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Templates Preview Guild Chat -- We want your questions!

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* **Build Storage** (3+3 free and account wide & additional ones bought in 3 packs) are these necessary to copy Build Templates from one character to another of the same class?

* **Build Templates** (3 free for each character) additional ones bought per character like Bag Slot Expansions or account wide like Additional Crafting Licenses?

* **Equipment Templates** (2 free for each character) additional ones bought per character like Bag Slot Expansions or account wide like Additional Crafting Licenses?

* Are future **Elites Specs** going to come with new free Build/Equipment Template tabs for each character?


I am worried that this system will be discouraging to players with a lot of character slots.

* Are players going to buy less character slots if they individually lack Bag Slots, Build Template Tabs, and Equipment Tabs?

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Will you consider the number of build slots you are giving for free? (like to 6 to10 maybe)?


In my opinion, is really barely anything with just three or 2 equipment slots/build slot, especially when there is a monetization situation going on with the content that we waited and hoping for since launch. (which is probably most people are upset for). I feel like if this is the case 1 think that I have to pay an expansion worth of money for just build templates for just the amount of slots that will make me satisfied with which I herd season 5 content was gonna be free but anyways this puts me in a place of to think things through cause at this moment we have to wait for content and now I see I have to spend for a feature. I'm just not so sure about this. I don't feel secure as a customer. But this is my opinion.

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> @"mazzah.1284" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"keeganrockssocks.7136" said:

> > > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > > > @"GloomxWar.8793" said:

> > > > > Why do you force players to pay for something that they already got for free with a third party program?

> > > > > I think making players pay for this is one of the worst things Anet could do.

> > > >

> > > > No one is forcing you to use this update. It's there because many people were asking about it for years.

> > >

> > > How are you getting thumbs up for this absurd comment. We’ve had this feature now for a long time - not because of Anet but because of a thirdparty. Now it’s being taken away and a price tag has been added. This means thay we are 100% being forced to pay for something we had.

> > >

> > > You are in denial.

> >

> > IT sounds like you are admitting to use of 3rd party tools which is against le rules. if you were smart you would just stop your rebuddling here. IF anet ever decides to take action against 3rd party tools which includes the build templet you claim to use so much (which you have not always had by the way) you will be in alot of trouble.

> >

> > no one is forcing you to pay anet is even giving you some slots fore free at launch jfc...


> ArcDPS and its build template options are very much not against TOS, anet specifically allowed its use until they came up with their own build templates at which point the build template option in ArcDPS would have to be removed, which is happening now. Just stop yourself from typing next time even if you think you know what's happening.


First off, how rude

Second off, a quick google search quickly says that the use of tools like build templets are "At your own risk" use kind of tools meaning for any reason what so ever anet could decide to ban you. In fact it is against the TOS to use tools like this to a certain extent just not the extent "YET" that they feel they need to take action against it. The same goes for ArcDPS. If something ever says "USE AT YOUR OWN RISK or YOU ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY or DO NOT CONTACT ANET FOR HELP THIS 3RD PARTY TOOL" it generally means ITS AGAINST THE RULES to some extent.


Third, off

Anet gives you something you have asked for a long time to the point you are willing to risk getting banned to have it. Then when they give it to you you want to complain about it?

Anet gives you content for free only requiring you to ever have made 2 or 3 purchases in total for the core game and its x packs with no sub fee? Where do you think the money to keep the game going comes from?


Are you really so selfish that you cant support them? Even if you dont buy additional slots some slots are being given to you for free

Perhaps the reason they didnt build it the way you liked is because its not possible for them to do while proceeding with content for the future in alliance with their roadmap or plans.

"But build templets works this way"

Well anet didnt build the build templets code and there is probably a reason they didnt just copy that code and work it in.. PROBABLY BECAUSE in it they see something they dont like.


Let's not be ignorant here let's be ciivil people. You have not had access to Arcdps build templets for that long lets not act like its been around for 7 years cause thats simply not the case. There are many people who wont use things like build templets from arc dps because guess what "ITS AGAINST THE RULES!" to some extent.


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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> It feels clunky, why equipment slot and a build slot? Both should be fused into 1 thing. I'm lost.


My guess would be because there are probably some cases where you would use the same gear but also use a different build set as far as traits go. Its actually probably a better way to handle it than merging it all into one.


