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[Expansion #3 and beyond] What's the next expansion seller for you?


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What would really sell me? Beautiful zones. Environments like you'd find in high fantasy- think medieval Europe with a magical touch. I am weary of thick, choking jungle mazes and of bleakness and desolation. I'd love to adventure in places I look forward to being in, rather grinning and bearing it just long enough to do what I need to do and then getting out. Why is it in so many games, that the further you get from home, the uglier the world becomes?

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Well now that mounts are definitely the standard for travel, I don't see them trying to break from that and it begs the question if a new expansion comes out, will we need mounts for it? So what I'd really like to see happen in future expansions is just more big areas of content with a focus on combat. The joy of movement has been well explored now, so they could put a lot more creativity and balance behind working on combat. Maybe even more core goodness so we can spice up older elite specs while we're at it.

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I see alot of people say player housing, but I fail to see the point. We already have our home instance that we barely ever visit, why do we need a smaller version of one? Would it just be a smaller instance with access to our bank? It doesn't make sense and it sounds a whole lot like a waste of resources.


I'm voting for fixed underwater combat, or a flail as a weapon type

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> I see alot of people say player housing, but I fail to see the point. We already have our home instance that we barely ever visit, why do we need a smaller version of one? Would it just be a smaller instance with access to our bank? It doesn't make sense and it sounds a whole lot like a waste of resources.


> I'm voting for fixed underwater combat, or a flail as a weapon type


I voted for housing because i have basically given up about everything else. The first step to disappointment is hope. :)

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> @"Nikal.4921" said:

> What would really sell me? Beautiful zones. Environments like you'd find in high fantasy- think medieval Europe with a magical touch. I am weary of thick, choking jungle mazes and of bleakness and desolation. I'd love to adventure in places I look forward to being in, rather grinning and bearing it just long enough to do what I need to do and then getting out. Why is it in so many games, that the further you get from home, the uglier the world becomes?


That is such a fine point. I get there needs to be a buildup to the Big Bad and the Domain of Evil, but HoT was almost nothing but hostile ground, and PoF feels pretty barren, between actual barrens and Joko's oppression and undead tar ichor everywhere. +1 for the terrain variability in PoF (Highlands give a little snow, deserts and oases in spots, the riverlands, the unique color of Desolation), but there still isn't really any good place to just ...sit and watch the scenery (or shuffle through inventory). There's maybe a few sparse camps for bounties, Vabbi, and the little outposts that aren't Amnoon, but the rest is mostly bunny-jumping mountains and forged/undead armies.

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> I see alot of people say player housing, but I fail to see the point. We already have our home instance that we barely ever visit, why do we need a smaller version of one? Would it just be a smaller instance with access to our bank? It doesn't make sense and it sounds a whole lot like a waste of resources.


> I'm voting for fixed underwater combat, or a flail as a weapon type


Player housing means a space small or large, like a plot of land or an empty house in which you can customize the design, exterior, interior, ect. the way you want in a way that expresses your style and shows off your achievements.


The endgame value is that you can play content to earn new items and customizations for your house such as furniture, wall collection of weapons, indoor pets, colors and dyes for your walls and house siding, you can change the light in and ambiance or music in your home, you can display titles, statues, trophies, and more, and plenty of more customization that can be meaningful to you. Your nodes and other things acquired can be there and now inviting friends or other players over is more fun.


There are many RP opportunities possible now. New features like backyard PvP can be earned or bought that allows you to have a brawl with others in your home instance. You can choose or make your own mini ring or arena to battle in and have a scoreboard.


If you like farming or gardening, now you can sow and plant crops or flowers to be harvested or for beautification. You can have a barbecue or charrbecue. Sylvari can serve up salads. Have neighbors over and have parties. Celebrate birthdays and weddings.


The opportunities are endless and the best part is that it’s your own place. It’s meaningful to you and a place you can truly feel at home in.


Wildstar has the best housing features I’ve seen so far. I can only imagine how great it would be in GW 2.

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> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > I see alot of people say player housing, but I fail to see the point. We already have our home instance that we barely ever visit, why do we need a smaller version of one? Would it just be a smaller instance with access to our bank? It doesn't make sense and it sounds a whole lot like a waste of resources.

> >

> > I'm voting for fixed underwater combat, or a flail as a weapon type


> Player housing means a space small or large, like a plot of land or an empty house in which you can customize the design, exterior, interior, ect. the way you want in a way that expresses your style and shows off your achievements.


