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[merged] I want to keep using Arc Build Templates... :/

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Fir.7932" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > You couldn't complain in one of the many existing threads about this?

> >

> > I respect that you don't care that much about the issue as alot of players don't, but for some of us this is one of the most important features in the game and doing anything to it has a huge quality of life impact, that needs to be adressed. I am sorry if the amount of threads is bothering you, but for alot of us, this is game changing, that's why some of us (such as myself) are really annoyed by this and want to be heard in a hope that our gaming experience won't go from satisfying to painful.


> You are hurting your cause more with the passive-aggressive tone of your address and adding to the number of existing threads. Devs have said countless times that merged threads are easier to follow than dozens on the same subject which quickly get lost.


> All you are doing is annoying the devs and the community not interested in this subject.


> Ultimately I am unsure what you want addressed and your initial post doesn't clarify it beyond being snarky. The delta templates aren't returning. That isn't really up for negotiation since the agreement was always that they'd exist until official ones existed. Anet didn't pull them - the maker of it upheld their end of the agreement and did it. I am more sympathetic to the idea of improving the official ones and making them more flexible, but this is the wrong way o attract the devs attention and there are threads to add the thoughts to already. It may seem like a voice will get lost in the masses, but it actually doesn't work that way.


Maybe you are right, I don't really create new threads here, nor on reddit, I am always just participating in discussions. There have always been good things and bad things to discuss, but nothing of this scale, at least for me. So maybe just the lack of care and the amount of frustration gave me enough confidence to come here and cry out loud. I mean, I've already bought gems hoping I will be able to keep at least most of my gaming experience, but I am not that optimistic about it. I just really really hope, it won't be such a disaster as it sounds.


I agree with the "making official templates more flexible" part I just don't understand, why we had to lose fanmade ones this soon. It is true, I don't know what caused that, but I didn't update my arc and I don't think that the templates or arc in general is capable of updating itself online, which brings me to a conclussion that it was removed with the Halloween GW2 update, which seems like a really asshole move, but I may be mistaken on this one and if so I am looking forward to the correction, all I know is, that playing raids right now, the best content in the game for me, is straight up cancerous. I just loaded one build I enjoy playing the most on all of my characters and I join squad only if they need this certain build even If I can play any build they ask for., which means I cannot join for some bosses or whole wings because I don't want to swap my support chrono to mirage and so on.

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> @"Fir.7932" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > Actually, spamming the forums goes against the CoC


> Well, I don't see any threads adressing Delta's templates directly and the update that removed it, so this is not spamming. Also this is the one thread I created, it's not like there's bunch of them.


There is no such thread, but a simple visit to a certain dps site pretty much says:


oct.17.2019: removed build templates."

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> @"Fir.7932" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > Actually, spamming the forums goes against the CoC


> Well, I don't see any threads adressing Delta's templates directly and the update that removed it, so this is not spamming. Also this is the one thread I created, it's not like there's bunch of them.


As an FYI https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/88933/i-want-to-keep-using-arc-build-templates/p1


At the end of the day, Anets main mistake was to allow the fan made ones at all and at the same time not push out their own ones sooner. It was always known the delta ones would be removed when an official one went live. This was stated by the developer and they adhered to the handshake agreement by pulling it permanently.


Focusing on whether delta should or should not go solves nothing since it has gone and was always going to be gone. It's done, it's finished, it's the end of line. I would suggest focusing efforts on the thread(s) that want the official ones improved. It may not happen, but at least there is a chance.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Regardless of whether or not I care, I would think that funneling all of the complaints about templates into fewer threads might attract the devs attention more than scatter shot threads all over the forum. I think that the complaints would be better served in this manner as the devs probably have a limited amount of spare time to comb through the forums.






If anet has time someone will grimace and combine the threads, most likely complaining at the people who made multiple threads and making the combined thread hard to read and devs will not take the time to puzzle it out. If someone does not have time there will be a bunch of scattered threads, all small. The best thing is to contribute to a single thread.


BTW, I am not quite sure what the complaint even is as you are going from a hack to a supported thing, but oh well.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Fir.7932" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > You couldn't complain in one of the many existing threads about this?