IF its merged all in to 1 and you put all of you equipment in then set all your traits then you go the 2nd template which has no equipment loaded in it and set your traits what happens is when you load that template it strips your character nude and only applies the new traits.


Because these templates hold the gear you want to load its not like you can just say copy to templet 2 because the gear is physically sitting in the template itself


For both to work under 1 the gear would need to remain sitting in your inventory then you could potentially drag and drop copy what template you want to hook to that gear which many people are probably ok with but for the sake of saving inventory space this is probably the better way to go.


Based on how this is written it looks like alot of features will enable the use of them account wide (i could be wrong) so loading gear from your ele into a template would allow that same armor gear to be loaded onto your mesmer as well if you wished. Thats why the templates hold the gear and not your characters.


When you really think about it splitting them up is possibly the better way to go even more so for people who dont have tons of ascended gear sets yet who play multiple characters. All too many times in raids ive seen "hold on gotta move my gear over to another character" keeping the builds templates split would solve this issue. You simply log in and so long as the armor weights match the profession you just click load.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> Second off, a quick google search quickly says that the use of tools like build templets are "At your own risk" use kind of tools meaning for any reason what so ever anet could decide to ban you. In fact it is against the TOS to use tools like this to a certain extent just not the extent "YET" that they feel they need to take action against it. The same goes for ArcDPS. If something ever says "USE AT YOUR OWN RISK or YOU ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY or DO NOT CONTACT ANET FOR HELP THIS 3RD PARTY TOOL" it generally means ITS AGAINST THE RULES to some extent.


@"Chris Cleary.8017" himself popped into the Reddit thread when the Build Templates released to talk about how he worked with delta to create something that was acceptable to ANet. It was still a "Use at your own risk" plugin, but it **was** OK'd by ANet with the caveat that it would have to be removed if they ever made their own version of the feature.


I _do_ agree with most of what else you said, though you don't need to be so combative in your responses.



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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Hi everyone,


> We have a Guild Chat preview tomorrow about the Templates feature. You can read more about it in this blog post: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/learn-all-about-build-and-equipment-templates/


> If you have questions about the feature, drop them here and we'll answer as many as we can tomorrow.


> Our developer guests are Amy Giannetti and Clayton Kisko!



**Question here:** How will style relate to the templates?


For example, if I have a both a damage build and a support build, each using the same legendary gear, would I be able to transmute the gear within each build, thus allowing me to have different styles for my different setups, even though they both use the same equipment? Any additional elaboration is appreciated. :)

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> Second off, a quick google search quickly says that the use of tools like build templets are "At your own risk" use kind of tools meaning for any reason what so ever anet could decide to ban you. In fact it is against the TOS to use tools like this to a certain extent just not the extent "YET" that they feel they need to take action against it. The same goes for ArcDPS. If something ever says "USE AT YOUR OWN RISK or YOU ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY or DO NOT CONTACT ANET FOR HELP THIS 3RD PARTY TOOL" it generally means ITS AGAINST THE RULES to some extent.

First, that's not what those warning mean. They mean that if something bad happens as a result of third party program, it's between you and the developer of that program, and not on Anet. Anet is not going to get involved. Second, a quick google search would have also told you, that deltaconnected - Arcdps developer - was in constant communication with Anet team to keep his program compliant. So, no, it wasn't against the rules, not even "to some extent".


> Anet gives you something you have asked for a long time to the point you are willing to risk getting banned to have it.

As mentioned above, Arc templates were TOS compliant, so there was no risk of getting banned.


> Then when they give it to you you want to complain about it?

If they gave me something different than what i was asking for? Sure, why not.


> Anet gives you content for free only requiring you to ever have made 2 or 3 purchases in total for the core game and its x packs with no sub fee? Where do you think the money to keep the game going comes from?

It came from people like me that continued to make gemshop purchases as long as we found the game to our satisfaction. Yes, i spent a lot of money on GW2. Way more than just the core/expacs cost. Notice though, that me spending my money on this game has always been contingent on the game remaining enjoyable to me.


> Are you really so selfish that you cant support them?

Sure i am. I don't earn nowhere close enough to keep supporting ton of people all over the internet. Not when i get nothing back for it.


> Perhaps the reason they didnt build it the way you liked is because its not possible for them to do while proceeding with content for the future in alliance with their roadmap or plans.

