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Halloween event farming tips


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I use a Crono for Lab farming - if 1 / 1,5 hours can be considered a "serious" farming =).


For running battles I use GS - it is the best option I found for tagging as many mobs as you can. Equip the trait from the Chrono line giving you 25% speed. As utilities I have the Signet of Inspiration - for additional speed / Blink - disengages when you need and also increased mobility. I have a well (no matter which) also.


At Viscount - replace the Blink with the Feedback and switch the weapons - the second set I use in Lab is Scepter/Shield. With a little attention you will learn to use Feedback twice (using F5), in this way destroying the blue bar and protecting your team from the rain of the pop corn seeds.


At the doors generating many mobs I use 4 wells (the elite too) and GS. The skill 3 is good here also. Use the wells when ready and Skill 3 on GS. Autoattack when these are in CD. Don't be bothered with clones and/or phantasms - the mobs don't survive too much.


Don't forget to switch back to Blink / Signet of Inspiration after completing a door. No special advice for the Lich and for the Horror - if you can use the Scepter / Shield for additional CC is OK. No need to switch utility for these fights - the Well of Gravity and the other you have + SoI is enough.


With high MF (guild / enrichment for amulet / food / banners / boosters) you will find the Chrono to be a good choice. I'm able to make 750-800 bags in 1,5 hours. Not counting the +30 large bags from the bosses.

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As far as what class, it comes down to what you enjoy playing. If you like a number of them than go with classes that can AoE or pierce. Other key here is tag and move. Hit a target and tab to the next. If you are moving in a squad and are not last don't worry about killing it, you want to allow others to hit it as well and share reward. If you are in the back of the squad then down them as you go, but ideally they should just need to be pushed over to drop.

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It's very easy. Just create a Daredevil (Thief) and run with squad (using trait [unhindered Combatant](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unhindered_Combatant "Unhindered Combatant")) while hitting and teleporting like crazy using shortbow. To become the best thief in easy kills, use a power build like Berserk, Marauder, or Assassin. Then enjoy making easy gold by selling Trick-or-Treat bags.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> I use a Crono for Lab farming - if 1 / 1,5 hours can be considered a "serious" farming =).


> For running battles I use GS - it is the best option I found for tagging as many mobs as you can. Equip the trait from the Chrono line giving you 25% speed. As utilities I have the Signet of Inspiration - for additional speed / Blink - disengages when you need and also increased mobility. I have a well (no matter which) also.


> At Viscount - replace the Blink with the Feedback and switch the weapons - the second set I use in Lab is Scepter/Shield. With a little attention you will learn to use Feedback twice (using F5), in this way destroying the blue bar and protecting your team from the rain of the pop corn seeds.


> At the doors generating many mobs I use 4 wells (the elite too) and GS. The skill 3 is good here also. Use the wells when ready and Skill 3 on GS. Autoattack when these are in CD. Don't be bothered with clones and/or phantasms - the mobs don't survive too much.


> Don't forget to switch back to Blink / Signet of Inspiration after completing a door. No special advice for the Lich and for the Horror - if you can use the Scepter / Shield for additional CC is OK. No need to switch utility for these fights - the Well of Gravity and the other you have + SoI is enough.


> With high MF (guild / enrichment for amulet / food / banners / boosters) you will find the Chrono to be a good choice. I'm able to make 750-800 bags in 1,5 hours. Not counting the +30 large bags from the bosses.


I am really really sorry,but 800 bags + 30 large bags in 1.5 hours is nothing but exaggeration.


30 bags = 15 bosses.Even if every boss took you ONLY 2 minutes to kill,that's 30 minutes just fighting bosses.That leaves you only with 1 hour of actual running around and farming,and 800 bags in one hour is simply,well,impossible.It is possible in 1.5 hours but that is if you DON'T kill veterans/bosses.


I am really sorry about my reply,but this is simply misleading for those who just started playing.

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Some hints for farming the Labyrinth.


1. Make sure to refresh your buffs at the banners whenever you pass one (some commanders mark them with symbols on the map). If you own Heart of Thorns, also keep in mind to carry any of the buffs from your guildhall. However when you join a squad, they are usually somewhere in the middle of the Labyrinth, far away from the banners. So before you enter the Labyrinth for the first time, quickly grab some banner buffs. Good places are the areas in front of the home instances and the WvW maps. There are usually a few banners (hero and spirit) close to the starting waypoint. Just grab the buffs and leave again. So you have buffs even if you join the Lab farm in the middle.