> >

> > I respect that you don't care that much about the issue as alot of players don't, but for some of us this is one of the most important features in the game and doing anything to it has a huge quality of life impact, that needs to be adressed. I am sorry if the amount of threads is bothering you, but for alot of us, this is game changing, that's why some of us (such as myself) are really annoyed by this and want to be heard in a hope that our gaming experience won't go from satisfying to painful.


> You are hurting your cause more with the passive-aggressive tone of your address and adding to the number of existing threads. Devs have said countless times that merged threads are easier to follow than dozens on the same subject which quickly get lost.


> All you are doing is annoying the devs and the community not interested in this subject.



After re-writting my response a number of times so it wasn't as much an attack I think Randulf hit on the head. Your post lended no support to your cause and if anything made me picture even more that Delta's build was indeed a hack and should have been a ban-able mod. Congrats on doing a really bad job supporting the raiding community.

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* Something new to do in-game is a bad thing? Who cares how easy it is, more stuff is more stuff--and it's free. Don't like it, don't do it.

> @"Fir.7932" said:

>I mean, giving low attention to the community is one thing, but removing the little things we made for ourselfs, just so the game can be somewhat enjoyable is a whole new level.

* Did you read this before you posted it? Are you seriously complaining about devs trying to make their game more enjoyable?

* Also, Delta agreed beforehand that it would be removed if the feature was added in-game. Which, in all honesty, is completely fair. But okay, let's _just_ target Anet.

* The "I'm mad so it's okay to flood the forums with multiple threads" mentality is getting you nowhere.



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> @"Operator.2590" said:

> * Something new to do in-game is a bad thing? Who cares how easy it is, more stuff is more stuff--and it's free. Don't like it, don't do it.

> > @"Fir.7932" said:

> >I mean, giving low attention to the community is one thing, but removing the little things we made for ourselfs, just so the game can be somewhat enjoyable is a whole new level.

> * Did you read this before you posted it? Are you seriously complaining about devs trying to make their game more enjoyable?

> * Also, Delta agreed beforehand that it would be removed if the feature was added in-game. Which, in all honesty, is completely fair. But okay, let's _just_ target Anet.

> * The "I'm mad so it's okay to flood the forums with multiple threads" mentality is getting you nowhere.




What's worse is that they paint the picture of elitist more and more. So they were already bypassing the challenge of beating content with the same set of gear, use a third party software to do so that barely passes muster, and then complain when the rest of the community will get additional tools that are sanctioned. This really sounds more and more like those people that use cheat code in other games and then congratulates themselves on beating the game.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Fir.7932" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > You couldn't complain in one of the many existing threads about this?

> >

> > I respect that you don't care that much about the issue as alot of players don't, but for some of us this is one of the most important features in the game and doing anything to it has a huge quality of life impact, that needs to be adressed. I am sorry if the amount of threads is bothering you, but for alot of us, this is game changing, that's why some of us (such as myself) are really annoyed by this and want to be heard in a hope that our gaming experience won't go from satisfying to painful.


> You are hurting your cause more with the passive-aggressive tone of your address and adding to the number of existing threads. Devs have said countless times that merged threads are easier to follow than dozens on the same subject which quickly get lost.


> All you are doing is annoying the devs and the community not interested in this subject.


> Ultimately I am unsure what you want addressed and your initial post doesn't clarify it beyond being snarky. The delta templates aren't returning. That isn't really up for negotiation since the agreement was always that they'd exist until official ones existed. Anet didn't pull them - the maker of it upheld their end of the agreement and did it. I am more sympathetic to the idea of improving the official ones and making them more flexible, but this is the wrong way o attract the devs attention and there are threads to add the thoughts to already. It may seem like a voice will get lost in the masses, but it actually doesn't work that way.


There is nothing passive aggressive here, he is being honest about how this person expressed themselves, and honestly the people complaining really have no business to its a silly thing to attack the op over it is a legit complaint and his choice to make a post if you do not like them then simply do not click them.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:


> What's worse is that they paint the picture of elitist more and more. So they were already bypassing the challenge of beating content with the same set of gear, use a third party software to do so that barely passes muster, and then complain when the rest of the community will get additional tools that are sanctioned. This really sounds more and more like those people that use cheat code in other games and then congratulates themselves on beating the game.