Perhaps. That doesn't mean i have to like it, agree with it or pay for it. Or perhaps they built it that way for purely monetary reasons, and didn;t care that much about usefulness - it's not like there would be any competition as they would be shutting arctemplates down.


> Well anet didnt build the build templets code and there is probably a reason they didnt just copy that code and work it in.. PROBABLY BECAUSE in it they see something they dont like.

They very much did build the gw1 templates code. And by the way, most of the templates code has been done long ago. Last we heard they only had some problem with gear templates, but skills and traits existed for years (you could already see parts of those being utilized in different parts of the game, like underwater, or when switching to pvp or WvW).


> Let's not be ignorant here let's be ciivil people. You have not had access to Arcdps build templets for that long lets not act like its been around for 7 years cause thats simply not the case.

Sure. It was "only" two years. Over a quarter of the whole time the game was up. Long enough for me.


> There are many people who wont use things like build templets from arc dps because guess what "ITS AGAINST THE RULES!" to some extent.

Except it wasn't "against the rules".



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> @"EagleDelta.4726" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > Not if you want to get more free content in the future. There won't be an expansion anytime soon, so they need to make money.

> > Then maybe, just maybe, they should _make the expansion_ already, instead of trying to sell us its features piecemeal. But of course they realized that chopping up that expac in pieces and selling each feature for more than a whole expansion pricetag would net them more money. On paper, anyway, because doing that, unlike expac, will not keep players in the game.


> Coming from a tech background working as both a Systems Engineer and now a Software/Backend Developer, I don't want them to go back to Expansions if they can avoid it. Expansion style work/releases are simply not really viable for the longterm health of a project anymore.... unless it's an established product already deep into that model (which GW2 has never really been in). It requires a lot of extra work from devs (who don't get paid extra for that work.... we are usually exempt salary which means no overtime in exchange for a steady paycheck), increased stress, increased risk on release day, decreased quality of work due to increased stress, rushed work, etc.


> If you want a full breakdown of different release cadences, take a look about 1/2 way down this page: http://disciplinedagiledelivery.com/choose-release-cadence/

> Note that the release cadence that Expansion fall into (Annual releases and "More than annual" releases) have is significantly higher risk associated with deployment as so many moving parts are touch at once and/or several changes introduced at once. Not to mention that the "Higher risk" ends up usually being a self-fulfilling problem caused by the less frequent releases.


> > > @"EagleDelta.4726" said:

> > > Compare to GW1 all you want, but the ongoing development of that game was short-lived when compared to GW2. With GW1 I had 3 $50 purchases to make and 1 $40 purchase to make for everything. With GW2, I've paid $60, $50, and $30 to get the base content and expansions. I've paid nothing for LW content. So already they make less on the physical copies of GW2 than GW1, especially when you factor in the fact that costs to make this stuff increased, not decreased, over time.

> > Cool. Now compare both gemshops, and you will see how GW2 gets way more money even without expacs than GW1 ever did.


> You mean the skins that people will eventually stop buying because they already have them? Or the "upgrades" that people already have because they bought all they needed? They have to make money and sometimes that means looking forward and covering for when people don't need the initial products anymore.


> Additionally, as I mentioned, you're ignoring some factors here:

> 1. Cost to make and maintain GW2 is higher than GW1 ever was (or will be)

> 2. We don't have anyway of know how much GW1's shop has made vs GW2's. I'm sure that you're right and it has made more money, but you don't know what the actual margins are.

> 3. Revenue != Profit. Just because GW2 gets a decent amount of revenue from the Gem Store (Which I think is what we see in the quarterly reports), that doesn't translate into profit. A company's goal is profit. I.E. the amount of money actually brought in after all the employees are paid, their benefits are paid, infrastructure costs are paid, rent is paid, etc. We don't know those details....




My personal hope was that Sagas were here to provide time beyond season 4 to make an expansion possible. The issue I'm noticing is that there doesnt seem to be any indication that this is happening. It's funny though, my biggest problem with Guild Wars 2 has always been the piecemeal edition of content. Of course, we're getting it eventually anyway. However, I much prefer being able to sink my teeth into something that's expansion quality and quantity.


Your observations are informative and I hope that the ice brood Saga can prove itself is a method for delivering content. I just worry many players like me are waiting at the edge of each release are going to find the cadence too long, the content too shallow, or some combination of the two. At the end of the day I want GW2 to do well, but to most people, sagas and living world are just another Tuesday patch.

