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anet's vision of the game


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If this company, still has some sort of "vision" of how the game should be like it would be great if they share it with their customers


Ever since pof release, it seems almost every change they do in (mostly in wvw or pvp) is completely random, out of place and out of touch


bland balance changes which only break some stuff to buff some other, so the meta is still heavily narrowed but with different builds every 4 months

weird "reworks" that completely destroy some specs (druid or chrono for example)

-i remember when anet advertised this game as a custom rpg, where players could mix any weapon, traitline and stats as they like and still be effective, now is run this build with this weapons to overperform or just go tryhard mode with your custom build


warclaws in wvw without thinking how it would affect community

-after years of wvwers asking please not to add mounts in game you did anyways, killing roaming in this game, as we told you it would, and in a ridicule state giving players a portable safe zone, it took 7 months for you to add a demount skill, now it's been so long you are even losing more players than before, because some got used to not beeing forced to fight in an open world pvp zone, they won't play anymore now that they can be killed again when they don't want to

also between power and sustain creep fights were hard to pull of beacause of reinforcementes, they never took this into account, because now they are even harder unless you run one of those so hated one shot builds


no new maps in either pvp or wvw, just one for pvp that most of us feel it's the worst currently

only new pve content is the story, which some players are getting sick of, 4 months of wait for a 30 minutes mission, and a new map that takes 4 hours to complete so you never come back again


At first i thought you were out of touch, but then watching how you never reverted nor commented any of the most weird changes in the last year, i'm starting to feel maybe you do have a vision of how the game should be, and it's completely different from what the game has been for the last 5 years, maybe you want to take things into another place


It would be good if you share that for us, so for example the hardcore pvper, that likes to be competetive, can actually know for sure you won't focus on pvp side of the game at all, so he can give up and move on to another game that gives him as a customer what he likes and needs.


I myself feel i was tricked by you, i bought pof because i thought your plan was to bring balance across all specs, like you did right before pof launch nerfing hot specs to equal core classes, and i knew it would take time so the first 6 months i didn't even complain, hoping for the day true balance would meet gw2 again (or something like that, i know true balance is almost impossible in every mmo)


It took me until chrono "rework" to realize you lost all touch with class balance, and pvp in general, and that you wouln't take back the mistakes made in the past, just push even more the pof meta so you could sell more copies, and as a dedicated pvper now i realize this game is no longer for me because your focus is and always be pve oriented.

It's a shame i could see all this in the past with just one single announcement explaining what's your vision now, and where do you want to take this game next.



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> @"kraai.7265" said:



> warclaws in wvw without thinking how it would affect community

> -after years of wvwers asking please not to add mounts in game you did anyways, killing roaming in this game,


Stop just stop. Roamers are a small minority of WvW players and many people were asking for Mounts in WvW.


WvW was dead prior to Mounts getting added. Mounts actually made WvW more popular.

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I think instead of them giving WvW mounts they should have used some sort of rez shrine when you've taken over a significant keep/area.

One of the reasons I have never gotten into WvW is being oneshotted by what ever in the massive blob of players, only to rez 3000 miles away and have to run back. This for me atleast happens over and over again because of coarse no one Rez's.

Also I wish there really was more to it than running around in a mass blob, taking the same spot again and again.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> Stop just stop. Roamers are a small minority of WvW players and many people were asking for Mounts in WvW.


> WvW was dead prior to Mounts getting added. _Mounts actually made WvW more popular._

...i laughed so hard when i read that. I truly did.

(yeah, it did made WvW more populated. For a week.)


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> [https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/whats-next-for-guild-wars-2/](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/whats-next-for-guild-wars-2/ "https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/whats-next-for-guild-wars-2/")


This is not a roadmap in any sense, it's just a lot of unfulfilled promises tagged as "work in progress" same story with alliances, they've been working on it for 3 years now and counting...


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > Stop just stop. Roamers are a small minority of WvW players and many people were asking for Mounts in WvW.

> >

> > WvW was dead prior to Mounts getting added. _Mounts actually made WvW more popular._

> ...i laughed so hard when i read that. I truly did.

> (yeah, it did made WvW more populated. For a week.)



it was dead before mounts and dead after. Mounts had nothing to do with that. WvW is like Whose Line Is It Anyway https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whose_Line_Is_It_Anyway%3F_(American_TV_series)#History

Points dont matter and there are no winners or losers. Thats why WvW is dead. Its mindless fighting and Structure trading with no real goal. Again Mounts had nothing to do with that since WvW was on a major decline prior. Mounts actually reduced that decline.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > Stop just stop. Roamers are a small minority of WvW players and many people were asking for Mounts in WvW.