What? Thats not how arc templates worked. It would simply store current loadout and traits when wanted to create a template. Loading the template would just try to equip items from inventory using the normal equip function. Anets genius solution cant do this and you need to buy overpriced gear template slots PER CHARACTER up to a max of 6 for a total of >1k gems.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Fir.7932" said:

> > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > You couldn't complain in one of the many existing threads about this?

> > >

> > > I respect that you don't care that much about the issue as alot of players don't, but for some of us this is one of the most important features in the game and doing anything to it has a huge quality of life impact, that needs to be adressed. I am sorry if the amount of threads is bothering you, but for alot of us, this is game changing, that's why some of us (such as myself) are really annoyed by this and want to be heard in a hope that our gaming experience won't go from satisfying to painful.

> >

> > You are hurting your cause more with the passive-aggressive tone of your address and adding to the number of existing threads. Devs have said countless times that merged threads are easier to follow than dozens on the same subject which quickly get lost.

> >

> > All you are doing is annoying the devs and the community not interested in this subject.

> >


> After re-writting my response a number of times so it wasn't as much an attack I think Randulf hit on the head. Your post lended no support to your cause and if anything made me picture even more that Delta's build was indeed a hack and should have been a ban-able mod. Congrats on doing a really bad job supporting the raiding community.


This is the same skewed view you had since the beginning though, wasn't it?

I get that for some reason the casual/non-raider part of the community always has been highly toxic and hostile towards anything Raid related and is just taking everything they can to confirm their biases, but the lack of understanding here how unhealthy this whole situation is for that whole community is disheartening to a whole new level.


I really don't get why this vocal casual part of the community is actively and gleefully cheering on or at least defending these misjudgements by Anet that slowly kill off entire gamemodes or most of the communities within them, be it WvW, Raids, Fractals, PvP etc., just to then eventually wonder where everyone has gone and why the shop is closing.


> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Operator.2590" said:

> > * Something new to do in-game is a bad thing? Who cares how easy it is, more stuff is more stuff--and it's free. Don't like it, don't do it.

> > > @"Fir.7932" said:

> > >I mean, giving low attention to the community is one thing, but removing the little things we made for ourselfs, just so the game can be somewhat enjoyable is a whole new level.

> > * Did you read this before you posted it? Are you seriously complaining about devs trying to make their game more enjoyable?

> > * Also, Delta agreed beforehand that it would be removed if the feature was added in-game. Which, in all honesty, is completely fair. But okay, let's _just_ target Anet.

> > * The "I'm mad so it's okay to flood the forums with multiple threads" mentality is getting you nowhere.

> >

> >


> What's worse is that they paint the picture of elitist more and more. So they were already bypassing the challenge of beating content with the same set of gear, use a third party software to do so that barely passes muster, and then complain when the rest of the community will get additional tools that are sanctioned. This really sounds more and more like those people that use cheat code in other games and then congratulates themselves on beating the game.


That's simply not how Raids, or any endgame content.. or actually just gaming in general works.

Since when is the challenge to overcome difficulty by playing highly inefficiently and just bruteforcing your way somehow through the content, instead of the fun and engaging process of adapting yourself and your group to the content via builds and compositions, to get through everything in a satisfying and efficient way?


Especially after years of playing the same few Raids, that's really all that some of us have left to improve as players. Being able to cover more roles, being more flexible, etc.

Now adapting yourself to the challenge at hand is cheating? Or at least so is a tool that allows for that process to be efficient? You can't be serious.


Plus, nobody is complaining about the rest of the community getting additional and sanctioned tools. That's great.

It would just be better if those tools were properly functional for what service they are trying to provide, especially if they come at the cost of an already working free tool which people had been getting used to since years.


Saying therefor allowing the tool in the first place was a mistake is nonsense too, as the endgame/Raiding community would never have survived this starvation of content without such a tool, allowing players to in a way create their own content by instead finding ever more ways to play the limited content available in new ways via more, and more specialised builds, instead.

Build's that are now all gone, with a new system still weeks away, which then won't even allow for half of those builds to be recreated and saved, even looking past the heavy monetisation of it.


Many players are at a point where it's hard to justify the engagement to a game that is increasingly toxic and hostile to our presence in form of parts of the community, and apathetic and uncaring at best via the developers, and is already noticeably shrinking since years as community due to that neglect and hostility.

