You can use an alt for storage of things you like to keep but don't use daily (think of boosters and such). Things you need access to a lot, save in bank (if you have a guild hall you can always access your bank via scribe tool).


I still wish the build templates include multiple gear slots so one can store them that way and swap easy (that would make me play wvw.... now I can only remain on pve items). Without needing legendary gears. But I have a feeling the build templates are only for legendary items and not exotic/ascended or have storage options... I also still wish some items go stored via some common thing (marshalls plea or whatever its called, the tarir portal to aurene, etc. And I wish there will be 1 tome for all seasons in game so we only have to carry 1 and not 2 and in the future 3. Those things really clutter my inventories.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> i had near all bank slot unlocked, and the amount of trash is imense. when i had a time i will post a screen.


Well you have to think about what you need/want to keep versus having that space for other things.


I have a mule for all of those books and random bundle devices. I have another mule for my ascended gear drops for when I need to do a new build. I have another mule for valuable items, such as black lion scraps and gift of battle, which I don’t plan on immediately using. Everything in the bank is available that I think I’d have a near future need for or don’t want to clutter on a mule.

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I increased my material storage to 1000, converted a couple unused characters to mules for specific numbers of mats and legendary component storage (otherwise I may accidentally spend it), and I tend to sell/salvage when 50%-75% storage capacity on my active character.


I do have many things I really don't need but I still have the space so I haven't purged just yet.

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> @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

> > @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

> > I am a hoarder :)

> > > Eventually, I plan on having 320 slots (10 x 32-slot bags) on each of my characters. But this is more of a vanity project rather than a true necessity.

> In that case you must learn to subdue your ego and learn to hoard less or forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will. ;)

> @ Wefal

> That applies to you as well, keep in mind the ego is the enemy the true enemy. :o


In MMO's hoarding is good, though. It is not a question of ego, but rather a logistical and economical solution that increases efficiency and reduces frustration. Hoarders do not need to farm mats or map currency when a new shiny arrives. They are less affected by time-gating since they already have time-gated mats stockpiled.


I would also argue that hoarding on its own is not necessarily a manifestation of oversized Ego, but most likely poorly sublimated desires born within Id. ;)

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My characters each have five 15 slot bags. Each uses one bag for daily junk, the others are all empty for loot. Before logging off I salvage/sell/deposit. I actually have 3 or 4 bag expansions in the bank, because I do not need them. I wear my armor, there is no 2nd set. As soon as an item is unlocked in my wardrobe, there is no reason to carry if, unless I happen to be wearing it.


I have 12 shared slots, 9 or 10 stay full. Those are handy. (PoF teleport scroll, birthday bonus, celebration bonus, teleport to friend, couple food items...)


But... I do not craft, so selling everything is easy. :)

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