> The endgame value is that you can play content to earn new items and customizations for your house such as furniture, wall collection of weapons, indoor pets, colors and dyes for your walls and house siding, you can change the light in and ambiance or music in your home, you can display titles, statues, trophies, and more, and plenty of more customization that can be meaningful to you. Your nodes and other things acquired can be there and now inviting friends or other players over is more fun.


> There are many RP opportunities possible now. New features like backyard PvP can be earned or bought that allows you to have a brawl with others in your home instance. You can choose or make your own mini ring or arena to battle in and have a scoreboard.


> If you like farming or gardening, now you can sow and plant crops or flowers to be harvested or for beautification. You can have a barbecue or charrbecue. Sylvari can serve up salads. Have neighbors over and have parties. Celebrate birthdays and weddings.


> The opportunities are endless and the best part is that it’s your own place. It’s meaningful to you and a place you can truly feel at home in.


> Wildstar has the best housing features I’ve seen so far. I can only imagine how great it would be in GW 2.


The thing is, player housing in other games often allows you to farm and such to do things that earn you money/rewards, Guild Wars already allows you to collect nodes in your home instance for resources and then you also have nodes from Guild Halls, then the nodes in the open world. If Anet added Player Housing with the ability to just grow important resources, the market would pretty much be ruined. The market is already in a pretty crazy state but this would drop prices of basic mats to next to nothing and it is likely no one would buy them. If it is more RP opportunities that some people desire, it would be nice to see in general more buildings opened and decorated with interact-able doors. There are plenty of gates and doors in the game that are interact-able in the open world, more buildings, pubs and other things being opened with doors you can use would suffice. It would be nice to see some homes or living spaces for Charr and Asura a little more obviously, for the sake of the RP scene.


Guild Halls already offer the PvP you are asking for, all you need is a guild and someone who will give you permissions to decorate the arena for your purposes and generally a smaller guild with access to such things would be happy to give out the arena permission, my guild gives it to everyone we know who has come to the Arena because we use it for better spectator access so people can see but not be targeted.


We don't even have a marriage system in game. Marriage and Birthdays are all things that can be celebrated in the open world.


Realistically, the housing you speak of would be no more than a home instance that has a house and a yard that has all of the nodes you already can get for your home instance and nothing more. In fact, it would probably just end up being a house that is then stuck in your home instance. It would be a waste of time and resources to even bother with player housing in Guild Wars.


Just as getting a new playable race would be a waste of time, trying to slot them into the story would be a mess and honestly, imagine the clipping issues if it were the Tengu. You can look at their history with the Charr and see that there are still far too many items that have not been as well done for them as they should have been. I would rather see them go back and fix every piece of Charr clothing and make sure that it has an actual tail slot for them, and that it is not stretchy as hell all over them before even bothering to try with another animal like race. Sure, there is the Largos but I mean we wear their wings as a glider so wouldn't that kind of offend them? Also, how would they wear gliders? What armor would they wear considering what they always seem to wear.


Fixed Underwater Combat is a priority.

More underwater weapons and refined skills are a priority.

They have done so well with the water, it is beautiful and magnificent and it sucks that people despise going under there for the fact that combat isn't great.

We have to fight an underwater dragon at some point, fixing underwater combat would be great and furthermore the potential for underwater masteries could be pretty great too. Whether it be an underwater mount or an underwater tool to swim faster underwater, like one of those hand held propellers. Instead of leylines, you get currents that you can swim into and get to places faster. The possibilities of the new things that could be experienced would be amazing. The new underwater pets, A DOLPHIN!

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> @"Lord Kreegan.8123" said:

> **What's the next expansion seller for me?**

> It's free.

> I'm so disappointed in HoT and PoF that I _will not pay_ for another expansion.


I would reply with some ‘edgy teenager’ picture but I’ll leave that aside.

If you dont like the way GW2 is goin, you dont have to keep playing.

Games are made for entertainment and if you’re not entertained, feel free to leave and go do something else.

Bashing for the sake of bashing things isnt really anything constructive at all

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> @"hellsqueen.3045" said:

> Just as getting a new playable race would be a waste of time, trying to slot them into the story would be a mess and honestly, imagine the clipping issues if it were the Tengu. You can look at their history with the Charr and see that there are still far too many items that have not been as well done for them as they should have been. I would rather see them go back and fix every piece of Charr clothing and make sure that it has an actual tail slot for them, and that it is not stretchy as hell all over them before even bothering to try with another animal like race. Sure, there is the Largos but I mean we wear their wings as a glider so wouldn't that kind of offend them? Also, how would they wear gliders? What armor would they wear considering what they always seem to wear.