To at that stage have taken away a necessary feature to enjoy the game, only to be replaced by a triple monetised system which is so limited in scope that even after you spend potentially hundreds of euros on it in an attempt to expand it's functionality so that it is still barely functional, just to get back to playing the same old content, still worse than before, is pretty sad indeed for those of us still sticking around because we love the game.


> @"lare.5129" said:

> most skilled player who realy love play have ready prepared character for each part.

> Not some uniq thing that pve players have separate chars:

> condi raid warrior

> zerk raid warrior

> ..

> and on air relog for swap


For me with an aged PC it takes about 5+ minutes at times to relog to another character until I'm back in the Raid/Fractal.

Plus that can easily lead to having to log around 10 characters at the end of a fullclear to clear out all the inventories and such if you cover a lot of different roles, which would mean for me personally about an hour of staring at loading screens while and after raiding, which is pretty unacceptable.


Instead I kitted out my character's by buying bag slots from the gemstore to hold all my gear as well as engaging with ingame goals, such as getting legendary Armor for all my frequently played characters with many builds, to alleviate the storage issue.


It seems all that effort and investment is down the drain now, and I guess I'm now supposed to make a separate character for every build for every single class I play?


The problem with that is that the maximum amount of character slots is 69, which is in no way enough to cover all my builds and besides that would cost me nearly 700€ and completely invalidate all my previous investments into multiple legendary Armors, as well as things like bag slots and bank tabs.

What a way to make players and their investment feel valued and respected.

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I was going to respond to much more of your post than what I have below--but honestly, it's so much to touch on that it's just easier to let you play the victim. However, I do at least want to mention this:


> @"Asum.4960" said:

>Instead I kitted out my character's by buying bag slots from the gemstore to hold all my gear as well as engaging with ingame goals, such as getting legendary Armor for all my frequently played characters with many builds, to alleviate the storage issue.


> It seems all that effort and investment is down the drain now, and I guess I'm now supposed to make a separate character for every build for every single class I play?


In no way is that the case? A feature was _added_. You can literally play the game _exactly_ the same way as before, utilizing your additional bag space to hold your gear, and getting legendaries. Not a single bit of that has changed. All that's happening now is you have an *extra* way to save yourself some bag space if you wanna load something onto an equipment template. That's absolutely all that's changed. Don't want to? Keep it in your extra bags--plain and simple. But in no way is any of this _forcing_ you to do anything, nor are you _"supposed"_ to make a separate character for every build. It's almost a bit funny how unrealistic that is.


Wanna use it? Great, use it. Don't want to? Alright, sounds like you have the extra bag space anyway--cool deal. Mad about Delta Templates? Message 'em on Reddit then so they can tell you personally how what's done is done, as was agreed upon.


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Alright serious question but like can't you still make an add-on? With the share feature of Anet's build template, you can easily save that in a file folder and then just have it pull from that right? I keep reading that that is how it was done in Guild Wars, that you saved this build in a word document and then just pasted it in. Is like, everything to do with templates killed? You can't like make an add-on that links up with metabattle and shows you the recommended build and go accordingly from there. Do we even know what Anet will and won't allow with apis/add-ons with the release of their templates? Has anyone even asked Anet?

Do they not allow add-ons at all anymore? Is something like Bartender allowed? GTFO, Deadly Boss Mods, Healium (used to raid as a healer so only remembering the mods I need to use), Spartan UI, Recount etc. By the time I stopped raiding and just decided to be a 'filthy casual' in WoW, my screen was so plastered with stuff I was surprised I could see anything. Then bare boning it and keeping only what I called essential addons, well, it was amazing how much information I was missing after raiding so long. (I'm talking world detail and ambience) Would it be considerable to, if they don't allow things like this, to request the company go a little lax on it? To shift into more of a WoW/ESO stance on them?

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> @"miraude.2107" said:

> Alright serious question but like can't you still make an add-on? With the share feature of Anet's build template, you can easily save that in a file folder and then just have it pull from that right? I keep reading that that is how it was done in Guild Wars, that you saved this build in a word document and then just pasted it in. Is like, everything to do with templates killed? You can't like make an add-on that links up with metabattle and shows you the recommended build and go accordingly from there. Do we even know what Anet will and won't allow with apis/add-ons with the release of their templates? Has anyone even asked Anet?