> > >

> > > WvW was dead prior to Mounts getting added. _Mounts actually made WvW more popular._

> > ...i laughed so hard when i read that. I truly did.

> > (yeah, it did made WvW more populated. For a week.)

> >


> it was dead before mounts and dead after. Mounts had nothing to do with that. WvW is like Whose Line Is It Anyway https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whose_Line_Is_It_Anyway%3F_(American_TV_series)#History

> Points dont matter and there are no winners or losers. Thats why WvW is dead. Its mindless fighting and Structure trading with no real goal. Again Mounts had nothing to do with that since WvW was on a major decline prior. Mounts actually reduced that decline.


But there was a huge difference in the roaming community, when some of us saw how players stood there looking at each other without interaction in the middle of the "battlefield" some of us insta uninstalled the game, it was a joke for us, something we couln't belive it was happening


game mode was dead true, but we still had some numbers roaming, somo solo roamers too, some interesting fights in camps or the possibility to gank other players either zerglings returning to mothership, or duelers everywhere, now we don't even have that playstyle, it's either go with your zerg (which we only have like 2 left at peak hours) or try to gather a group of 5 to fight against blackgate's ten man squads created to flip camps and camp spawns


7 months of this crap and boom no population to even fill medium size zergs... unless you are blackgate

also 7 months and every new player that came from pve got used to be unkillable in an "open world pvp zone" so even those guys are leaving because of this new demount skill

so even less playerbase, tell me, do you still belive mounts had nothing to do with the crecent emptyness in wvw?

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> @"kraai.7265" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > [https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/whats-next-for-guild-wars-2/](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/whats-next-for-guild-wars-2/ "https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/whats-next-for-guild-wars-2/")


> This is not a roadmap in any sense, it's just a lot of unfulfilled promises tagged as "work in progress" same story with alliances, they've been working on it for 3 years now and counting...



I know it can't happen bc of the way the system works with selecting a wvw guild and everything but I would love it if they just dropped alliances on us one week out of the blue like they did with the lance, just tagged it in with some other patch . . .

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I wonder sometimes if people in wvw use all the tactics possible, roaming is dead apparently, bullshit zerglings just ruin it for everyone else cause all they think is about flipping castles and how the mount ruined their zerging, but no one made a havoc squad filled with rangers and de to pick off the so called reinforcements. But the zerglings are the largest part in there and the rest left cause everything is made to cater to the zergling and the more niche parts are abandoned. Part of the issue is on arenanet with how meaningless it is, but most of it is on the people how was it called, "optimizing the fun out of the game", it is so optimized that people just don't want to enter. All in all WvW is worse PVE Loot train these days.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> [https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/whats-next-for-guild-wars-2/](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/whats-next-for-guild-wars-2/ "https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/whats-next-for-guild-wars-2/")


Wish they would redo this quarterly and share honestly. I believe they don't since posters will go to the "Soon" emote. But a general roadmap ongoing would be a nice to have.

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oh come on, there are still plenty of roamers around. mounts stomped their 'lets camp spawn and gank everybody coming out' fun for a while. Otherwise there was no change for roaming whatsoever.


and now with lance, they can play their ganking game again.


I did not think that mounts were a good idea - but really? They ARE. Because of running around for ages to get back to your group, the fight, the FUN, you get their quickly and can do whatever you want. Hm, fight or slowly trodding across a map, what is more fun?

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It seems to me that when a company cannot release details until it's almost release time, when they shroud their plans in mystery in general and have had staff cuts, it just seems to me that the company is just struggling to make the content they are making and are not confident in what they can actually produce till it's almost there. This lack of confidence can be in the technical side where they hope to get some things done but aren't sure if they can and so they don't want to reveal things they might have to retract or they are afraid that if they announce it beforehand that it gives people time to think about and realise it's more of the same and not actually that much content. And in the meantime they keep people hanging on on false hope that will never materialise.


That's how it feels to me at least.

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> oh come on, there are still plenty of roamers around. mounts stomped their 'lets camp spawn and gank everybody coming out' fun for a while. Otherwise there was no change for roaming whatsoever.


> and now with lance, they can play their ganking game again.