> Fixed Underwater Combat is a priority.

> More underwater weapons and refined skills are a priority.

> They have done so well with the water, it is beautiful and magnificent and it sucks that people despise going under there for the fact that combat isn't great.

> We have to fight an underwater dragon at some point, fixing underwater combat would be great and furthermore the potential for underwater masteries could be pretty great too. Whether it be an underwater mount or an underwater tool to swim faster underwater, like one of those hand held propellers. Instead of leylines, you get currents that you can swim into and get to places faster. The possibilities of the new things that could be experienced would be amazing. The new underwater pets, A DOLPHIN!


I have no idea why people are so vehemently against new races.

*It would be great to have Tengu to fill the role of samurai warriors, something Anet has mystically refrained from implementing except for the Reptile/Sub Zero/Scorpion remembrance outfit.

*We have technosmurfs, backyard militia catpeople and talking vegetables. Of course you can ssay that it is enough already, but how do the pet shop boys say:

"Too much is never enough."

*The Tengu could not be the commander argument is pretty amazing to me. Anet has evidently shown that theay don´t give a skritt about the story with the revenant. And even if that were a problem, just give them the advanced option treatment and let them chip in in the then current expansion instead of playing the story from thge very beginning. Maybe you would agree with me when I say that playing the story with alts gets very old very quickly, so it is a drama basically nobody wants.

*That clipping problem is very old. Why do you think Anet would sudenly fix it? We are basically sitting around the campfire right now with probably three coconuts for 10 people. Some of us wear only clothes we found in the charity section and they do not fit so much. When you are like me you don´t give a skritt about the fact that people wear clothes that do not fit 100%, my attention lies on the coconuts. You would basically get the same of the same old skritt while Tengu supporters would finally shut up.


Underwater combat sounds nice on first glance. But it is truly a 3d movement and explorers will groan so loud that you could hear it in Iceland when you can "fly". One of the few ways to avoid that would be either to let people walk on the bottom of the ocean which sounds dumb from the very start, or to let people wander around in dimmly lit caves and mazes which would produce an even louder groan from people who dislike exploring.

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> @"Nikal.4921" said:

> What would really sell me? Beautiful zones. Environments like you'd find in high fantasy- think medieval Europe with a magical touch. I am weary of thick, choking jungle mazes and of bleakness and desolation. I'd love to adventure in places I look forward to being in, rather grinning and bearing it just long enough to do what I need to do and then getting out. Why is it in so many games, that the further you get from home, the uglier the world becomes?




I'll give you that heart of maguuma is deadly AF, but it is amazingly beautiful.

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> @"Torolan.5816" said:

> I have no idea why people are so vehemently against new races.


Probably because the data shows that "unique" races aren't very popular.

This is from around release time (official data):


This is far more recent (but unofficial)


Norn used to be in second place but got surpassed by sylvari and asura. Charr remain in least favorite position.


New races add a great layer of complexity to the game, lots of voice acting, armor design changes, animations and so on and unlike other features, race changes won't affect everyone. It's more like too much work for too little gain. Of course it depends on the race, some races fit the lore, can certainly fit in the story, have a capital city, can use animations and armors of existing races, so they are way more likely to ever be added. But some really exotic ones that have been proposed over the years, like quaggan, skritt, stone dwarves or centaurs are probably too much work for little to no gain.

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This is just my subjective impression, but maybe it comes not so much from clipping issues but from the idea that the grassroot militia system in which charr operate just sucks, their technology is a horrible mash of steam, flintlock and dirt and most importantly that they were a quite merciless enemy in GW1 that a lot of people, me included, had trouble at accepting them as allies.

Norn declined in poplarity because they lost their crown jewels between GW1 and GW2 and play second fiddle right from the start.

To my continual amazement, many people like Asura although they are just a race of cold hearted, opportunist rat scientists. I have no fitting explanation for that really, maybe people liked the smurfs or had a hamster when they were kids or something.^^

Sylvari have been shoved in the center of attention for a whole expansion AND a living world story, I am not that surprised when more are made.


And I already adressed the problem wih voices, just leave them ouf of personal story or let them share voices with Charr or Norn.


