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The single and most frustrating thing about GW2.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> Most single and frustrating thing?

> How ungrateful people are.



I love you. This x1000.


> @"lokh.2695" said:

> Except people don't want to work towards something slowly. It's the age of instant gratification, participation trophies and entitlement in gaming. Not fond of it but it is like it is.

Truth here as well. One of the main reasons I even play GW2 is because most of it _isn't_ instant gratification.

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Downstates a joke in a pvp mode and very frustrating. Nothing like winning a good fight just to have a enemy guard throw up a barrier and resurrect his ally while ur unrelentingly attacking the downed enemy just to have a now 2v1 on ur hands cuz they can revive faster than the opponent receives dps lmao fucking joke, like a lot of shit in this game. It's literally built full of mechanics to carry bad players, no wonder pvp population is bleeding.

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> @"Dante.1508" said:

> Yes the loot system here is garbage, anything of worth is either hidden behind a korean grind or hidden in crafting that costs a small fortune.. Tried to make 24 slot bag yesterday then realized how insane it is to make... a 24 slot bag haha seriously kitten..


> I gave up... buy gems, buy gold, buy stuff.. thats all this game is about.

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > Yeah this is one of the main reasons why I get bored with this game. I do come back but there's big breaks and most of the time after a couple of months I'm bored again. The game can be fun for a bit but repetition needs consistent rewards to keep interesting and this game doesn't do that very well. Loot just isn't exciting 99.9% of the time and then I start wondering why I'm even doing those same things over and over again.


> Same totally the same.. I've only been back a month and i'm already sick of the grind, might check whats new on Steam..

> > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > I'll very gladly take the loot I get from playing GW2 compared to other games I've played like FFXIV. Just because I don't get a precursor drop from farming something doesn't mean that what I did get was "junk." I've capped my magic find and can confirm that it does help, I do get less of the vendor "Sell Junk" items than I use to, and instead get more blues and greens. At least those are something that can be salvaged down into valuable materials. Compare that to FFXIV where it's both a lottery if the piece of gear you need even shows up and if you happen to roll higher than your supposed teammates? No thank you, I'd rather not hate the people I'm playing with.

> >

> > I'll agree that things like karma could have a better use but that's about all I agree with.


> Try getting ascended drops in open world solo play, tell me then how it helps..


If you must ask, yeah I've gotten 2 or 3 ascended chests to drop from Silverwastes alone. More if you include other PvE things like Fractals. I got an ascended amulet in Jahai the other day as well, now that I think about it. But I don't rely on random drops to get ascended gear, there are plenty of easy ways to get ascended equipment for a new character that only rely on things like gathering a currency, achievements, or crafting, i.e., you can actually work toward the goal efficiently without really relying on RNG.


Also, fun fact: you don't actually _need_ ascended gear at all outside of fractals.


Another fun fact: Crafting in pretty much any game costs a small fortune.

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> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> The single most frustrating thing about GW2 for me:


> - the potential of the game vs its execution




yeah, theres no "one big thing" that causing the game's issues. The underlying concept should work a lot better then it is.... but the whole game is hampered by a mountain of small and medium sized issues that compound into major issues in how it all works. And so many players are so caught up in their own bubbles to a useful part of the discourse.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Downstates a joke in a pvp mode and very frustrating. Nothing like winning a good fight just to have a enemy guard throw up a barrier and resurrect his ally while ur unrelentingly attacking the downed enemy just to have a now 2v1 on ur hands cuz they can revive faster than the opponent receives dps lmao kitten joke, like a lot of kitten in this game. It's literally built full of mechanics to carry bad players, no wonder pvp population is bleeding.


The OP was making a statement, not asking for players to express what they find the most frustrating :mrgreen:

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> @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

> The feel of being rewarded. I have been playing MMOs since 1998, and while I love GW2, I absolutely HATE the loot system.


> Almost everything is random, and you get your bags filled with junk constantly. Bag Wars 2 its been called and its not so far from the truth.


But how is this different from a game like WoW, the most successful MMO in history? Most of their loot system is RNG (at one point it was 100% RNG), and usually bound to individual characters. Your next gear upgrade drops from a dungeon boss - pray that RNG makes it drop on this kill, and in the past, not only did it have to drop, you had to win the roll to get it.