> Do they not allow add-ons at all anymore? Is something like Bartender allowed? GTFO, Deadly Boss Mods, Healium (used to raid as a healer so only remembering the mods I need to use), Spartan UI, Recount etc. By the time I stopped raiding and just decided to be a 'filthy casual' in WoW, my screen was so plastered with stuff I was surprised I could see anything. Then bare boning it and keeping only what I called essential addons, well, it was amazing how much information I was missing after raiding so long. (I'm talking world detail and ambience) Would it be considerable to, if they don't allow things like this, to request the company go a little lax on it? To shift into more of a WoW/ESO stance on them?


Technically speaking even ARC DPS and Delta's Templates weren't _allowed_, Anet was just _lenient_ with it as long as it wasn't being flaunted around (such as spamming DPS logs in chat and being a dick about it). Just going onto the website gives you a bright red, all-caps warning on how it's not technically supported, and to use at your own risk. And from what I understand, even the build templates addition had to have the delay staggered on the auto-equip just to prevent it from being a blatant exploit. Using them was always a _privilege_ that Anet willingly turned a blind eye on, and amended their TOS to make it more acceptable.


But now that one of its features are being removed, _as agreed upon by Delta_, to be replaced by the official feature, people are confusing that privilege with feelings of entitlement just because of how long they were using it--when that was simply never the case to begin with. The _lack_ of addons are technically what I loved so much about PvE and Raiding in GW2 in the first place anyway--being able to see the _Raid_ and not just playing a game of Watch-The-Addons in WoW is what I love the most--was a breath of fresh air.


All in all, these complaint threads are still just following the same theme in the end. Entitlement where there never was any (nor should be, for that matter).

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Didn't use the templates from the third party and won't be using the upcoming template fiasco from Anet. This game has been in development and production for more than a decade and build templates weren't a part of it. All that time wasted doing NPE, season one throw away code and a other wastes of development time, they spent little to no effort on build templates until now (recently). For all the brilliant things they do, Anet sure makes some bonehead moves.

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> @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> Didn't use the templates from the third party and won't be using the upcoming template fiasco from Anet. This game has been in development and production for more than a decade and build templates weren't a part of it. All that time wasted doing NPE, season one throw away code and a other wastes of development time, they spent little to no effort on build templates until now (recently). For all the brilliant things they do, Anet sure makes some bonehead moves.


The sad story is that they worked 2years on templates. I hope they didn't do this fulltime. They have serious project lead problems or in general incredible slow workflow to work for this that long full time.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Fir.7932" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > Actually, spamming the forums goes against the CoC

> >

> > Well, I don't see any threads adressing Delta's templates directly and the update that removed it, so this is not spamming. Also this is the one thread I created, it's not like there's bunch of them.


> There is no such thread, but a simple visit to a certain dps site pretty much says:

> "changes

> oct.17.2019: removed build templates."


And it was removed from the site, but the program itself does not allow removing the feature from my computer once it was downloaded, because it'S no app connected to internet by itself, you have to always download it manually.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> What's worse is that they paint the picture of elitist more and more. So they were already bypassing the challenge of beating content with the same set of gear, use a third party software to do so that barely passes muster, and then complain when the rest of the community will get additional tools that are sanctioned. This really sounds more and more like those people that use cheat code in other games and then congratulates themselves on beating the game.


>You are traveling so far off the beaten path with your comment it's ridiculous.


First, Delta worked closely with an Anet dev to make sure it was good to go. It wasn't barely passable (clearly you have a thing against third party software that benefits others for whatever reason). Do you also complain about Taco, DPS Meter, etc? If you don't like it don't use it but don't harp on others for using them because they are beneficial.


"So they were bypassing the challenge of beating content..."...I mean really? Do you have Exotic or Ascended gear? Why are you bypassing challenging content by giving yourself stronger stats? Do you use a proper power, condi, tank, boon, any appropriate gear combination? Why are you bypassing the challenge? Why not buy uncommon items off the TP at random so you don't bypass the "challenge"? Do you see how ridiculous your stance is?


People aren't complaining because Arc is being removed. They are complaining because Arc is being removed AND it's replacement is MUCH more limiting AND it has 3 gated costs per character. Even if someone WANTED to pay for everything they can't...because they are limited to 6 templates per char. Do you understand? Or are you just being stubborn to be stubborn?


