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fat characters?

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Yes please! I want to make a fat old lady mage.

It's a world of magic--where you have horned cat people, centaurs, talking frogs, talking cactuses, ect--the "you have to be thin or muscular to be a hero" argument is pretty much invalid. (Besides, you can't tell me some of the impossibly-thin, giant breasted human females would actually be capable of wearing heavy armor or wielding a greatsword--but they do)

Maybe my mage uses portals, waypoints, and mounts to go everywhere, incinerates her enemies with the flick of a finger, and has a love of candied pecans.

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> @"Operator.2590" said:

> I'd actually like to see this. I personally wouldn't use one, but it'd be nice to see the variety. If anything, they could make it a slider.


> But I can already see the nightmare it'd cause for armor, so it's just not going to happen sadly.


I wasn't going to wear chest armor.. Was just going to give him a Helmet and Lightning Hammer skin and bolt with the beer focus skin.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > Run from magguma to elona and see if your still fat...

> >

> > In all seriousness though, characters would be pretty trim by level 20 with all the running and fighting.


> I'd still be fat because my mount did all the running ?


My Skyscale is nice and husky, but I am on a permadiet....


All it takes is for caloric intake to be greater than calories burned....with ascended food, that should be a given.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> If a char has a fat belly will the stomach clip through the armor?


Not sure if you were serious but, if you pick the largest Norn female body size, her butt actually slightly clips the barbaric tassets she wears on the character creation screen... so the answer would probably be yes.

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I agree, it would be nice to have more of a variety of body options. I don't know it's something I'd want to use, but I'd like to have the option. I do have one overweight character in Elder Scrolls Online - he's my crafter and his backstory is that he's a retired soldier who escaped the war for some peace and quiet and let himself go a bit. He's also currently living in a pub, but that's probably for the best since he once got kidnapped on the way home from the pub and scarified by an evil cult, which caused no end of problems, so just needing to stumble upstairs is probably safer.


If armour in this game works anything like Elder Scrolls Online clipping might occasionally be a problem but stretched textures will be more common. Which looks like a picture that's been badly re-sized, not like clothing which is a bit too small. But it can be avoided by choosing armour which doesn't look too bad. We already have clipping issues to deal with sometimes so I doubt it would be much worse.


> @"Engal.6359" said:

> Run from magguma to elona and see if your still fat...


> In all seriousness though, characters would be pretty trim by level 20 with all the running and fighting.


What about when one of my characters spent all their time in Divinity's Reach making food and eating everything that wasn't worth selling to get it out of my inventory?

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > Run from magguma to elona and see if your still fat...

> >

> > In all seriousness though, characters would be pretty trim by level 20 with all the running and fighting.


> I'd still be fat because my mount did all the running ?


Maybe. Maybe not. If you were too fat, your mount wouldn't be able to carry you.

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> @"Engal.6359" said:

> Run from magguma to elona and see if your still fat...


> In all seriousness though, characters would be pretty trim by level 20 with all the running and fighting.


yeah so lets just dress our burning armors, lava weapons with blunt blades and go kill some magical dragons with our fit bodies :)

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Engal.6359" said:

> > > Run from magguma to elona and see if your still fat...

> > >

> > > In all seriousness though, characters would be pretty trim by level 20 with all the running and fighting.

> >

> > I'd still be fat because my mount did all the running ?


> Maybe. Maybe not. If you were too fat, your mount wouldn't be able to carry you.



As I sit on my mount and travel great distances eating various foods my chef made me, I'll put on more weight and in turn make my mount even stronger. it'll be fiiiiiiiiiine...... ?

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> As I sit on my mount and travel great distances eating various foods my chef made me, I'll put on more weight and in turn make my mount even stronger. it'll be fiiiiiiiiiine...... ?

Fat char with a fit mount. Amazing how the world always finds its balance ;)


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I think it's a fair idea, especially in a game where the attributes of a character are determined by gear and profession and not by their physical appearance. I mean, a Charr ele dying of one hit and an Asura warrior/guardian wielding heavy weaponry is a dichotomy on several levels, already. Overweight options would fit right into the character creation tabs. And the Asura sort of already have a pot bellied option, anyway.

It would be a gear design nightmare though, I think. If for nothing else than the sheer number of armour option the game.

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