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Gaze of Darkness change... Yikes


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I figured there'd be a catch with the way Gaze of Darkness works as it initially sounded like a big buff to the reveal range, in fact, most rev players thought that buff was unnecessary.


Of course, we log in the game and find that lo and behold, it's actually probably the biggest nerf the skill could have had. In all three gamemodes, if your enemy is NOT stealthed but is within range of Gaze of Darkness, what happens to your enemy?




No vuln, no blind, no reveal. No way to blind a big attack in melee range vs a class like warrior, guardian, elementalist, necromancer, or another revenant. No way to preemptively reveal a target to prevent them from stealthing. You made this skill another Detection Pulse... except heralds HAVE to take it, and no one has ever complained about this skill being overpowered. It's worked this way for 4 years.


Congratulations, this consume skill is now completely worthless against 5 of the 9 professions in this video game.


**Simply revert it, please**. For the sake of every herald player in the whole game.


Edit: So in the patch notes, it says this change is aimed at WvW. Countering the perma stealth builds that plague WvW... oh wait, there's only one of those: deadeye. And it's only prevalent in roaming, not showing up in PvP at any decent skill level. In addition, herald was better against deadeye BEFORE this patch. Good heralds use this skill PREEMPTIVELY in addition to reactively. Now the class has a grand total of one blind. On the staff. After a block channel. In which you need to be facing your opponent in incredibly close range just to land a blind. Using the skill preemptively can let you get your siphons and extra damage from vulnerability, it can prevent a thief from stealthing, it can blind a big hit coming in.


Does herald (especially in PvP) need even more of its pressure and defensive ability revoked at the same time? This class does not need a lower skill cap in addition to being objectively worse.


I hope the Balance Team can see that this change has made Gaze of Darkness:


100% worthless in PvE.


99% worthless in PvP.


95% worthless in WvW.


If this is a bug, fine, that's understandable. ~~If this is intended behavior, we implore you to take a look at how a seemingly innocuous change has completely gutted this ability. ~~



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I didn't realize it's not now like this until I read this thread. What the actual fuck


I used this skill to blind some classes before they charge at me with some big D CC ability on me in close combat, now it's gonna be useless. And worst part is it will take some time before I adjust to this change on subconscious level. I mean 600 reveal range is pretty damn well for me as WvW revenant since small scale roaming is full of thief/mesmer hit and run BS but if I were to choose I'd take old version any day. This is almost as bad as Unyielding Anguish rework (that 33% buff to power damage on CONDI LEGEND btw. Like U WOT)

Show me the guy who is in charge of revenant SHOWWWWWWWWW MEEEEEEEEE

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:). > @"mrauls.6519" said:

> Amazing change! Now stealthed enemies have to be extra careful vs Heralds. Tee-


Players are over reacting to no stealth targets?

Is it’s a good trade off?


I actually prefer it to be strong against stealthed units in trade of being another damage skill. :/



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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> :). > @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > Amazing change! Now stealthed enemies have to be extra careful vs Heralds. Tee-


> Players are over reacting to no stealth targets?

> Is it’s a good trade off?


> I actually prefer it to be strong against stealthed units in trade of being another damage skill. :/




Glint already has 3 good damaging skills, GoD was used for utility like stunbreaking and blinding a massive hit. This better be just a bug.


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To me it's clearly a bug, just report it. There's no way in hell they would let the skill be this useless. Even "On My mark!" works , though it's a single target... Requires the user to be proactive and not reactive. There's no reason to be so counter productive and remove the ability to apply anything with the skill.


As far as I know Sight Beyond Sight only reveals if someone is in stealth, but that's also a bad thing. Revealed should just be applicable no matter what the state of someone is.

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> @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > @"Oogabooga.3812" said:

> > Confirmed with guildies. Not stealthed, nothing happens - no blind, no vulnerability stacks. BUT you do get placed in combat, so......win?


> oh so we can still blind ambient creature for 100 energy before enemy engages, good.


Oh that is an interesting possibility. Did not test that. The ambient probably wouldn’t be blinded, so watch out for them deadly fireflies!

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more like gaze of garbage!


clueless, as usual, about everything to do with rev...you buffed the POWER damage of call to anguish (why though) and reduced the recharge of an elite that most people cast once per legend swap..ummm


the jalis changes are actually pretty good, but you failed to address that the elite is arguably the worst in the game and the heal is still really bad.


not to mention renegade has been unplayable in competitive play since day 1


the gaze of darkness nonsense is just icing on the cake.


pls leave rev alone lol




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