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How can Anet monetize WvW more without being P2W?


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Once upon a time there was a big push for an expanded skin market. Wall textures for structures, different models for guards/lords and siege to name a few. Now, they don't even seem to make finishers..

Seems WvW/pvp specific items aren't worth making. (Warclaw is a Griffon skin, it doesn't count)

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As alienated as much of the WvW playerbase generally feels, trying to further monetize our chosen game mode is not likely to gain our favor.


Don't underestimate how much Anet makes off of people transferring between servers. It's not a shiny microtransaction, but it's not insignificant.


Guaranteed they're trying to figure out how to make alliances more lucrative than the existing system, and that's a part of why it's taking so long.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> Once upon a time there was a big push for an expanded skin market. Wall textures for structures, different models for guards/lords and siege to name a few. Now, they don't even seem to make finishers..

> Seems WvW/pvp specific items aren't worth making. (Warclaw is a Griffon skin, it doesn't count)


How would that work if those things aren't exclusive to any single player though?

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > Once upon a time there was a big push for an expanded skin market. Wall textures for structures, different models for guards/lords and siege to name a few. Now, they don't even seem to make finishers..

> > Seems WvW/pvp specific items aren't worth making. (Warclaw is a Griffon skin, it doesn't count)


> How would that work if those things aren't exclusive to any single player though?


I think the idea at the time was for players to buy them for their various guilds . . .

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > Once upon a time there was a big push for an expanded skin market. Wall textures for structures, different models for guards/lords and siege to name a few. Now, they don't even seem to make finishers..

> > Seems WvW/pvp specific items aren't worth making. (Warclaw is a Griffon skin, it doesn't count)


> How would that work if those things aren't exclusive to any single player though?


Once upon a time an individual purchased upgrades for a structure with gold. You buy the walls, you pick the skin. You buy the guards, etc.

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Knighthonor, for a player who makes so many threads and posts on this forum, you seem to read very few other threads and posts.


This particular thread has been made many times in 7 years and while that does not disqualify you from making a new one to remind everyone, the specific topic has also been discussed several times only recently. I know I have been commenting on it several times in the past few months. I don't want to be a dic-tator but it would serve you well to also read a little more about what other people are talking about to garner at least some basic awareness and not come off a parrot. No offense intended, there's no nice way of pointing it out but I mean no harm.


**To sum up (my own) recent comments:**

1. Anet needs to mend the fences with the community before they can successfully do focused monetization of WvW. I'm not sure but Warclaw suggests it.

2. It is a bit of a paradox because we all realize that Anet needs money to develop - however shortsighted decisions is what brought them here.

3. Mending the fences is rather simple: they need to deliver on development promises and achieve good results to restore faith. Bluntly: they owe us (PoF).

4. Once that is done there is ample room for focused monetization on all kinds of skins with WvW theme and WvW-exclusive presence.

5. WvW themes include guilds and alliances (customization of items), WvW-exclusive precense include things like objective or siege skins.

6. There could even be exclusive minor upgrades (though attention to balance required) like the home-instance node upgrades on guild/claim level.

7. The funny thing is that the common denominator to monetization is through identity and identity is what they have effectively wiped out of WvW.


It's not rocket science, it's simple demand-supply and looking at player behaviour. Do you remember the rucksacks? There is untapped demand. Only now, recently a rather famous guild called Cakewalk pooled their resources together to get the new celestial outfit to all players in their guild. That is a recent rather remarkable feat of demand for identity and striking the colors in WvW but perhaps not a very good example of how to monetize by Anet. It does however show that those who believe that WvW players are not willing to spend (when there is demand or simply to support, when they have something to support and faith is restored) are simply wrong. Wrong. After a hiatus I came back to the game late 2018, the first three months (around alliance update 2) I threw 50-100 bux into the game to show support. Then came the Warclaw, silence and no more gems.


