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For PVE Power DPS or Condition DPS?


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It depends on the profession and the type of builds you're going for. For end-game PvE, most professions work better with power builds but there are some who also have viable condition builds. I would recommend using power builds in open world because it's faster to kill them yourself than waiting for conditions to kill mobs. As for condition builds, every profession has one however some professions don't have enough condition application or weren't designed with condition damage in mind. You can certainly play those builds, but they're lackluster compared to power builds.


Let's take for example burn guardian, whether it's core guardian or firebrand they're both good builds, but there's the problem: condition guardian builds only have that one condition. No poison, bleeding, torment, nothing but burning. Burning is the highest dealing damage, but it doesn't last for long and it takes longer time to deal burn damage that's close to power guardian build. The reason why condition engineer has the highest condition damage is because it has a ton of conditions: bleeding, poison, confusion, burning etc. However it is the profession with a highest skill ceiling. Achieving the highest condition damage with core engineer requires using four kits and learning lots of skill rotations.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:


> Let's take for example burn guardian, whether it's core guardian or firebrand they're both good builds, but there's the problem: condition guardian builds only have that one condition. No poison, bleeding, torment, nothing but burning. Burning is the highest dealing damage, but it doesn't last for long and it takes longer time to deal burn damage that's close to power guardian build. The reason why condition engineer has the highest condition damage is because it has a ton of conditions: bleeding, poison, confusion, burning etc. However it is the profession with a highest skill ceiling. Achieving the highest condition damage with core engineer requires using four kits and learning lots of skill rotations.


Thats just plain wrong. It doesnt matter if you have only one condition if the numbers are alright. Only having one condition even benefits this in pve since you can specialize into them with balthasar runes for example.

Condi firebrand is incredible strong and quite bursty for a condition build and it can even be played as a hybrid quickness dps support while condi engineer relies on confusion damage so it needs fast attacking mobs, has the most demanding rotation by far and even a lower benchmark vs the fastest attacking boss in the game than something completetely op and broken like condi weaver that doesn't rely on confusion.

Next time please look on numbers instead of of using your feelings as a measurement tool. The highest condition damage builds are mirage and renegade and weaver. Condi guardian has the most burst of them and higher dps than a power guardian if the phases are long enough.


For solo pve and fractals i would recommend power dps while condi firebrand also works quite well in solo content thanks to its bursty nature and resets on tomes. Raids have both power and condi favoured fights.

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> @"ancafr.9274" said:

> Would like to know for PVE content all classes which build is better power or condi?


They are both viable choices depending on the profession you play. For most, Power is the way to go, but there are a few exceptions: http://metabattle.com/


For instance, I prefer the Condition based build for Rangers. And I definitely prefer Condi on my PvE Scourge.


> or it depend for melee, ranged and magic?


No, it does not depend on any of those.

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For me it's condition ranger all the way. It is true that damage starts kinda slow, and it is usually overkill for trash mobs and most Veterans too, but against boss mobs and tough groups I just love to see the conditions eat away at those(Traps and AoE). Getting downed (solo) is no biggie either since you can be sure that some mob will die from your condi's soon: if your pet has not revived you first. :) Leaving traps left and right and see mobs run into them and simply die while I watch with arms crossed is fun too. Not powerful, just fun. It is the playstyle I like. I am not great at positioning either, nor am I very efficient with my skills so popping traps and other AoE that have long duration works well for me.


Any good Powerbuild will get their kills much faster. My damage also sucks against Core Tyria props (like weaponracks and Ogre Houses and such): any powerbuild will get those down in one sweep almost while I am slowly chipping away at them. This is because condi's have no effect on those. In the more modern zones this is a thing of the past luckily.

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Condi dps is good but for a lot of classes (Necro to give one big example) their ability to stack condis quickly can be pretty poor thus rapidly slowing down your progress.


In terms of running through PvE it's definitely faster to go with Power over Condi however there are many, many good hybrid builds that are brilliant in PvE as well and far more viable than pure condi builds due to their ability to kill quickly.

I would advise running a Hybrid over a pure condi in PvE for that reason if you want to play a condi build :)

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All classes can run both, but condi tends to be better for one man army (solo group event) builds because you can stack vitality and toughness with no penalty. For zerging, I don't think your damage type matters so long as you can easily tag many opponents for loot. Power and cleave/aoe tend to destroy trash mobs.

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I'm totally agree with Tyncale. As a condi firebrand I feel myself fine against T3-4 fractals, world bosses and any enemies with a large HP pool. My damage is equal to power dps classes. Mobs with a low HP sometimes die faster then my conditions tick when playing in a group. When soloing it takes me longer to kill tiny things, but I find this playstyle more funny then saving 1second per mob (if it's not a core Tyria structure, which are invulnerable to condis - that's a hell xD).


So I'd say power dps may be more comfortable in many cases. But the difference is not so critical. Also it depends on class and your own preferrences. This is a game and you should enjoy it.

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Thanks for the help again, my guard i'll keep for sup altho i almost dont play DG, fracs(never ran) and leave the dmg for warr and elem as i said. Power DPS guard i think a little 'squish' when fighting tough boss and mobs.


One more thing.. the power build attributes are power, precision and ferocity and the hybrid build would be power, precision and condition? wat about a 'combat healer' for exemple which are the atts? is it possible to make a tanky/dmg build for exemple? if yes which are the atts?

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> @"ancafr.9274" said:

> Thanks for the help again, my guard i'll keep for sup altho i almost dont play DG, fracs(never ran) and leave the dmg for warr and elem as i said. Power DPS guard i think a little 'squish' when fighting tough boss and mobs.


> One more thing.. the power build attributes are power, precision and ferocity and the hybrid build would be power, precision and condition? wat about a 'combat healer' for exemple which are the atts? is it possible to make a tanky/dmg build for exemple? if yes which are the atts?



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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> It depends on the profession and the type of builds you're going for. For end-game PvE, most professions work better with power builds but there are some who also have viable condition builds. I would recommend using power builds in open world because it's faster to kill them yourself than waiting for conditions to kill mobs. As for condition builds, every profession has one however some professions don't have enough condition application or weren't designed with condition damage in mind. You can certainly play those builds, but they're lackluster compared to power builds.


> Let's take for example burn guardian, whether it's core guardian or firebrand they're both good builds, but there's the problem: condition guardian builds only have that one condition. No poison, bleeding, torment, nothing but burning. Burning is the highest dealing damage, but it doesn't last for long and it takes longer time to deal burn damage that's close to power guardian build. The reason why condition engineer has the highest condition damage is because it has a ton of conditions: bleeding, poison, confusion, burning etc. However it is the profession with a highest skill ceiling. Achieving the highest condition damage with core engineer requires using four kits and learning lots of skill rotations.


This doesn't make any sense. First of all engi is not even close to highest dmg condition build, for example ele, warrior and revenant all have more damage in their condi builds.. and so has firebrand.

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