As for your last point about comparing this to cheating? Once again, where is your head at? How is using templates to HELP make things efficient and help other groups and experiment even remotely in the same universe as cheating. Here's the deal, I don't actually use templates or Taco or any other addons but I can still see how useful they are to the people that want them. Just because you or I may not find it fun to min/max, play every role, doesn't mean we should stop others from being able to do so.


For example, think about all the training runs that happen. The templates allowed people to quickly and efficiently swap builds/gear to adjust for the group's needs. Now people will not be able to do so as efficiently. So instead of players swapping quickly, they may have to wait X amount of time for players to properly swap over. Is that really what you call challenging content? Waiting an additional 5-10 minutes for people to manually drag/drop/change traits/gear/sigils/armor/weapons because they can only have a fraction of the templates they used to have? That's challenging content to you? Not the encounters themselves? Or the way people try to make it fun by trying to clear in unique ways?


Why are you so against people having different options available to them?




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> @"Operator.2590" said:

> * Something new to do in-game is a bad thing? Who cares how easy it is, more stuff is more stuff--and it's free. Don't like it, don't do it.

> > @"Fir.7932" said:

> >I mean, giving low attention to the community is one thing, but removing the little things we made for ourselfs, just so the game can be somewhat enjoyable is a whole new level.

> * Did you read this before you posted it? Are you seriously complaining about devs trying to make their game more enjoyable?

> * Also, Delta agreed beforehand that it would be removed if the feature was added in-game. Which, in all honesty, is completely fair. But okay, let's _just_ target Anet.

> * The "I'm mad so it's okay to flood the forums with multiple threads" mentality is getting you nowhere.




No, I am complaying about taking something fans made and forcing us to pay money, so we can continue using it. Therefore it's nothing new, it's something that was in the game all along, just monetized and with a limit. So no, waiting 5-8 minutes before every boss for people to change their builds and then during the fight realising that this guy forgot that trait and this guy forgot to swap that gear is not more enjoyable to me.


Delta agreed with that, so they would keep his addon in the game. I like that Anet made their own version, something like that should have been in the game long time ago, I am just really disappointed about how they made it.


I never said, that it's ok to spam because "I am mad" (I don't think this is spamming anyway) I just said that I see a serious issue in the game after removing templates and I haven't seen any thread about it, so I started this one out of frustration and the need of discussion.


I am polite towards everyone here, and I am looking toward any oposing arguements, so stop changing meanings of things I say and be calm.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > > > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > > > > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> > > > > > Has Anet said that ARC Templates will not be usable after the patch or are people just making assumptions?

> > > > >

> > > > > Yes. More specifically, the developer of arc templates had said that when he got permission to add build templates it was on the express condition that he would disable his build templates once ArenaNet added their own, official build templates.

> > > > We're one step farther now.

> > > >

> > > > > changes

> > > > > *** build templates will be disabled starting oct 15 2019 ***

> > > > https://www.deltaconnected.com/arcdps/

> > > >

> > > > I'm even more pissed than before (and not at deltaconnected). Not only will we be getting trash templates two weeks from now, we'll have to go two weeks without any templates at all.

> > >

> > > you call them trash, while others may call them 'actually working'.

> > > Fine, it may be trash. but have you considered the people that can't use ArcDPS for whatever reasons?

> > > In case you hadn't noticed, ArcDPS is a highly unstable addon that actually makes the game lag or crash.

> > > anything that works, is better than an unstable product, even if it has less functions

> >

> > To say that it’s unstable is not understanding arc in itself. Gw2 is what makes people crash not arc. Out of the whole time i used arc iv only crashed 2 times because of arc. And that was because arc wasn’t updated since arenanet kept on updating the client every 2-3 hours.

> >

> > To say that people can’t use it for whatsoever reason is most likely mac, or lunix. If you have a windows pc which is most likely the majority of gamers, you don’t have a problem to install it. However macs can still use Windows os in the mac and back door using arctemplates and be fine. I know people who have done that. So as far as “can’t” means ether the person doesn’t want to. Or just doesn’t care. Or they have a lunix.

> >

> > Only platform that is most likely not work is lunix. Build templates is literally as easy as putting a mp3 song into your MP3 player, that’s how easy it is to install arc. To say that in 2k19 and people don’t know how to drag and drop a mp3 song into your MP3 player, you shouldn’t be playing games. Or should truly invest in learning how to operate a pc since now mostly things are operated electronically.