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> @Vegeta.2563 said:

> Maybe I wasn't speaking loud enough last time..



They are? :o I haven't noticed. This needs to be addressed ASAP indeed if that's the case. :angry:


> @Warierz.2671 said:

> 1: If I put any account-bound piece of gear in the template, is there a cost to get it out of the template? To then use it on another character?


Good question, which I second.


> @"EagleDelta.4726" said:

> [...] decreased quality of work due to increased stress, rushed work, etc.


This I totally disagree with. The expansions were always better than episodic releases quality-wise. Why? Check my signature.

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LOL. I suggested this in fricking beta. Back when builds actually meant something before you nerfed traits and therefore any limited creativity a player could have in making a build their own, this feature would have been useful.


No wonder I stopped playing this game. I've always kept an eye on it in hopes of returning, but this ain't it, fam. 7 years too late. This is a baseline feature that should have been included with the original release, not some cash shop cash grab.


My suggestion: Dev team, start thinking outside the box again. Everything y'all have done for the least 4 years is safe, uninspired, greedy, and lacks any sort of creativity that this game used to be synonymous with. It's a real shame.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> This I totally disagree with. The expansions were always better than episodic releases quality-wise. Why? Check my signature.


Existing data from hundreds of companies and open source communities would disagree with you. Granted those are focused on a combination of Developer happiness, Customer satisfaction, code stability, tester/user feedback, and more. It's **not just focused on customer wants**.


It's focused on preventing Developer burnout as much as it is focused on presenting a customer with what they want. Additionally, as developers, we want our code/features out as soon as they are ready to go so we can get feedback and fix/adjust things based on feedback. Traditional development and release models (such as Expansions) make this near impossible. Have you ever wondered why after a long dev cycle and lead up that few things are usually updated after a "Big Release" of a game, game expansion, or software release happens? Largely because many of those features were ready much earlier, but were held back for the "Big Release" and by the time the release goes live, they have largely moved the team onto the next thing giving them little to no time to do anything but some major bug fixes.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > Second off, a quick google search quickly says that the use of tools like build templets are "At your own risk" use kind of tools meaning for any reason what so ever anet could decide to ban you. In fact it is against the TOS to use tools like this to a certain extent just not the extent "YET" that they feel they need to take action against it. The same goes for ArcDPS. If something ever says "USE AT YOUR OWN RISK or YOU ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY or DO NOT CONTACT ANET FOR HELP THIS 3RD PARTY TOOL" it generally means ITS AGAINST THE RULES to some extent.

> First, that's not what those warning mean. They mean that if something bad happens as a result of third party program, it's between you and the developer of that program, and not on Anet. Anet is not going to get involved. Second, a quick google search would have also told you, that deltaconnected - Arcdps developer - was in constant communication with Anet team to keep his program compliant. So, no, it wasn't against the rules, not even "to some extent".


> > Anet gives you something you have asked for a long time to the point you are willing to risk getting banned to have it.

> As mentioned above, Arc templates were TOS compliant, so there was no risk of getting banned.


> > Then when they give it to you you want to complain about it?

> If they gave me something different than what i was asking for? Sure, why not.


> > Anet gives you content for free only requiring you to ever have made 2 or 3 purchases in total for the core game and its x packs with no sub fee? Where do you think the money to keep the game going comes from?

> It came from people like me that continued to make gemshop purchases as long as we found the game to our satisfaction. Yes, i spent a lot of money on GW2. Way more than just the core/expacs cost. Notice though, that me spending my money on this game has always been contingent on the game remaining enjoyable to me.


> > Are you really so selfish that you cant support them?

> Sure i am. I don't earn nowhere close enough to keep supporting ton of people all over the internet. Not when i get nothing back for it.


> > Perhaps the reason they didnt build it the way you liked is because its not possible for them to do while proceeding with content for the future in alliance with their roadmap or plans.

> Perhaps. That doesn't mean i have to like it, agree with it or pay for it. Or perhaps they built it that way for purely monetary reasons, and didn;t care that much about usefulness - it's not like there would be any competition as they would be shutting arctemplates down.


> > Well anet didnt build the build templets code and there is probably a reason they didnt just copy that code and work it in.. PROBABLY BECAUSE in it they see something they dont like.

