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Looking for a new Competitive Main


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Hey all;


I am looking for a new class to main (currently playing Necro Core/Reaper).

I am considering 3 classes atm: Mirage, SpellBreaker, Holo (The meta builds on MetaBattle)


I have a few matches on each, but I am still learning the mechanics. I enjoy playing all of them! (Maybe Mirage a litte more than the others 2).

What would you recommend for me to invest my time?


if you want to put more details on the answers, what are the "role" in Conquest for each of those classes?



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> @"WilnerGW.3275" said:

> Hey all;


> I am looking for a new class to main (currently playing Necro Core/Reaper).

> I am considering 3 classes atm: Mirage, SpellBreaker, Holo (The meta builds on MetaBattle)


> I have a few matches on each, but I am still learning the mechanics. I enjoy playing all of them! (Maybe Mirage a litte more than the others 2).

> What would you recommend for me to invest my time?


> if you want to put more details on the answers, what are the "role" in Conquest for each of those classes?


> Thx!


I suggest warrior, its super overpowered.

cherry on the cake is flexibilty of utilities to fit into teamcomps / counter specific pics, devs dont seem too inclined to nerf it, they buff it if anything.

strongest duelist, good at 1vX, good at bursting, sustain damage, sustain, CC, boonrip. you name it, you have it.

good at teamfighting and +1 too, very mobile.

the only weakness is that it cant teleport up the ledges, but can be dealt with by jumpingpuzzles/just hitting people throught walls.

spb/war usually plays as sidenoder/duelist, that shits on people 1v1 and then roams into teamfights where he shits on people some more.

you gonna have to know defensive cooldowns of the oponents to get the most of it. Rampage is a game changer when used at a right time.


Holo is very similar, form what I have seen but since I havent played it much cant really give opinion on it other then it has advantage in stealth and range, its whined on more so it might get small slap nerfs of 5% that engi gets when its overperforming.

If you wanna stick to 1 calss i wouldnt suggest mirage, its strenght depends on build of the oponents and the meta more then others, can be really good in some games and almost useless in others, while spb/holo is always good and impactfull.

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> @"WilnerGW.3275" said:

> Hey all;


> I am looking for a new class to main (currently playing Necro Core/Reaper).

> I am considering 3 classes atm: Mirage, SpellBreaker, Holo (The meta builds on MetaBattle)


> I have a few matches on each, but I am still learning the mechanics. I enjoy playing all of them! (Maybe Mirage a litte more than the others 2).

> What would you recommend for me to invest my time?


> if you want to put more details on the answers, what are the "role" in Conquest for each of those classes?


> Thx!


Warrior or Holo.

Warrior because it will take the least time to become good with and because its ratio of sustain/damage is nuts.


Holo because its OP at the moment but takes slightly more to play than Warrior, however it might not be this way for too long.



Warrior is the safest bet out of your options, you can by no means go wrong with it, however it is _(in my subjective opinion)_ the most boring profession in Gw, so that might be a downside later on if you come to same conclusion.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:



> I suggest warrior, its super overpowered.

> cherry on the cake is flexibilty of utilities to fit into teamcomps / counter specific pics, devs dont seem too inclined to nerf it, they buff it if anything.

> strongest duelist, good at 1vX, good at bursting, sustain damage, sustain, CC, boonrip. you name it, you have it.

> good at teamfighting and +1 too, very mobile.


Thnaks for answer!

Yeah warrior is a Beast, there is almost no counterplay for me (as necro) when a Warrior get in my face...



Just a thing...In wich situanions a Mirage wouldnt be good?

I throught it were a generic good class for 1v1 and even team fights...



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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> Warrior is the safest bet out of your options, you can by no means go wrong with it, however it is _(in my subjective opinion)_ the most boring profession in Gw, so that might be a downside later on if you come to same conclusion.


So just the straight metabuild? I started PvP mid-way this season, and by the time I got to high enough rank to qualify, I figured I would just stay in unranked and learn the maps and such. Going to do my placements with everyone else in a few weeks when the new season starts.


I found the most success (in unranked) this season on Mirage as I was able to stay mobile and peel out of a fight that was going south, able to escape most of the time unless being chased by a thief or ranger. But I'd like to try Warrior.


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> @"WilnerGW.3275" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:


> >

> > I suggest warrior, its super overpowered.

> > cherry on the cake is flexibilty of utilities to fit into teamcomps / counter specific pics, devs dont seem too inclined to nerf it, they buff it if anything.

> > strongest duelist, good at 1vX, good at bursting, sustain damage, sustain, CC, boonrip. you name it, you have it.

> > good at teamfighting and +1 too, very mobile.


> Thnaks for answer!

> Yeah warrior is a Beast, there is almost no counterplay for me (as necro) when a Warrior get in my face...

> hahahaa


> Just a thing...In wich situanions a Mirage wouldnt be good?

> I throught it were a generic good class for 1v1 and even team fights...




Mirage has no burst anymore, so mostly it struggles to kill. Very little cleave too to finish downed. Any firebrand (sup) walking in will make a mirage useless. This also makes it bad in teamfights.

In return a mirage can always blink away from fights too or keep multiple enemies busy with little risk. Or blink to the node thats unguarded forcing your enemies to split up.


