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Which GW2 foe do you dislike most?

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> spiders. they freak me out.


The veteran spider on the hill between the house and pipeworks in queensdale is repulsive.

I sometimes kill it just for the sake of its existence.


The champion spider that falls down when you crack all its eggs, in the house, in gendaran fields is equally vile.

So I try to get people in order to kill it, when I go around there.


I don't find the queen spider in kessex hills as disgusting as the other two, but if I go by and see people fighting it, I most likely jump in to kill it.

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The foes in Grothmar Valley. It took me ages just to find any, and when I finally did, they died in one or two hits. If they're going to be that easy to kill - and in a level 80 map as well - I don't understand the point of them even being there. (In fact, I don't understand much about the design of that map - it seems empty in pretty much every possible way.)


Also those damned Branded Gryphons that evade for ages.

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I would say many.. But forged are my most hated due to how many condition they stack on you and their game mechanics like agro radius is dumb...


Others are

Mordrem Snipers... they are just way overtooled..

Pof Harpies.. You either kill them instantly or you are dead, just stupidly overpowered, tougher than Balthazar imo..

Itzel frogs and Risen Hylek due to the insane burst damage and condi craziness.

Chak are just not fun at all. I mostly avoid thos maps outside of doing Hot stories.


Those aren't challenging they are just overpowered cheap mechanics.


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> @"DietPepsi.4371" said:

> > @"Cheifcaptian Moroni.1629" said:

> > Pocket Raptors....


> I find that they only pose a significant threat in long grass, or when your attention is diverted (e.g. While facing another foe). They deal loads of damage very quickly, but they are easy to dispatch.


Also, they can open doors. Be mindful of that.

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I'm surprised no one said **Labyrinthine** **Horror** yet.




That thing can be extremely annoying when there are only few people in the Labyrinth and you're trying to farm.

If some genious frees it, it suddenly pops up around the corner, and you just run...


Almost insta death... not fun.

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Jacarandas, you will aggro one while killing another, and aggro yet another while killing that one, then again, and again, until you go full Anakin & the sand people on them.

Wolves (like the ones in HotW and CoE). Their openning attacks are ridiculous, but only really a problem if they're in groups and stagger them.

Bristlebacks if you don't have any projectile reflect/block or a buttload of CC equipped. You can abuse LoS on them quite often.

Branded griffons, who do a whole lot of nothing while evading you for extended periods.

Sand lions, because blocks and blinds galore are fun. Not too bad if you have a rapid, fast melee weapon. But if not, who swaps their build/weapons to fast/rapid strikes for the sake of one or two mobs on their way around a map?



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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> I'm surprised nobody said pocket raptors yet...



If this poll had been posted back before PoF, they probably would have been #1.


For me: Mordrem Snipers and their Forged equivalents. The Forged guys that fly around. Bandit Saboteurs. Basically any mob that can one shot you or heavily CC you too fast for a normal human limited by the internet to react.

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