I could spend, I'd like to spend to support but if (WvW-) spenditure takes attention from WvW and into the direction of sagas or into monetization without quid pro quo, it is a disservice to the community to spend. That is the realisation that they have to amend. Do people feel that they have gotten anything for their Warclaw skins if they bought them? I'm under impression that the general reflection is no. If the Warclaw was a testbed for focused monetization of a mode subset of the playerbase then they are also probing monetization of WvW in direct conflict with their declared perspective on development, with MO being on record saying that players don't only play one game mode. He is less correct in that, than it would be to say that there are things already in the gemstore that appeal to WvW players for use in WvW. If the Warclaw was a probe and the data drew such conclusions the monetization team are amateurs.

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> @"Optimator.3589" said:

> As alienated as much of the WvW playerbase generally feels, trying to further monetize our chosen game mode is not likely to gain our favor.


> Don't underestimate how much Anet makes off of people transferring between servers. It's not a shiny microtransaction, but it's not insignificant.


> Guaranteed they're trying to figure out how to make alliances more lucrative than the existing system, and that's a part of why it's taking so long.


I'd wager they make nearly nothing off transfers. People don't seem to realize the amount of gold in the war chests of these guilds. Some of them have well over a hundred thousand gold and can transfer all their players without opening their wallets without making a dent in gold cache.


The reason these guilds have so much gold is due to the selling of legendaries, and being paid in gold for shared participation. Now if they forced transfers exclusively through credit card transactions, it'd likely vaporize a good portion of the remaining players.


I don't see how Anet could further monetize WvW in any way. Unless they make a new spinoff game that is exclusively dedicated around a WvW style format with hoards of features that entices enough people to buy into it, perhaps it's possible. Under this system though I just don't see it happening.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> I figure that if WvW would generate more of the money it would get more updates right now only thing WvW specific would be the Warclaw skins.


> So how can Anet monetize WvW more without being P2W?


> Any solutions?


When anet did great enconomically they put the game on maintenance mode with only a few uncalled or weird changes, tons of focus on cash shop, gimmick events to milk player's time or money, and a bit of focus in story and pve content.


Why? because they wanted to focus on several projects not related to gw at all in secret..

How did that went? none of them even released, massive layoffs, angry customers ignored in official forum, tons of censorship, and a stale and boring game with no updates whatsoever, and the same boring meta since the last 2 years.


So no, i wouldn't recommend any other pvp/wvw player spending money at this game, money won't change a thing, if you want pvp, specially large scale battles that you can actually enjoy, don't come to this game, just look for another one.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> single use item that allows a player to use contested waypoints

> potion that grants pulsing stab, resistance, and prot to siege users

> single use item that dismounts and reveals all enemies in a 1500 radius





Lol, funny to read this when op said "without being p2w"

I laugh so much when players answer posts without even reading half of it

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* Customizations.

* Structures: Capture a tower, the assets of the vanilla brick and mortar structure get replacing by a new appearance.

* Guars. Capture an objective, the appearances of the NPCs get replaced with new ones you equip in the wardrobe. Their skills and behaviors stay the same.

* Dolyaks. A camp captured by a player with custom dolyak skins may have them replaced with pack bulls, pack marmoxes, a cart pulled by several mini moas, etc.

* Banners. Currenly your guild emble is show on banners, but the banners themselves do not change. This customization would allow you to change the color and shape of the banners.

* Capture fanfares. Like the ones from guild halls, but customizable individually.

* Finishers. All objective leader NPCs like keep lords and veterans in shrines will now require a finisher to be killed. Revive skills will no longer work on them once defeated, only when downed, like with players.


New expansion WvW feature: Roles.

* On the next expansion if there's ever one, players could get a new slot in the WvW panel where a new 'role system' goes. Players can change their role by talking with an NPC at the initial base.

This NPC is a vendor that sells items that are applied on purchase, like how Nathan the bartender sells Guild Enhancements.

Each role will have a limit on how many players can have it in each team, logging out or leaving WvW will forfeit the role taken so other players can take it.

* Once a role other than "Default" is chosen, players get some benefits, sometimes at the cost of a downside. For example:

* Default: No change. Standard Role for all players when they enter WvW.

* Siegemaster:

* Ups: You have 10% longer range and deal 10% more damage with trebuchets and catapults, and their attacks become ground targeted.

