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What are the skillful profession/specs?

Crab Fear.1624

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(skip to the bottom and post your idea in the format as outlined below the bold point if tl:wr)


I have noticed an uptick in finger wagging in the forums, especially in the pvp section.


Lots of players looking at everything now, calling it all cheese, even though good portions of the complaints are about things that have been in the game since inception.


Many of the nerfs have the reasoning for complaint being "too rewarding for too little effort", or "a monkey with feet could play this build blindfolded", or "you press all your buttons and opponent is dead, gg...ape".


So, there must be some preconceptions or ideas about certain classes, specializations, roles, and builds that players consider skilled.


But, what are they?


Is there a consensus?


Or, is it all cheese, but different flavors of cheese?


Instead of doing a poll, I propose the last of us forum rats with at least a modicum of pvp experience each give our opinion on the matter.


In a certain format so we can vote the as a community and let those ideas be revealed.


How can we vote?


After each post you read, you give it a helpful for cheese, and a thumbs up for skill.


**Let it be in this format:** (feel free to explain more in paragraph after the fact, but keep it separate for easy reading)




Specializations (traits)






Damage Type (Power, Condi, Hybrid)



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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> ele/weaver/elementalist

> renegade/rev


> the good ones always use macros



Im always getting accused of this even though my mouse has 19 buttons...


as for OP:

Celestial DD Tempest



I float between all points. Bring support where its needed or side node... its a versatile build.

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Teamfighter, occasional side-noder


Longbow, Sword/Shield _(Focus instead of Shield)_


Damage Type: Power



**Own note**: Even though undoubtedly _(in my mind)_ not an OP profession/build nor one on par with stronger meta-builds, I have always found entire Guardian game-play with permanent Retaliation to be extremely skillless and self-carrying, might be because it is coupled with Heavy Armor, absurd amounts of Heals and blocks and boons and a **very** powerful dmg, if some of this was taken away it would be a skillfull profession no matter what is or is not Meta at any given moment. In my opinion it might be skillful now in current Meta, but deep in its core is a cheese.

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I like where this is going. What is the skillfull profession/spec? Ofc profession X, because I play it so it must be skillful lol.


In my opinion s/d and d/p teefs. Also Weaver, especially power based, for ppl that can't maintain the pianist and creative gameplay. Id also like to mention Herald, because imo it has possible high skill cap.


_We all know how those builds look and work so I wont do the full list of traits/role etc._

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Power Shiro requires good timing and positional awareness to be effective and I think of it as one of the most hard professions to master.

Thief also has many things to do (capping, +1), has relatively low survivability and requires very good decisions.


Now for your opening comments what do you mean "people call it cheese"? Isn't condi DD cheese? Or wasn't CI mirage in the near past? One shot sic'em soulbeasts WvW? (and the list could go on). Do you believe these types of playing add to the quality of competitive gameplay?

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> > @"Jasher.6580" said:

> > Weaver is the hardest class in the game to play. Period.


> Weaver and elementalist in general is the second hardest profession. Core condition engineer with 3-4 kits still comes out on top.


*laughs in conjured weapons ele*


Honestly, my top3 are:

- Thief because of high map awareness needed and low health (not condi!!! Not even S/D as much),

- Ele for mechanical piano (true, though, kit/grenade engineer used to be kinda equal),

- Revenant, just for me maybe, because for some reason I can't get used to the energy mechanic.


I always found guard easy to play, but FB has changed that a little.

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i often read rev but I find this the easiest shit ever to play - the role of a rev is very clear and loaded with damage its hard to not kill

rev is the only class i could maintain plat 2 with when i first started playing it

weaver is also not so difficult to play (have only played s/d and s/f)


other easy specs:





medium difficulity:

ranger specs (druid quite easy though)

engi specs


hardest for me to play:

thief - initiative system, very squishy, small opening into actually doing dmg (condi dd and de easier to play with high results though)

warrior - maybe not a popular opinion but all skills are easy to read, this only works in the opponent's favor. While its easy to just 2-shot people in gold rated games or kite forever with godlike sustain, higher on the ladder i had less success.