> >

> > Truly the problem is Arenanet saying build templates are for dedicated players, and arenanet not targeting dedicated players as the people using them. Dedicated players aren’t players who don’t know how to install arc. Dedicated players aren’t players who just play open world. Dedicated players are people who play for years and raid, pvp, wvw. Not people who just do open world bosses. You don’t need build templates for open world content. Just press 1.

> >

> >


> My problem was, after installing it, it works on the first round. Immediately the next day you will experience crashes, the framerate may drop to around 1 randomly, and other funky stuff happens. This occurs independantly of updating ArcDPS, or the game itself having updates.

> That said, any attempt to update ArcDPS as described on the website itself, results in even funkier behavior, where the only way to update ArcDPS, is just to do a complete reinstall every single day.


> I also use the mount wheel addon, meaning I needed a hook addon to allow 2 addons to run at the same time, which made ArcDPS even more buggy than it was when it was installed solo. Long story short, maintaining ArcDPS was so frustrating I decided to completely drop it, and just wait for something official. Even if it only has half the utility.


> > Only platform that is most likely not work is lunix. Build templates is literally as easy as putting a mp3 song into your MP3 player, that’s how easy it is to install arc. To say that in 2k19 and people don’t know how to drag and drop a mp3 song into your MP3 player, you shouldn’t be playing games. Or should truly invest in learning how to operate a pc since now mostly things are operated electronically.


> Thats easy to say, and I'm pretty sure we both install it the same way.. since there is only one way to install it. And yet, it's not working as intended, as all. Meaning if I follow the instructions and it just doesn't work.. then who can I complain to? anet washes their hands clean of any


Ahh kk. I did honestly forget about adding a second add on. Because it does get more tricky when adding say reshade with arc and adding the wheel because you do have to rename those 2 dll to make it work with arc. So I can get your stance. But reinstalling arc isn’t that much of an issue once you get it going. Reshade and the wheel might be tricky each time it updates however, what I tell people the easiest method would be to cut, paste, overwrite once you finished updating and rewriting the dll names. So you don’t have a problem with it. I will say arc in itself is easy. But when your adding 1,2,3 different 3rd party dll’s together it does get frustrating.

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> @"Fir.7932" said:

> No, I am complaying about taking something fans made and forcing us to pay money, so we can continue using it. Therefore it's nothing new, it's something that was in the game all along, just monetized and with a limit. So no, waiting 5-8 minutes before every boss for people to change their builds and then during the fight realising that this guy forgot that trait and this guy forgot to swap that gear is not more enjoyable to me.


> Delta agreed with that, so they would keep his addon in the game. I like that Anet made their own version, something like that should have been in the game long time ago, I am just really disappointed about how they made it.


> I never said, that it's ok to spam because "I am mad" (I don't think this is spamming anyway) I just said that I see a serious issue in the game after removing templates and I haven't seen any thread about it, so I started this one out of frustration and the need of discussion.


> I am polite towards everyone here, and I am looking toward any oposing arguements, so stop changing meanings of things I say and be calm.


No problem--then allow me to again summarize the final point in this, clearly and concisely.


Using Delta's templates was never your _right_, it was a _privilege_. It wasn't officially supported, which is the _very first thing_ you see when you even go to the download page for it. Anet never went after it, and turned a blind eye so players could use this additional program to give them something not yet in game.


It's now in game, so Delta is removing it. It may not be as good as Delta's (at the moment, as hopefully they will of course improve it), but you are not _entitled_ to have exactly what it was either, as it was never _official_ to begin with.


So, in the end, this is just complaining about something being taken away, that was never truly _there_ to begin with. It wasn't a feature, it was a privilege thanks to Anet's leniency and Delta's programming.


Now, if you wanna start a "Ways to improve the new Build Templates" thread? By all means, I'm all for it. This is not that.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"blambidy.3216" said:


> > Truly the problem is Arenanet saying build templates are for dedicated players, and arenanet not targeting dedicated players as the people using them. Dedicated players aren’t players who don’t know how to install arc. Dedicated players aren’t players who just play open world. Dedicated players are people who play for years and raid, pvp, wvw. Not people who just do open world bosses. You don’t need build templates for open world content. Just press 1.