Housing for example won´t affect me as I already don´t use the guild hall and barely use my home instance, why use another private instance.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Lord Kreegan.8123" said:

> > **What's the next expansion seller for me?**

> > It's free.

> > I'm so disappointed in HoT and PoF that I _will not pay_ for another expansion.


> I would reply with some ‘edgy teenager’ picture but I’ll leave that aside.

> If you dont like the way GW2 is goin, you dont have to keep playing.

> Games are made for entertainment and if you’re not entertained, feel free to leave and go do something else.

> Bashing for the sake of bashing things isnt really anything constructive at all

Edgy teenager? Go look at the "How old are you" poll...

Of course I'm free to go do something else. But there is nothing else out there; is there?

So. take your stupid "White Knight" comment and -- to use your terms -- "...feel free to leave and go do something else."

People other than White Knights are allowed to have opinions, and such opinions are not "bashing for the sake of bashing." HoT and PoF were not well done. Period. You like them? Great. I do not, for a whole lot of reasons. Fundamentally, they aren't in keeping with the original game; but there are a whole lot of additional flaws in the design beyond that.

So, take your entitled teenager mentality and harass someone else; okay?


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> @"Lord Kreegan.8123" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > @"Lord Kreegan.8123" said:

> > > **What's the next expansion seller for me?**

> > > It's free.

> > > I'm so disappointed in HoT and PoF that I _will not pay_ for another expansion.

> >

> > I would reply with some ‘edgy teenager’ picture but I’ll leave that aside.

> > If you dont like the way GW2 is goin, you dont have to keep playing.

> > Games are made for entertainment and if you’re not entertained, feel free to leave and go do something else.

> > Bashing for the sake of bashing things isnt really anything constructive at all

> Edgy teenager? Go look at the "How old are you" poll...

> Of course I'm free to go do something else. But there is nothing else out there; is there?

> So. take your stupid "White Knight" comment and -- to use your terms -- "...feel free to leave and go do something else."

> People other than White Knights are allowed to have opinions, and such opinions are not "bashing for the sake of bashing." HoT and PoF were not well done. Period. You like them? Great. I do not, for a whole lot of reasons. Fundamentally, they aren't in keeping with the original game; but there are a whole lot of additional flaws in the design beyond that.

> So, take your entitled teenager mentality and harass someone else; okay?



The problem is you saying "it is bad" and not "i think it's bad". You make a statement as a fact and everyone disagreeing with you is a white knight. Of course you're allowed to have opinions, but saying there's nothing else out there is a hyperbole that puts the Himalaya to shame.

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I really hate these assets go to waste with every year the game grows. Dungeons were meant to be "the story of the place" and so much has changed in tyria since launch without these places showing anything of that, the Aetherpath is both an exception and a good example of how this could have worked had they developped dungeons further.

What's going on in Caudecus Mantion after the events of LS3? How about a new path in the Ascalonian Catacombs, where Rytlock finally finishes his Ritual? What's going on in The lost City of Arah years after Zhaitan has left the screen for good? Are the Inquest cooking up some scheme to retake the Crucible of Eternity? So many interesting stories to tell in allready built and paid for environments...so many lost opportunities.


I don't care for new playable races, as I'm quie happy with the present selection. New Classes won't happen as we have an Elite system now which serves the same purpose. Something similar goes for new weapon categories, in a world where a Hammers and Greatswords can be ranged weapons and where Stves are both a thing for spellcasters as well as melee weapons, it all boils down to skins. What would a Greataxe weapon type do for you a Greataxe hamerskin couldn't? What do I need a Scythe weapon type for when it's either a new kind of Staff for my edgy spellcaster or a melee staff for my edgy brawler? How would having a Crossbow weapontype differ from a Crossbow Rifle skin?

I don't need player housing since I don't RP. Same is true for the guildhall stuff. We have practically maxed outour GH and the only thing useful to our guild are the harvesting nodes and every once in a while the portal. we don't do much with the GH so there's no point in crafting all that fancy furniture. Also, yes, if they introduced player housing, be sure that it would cost you a fortune to craft a chair you couldn't sit in. Because it has to be meterial/gold sink, no one is handing out anything for free here ;)

I haven't played GW1 so I have no nostalgic reasons to wish for a certain region of the world to visit, I just go with whatever story they want to tell in this game, which is a different game than GW1. If I had to chose, I'd probably go either north, to learn more about the Norn and Kodan or go for the Bloodlegion Homelands to learn more about the Charr.