> I did not think that mounts were a good idea - but really? They ARE. Because of running around for ages to get back to your group, the fight, the FUN, you get their quickly and can do whatever you want. Hm, fight or slowly trodding across a map, what is more fun?


you named the problem right there, it was good to have a faster way to reach our zerg, but they didn't do anything to improve the fighting aspect of the game, or make it work around mounts and the fact players reach everywhere way faster than before, there are almost no fights right now in open field, most of the fights are inside keeps/towers, no interception, just one side storming the other one defending, and lets be real those are the worst and most boring fights, usually determined by who uses the landscape better, who has the biggest zerg, or which side has more siege down.


translating that to roaming perspective, it's so boring to start a fight at a camp, 1v1 or 1v2, and get interrupted by 15 players that are just zerging around, back before mounts, those 15 man group just went straight for their objective so they wouldn't lose time, and the raomers defending camps would stay fighting at their camps, or invading others.


Also it sucks when you are trying to invade let's say bay, and players from opposing team would reach so fast to defend, it doesn't matter how many times you kill them they keep reaching in before you can take it

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > Stop just stop. Roamers are a small minority of WvW players and many people were asking for Mounts in WvW.

> >

> > WvW was dead prior to Mounts getting added. _Mounts actually made WvW more popular._

> ...i laughed so hard when i read that. I truly did.

> (yeah, it did made WvW more populated. For a week.)



I actually was able to recruit a few new members and got them to stay in WvW after helping them with the warclaw (and got them into a few fights in the meantime, most which we won). You get what ya give.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > Stop just stop. Roamers are a small minority of WvW players and many people were asking for Mounts in WvW.

> >

> > WvW was dead prior to Mounts getting added. _Mounts actually made WvW more popular._

> ...i laughed so hard when i read that. I truly did.

> (yeah, it did made WvW more populated. For a week.)


In addition, I also laughed hard at "Roamers are a small minority." :lol:


@"kraai.7265", good summary. :+1:

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"kraai.7265" said:


> >

> > warclaws in wvw without thinking how it would affect community

> > -after years of wvwers asking please not to add mounts in game you did anyways, killing roaming in this game,


> Stop just stop. Roamers are a small minority of WvW players and many people were asking for Mounts in WvW.


> WvW was dead prior to Mounts getting added. Mounts actually made WvW more popular.


You do say some fantastically hilarious things sometimes @"Knighthonor.4061"

Quality meme there

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> oh come on, there are still plenty of roamers around. mounts stomped their 'lets camp spawn and gank everybody coming out' fun for a while. Otherwise there was no change for roaming whatsoever.

Yeah, this. All the warclaw really did was deprive gankers of easy kills (since would-be victims now had a fighting chance to escape instead of just being butchered), so naturally they _hate_ it. Actual taking-objectives roaming is more or less unchanged.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > oh come on, there are still plenty of roamers around. mounts stomped their 'lets camp spawn and gank everybody coming out' fun for a while. Otherwise there was no change for roaming whatsoever.

> Yeah, this. All the warclaw really did was deprive gankers of easy kills (since would-be victims now had a fighting chance to escape instead of just being butchered), so naturally they _hate_ it. Actual taking-objectives roaming is more or less unchanged.


This is true, i still take objectives on a variety of non wvw classes, i just WP hella fast now when i see another player due to the lance ability.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > Stop just stop. Roamers are a small minority of WvW players and many people were asking for Mounts in WvW.

> > >

> > > WvW was dead prior to Mounts getting added. _Mounts actually made WvW more popular._

> > ...i laughed so hard when i read that. I truly did.

> > (yeah, it did made WvW more populated. For a week.)

> >


> it was dead before mounts and dead after. Mounts had nothing to do with that. WvW is like Whose Line Is It Anyway https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whose_Line_Is_It_Anyway%3F_(American_TV_series)#History

> Points dont matter and there are no winners or losers. Thats why WvW is dead. Its mindless fighting and Structure trading with no real goal. Again Mounts had nothing to do with that since WvW was on a major decline prior. Mounts actually reduced that decline.


So... you actually haven’t been watching the population levels for worlds have you... maybe @c space cowboy.2764


Could provide you with the most updated list of populations from the last 6 months..


Or just go back into this thread : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/84457/na-wvw-is-in-freefall/p1

And look for the picture from the wiki that has been updated..


Say what you will but mounts certainly didn’t lead to a population increase.


And honestly, it’s bleak.


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