* Downs: You deal 10% less damage with other types of siege, and can't use rams anymore. Your siege attacks gain a minimum range of 600 units, so you can't target any enemy closer than that.

* Siege Assaulter:

* Ups: You do 15% more damage to both enemies and structures when using placeable siege machines other than trebuchets and catapults.

* Downs: You do 5% less damage when using your own skills and 10% less damage when using objective defense siege.

* Siege Defender:

* Ups: While inside a walled objective, you will see in the minimap icons indicating damaged walls and gates.

You can carry +20 supply and gain 1 supply every 15 seconds.

You spend 10% less supply when building objective siege and repairing walls and gates.

You take less damage and gain stability every second while controlling defense siege, and any defense siege you control takes less damage too.

* Down: You can no longer place or help build placeable siege, only objective siege.

* Spy:

* Ups: Enemies will see you as a member of their team.

You will be seen by them with the appearance and name of another player on the enemy team, randomly selected, not as your own.

Players in your team will see you with the "Lyssa's Guise" mesmery effect, not as the appearance of the enemy.

You will get a special action skill after defeating a player, allowing you to take a different random appearance.

Enemy guards will ignore you, you will see them as having a yellow name.

Attacking an enemy breaks the disguise until the next time you leave combat after getting defeated or defeating an enemy.

* Downs: You can still be damaged by enemies, and you can't go through enemy gates.

You can no longer use or create portals that allow teleporting inside walled objectives, like Portal and Shadow Portal.

You do 90% less damage for 10 seconds after attacking an enemy player while disguised and up to 3 seconds after leaving your disguise, but not against NPCs.

* Lookout:

* Ups: You gain a special action key that allows you to mark up to 50 enemies for 20 seconds, every 300 seconds.

You spend half supply when using Traps and Tricks.

While you are the only lookout within an objective, you always see all enemies within the objective in the minimap, as long as they are not cloaked.

* Downs: Your abilities and bonuses only work while you are the only player of your team within an objective.

* Dolyak Wrangler.

* Up: You can now go to a supply camp and pay some badges of honor to rent a Dolyak for several minutes.

When a dolyak is first mounted near a supply depot in a campt, they will get 50 supply that you can bring to another controlled objective by dismounting close enough to the supply depot.

Dismounting or being forcibly dismounted too far from a controlled supply depot will make you lose the supply load, but you can still mount the dolyak again, jus t without supply.

Each camp can only rent one dolyak per upgrade tier at a time, starting at T1.

Some WvW mastery abilities from warclaw will work on it, like faster speed on controlled territory, but not the ones that give skills.

* Downs: Your max supply is reduced by 10, and you can't mount the warclaw while a dolyak is rented. Killing you counts as a supply dolyak kill for the enemy team.

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Your assumption is that they don't make money off of WvW, because like most people you are assuming WvW players do not use the gem store.


All skins can be bought and used by WvW players, I know, because I have 80% of them.

Consumables like primers, I know because I buy them all the time.

Other items like salvage kits etc etc

WvW also has things that are sold that have little use outside of WvW/PvP, like finishers, which I own all of them.


The other side to this is that many PvE players make enough gold to not buy gems out of pocket, while all of mine are with my own real money and not gold/gem conversions.

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Yep I should start a poll on whether my storage guild for claiming, tactics, and crafting siege that needs around 2k favor and 400 mystic coins to be completely done with all wvw aspects of guild halls will be done before the game completely dies. Its like my ultimate legendary for wvw purposes all done by me rofl. Or either turn it into a hub for roamers lol.

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> @"kraai.7265" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > single use item that allows a player to use contested waypoints

> > potion that grants pulsing stab, resistance, and prot to siege users

> > single use item that dismounts and reveals all enemies in a 1500 radius

> >

> >

> >


> Lol, funny to read this when op said "without being p2w"

> I laugh so much when players answer posts without even reading half of it


meh. if not p2w how will anet fund things to get stuff done? a lil p2w never hurt anyone. I mean if we can weather these bloated xpacs then we can handle anything.

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