> >

> That is a very shallow definition of a dedicated player.





But is it a bad definition? Honestly no. How are you a dedicated player if you don’t play the whole game? No let’s rephrase this. How are you a dedicated player if all you do is open world press 1? You don’t need more then 1 build. Your literally with 50 people doing meta/world bosses. You don’t need another build. It’s not even challenging. To say that these players are dedicated to the game is truly false. Dedicated are people having mostly all crafting tiers to 500 to get ascended armor. Dedicated are players who grind out +9 ar infusions to do t4s. Dedicated players are people who grind out vg trying to get ascended pieces and l.i. Dedicated players are people who do wvw and grind to get gift of battle for a legendary weapon. Dedicated players are people who pvp and go for legendary backpack or try to wn a pvp tournament. But to say that people who play open world and press 1 and swipe the credit card for skins are dedicated. That’s a bad perception of dedication.

I mean mike z himself said dedicated players now have the option of legendary runes and sigils at the start of build templates announcement. People who just do open world bosses and press 1 are not these type of people.


**Mike Z: Dedicated players also now have more flexibility in customizing their builds with the introduction of legendary runes and sigils, allowing you to create the perfect gear stats for any situation, and this leads to perhaps our biggest quality of life improvement for these dedicated fans. Character build and gear templates are coming to Guild Wars 2 in the near future. This means that players will be able to easily share their builds and switch between different loadouts with ease. You'll be equipped with the most appropriate gear for whatever activity you're doing. Whether you're showing off in Lion's Arch, optimizing for raids, or getting ready for the next big clash in World verses World, you'll have full control over your character's kit. All of these content updates, features, and quality of life improvements continue to be given for free with no monthly subscription fee.


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> @"blambidy.3216" said:

>But to say that people who play open world and press 1 and swipe the credit card for skins are dedicated. That’s a bad perception of dedication.

Never said that. You seem to paint open world players with an exceptionally broad brush. This inherently voids your argument.


There are many, many open world players who are very dedicated both financially and with the time that they spend in the game, who don't raid or chase legendaries. Your definition excludes these players.


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> @"Operator.2590" said:

> No problem--then allow me to again summarize the final point in this, clearly and concisely.


> Using Delta's templates was never your _right_, it was a _privilege_. It wasn't officially supported, which is the _very first thing_ you see when you even go to the download page for it. Anet never went after it, and turned a blind eye so players could use this additional program to give them something not yet in game.


You playing this game was never a _right_, it is a _privilege_. Have you read the terms? Anet owns everything you play and can take it away or ban you at a moments notice if they deem it so. None of it is yours, stop being entitled to have the game the way you see fit.


The templates were officially supported, that's why the other guy that released a dps meter/addon was banned. Because he was not compliant with Anet. Delta worked WITH Anet to make sure it was good to go. The red at the top is a DISCLAIMER, the same you will see in any terms you read almost anywhere. And like I said before, it's the same thing you read when you created an account with Anet. It's also the same thing when you decide to open up your phone/console/computer/tv/etc. You break the warranty and so the company isn't liable if something goes wrong. That doesn't mean you can't decide to do it on your own or it's illegal.


> It's now in game, so Delta is removing it. It may not be as good as Delta's (at the moment, as hopefully they will of course improve it), but you are not _entitled_ to have exactly what it was either, as it was never _official_ to begin with.


He agreed to the terms so he could put the add-on into the game. He's removing it because that's what he has to do. Once again...it's not about entitlement. The new implementation is magnitudes worse than a third party add-on designed by one person. People would be okay with the templates if they weren't losing so much functionality. You keep side-stepping this.


> So, in the end, this is just complaining about something being taken away, that was never truly _there_ to begin with. It wasn't a feature, it was a privilege thanks to Anet's leniency and Delta's programming.


What? It was there for what, two years? How was that "never truly there"? Once again, you playing the game is a privilege because Anet can take that away from you at any point. Thanks to Anet's leniency you are allowed to log in and play each day. You should be thankful they don't charge you per log in, per char because they can do that if they truly wish. Do you see how this is such ridiculous thinking on your part?


> Now, if you wanna start a "Ways to improve the new Build Templates" thread? By all means, I'm all for it. This is not that.


Why are you so against people having different options? What harm did these options cause you?



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