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This is actually the most build diversity I have seen ever!


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If only most builds were not cheese that hits multiple times under 1 second condi or power while you are channeling 3/4 ability. They really should reduce the speed of the game cause it is no longer about being careful what the other guy would do and you to react, it is all about who has the better quick draw . I would like the game to be more like fighting game than a wild west shooter.

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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> If only most builds were not cheese that hits multiple times under 1 second condi or power while you are channeling 3/4 ability. They really should reduce the speed of the game cause it is no longer about being careful what the other guy would do and you to react, it is all about who has the better quick draw . I would like the game to be more like fighting game than a wild west shooter.


I certainly understand the feeling, specially vs holo, condi thieves and condi mirage, where you are barely given a chance to retaliate since all of them can engage/disengage at will, and have several tools to make you hit them for less damage (Weakness is an awful condi for power builds) while overloading you with damage condis, CC condis, cover condis and a few hard CC in the middle (that often is unblockable or comes up ridiculously quickly).


That's why I'm mostly playing burn guard, support warrior or support tempest; I figured, if I can negate those things from the enemy team, then maybe I can give my team a chance to fight back.


> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:


> I don't have a working build its just fun to play. the new salvation trait line is pretty kitten stronk.


Hey man, at the end of the day is all about having fun! I'm support player at heart, literally almost every build I play has mid-to-high level of support built in, which is why I have tried ventari rev for a while but no success, and neither have I seen others succeed either.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > long live bunker rev lol

> >

> > I honestly haven't seen it have much success being something other than a meatball who can only eat damage if the enemy team decides to focus him first for whatever reason.

> >

> > Maybe you can share your build/screenshot/people playing it successfully/video or idk so i can form a more informed opinion on it, because I rarely come across it and when I do, they perch at our home, but my team [mostly] plays far and mid then, since it is a 4v5 everywhere else.


> I don't have a working build its just fun to play. the new salvation trait line is pretty kitten stronk.


Ventari/jalis invocation/retribution/salvation is pretty tanky. It doesn’t do damage though and you have to be good with with tablet.


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-Spellbreaker (might Dg/Sh GS)

-Core warrior horn/rifle **Not viable**

-Berzerker (seen it have less success but still see every now and then) **Not viable**



-Firebrand symbol hybrid

-Firebrand support

-Core guardian burst **Not viable**

-Core guardian burn **Not viable**

-DH (less success but still see it every now and then) **mediocre**




-Fire weaver

-Fresh air weaver **mediocre**

-Support tempest (Staff) **Not viable**

-Support tempest (dg/horn or dg/focus) **Not viable**

-Core ele staff burst (not as often but there are 2 people in P1 who run it consistently and win many matches) **Not viable**



-Blood scourage

-Cancer scourage **Not viable**

-Reaper (many different builds, some more success than others) **mediocre**

-Core necro



-Core ranger **Not viable**

-Boonbeast **mediocre**

-Power ranger SB

-Druid (less success but seen it ran both as hybrid support and node dueler) **Not viable**




-Unkillable metastatic cancer holo

-Protection holo

-Damage scrapper **mediocre**




-Sw/d - Sb core thief

-Sw/d Sb DD **Not viable**

-Cancer condi DD

-Burst DE

-Vault DD **mediocre**

(seen some Ps/Ps builds but not particularly impressed)



-Burst shiro/glint

-Condi mallyx/glint **Not viable**

(seen a few attempts at support renegade and/or ventari, but not been impressed so far) **Not viable**



-Cancer condi staff mirage **mediocre**

-Power shatter mirage **Not viable**

-Power shatter core **Not viable**


I corrected for you @"Fortus.6175" . If it is not at least a B tier build; meaning you can play it in P2-P3 and be effective, it is not a valid build. Any experienced player can take a tier C build to P1. That is not measure of anything.


We have less than 10 competitive builds.


I think Trevor said it best:


> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> I don't want to burst everyone's bubble, however…


> I think maybe a big reason why we are seeing such diverse build representation isn't because of actual viable diversity, but rather because the population is lower now. 1600s are now seeing 1300s and 1200s in games nowadays. Which of course means those 1600s are going to start seeing things like DHs, and Condi Druids, and Berserkers with rifles, ect ect.