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I voted for, "Other", because a few of them sounded like they would make me get the next expac.


1. New playable races, I would LOVE to play as a Dwarf for sure. (New playable races in general would be a awesome addition and bring in some fresh feels.)

2. Additional usable weapons, would break up the current layout of weapons, and could lead to future new elite specs.

3. Randomized World Boss spawns, like dynamic events popping up, more bosses, even hardcore ones, but the loot needs to reflect the difficulty for sure.

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> @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> >the reintroduction of Personality

> Ooh! I'd like that if they built on it. My norn guardian's guardian was Raven. She is not a brute! :s She spent longer pondering her first hunt than actually hunting.


> As for my vote, I was torn between new professions and terrestrial weapons. I ended up going with terrestrial weapons as they would not require me to buy more character slots, but, ideally, the two would come together. The new professions I want would probably lend themselves best to new weapons anyway(eg. dervish, paragon, etc).


> I don't really understand the interest in housing. I've played games with it before and it just feels like a bunch of nothing. I think I remember Rift and SWtOR both implementing it. I'm probably forgetting others. Also, wasn't this supposed to be satisfied by the Home instance? What am I missing?


[if you want a deeper discussion about new weapons, check this thread.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1074/new-weapon-types-study)


As for player housing, I'm assuming the home instance would disappear, becoming an open world location, and that our new player housing would store all the old stuff from the home instance.


> @"Torolan.5816" said:

> > @"hellsqueen.3045" said:

> > Just as getting a new playable race would be a waste of time, trying to slot them into the story would be a mess and honestly, imagine the clipping issues if it were the Tengu. You can look at their history with the Charr and see that there are still far too many items that have not been as well done for them as they should have been. I would rather see them go back and fix every piece of Charr clothing and make sure that it has an actual tail slot for them, and that it is not stretchy as hell all over them before even bothering to try with another animal like race. Sure, there is the Largos but I mean we wear their wings as a glider so wouldn't that kind of offend them? Also, how would they wear gliders? What armor would they wear considering what they always seem to wear.

> >

> > Fixed Underwater Combat is a priority.

> > More underwater weapons and refined skills are a priority.

> > They have done so well with the water, it is beautiful and magnificent and it sucks that people despise going under there for the fact that combat isn't great.

> > We have to fight an underwater dragon at some point, fixing underwater combat would be great and furthermore the potential for underwater masteries could be pretty great too. Whether it be an underwater mount or an underwater tool to swim faster underwater, like one of those hand held propellers. Instead of leylines, you get currents that you can swim into and get to places faster. The possibilities of the new things that could be experienced would be amazing. The new underwater pets, A DOLPHIN!


> I have no idea why people are so vehemently against new races.

> *It would be great to have Tengu to fill the role of samurai warriors, something Anet has mystically refrained from implementing except for the Reptile/Sub Zero/Scorpion remembrance outfit.

> *We have technosmurfs, backyard militia catpeople and talking vegetables. Of course you can ssay that it is enough already, but how do the pet shop boys say:

> "Too much is never enough."

> *The Tengu could not be the commander argument is pretty amazing to me. Anet has evidently shown that theay don´t give a skritt about the story with the revenant. And even if that were a problem, just give them the advanced option treatment and let them chip in in the then current expansion instead of playing the story from thge very beginning. Maybe you would agree with me when I say that playing the story with alts gets very old very quickly, so it is a drama basically nobody wants.

> *That clipping problem is very old. Why do you think Anet would sudenly fix it? We are basically sitting around the campfire right now with probably three coconuts for 10 people. Some of us wear only clothes we found in the charity section and they do not fit so much. When you are like me you don´t give a skritt about the fact that people wear clothes that do not fit 100%, my attention lies on the coconuts. You would basically get the same of the same old skritt while Tengu supporters would finally shut up.


> Underwater combat sounds nice on first glance. But it is truly a 3d movement and explorers will groan so loud that you could hear it in Iceland when you can "fly". One of the few ways to avoid that would be either to let people walk on the bottom of the ocean which sounds dumb from the very start, or to let people wander around in dimmly lit caves and mazes which would produce an even louder groan from people who dislike exploring.


Some people just seem unable to defend their choices without attacking those of others first.