> They very much did build the gw1 templates code. And by the way, most of the templates code has been done long ago. Last we heard they only had some problem with gear templates, but skills and traits existed for years (you could already see parts of those being utilized in different parts of the game, like underwater, or when switching to pvp or WvW).


> > Let's not be ignorant here let's be ciivil people. You have not had access to Arcdps build templets for that long lets not act like its been around for 7 years cause thats simply not the case.

> Sure. It was "only" two years. Over a quarter of the whole time the game was up. Long enough for me.


> > There are many people who wont use things like build templets from arc dps because guess what "ITS AGAINST THE RULES!" to some extent.

> Except it wasn't "against the rules".




Perfectly summarized.

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For all the loyal players who have been asking for this since the very beginning, this announcement is an incredible disappointment.


The community has been begging for this feature. We've said we would even pay for the feature. (Notably, I never once heard a player say they would pay for numerous separate slots for each individual character to have basic templates functions, let alone pay a second time for several equipment templates. We were all expecting an accountwide single payment m) The community came up with a third party solution to fill the hole.


But you have announced something that appears to be so ridiculously expensive that it will not be usable by veterans who have lots of alternate characters. By the implied structure, I will have to get a new set of build and a new set of equipment templates every single time I want to level up an alt (on a slot that I already purchased).


I have been with this game a very long time. Since the very beginning. I've been waiting for build templates the ENTIRE time. Now that you are finally releasing them in a fashion that will prevent me from using them. I'm crushed.


I wish you had never gotten my hopes up.


Here's the question: What can you do to fix it? OR Are old veterans like me merely expendable?


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> @"Neutra.6857" said:

> > @"EagleDelta.4726" said:

> > > @"Neutra.6857" said:

> > > > @"EagleDelta.4726" said:

> > > > > @"Neutra.6857" said:

> > > > > > @"EagleDelta.4726" said:

> > > > > > > @"Neutra.6857" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Agrotera.1254" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Dzjudz.9142" said:

> > > > > > > > > What would you say to people who have legendary gear for the convenience of swapping between lots of builds (many runes, stat combinations) and now being locked to only two possibilities (with having to buy gems for more options)? A ranger can for example use power soulbeast (berserker), condi soulbeast (viper), heal druid (harrier), deimos hand kiter (minstrel or whatever), wvw condi (trailblazer), and many more. What is the benefit of legendary gear if you lock the options via build templates?

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I believe this statement answers your question ...... "Equipment Templates can also record the customization of legendary items, which can freely change attributes and upgrades. You can equip a single legendary item to multiple Equipment Templates with different attributes and upgrade choices for each."

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > The issue is that those who will most likely use templates can use a large number of different runes/sigils for different scenarios (like changing runes/sigils between fractals) an can easily have wy more then 3 or 4 different varieties all for the same armor stats.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The impression I've gotten from the people I play with and the average player is that the player base that needs more than the 3 build, 2 equipment, 3 storage (+3 more) is actually a huge (but vocal) minority. The company has to make money or the game goes away. Developers are expensive to have on staff, so to justify the time spent on this feature, they have to charge money somehow.

> > > > >

> > > > > And doing so will only kitten of the player base, because they are losing what is a free system with infinite options that they have had access to for years.

> > > >

> > > > It think you're being overly dramatic about this. Most people I play GW2 with don't even use ArcDPS, let alone Arc Templates. It breaks after every update and doesn't add enough to be worth the effort when it does work. Even then builds randomly disappear from it and if your PC/Laptop/Harddrive went down/died you lost the templates.

> > > > I know non-technical users like to compare things like this as if they're the same..... they're not. To you it may seem that way, but you're comparing a plugin someone worked on in their spare time to something a company put money, a lot of it too, into.

> > > >

> > > > Additionally, a dev can cost between $70-100K per dev/per year (sometimes less for junior devs, and a lot more for senior devs). You have to justify where that dev spends his time otherwise the company (whose goal is to make money) won't approve the work. It's this or a subscription, you choose.

> > >

> > > I am not being dramatic about this at all, just pointing out that the system being used is likely to annoy the players who would use it. Most of GW2 player base does not care about builds at all. Thus this template thing is useless to them. Templates are used by those who have a lot of characters and whose characters change their build a lot, as in the more hardcore community.

