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Warrior's Cunning is Broken


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> @"Barnesy.5839" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > OP prob hasn't logged in yet to test and is just upset about the change due to a warrior stealing his birthday or somthing so wants to do what he can to make sure his barrier spamming isn't threatened lok


> I don't play builds with barrier. This won't directly effect me.


> Having a single trait which makes an entire elite specialization useless (scapper) is poor game design. Any warrior who sees a scrapper on the opposing team during pre-game will simply choose this trait. Thus scrappers are now completely unviable in competative PVP. I would prefer gw2 to have _more_ build diversity, not less.


Like how if soulbeasts saw a FB + Scourge duo they’d just slot unblockables out the ass so those classes never got to play the game?


This has been a common trait in GW2 PvP for a while now, and has never lead to the victim classes being unusable.

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Im pretty sure this trait was mostly intended for wvw where scourges apply 5k+ aoe barrier to entire squads. As people have said, giving up strength, discipline, or even defense for a very situational trait isnt going to change the meta. The only way i could see this trait being broken is for 1 shot rifle warriors who would consistently get 25% extra damage on their burst.

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> @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> Im pretty sure this trait was mostly intended for wvw where scourges apply 5k+ aoe barrier to entire squads. As people have said, giving up strength, discipline, or even defense for a very situational trait isnt going to change the meta. The only way i could see this trait being broken is for 1 shot rifle warriors who would consistently get 25% extra damage on their burst.

All that effort to be worse Deadeye.


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Barrier was badly introduced to the game, as in with wrong mechanics that ended in awfull gameplay, they now counter with another bad behavior...

Barrier was a bad choice the way it was added to the game....


TDLR: its Anet..... it’s normal... devs have no sense of good gameplay, that comes out of pure RNG updates.



Now it’s just a matter of wait until they change it as usual and when.

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Well.. warrior cannot utilize it. Core builds cannot efficiently compete. Dropping str or dis for tactics is overall major loss.


Support warrior (not really a thing) will not use it either.


It is not useful in PvE.


It is just there.. so people can yell "**OVER POWERED**."

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