I think new races are perfectly viable, too. [There's another discussion here, focused on playable races, if you're interested.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/21242/new-playable-races-study-choose-your-favorite)


> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Lord Kreegan.8123" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > > @"Lord Kreegan.8123" said:

> > > > **What's the next expansion seller for me?**

> > > > It's free.

> > > > I'm so disappointed in HoT and PoF that I _will not pay_ for another expansion.

> > >

> > > I would reply with some ‘edgy teenager’ picture but I’ll leave that aside.

> > > If you dont like the way GW2 is goin, you dont have to keep playing.

> > > Games are made for entertainment and if you’re not entertained, feel free to leave and go do something else.

> > > Bashing for the sake of bashing things isnt really anything constructive at all

> > Edgy teenager? Go look at the "How old are you" poll...

> > Of course I'm free to go do something else. But there is nothing else out there; is there?

> > So. take your stupid "White Knight" comment and -- to use your terms -- "...feel free to leave and go do something else."

> > People other than White Knights are allowed to have opinions, and such opinions are not "bashing for the sake of bashing." HoT and PoF were not well done. Period. You like them? Great. I do not, for a whole lot of reasons. Fundamentally, they aren't in keeping with the original game; but there are a whole lot of additional flaws in the design beyond that.

> > So, take your entitled teenager mentality and harass someone else; okay?

> >


> The problem is you saying "it is bad" and not "i think it's bad". You make a statement as a fact and everyone disagreeing with you is a white knight. Of course you're allowed to have opinions, but saying there's nothing else out there is a hyperbole that puts the Himalaya to shame.


You're the only one at fault here, taking for fact what is an obvious opinion, or what, do we need "personal opinion" disclaimers for everything now? Nitpicking semantics and speech won't lead the discussion anywhere.


Your kind of attitude, insulting people and telling them to leave the game every time they don't bow down their heads and agree with you on everything, now, that's a real problem. You could have tried discussing with him why he thinks that way, but you dismissed him without even trying.


> @"lokh.2695" said:

> I really hate these assets go to waste with every year the game grows. Dungeons were meant to be "the story of the place" and so much has changed in tyria since launch without these places showing anything of that, the Aetherpath is both an exception and a good example of how this could have worked had they developped dungeons further.

> What's going on in Caudecus Mantion after the events of LS3? How about a new path in the Ascalonian Catacombs, where Rytlock finally finishes his Ritual? What's going on in The lost City of Arah years after Zhaitan has left the screen for good? Are the Inquest cooking up some scheme to retake the Crucible of Eternity? So many interesting stories to tell in allready built and paid for environments...so many lost opportunities.


> I don't care for new playable races, as I'm quie happy with the present selection. New Classes won't happen as we have an Elite system now which serves the same purpose. Something similar goes for new weapon categories, in a world where a Hammers and Greatswords can be ranged weapons and where Stves are both a thing for spellcasters as well as melee weapons, it all boils down to skins. What would a Greataxe weapon type do for you a Greataxe hamerskin couldn't? What do I need a Scythe weapon type for when it's either a new kind of Staff for my edgy spellcaster or a melee staff for my edgy brawler? How would having a Crossbow weapontype differ from a Crossbow Rifle skin?

> I don't need player housing since I don't RP. Same is true for the guildhall stuff. We have practically maxed outour GH and the only thing useful to our guild are the harvesting nodes and every once in a while the portal. we don't do much with the GH so there's no point in crafting all that fancy furniture. Also, yes, if they introduced player housing, be sure that it would cost you a fortune to craft a chair you couldn't sit in. Because it has to be meterial/gold sink, no one is handing out anything for free here ;)

> I haven't played GW1 so I have no nostalgic reasons to wish for a certain region of the world to visit, I just go with whatever story they want to tell in this game, which is a different game than GW1. If I had to chose, I'd probably go either north, to learn more about the Norn and Kodan or go for the Bloodlegion Homelands to learn more about the Charr.


The attack on Beetlestone Manor during LW3 episode 4 should have been a dungeon, instead of a story instance. Such a perfect opportunity to revamp Caudecus's Manor, with a whole new dungeon, using the old assets. Makes me really sad.