At least with GW2 your end game gear is crafted, limiting the RNG aspect of powering up your character. RNG usually only applies to cosmetic items, which are often also available for purchase from the TP - expensive, but available.


I've played the game where I couldn't complete content because I wasn't lucky enough to get the drops I need from boss kills. I much prefer GW2 where if I'm unlucky, I don't get some flashy skin that I probably didn't want anyways. 2/3rds of the rare stuff I don't get because of RNG would likely be sold by me for gold anyways.


YMMV, but I much prefer GW2's loot system over other MMOs.



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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> Question for those of you who ask for "interesting" or "exciting" drops: what exactly do you mean by that?


> This game is trying to hand out drops in a way that allows people not lucky enough to drop exactly what they are looking for to work towards getting the same thing by having a lot of tradeable drops/materials. If I'm not lucky enough to get the drop I want, I either get materials to craft it, or stuff to sell so I can buy the stuff I want instead.


> So far I thought "interesting", "exciting" or "worthwhile" drops would mean those that bring in lots of gold, but since the price of those items is directly related to how much other players are willing to pay for it, this doesn't make sense if the idea is to get more of them, since that would automatically mean demand is more quickly filled and prices crash.



I would say these qualify as exciting. I'm not saying increase drops rates, to crash the market. We just need more of these types of drops. While the same time add stuff you can grind towards with guarantee rewards(like the map armor collections). Although preferably instead of making a full set of mediocre armor, I'd much prefer they take their time and slowly add nicer armor pieces to each map. Unfortunately this will conflict with gem store and sales. They can make it fun, but gw2's money model conflicts indirectly.


These 2 go hand in hand

1.rare(as in drops, percursors fill this role)

2. expensive

3. unique(music box. I wouldn't care if I ever got one, but since it's unique, it's cool to get one as a drop). An example from another game. An item that produces herbs(or in gw2 case, certain food,once a day). In fact it'd be more interesting if the food produced was random. Imagine how many different varieties of these they can make and put in game. Of course adding more of these loots in table further dilutes chances for other rares drops, but they should be in different loot tables. Like how chak infusion is only in Tangled depths. It's not gamebreaking, but can be cool or useful item that is not common.


This game is considered casual, but casual doesn't have to mean generic and boring.

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> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > Yes the loot system here is garbage, anything of worth is either hidden behind a korean grind or hidden in crafting that costs a small fortune.. Tried to make 24 slot bag yesterday then realized how insane it is to make... a 24 slot bag haha seriously kitten..

> >

> > I gave up... buy gems, buy gold, buy stuff.. thats all this game is about.

> > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > Yeah this is one of the main reasons why I get bored with this game. I do come back but there's big breaks and most of the time after a couple of months I'm bored again. The game can be fun for a bit but repetition needs consistent rewards to keep interesting and this game doesn't do that very well. Loot just isn't exciting 99.9% of the time and then I start wondering why I'm even doing those same things over and over again.

> >

> > Same totally the same.. I've only been back a month and i'm already sick of the grind, might check whats new on Steam..

> > > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > > I'll very gladly take the loot I get from playing GW2 compared to other games I've played like FFXIV. Just because I don't get a precursor drop from farming something doesn't mean that what I did get was "junk." I've capped my magic find and can confirm that it does help, I do get less of the vendor "Sell Junk" items than I use to, and instead get more blues and greens. At least those are something that can be salvaged down into valuable materials. Compare that to FFXIV where it's both a lottery if the piece of gear you need even shows up and if you happen to roll higher than your supposed teammates? No thank you, I'd rather not hate the people I'm playing with.

> > >

> > > I'll agree that things like karma could have a better use but that's about all I agree with.

> >

> > Try getting ascended drops in open world solo play, tell me then how it helps..


> If you must ask, yeah I've gotten 2 or 3 ascended chests to drop from Silverwastes alone. More if you include other PvE things like Fractals. I got an ascended amulet in Jahai the other day as well, now that I think about it. But I don't rely on random drops to get ascended gear, there are plenty of easy ways to get ascended equipment for a new character that only rely on things like gathering a currency, achievements, or crafting, i.e., you can actually work toward the goal efficiently without really relying on RNG.