2. Carry some food with you which enhances Magic Find. A cheap option is the Piece of Candy Corn Almond Brittle. A more expensive option is the Chocolate Omnomberry Cream. The Omnomberry Cream grants up to 40 % MF, when you have a boon - which is normal when running in a farm-squad. Both can be combined with any of the three Halloween utilities

- Sharpening Skull

- Flask of Pumpkin Oil

- Lump of Crystallized Nougat

Note: Flushing a meta-bolic primer or utility-primer would be a bit of an overkill. The food is too cheap. Renewing the buffs every 30 minutes is no trouble. Most of us have to sort the inventory anyway.


3. Check your weapon and utility skills BEFORE you start farming. Do not use any knockbacks & launches when you are fighting many mobs at a door. This causes a few of them to get pushed away = people cannot hit the mobs = people get angry.


4. When fighting several mobs at once, try to tag as many as possible. Search of attack-skills whith the option cleave or just check the list. When you are at the doors with the many mobs, walk around while spamming the cleave attacks. They do tag several enemies at once, but they are limited to a certain number of foes. If you always stand at the same location, you are more likely to hit the same few mobs over and over, while ignoring the other mobs which have spawned in the meantime = less loot. Best strategy is to walk through the blob and around in circles while spamming cleave-attacks. If you own any AoE fields, place them as well.


5. Have trouble catching up with the zerg? Equip a Sigil of Speed on one of your weapons. Rarity does not really matter, as you kill tons of enemies.


6. You can farm with all classes, but some have a few advantages:

- Thief with shortbow has a bouncing ranged projectile that tags several targets at once. You also have access to a shadowstep-skill, which allows you to always be in the front group. For cleaving and melee tagging, you can use the sword and a dagger.

- Engineer with a Flamethrower Kit can constantly spam a cleaving cone in front of him. They also have access to a huge variety of tools and gadgets, easy selfbuffs, permanent swiftness.

- Guardian can use Mediations for teleporting, When Radiance 2-2-2 is traited, you create AoE damage every time you use a mediation skill.

- Necromancer with Staff has 4 ground target AoEs to place, as weapon skills. Nice for tagging many mobs at once.

... etc. (almost every class has a good farm option. If you are uncertain about your own class, visit one of the Profession sub-forums. People there are willing to advice you and gladly share their knowledge and experience.)


7. If you intend to powerlevel characters in the Labyrinth, keep an eye on the exp bar. Whenever a player gains a levelup, he automatically causes an eruption which creates an AoE knockback. So when you are about to level up, step a few meters back, so you do not spoil the fun for the others. EXP down there is great, if you still have characters to level, it is a great opportunity.


8. When gearing your character for the Labyrinth, keep in mind that most enemies are trash-mobs. The farm works because you rush through the mobs, tag them with a few hits and move on. In theory, everyone is able to tag all the mobs before they did. Truth is, the more behind you run, the lower the chances for you to tag mobs. Depending on your group, some mobs may die before the commander has crossed them. So better not come with a high DPS build, better not come with full ascended full berzerker's stuff. I currently run the Labyrinth with a level 80 guardian, fully geared in green magi gear. The entire build is focused on healing instead of dealing damage. Yet I still do enough damage to gain enough loot. The entire gear costed me less than 1g on TP (with runes and sigils). You see, you do not need high damage in the Labyrinth. In most cases, less is more helpful for the group.


9. Make sure to have one invisible bag in your inventory, can be a cheap one from TP. Put in 1x of each unidentified gear, your food and maybe a few single pieces of candycorn. While farming in the Labyrinth, your unidentified gear drops will stack up and your candy corn as well. You can quickly use your salvage-kits with the **salvage-all** and the **compact** function, without worrying to salvage anything valuable or clogging up your account vault with candy corn. Depending on how many slots you use, you can keep farming for hours (as long as you do not decide to open the bags).


10. Make enough breaks, do not forget to drink and go to the toilet.


11. When killing bosses, keep in mind that autoloot does not always trigger with the chests. Just walk to the spawning chest and loot it manually.

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