Now take warrior who can even accidentally slice 10k dmg or holo 4k auto attacks with quickness. They can kill anywhere on the map. No vertical ports for these specs though so they have limited roaming abilities

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > Warrior is the safest bet out of your options, you can by no means go wrong with it, however it is _(in my subjective opinion)_ the most boring profession in Gw, so that might be a downside later on if you come to same conclusion.


> So just the straight metabuild? I started PvP mid-way this season, and by the time I got to high enough rank to qualify, I figured I would just stay in unranked and learn the maps and such. Going to do my placements with everyone else in a few weeks when the new season starts.


> I found the most success (in unranked) this season on Mirage as I was able to stay mobile and peel out of a fight that was going south, able to escape most of the time unless being chased by a thief or ranger. But I'd like to try Warrior.



Ye, metabuild. If you, same as the OP, wanna try/learn new profession then there is not much reason to go anything else than metabuild because that would give you the wrong idea of how that profession works in Ranked or why its viable.

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> @"WilnerGW.3275" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:


> >

> > I suggest warrior, its super overpowered.

> > cherry on the cake is flexibilty of utilities to fit into teamcomps / counter specific pics, devs dont seem too inclined to nerf it, they buff it if anything.

> > strongest duelist, good at 1vX, good at bursting, sustain damage, sustain, CC, boonrip. you name it, you have it.

> > good at teamfighting and +1 too, very mobile.


> Thnaks for answer!

> Yeah warrior is a Beast, there is almost no counterplay for me (as necro) when a Warrior get in my face...

> hahahaa


> Just a thing...In wich situanions a Mirage wouldnt be good?

> I throught it were a generic good class for 1v1 and even team fights...




What @"Koen.1327" mentioned.

No chase possibilities, if someone decides to disengage, nothing you can do to stop that.

Projectile heavy build/class, so reflect hurts HARD, cleanses hurt HARD too. so if there is no reflect and low cleansing mirage is really good, but when enemy has good firebrand with cleanses + proj reflect/blocks then you can be outright useless.

Its also very weak to reflect.

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Don't suggest you go warrior, the higher the rank you go, the more you realize how limited is warrior and easily outplayed with simple positioning and rotation.

warrior is a beast when yourself aren't good enough, but the higher you go, the less warrior you see, most warriors transitioned to other classes.


mirage is definitely better then warrior and holo for the potential ceiling it has.

but weaver/firebrand/rev are better picks in my opinion

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:


> What @"Koen.1327" mentioned.

> No chase possibilities, if someone decides to disengage, nothing you can do to stop that.

> Projectile heavy build/class, so reflect hurts HARD, cleanses hurt HARD too. so if there is no reflect and low cleansing mirage is really good, but when enemy has good firebrand with cleanses + proj reflect/blocks then you can be outright useless.

> Its also very weak to reflect.


Hm nice, ok thanks!


Anyways, so Holo and Warrior are more "jack of all trades" and versatiles than Mirage...

And what's the main difference between those two?

Or they have almost the same role?


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> @"WilnerGW.3275" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> >

> > What @"Koen.1327" mentioned.

> > No chase possibilities, if someone decides to disengage, nothing you can do to stop that.

> > Projectile heavy build/class, so reflect hurts HARD, cleanses hurt HARD too. so if there is no reflect and low cleansing mirage is really good, but when enemy has good firebrand with cleanses + proj reflect/blocks then you can be outright useless.

> > Its also very weak to reflect.


> Hm nice, ok thanks!


> Anyways, so Holo and Warrior are more "jack of all trades" and versatiles than Mirage...

> And what's the main difference between those two?

> Or they have almost the same role?



Holo is the jack of all trades spec and since the drop of scourge also the best teamfighter. Holo has most aoe dmg.


War should always look for 1v1 and 1vX, its mostly single target dmg. But since its high dmg its useful in any situation. E.g. you can rampage and destroy any random enemy whether its small or big fight.

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I think warri is your best bet,they can always serve a viable role in every pvp match and are able to hold their own long enough even when outnumbered. And eventough the meta builds are evolving around one or two builds,you can do so much more with them. You can serve different roles,you can defend home,be a side noder to far or add in mid teamfights, youre not limited to one way of playing. I never really played holo myself so can't say much about it compared to warri

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I like thief because there seems to either be an op meta build or something that cheese it’s way through ranked. Right now condi thief dps is very high but even if they nerf that you can always find something op like 1 shot de or 1 shot staff. It just has crazy build diversity and almost always seems to be A tier

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> @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> I like thief because there seems to either be an op meta build or something that cheese it’s way through ranked. Right now condi thief dps is very high but even if they nerf that you can always find something op like 1 shot de or 1 shot staff. It just has crazy build diversity and almost always seems to be A tier


100% agree, versitility in itself is a strong asset. even "bad" builds if unused for extend time, if different, can be forgotten how to propably neuter.

you can go core s/d, d/p stun spam, condi, hybrid, de, staff/staff evade monkey, plenty of stuff! some better some worse, but keeps the class interesting. if im gonna try to main another class its propably gonna be thief due to that or ele becouse i like hurting my fingers.

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