> Also, fun fact: you don't actually _need_ ascended gear at all outside of fractals.


> Another fun fact: Crafting in pretty much any game costs a small fortune.


Fractals are not Pve.. Its basically raids before raids existed And Silverwastes also require a team meta play.. try doing those events solo.. anyway i just craft ascended i will never get drops. Fun Fact yes you do since the expansions power creep, and no it doesn't..

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> @"Random Wax Orc.7695" said:

> The current loot system has too many ultra rare drops to allow making it rewarding for everyone. Using RNG on that ultra rare scale only appears fair in population statistics, but will leave most individuals feeling unrewarded. It took me like 4 years before I got a precursor drop, and by that time they were worth a small fraction of their former prices. I gave up trying to get Tequatl's Hoard after doing the event daily for like over a year, and still have never had a drop, while others are well on their way of completing that weapon skin set. **If Anet weighted rare drops by the number of common RNG results**, then there might be some sort of RNG social justice, but as it stands, anyone without a gambling addiction is probably turned off by the loot system, or has just been on the unusually lucky side of the curve.


> *shrug* This isn't a new issue and I don't expect anything to change.


the ultra rare stuff is one thing, the floor is too wide in this case, to much trash.

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> @"Dante.1508" said:

> > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > > @"Dante.1508" said:

> > > Yes the loot system here is garbage, anything of worth is either hidden behind a korean grind or hidden in crafting that costs a small fortune.. Tried to make 24 slot bag yesterday then realized how insane it is to make... a 24 slot bag haha seriously kitten..

> > >

> > > I gave up... buy gems, buy gold, buy stuff.. thats all this game is about.

> > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > Yeah this is one of the main reasons why I get bored with this game. I do come back but there's big breaks and most of the time after a couple of months I'm bored again. The game can be fun for a bit but repetition needs consistent rewards to keep interesting and this game doesn't do that very well. Loot just isn't exciting 99.9% of the time and then I start wondering why I'm even doing those same things over and over again.

> > >

> > > Same totally the same.. I've only been back a month and i'm already sick of the grind, might check whats new on Steam..

> > > > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > > > I'll very gladly take the loot I get from playing GW2 compared to other games I've played like FFXIV. Just because I don't get a precursor drop from farming something doesn't mean that what I did get was "junk." I've capped my magic find and can confirm that it does help, I do get less of the vendor "Sell Junk" items than I use to, and instead get more blues and greens. At least those are something that can be salvaged down into valuable materials. Compare that to FFXIV where it's both a lottery if the piece of gear you need even shows up and if you happen to roll higher than your supposed teammates? No thank you, I'd rather not hate the people I'm playing with.

> > > >

> > > > I'll agree that things like karma could have a better use but that's about all I agree with.

> > >

> > > Try getting ascended drops in open world solo play, tell me then how it helps..

> >

> > If you must ask, yeah I've gotten 2 or 3 ascended chests to drop from Silverwastes alone. More if you include other PvE things like Fractals. I got an ascended amulet in Jahai the other day as well, now that I think about it. But I don't rely on random drops to get ascended gear, there are plenty of easy ways to get ascended equipment for a new character that only rely on things like gathering a currency, achievements, or crafting, i.e., you can actually work toward the goal efficiently without really relying on RNG.

> >

> > Also, fun fact: you don't actually _need_ ascended gear at all outside of fractals.

> >

> > Another fun fact: Crafting in pretty much any game costs a small fortune.


> Fractals are not Pve.. Its basically raids before raids existed And Silverwastes also require a team meta play.. try doing those events solo.. anyway i just craft ascended i will never get drops. Fun Fact yes you do since the expansions power creep, and no it doesn't..


Considering I got the ascended boxes from Lost Bandit Chests, nope. You can get those solo with your own shovels. And yeah, considering both fractals and raids have the players fighting against a "computer-controlled AI," and not other players, both are PvE.


And no, you still don't need ascended. I've cleared raids in exotics just fine.

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