> When you join ATs with a 1600 team and go against another 1600 team, you don't see DHs or Condi Druids or Berserkers with rifles.



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You ever stop to think that maybe its because ANet has just been deciding to double down on the power creep trend on purpose and is now just power creeping obscure builds and traits?


"If everything is power crept...*then everything is balanced*!" seems to be the logic being applied here.


ANet is increasing or expanding the amount of boons across all classes, just like what they've recently done with Warrior and its Tactics trait line with the Might generation and uptime. So rather than toning things down, y'know like they should be...they are instead just ramping it up on other classes. Yeah. Great. Because people *loved* when damage in WoW got into the *millions*.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"pukish.5784" said:

> > I saw OP uses burn guardian with weird build and warhorn warrior at gold division.

> > Yes,You can use any builds and play just for the fun. Mostly You will lose but it doesn't matter for you right?


> Some would say it doesn't matter at all.




This is true, it really doesn't. At this point we kind of know anet isn't going to give us what we want. You can either quit or keep playing if you still find fun in it, may as well not be depressing about it. Low population this, low population that, it's not anything we can affect (unless you want to try getting more people to play by not ragging on it 24/7). If us complaining on the forums worked, the game mode would be perfect by now, we do enough of it.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> -Spellbreaker (might Dg/Sh GS)

> -Core warrior horn/rifle **Not viable**

> -Berzerker (seen it have less success but still see every now and then) **Not viable**



> -Firebrand symbol hybrid

> -Firebrand support

> -Core guardian burst **Not viable**

> -Core guardian burn **Not viable**

> -DH (less success but still see it every now and then) **mediocre**




> -Fire weaver

> -Fresh air weaver **mediocre**

> -Support tempest (Staff) **Not viable**

> -Support tempest (dg/horn or dg/focus) **Not viable**

> -Core ele staff burst (not as often but there are 2 people in P1 who run it consistently and win many matches) **Not viable**



> -Blood scourage

> -Cancer scourage **Not viable**

> -Reaper (many different builds, some more success than others) **mediocre**

> -Core necro



> -Core ranger **Not viable**

> -Boonbeast **mediocre**

> -Power ranger SB

> -Druid (less success but seen it ran both as hybrid support and node dueler) **Not viable**




> -Unkillable metastatic cancer holo

> -Protection holo

> -Damage scrapper **mediocre**




> -Sw/d - Sb core thief

> -Sw/d Sb DD **Not viable**

> -Cancer condi DD

> -Burst DE

> -Vault DD **mediocre**

> (seen some Ps/Ps builds but not particularly impressed)



> -Burst shiro/glint

> -Condi mallyx/glint **Not viable**

> (seen a few attempts at support renegade and/or ventari, but not been impressed so far) **Not viable**



> -Cancer condi staff mirage **mediocre**

> -Power shatter mirage **Not viable**

> -Power shatter core **Not viable**


> I corrected for you @"Fortus.6175" . If it is not at least a B tier build; meaning you can play it in P2-P3 and be effective, it is not a valid build. Any experienced player can take a tier C build to P1. That is not measure of anything.


> We have less than 10 competitive builds.


> I think Trevor said it best:


> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > I don't want to burst everyone's bubble, however…

> >

> > I think maybe a big reason why we are seeing such diverse build representation isn't because of actual viable diversity, but rather because the population is lower now. 1600s are now seeing 1300s and 1200s in games nowadays. Which of course means those 1600s are going to start seeing things like DHs, and Condi Druids, and Berserkers with rifles, ect ect.

> >

> > When you join ATs with a 1600 team and go against another 1600 team, you don't see DHs or Condi Druids or Berserkers with rifles.




Lol core war, core guard, tempest, core ranger condi rev and power mirage are all very viable and staff d/d and condi mirage are meta. You might not see all in ats a lot but I would much rather have a plat2 player on those than a gold player on a meta build and this is coming from someone who wins dATs pretty much 1-2 times a day.

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