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I vote for necromancer, no matter whether it is core necro, reaper or scourge. The difficulty isn't within damage combos or executing the spec, but mostly about positioning and reading the map. Necro is food if it get's focused, and necro cannot escape, so it takes clever positioning of yourself and smart usage of movement skills like flesh wurm, spectral walk (or that scourge portal that I always forget the name of). I personally use the core necro spec, to put it into your format:


Necromancer (core)

Curses, Soul Reaping, 3rd either spite or death magic.

Teamfights, focusing key targets, corrupting boons while staying alive.

Staff+scepter/warhorn, focus can be an option as well.

Condi, a significant part of it's damage comes from corrupted enemy boons.



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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> Most skilled profession?


> Whatever outdated spec you stubbornly cling to in PvP.


> @"Crab Fear.1624" @"Hoodie.1045"


> Pls don't feel personally attacked



Most skilled is another question.


I am just wondering about skillful ones in general.


What might be cheese to me could be crusty old bread to another. (edit: as unlikely as that is, I mean, who would mistake cheese for crusty bread?)


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With all the Changes in the game at the moment I'll name these Classes that are Meta or Could Possibly be Meta.


1 Star=Low

2 Star= mid

3 Star= Hard



Core Necro **

Reaper **

Scourge ***

Condi Thief *

Staff Thief*

S/D Thief ***

Rev ** or ***

Rifle Holo *

Prot Holo **

Supper FB ***

SageBrand *

Burst Ranger **

Boon Beast *

Weaver ***

Condi Mirage *

Power Mirage ***

Warrior *


Currently what I believe is "hard" and "easy" after the Nerf and Buffs to certain specs. Feel Free to disagree or agree but Necro in general after they got Gutted are going to be the hardest spec to play for Conquest now.

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U can suddenly see that by hardest to play people actually said weakest to play. And now we can all agree that ele and thief needs buffs. It's not that hard to play S/D or D/P thief tbh (atleast it used to be not that hard).. it's just the fact that over time we became not only defenseless but also "damage'less". That's what makes it hard or even impossible. And weaver.. yea it's a whole different piano lesson with no spike damage nor spike heals. Lots of effort for not so much results. Doing everything yet doing nothing. So yup.. i vote for these 2 classes. Not only cuz they are kinda hard but they are underperforming. (Power mesmer is following the same path btw. RIP chrono)

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I say it depends on what mode you look at

In pve i think classes that do supporting take some skill to play if you really want to maximize them

In pvp its any-class thats outdated or is very technical but is also not a one shot sniper


Ele (is probably the most skillful of them all)

- Pretty much any weaver build except, pulse aoe/evade condi weaver though (that takes no skill and its not very good once some knows your play style)

- Tempest takes a good bit skill but it really depends on the setup, (i once had a tempest reflect projectiles for me by standing in front of me while ie was cc'ed with [Magnetic Wave](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magnetic_Wave "Magnetic Wave") It was just godly.....)

- core ele takes skill in general

- the very few and rare people who know how to play staff ele in pvp properly


Necro (just because of how undertooled it is at its base compared to the other professions)

- Core requires a bit of skill to play and not just die from power creep of everything else its also outdated and lacks tools it should have

- Reaper is the same as core but to a much lesser extent

- Scourge at the moment is probably even more technical than ele at least in pvp. But before the patch no.. this was not skillful imo



- Any thief thats not condi or perma stealth takes some skill i would say.



- Berserker is probably the hardest realistically to play out of the 3 (not talking about 1 shot builds)



- Core.... yeah no one does this anymore lol.... Holo just made it so free and easy its silly



- Any mesmer build that does not use a staff


The hardest things for me personally to play is a warrior and thats because i main a necro and the two play 100% differently its actually mentally draining for me to play warrior because i have to make myself think so differently but warrior can be fun. I personally dont think its as easy as people say it is.

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no hate but def not thief, it being my second most played class only because i can be effective without being mechanically good.

well i guess that include all damage spec that can teleport, certain builds might be weak at the moment, but it doesnt change the core of the build.

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