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Concerned with unranked match quality


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I'd like to point out one relatively important issue i'm confronted in unranked: the poor match quality. Most players from one team or the other are clearly way below the level of others, and that's just not fun. Instead of having a nice game, it really turns into clownfiesta. I am not speaking about people trying new builds or not tryharding and, therefore, underperforming. I am speaking about players that will start cheating -speedhack, porthack, ...- (behaviour that stops around silver 2), cap nodes with two people (gold 2), show apparent toxicity after getting killed/after killing (gold 3), fail to focus a downstate target in tedious situations (plat 1), etc.


Ranked matchmaking is not perfect, but I think it should be transposed to unranked to some extent. Babysitting is fun a bit, but sometimes it's quite annoying too.

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i find it fun, in some way or another the high rank matches is predictable,, the noobs in the unranked give some fun randoness. but yeah sometimes is boring.


for training purposes it can lax your skills, if u got used to "slow" players u get bulldozed when jump into ranked.


the worst ones are rangers,,, the chances of ranger in unranked be a noob is 8/10. to my power reaper is like a free kill: ->go reaper shroud->f5->f4.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> But i got your point:


> In the neverwinter pvp, their "unranked" like mode is very level strict to avoid that mess that scares noobs. u got to fight others with your level. The pace was inviting to pvp mode. here in gw2 to more pve oriented players the pvp is like a hell.


if you mean neverwinter online? then nooope, pvp was hot steaming garbage

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Since ranked is a cesspool wintrading wars and hasn't been worth much since season 6. I'll stick to my unranked stronghold. The community there is quite fun compared to the every game having a dc or afk in ranked.


If anything when I do get bored now says I click over to my new fav upcoming game still in beta but awesome.


Ashes of creation apocalypse.


Great graphics and its freee. It's a battle royal mode with more pvp modes to come once it's out of beta. Plus a pve mmorpg.


Sadly we have to wait for guild wars 3 before we can even hope for pvp in the guild wars franchise to improve from here on out.

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Totally agree with what people are saying. Ranked is way worse. In unranked you don't get any manipulation, and far less cheese since people are mostly using it for fun, casual play, or testing builds.


People are also less toxic in unranked. In Ranked everyone is super serious ready to pass blame and badmouth at the first chance they get, but in unranked there isn't much reason for them to care so much. At the same time that usually does lead to people afking more often than in Ranked, and that should really be addressed by Anet.


Not an expert, but going off of what other similarly structured games do they could:

•Dishonor idle players who contemptuously sit in spawn and throw games without disconnecting for longer periods of time.

•Offer the other 4 players of the team to surrender or disconnect without penalty after a player disconnects rather than hopelessly wasting their time.

•Ban repeat offenders who have loads of idle player and match manipulation reports with match statistics to back up the reports.



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i haven't noticed one team being totally better than the other, but i have noticed that one team will have one player that is way better than everyone else in the match. and that one player will totally dominate the other team because of their effort alone. So there are definitely instances when a player or two out of the 10 is put in a match much lower tiered than their actual skill. I think the issue is the lack of overall players in queue, than it is with the mmr system. I think the mmr system works, but there just aren't enough players during certain times of the day.

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Unranked is peaceful while ranked is a cheat fest not worth spending time in. With the wintrading, try hard, and trash trolls. It's not worth playing.


Sadly Anet has created a non competitive pvp mode by forcing duo wintrade wars and continuing to force 5v5 circlequest on the community. Sadly circlequest is a mode about speed and not skill. Roll a thief with speed and hell dont even have a second weapon just a bow and you can win matches.

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This thread was made during the off season, and specially this off season we had 7 min qs in "ranked" games, so everybody jumped to unranked for shortes qs


I've been matched more than once with top 10 ppl, 2 on each side when I'm only gold


But I never seen this before, now the season is on again, and unranked matches should "ok"


You still get to face 5 tryhards premades early in the morning sometimes




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