> > >

> > > Correct the company put time and money into this, something that should have been released at the start of the game given it already existed in GW1. As the years went on and there was no signs of a template, another person spent their personal time to make something that was free to the user with essentially unlimited slots. True it would break when there where game changes, but that was because there where game changes and there where constant updates to fix it. Now that templates are coming to the game itself, that hardcore community is losing their free unlimited template, and you think they will be happy with this change?

> >

> > The problem with your argument about someone else putting their own time into it for unlimited templates..... the community will always be able to do things and give people things for free that ANet can't do. They don't get to work on templates for free/in their own time for us. It never has and never will work that way in business.

> >

> > Additionally, we don't get to say "you can't charge for that, it should've been in at the beginning". That's not how design works. Just because players ended up taking things beyond the original design does not mean that ANet ever intended there to be a need for build templates. The GW2 player base demands/expects a lot without realizing the fact that only some of those desires can be met at any given time.


> Why do you assume anet can't do this for free? WvW is supposed to eventually get an entire rework, and that is for free. This is a system that already existed (as in the code was available to them since you know arcdps existed.)


> And yes, we do get to say this should have been in since the beginning and not be something you should charge for, particularly since there is already a better option. True only some desires can be met, there are limited resources, that does not mean you create a worse situation for your existing base.


You have no idea if the changes coming (soon TM) wont follow the same path.

You only have to look at how the game has begun to change over the last 12-24 months and the need to push gem sales. Worse there are features like Requiem, where starved supply and heavy reliance on RNG to get shinnies in an effort to steer gem to gold conversions. The rune/sigil cost fiasco was a pre-cursor to this latest feature - understandable they declined to give any detail in the live event about this, because they knew it would of emptied the event - so I wouldn't be too sure the Alliances isn't going to have that same kind of twist to it

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Players who are complaining about this aren’t asking for everything to be free; they’re paying customers who support the game by spending money. And Anet isn’t giving this feature to players for free; it is funded with money spent by these very players. Anet didn’t just ask a group of charity devs create these with absolutely no pay. It is naive to claim players are complaining about free stuff since this is not free.


Anet should have made the templates work like GW1, unlimited templates that are stored on players’ own computers, but along with a paid version which stores the templates on Anet’s servers. This seems like a very lazy design, based on what we know so far.

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> @"Random Wax Orc.7695" said:

> In the name of cross-class fairness with respect to Build Templates, could Engineer and Elementalist get an Out-Of-Combat Weapon Swap added so they don't have to waste both an entire Build Template & Equipment Template to simply change weapons?


This should be a thing anyways, especially with enemies that force you to attack at different ranges to even do damage.

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> @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> Players who are complaining about this aren’t asking for everything to be free; they’re paying customers who support the game by spending money. And Anet isn’t giving this feature to players for free; it is funded with money spent by these very players. Anet didn’t just ask a group of charity devs create these with absolutely no pay. It is naive to claim players are complaining about free stuff since this is not free.


> Anet should have made the templates work like GW1, unlimited templates that are stored on players’ own computers, but along with a paid version which stores the templates on Anet’s servers. This seems like a very lazy design, based on what we know so far.


So you spent money on the game without playing it in the hopes of buildtemplates? ;) Or how exactly did you spend money on this feature and only this feature?


On topic:

Characterslots arent for free. Neither are bagslots or bankslots.

Equipment templates are a form of inventory space.

Storage templates are big time convenience.

Build templates also big time convenience.

Ergo... monetisation.


Remember, you still can store your equipment in inventory and manually switch if you dont want to spend the gems. You dont HAVE to store buildtemplates accountwide. And 3 build templates is quite honestly enough for most situations anyway.


So, this whole "greedy anet" uproar is a bit weird. You already DO get 1 additional equipment template, 1 additional build template (or 2 if you didnt wvw'ed on that character) and 6 storage templates.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> So you spent money on the game without playing it in the hopes of buildtemplates? ;) Or how exactly did you spend money on this feature and only this feature?


That’s not how businesses work. When you buy a cup of coffee, you don’t pay for just the coffee. You pay for the cup, the ingredients, the employee making the coffee, the employee cleaning the restroom, the cash register, the building rent, electricity, the store’s experiments on new products, etc. You never just pay for just the coffee. That’s why the small cup of coffee that’s half the size of the large coffee is barely any cheaper.


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