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World Linking 10/25/2019

Cal Cohen.2358

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> @"MrAngio.6917" said:

> This is very ridiculous,now Deso and White side is opened, Piken not linked again is closed.... **now how long do I have to wait before piken gets a link or is it opened?**


I am not sure which is more sad:

- That there are only 3 ‘full’ servers on EU now


- That you are complaining you are in one of them...

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Duca di Ebonhawke.1045" said:

> > > @"MrAngio.6917" said:

> > > **Anet Pls.... Piken Square not linked? why? I've been waiting for 4 months! im angry :/ , Desolation (FULL) get linked,Gandara (FULL) get linked,Whiteside (FULL) get linked. this is really kitten**

> >

> > This is becoming ridiculous , it would be great at the reset to open at least one week all the servers and let people free to move.


> To full servers? No.


> And I am on one.


> They are ‘full’ for a reason. People don’t have to like it.


I would a lot to tell about but there are servers closed for more than 5 months now and do not get even linked and I do not see even bandwagonig there.

In my opinion ANET should let people free to move , there are guilds splitted because of such reason.

If you continue to keep close at certain point some guilds will move , the community will be disbanded and will star bandwagonig in the new one so what's the logic ?

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> @"Duca di Ebonhawke.1045" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Duca di Ebonhawke.1045" said:

> > > > @"MrAngio.6917" said:

> > > > **Anet Pls.... Piken Square not linked? why? I've been waiting for 4 months! im angry :/ , Desolation (FULL) get linked,Gandara (FULL) get linked,Whiteside (FULL) get linked. this is really kitten**

> > >

> > > This is becoming ridiculous , it would be great at the reset to open at least one week all the servers and let people free to move.

> >

> > To full servers? No.

> >

> > And I am on one.

> >

> > They are ‘full’ for a reason. People don’t have to like it.


> I would a lot to tell about but there are servers closed for more than 5 months now and do not get even linked and I do not see even bandwagonig there.

> In my opinion ANET should let people free to move , there are guilds splitted because of such reason.

> If you continue to keep close at certain point some guilds will move , the community will be disbanded and will star bandwagonig in the new one so what's the logic ?


It’s been like this in some for two years or more. Guilds will move. That is part of the reason for the levels and the controls. If guilds want to play together, move together.


That would spread the populace out more.


Otherwise, they can wait until they are old and gray, or when alliances come out. Whichever is sooner.

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> @"Duca di Ebonhawke.1045" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Duca di Ebonhawke.1045" said:

> > > > @"MrAngio.6917" said:

> > > > **Anet Pls.... Piken Square not linked? why? I've been waiting for 4 months! im angry :/ , Desolation (FULL) get linked,Gandara (FULL) get linked,Whiteside (FULL) get linked. this is really kitten**

> > >

> > > This is becoming ridiculous , it would be great at the reset to open at least one week all the servers and let people free to move.

> >

> > To full servers? No.

> >

> > And I am on one.

> >

> > They are ‘full’ for a reason. People don’t have to like it.


> I would a lot to tell about but there are servers closed for more than 5 months now and do not get even linked and I do not see even bandwagonig there.

> In my opinion ANET should let people free to move , there are guilds splitted because of such reason.

> If you continue to keep close at certain point some guilds will move , the community will be disbanded and will star bandwagonig in the new one so what's the logic ?


That is exactly the point of having a closed server. They have more population than the other servers to the point where in order to get people to leave, you have to incentivize it. If a guild can't recruit how they want on a closed server, then they either have to wait or move.

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> @"Stagar.7216" said:

> Can someone explain why BG has no link and is closed when they are last place in population at every time zone?


BG is usually low in many of the categories. Those are weighted towards fighting and BG was always more of a fight only when needed kind of a server.

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> @"Stagar.7216" said:

> Can someone explain why BG has no link and is closed when they are last place in population at every time zone?


Its because of the other servers complaining they cannot compete with BG game style and they will not play the way they expect it to conform. Population does not have a lot to with it. Cry babies will cry ,life is to hard .

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> You also need to not link 2 sea/ocx servers together. Waking up to this jq/hod nonsense is silly. If they split up you wake up to half your kitten gone and can recover. When all your kitten is gone you can't. I mean it's an easy pip week and take your kitten back k-train but still in a competitive way pointless.


That’s to make the big server vs small server effect.


Links will never be based on wathbserver needs cover to.


If one server is super stacked for a timezone that makes that server the ktrain one while other will create gameplay by caping back, so the ktrain server has content to recap.


Ic this as a flaw in design.

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Also since BG’s main commanders are either tagging up on other servers alt accounts, quit, or taking a break... their players went to other servers like mentioned to play with content. A lot of people are still on said server, just bored because you don’t have a dominant tag on most of the time zones anymore. As much as people may think people can create content by themselves without a tag, I agree, but not to the point where you’ll help the server in population gaps.

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World Relinking, the death of WvW.


How fun is that, by the time you get to know people (specially being on a linked and not a host) You guys relink and we are again starting from scratch.


World Relinking is the actual Death of WvW. It makes me not wanna play that mode anymore.


The result as someone unable to move from a linked server is simple: I do not care about winning anymore, I do not care about server pride anymore, I get my dailies, my xp, and get out... couldn't care less if a keep is under siege, couldn't care less who owns stomemist, couldn't care less about any of that...


That, my dear Anet, that is the attitude you **WILLINGLY FEED **by this constant relinking.

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> @"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:

> World Relinking, the death of WvW.


> How fun is that, by the time you get to know people (specially being on a linked and not a host) You guys relink and we are again starting from scratch.


> World Relinking is the actual Death of WvW. It makes me not wanna play that mode anymore.


> The result as someone unable to move from a linked server is simple: I do not care about winning anymore, I do not care about server pride anymore, I get my dailies, my xp, and get out... couldn't care less if a keep is under siege, couldn't care less who owns stomemist, couldn't care less about any of that...


> That, my dear Anet, that is the attitude you **WILLINGLY FEED **by this constant relinking.


Come to ET--we are a link and we have server pride. We have numerous guilds and tags and we join our host servers in glory! Mostly. ;) We have fun and that's the whole point.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anet, Piken Sq. now lost the 3rd Guild since 5 months ago you stopped linking us. I don't know how your algorithm is made determining a full **WvW** server but something has to be very wrong. Since i am a Data analyst by profession i would like to see it. Still Piken is "Full".

I wonder if you could calculate in a full Daily run (3 dailies) twice a week as a WvW gamer will achieve this making those hours you claim. Even at reset Piken is outnumbered on one map at least with a queue below 10 on the best map. The rest is barely holding on. How can this be "WvW" full?

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Well Jayden, obviously you havent been "reading" my post but doing an auto-reply instead. Played hours can be translated in an algorithm in different ways. But since i am not here to explain the basics of query building and structural analysis design you should look at the facts. Piken has lots of good players. The only issue here is that although points can be made, those arent enough since we just are too few. A lot of days there are 2 or 3 outnumbered maps. Week after week you see big numbers overrun the guilds. The one thing that keeps our numbers close on average is a solid night crew. This cant be kept up forever so this reset it's T4. Next week probably T5. But then most damage already has been done cause more are leaving. Some move and others stop playing.

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Well yeah, the population algorithm may be flawed.

SFR is medium, but piken will probably drop to high soon, relink week should be interesting at least.


Even Deso/BT won T1 by 120 points last week, because of off peak coverage really.

The only queues you usually get are on reset at during the weekend if there one or two commanders and the handful of guilds trying to find something to fight.

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