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The top 5 expansion sellers features I want to see in Expansion 3 are currently for me:


- New Elite Specs which implement for example 2 new Weapon Types - Chain Whips and Greataxes for the start, while Spears get reworked to Polearms, Tridents merged with Staffs and Harpoon Guns merged with Rifles, so that Rifle becomes a Base Thief weapon and Deadeye gets a complete redesign with Longbow in mind and a new better name and gameplay concept/ Rogue. The Whip could get introduced by the Ranger Spec as an Explorer, kind of like Indiana Jones, just with pet. The Greataxe would become introduced by the Warrior Spec, which is named Berserker then, while the original Berserker gets renamed to Vagabond or somethign else that fits better to the Torch, than Berserker to which a big 2h weapon like the greataxe should belong to better. Or instead of the range,r the Thief with Chain Whip as a kind of "Assassin" (Kusarigama/ Sickle & Ball Chain inspired gameplay from the Toukiden Series), but just with an other name, not Assassin, maybe Infiltrator

- Complete Underwater themed Deep Sea Dragon related Story campain that leads us to Cantha finally, after we cleared first the sea route to it and which enables us to get as part of the Story also playable Tengus

- The Expansion of the Fractal System with new additional Fractal Types, like Heroic Fractals, Mass Fractals (for reimplementing Season 1 completely), Dungeon Crawlers, Guild Crusades, Hunting Grounds, so that finally is beign made usage of the huge potential that slumbers in the Fractal System, that yet hasnt been seen by ANet to make out of this feature somethign much bigger, depthful and fun, than it is right now, with its boring ever repeating same fractals which just get only more challenging , so more oftenly you repeat them to get into the deeper levels

- The implementation of new Crafting Job Types and Gathering Types, like adding Alchemy, Fishing, Digging and Gardening to the game, as also adding finally Jeweler and Chef 500 to the game together with useful and senseful content, like ascended sigils and runes for jewerler 50, so that thsi craftign job finalyl gets again a good reason for its existance, plus its neccessary for ever addin an own official build template system, to remove everything that is soulbinded from the game, as soulbinded stuff simply cant work for a build template system, like accountbound stuff can work better with it, without complications .

- The implemtation of Player Housing with fittign masteries around it and again fitting craftign job (Craftsman/Artisan) to create all kinds of stuff you can put into your home later (and makign Scribe with the expansion a normal craftign job, that is not anymore bonded to guilds)



In brief, a **Cantha/Deep Sea dragon/Tengu Story/Lore based expansion**, which completely reworks all underwater combat and systems and reorganizes for this the weapons, while adding with new Specs **new Weapon Types**. Which is focused on improving Fractals with various **new modes** to add significantly more depth to Fractals, other than letting it be forever always the same old boring depthless crap that it is right now.

Aside of these three things more **Crafting Jobs and Gathering Types** and lastly **Player Housing**, because if rumors are true, is Player Housing already in the making and basically waiting for us in one of the expansions in the future, because these rumors belong to the leaked infos we have from PoF and everythign from these leaked infos was later to be found 100% correct nearly and showed even things, that haven't made it into the final product and got removed, like Spider Mounts sadly and the idea about Carrier Mounts which can transport a whole group, when it would have been nice to see the return of Junundu Wurms as Mounts, even if those woudl have been map related only mounts.

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> The top 5 expansion sellers features I want to see in Expansion 3 are currently for me:


> - New Elite Specs which implement for example 2 new Weapon Types - Chain Whips and Greataxes for the start, while Spears get reworked to Polearms, Tridents merged with Staffs and Harpoon Guns merged with Rifles, so that Rifle becomes a Base Thief weapon and Deadeye gets a complete redesign with Longbow in mind and a new better name and gameplay concept/ Rogue. The Whip could get introduced by the Ranger Spec as an Explorer, kind of like Indiana Jones, just with pet. The Greataxe would become introduced by the Warrior Spec, which is named Berserker then, while the original Berserker gets renamed to Vagabond or somethign else that fits better to the Torch, than Berserker to which a big 2h weapon like the greataxe should belong to better. Or instead of the range,r the Thief with Chain Whip as a kind of "Assassin" (Kusarigama/ Sickle & Ball Chain inspired gameplay from the Toukiden Series), but just with an other name, not Assassin, maybe Infiltrator


Chain whips? Kusarigama? Yes, please!


> like Spider Mounts

Please no. :s


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I'd love to see dungeons reworked and modernized. Me and my friends still do them occasionally, but compared to the mechanics of less dated content they don't really compete. In all honesty, we kind of just do them for the sake of nostalgia XD .


However, I would also like to see more small group pve activities. Even though anyone can hop into them, me and my friends have a blast with the bounties that POF released and other minigame/diversion activities could be cool to add or expand on.

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