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Official Feedback Thread about Build and Equipment Templates

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The permanent linking of the 2nd build template with the PvP build should be disabled. I thought it would only copy the stuff over there at the first time to populate that slot. But it actually seems linked permanently. If you access the PvP build window in the lobby (separate window) and changes stuff it also gets changed in your 2nd build slot.


Might be confusing if you want to start to make 3 separate builds with the free 3 first templates ... then going to PvP just to find out your PvP skills have changed.


I think we should get that 2nd free slot for PvE - while the PvP is completely separated. (Should have 3 different free slots in that PvP build window then.) For WvW it is fine though. It is a bit similar to PvE. (PvE with other players running around there. :D / We also have the same gear.)

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Ok, since I gave valid and constructive criticism like many others before and during the operational process here is what I would say now:


1. **Arenanet, your system is trash.** It's like in football when the white head speaks to the audience after the review:



2. Too expensive as it was also called before. Char slot >>> template stuff

3. The game is crashing every other second/minute for several people in the game (not on my friend list, it's literally random people calling it out via map chat)


4. You can exploit this implementation and duplicating account bound items like moto's infusion, kodan infusion and other stuff. Well played!

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i am not going to try to convince others of my position, and yes i tested extensively (different types of gear, legendary sigils and runes etc) and its a mess.


i don't mind arenanet trying to make money, its a company, but to go as far as to create a problem in order to sell you the solution thats my ticket out, before this templates i wanted to change something like quickly grabbing a weapon to stack might or area blast a smoke field and i could just open the bag and double click it, but now it will cross the weapons upgrades with what is store and just dump the difference on the bag, unslotting infusions and sigils, something that worked before and now doesnt and my only solution is buy more templates (witch i cant mind you, and for those that say 6 is enough, boon thief, condi thief dd, power thief dd staff, power thief dd dd, stealth stacking (because i cant reslot every time i reequip a short bow, and thats just base line pve (not even considering here build for open world where i try all kinds of crazy things), for pvp i play more that one condi build, dd, dp, vanilla sd, in wvw there is staff zerg, roam de sd riffle, roam de dp riffle burst, roam vanilla, etc and many others that have different gear and weapons sets/abilities) or make more gear to occupy bag space, that supposedly is the problem they are selling me a solution in the first place


fuck this lets go play a pvp game ... wtf where is my sword ???, ups its on storage, let me equip it but i have to alter a gear template and remind myself of fixing it later ... shit more runes and upgrades spread on the bag ... let me reslot them for pve later, wait i cant ... guess i need to buy another build slot just to save pvp gear, SOMETHING I ALREADY HAD IN THE GAME WORKING JUST FINE.


and before you even say "arenanet said pvp comes later" ... gear templates are affecting pvp i cant choose gear that its not in my bag, and if i do choose from storage, changing a gear build by doing so, or try to equip something from my bag into the current build the system breaks, so i am literally being forced to use something that was halfassed by arenanet.


it just looks like pvp is not something that they care enough to even try the gear templates on before shipping them, its like pvp is an afterthought, the shock.


seriously arenanet i tried my best to hold on all this years but if i cant at least have the chance to get into the game and just play, if i have to constantly fight the system just to have my simple mindless fun then its not for me


the ONE most important thing this game ever had for me was the build system, this ability to change how you play, to breath life into a game that has no new content just by allowing it to be played in a different way and now even that is an hassle.


i would GLADDLY pay my part of the gems for the option of turning build templates off, its money i would justify myself spending for the time it would save me from dealing with this idiot system, and let me change things by hand from the bag, its sad to come to a point where games now a days seem to work harder at creating hassles just to charge us to not be bothered.


thx for your time

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Really need to be able to link the build and equipments so they can switch together, the 'can't use this equipment' message grates very quickly! An option in the settings that says something like "link equipment and build slot switching". i.e. picking build 1, also picks equipment 1. I think for a majority that would be enough.

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Quite disappointed, this function already existed in GW1 7 years ago as a basis function, no limited slot and account wide. It should be basis function in GW2 when it launched, but now it had limited slot and we need to pay high price for it. Players in the community are requested this for many years. Do you really need 7 years to develop it? Do the Anet team really look at the build template in other game? It is really really basis function for free.

I don't think new players can enjoy much from this. If you really want everyone enjoy the new template function, cancel the pay option please.

3 build templates and 2 equipment templates? It's a shame.

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> @"eaman.7562" said:

> - Templates are not saved: if you equip a new weapon / trait the original template get changed, you can't test things without messing templates


This to me makes zero sense. There are times you might swap in a specific weapon to use on a world boss, meta, etc, and then you should be able to just re-activate your template and have all the original gear re-equipped.


That is how templates have worked in every game I ever played that included them. Odd.

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I love everything about it. Although, 3 gear tabs would have been nice to fit with the 3 templates, and the save feature to include weapons and armor--ignoring character-bounded equipment and different weight classes, still needs to display it though when viewed or shared with others. Another addition would be to make it so you have 2-5 slots for pvp and 2-5 slots for wvw, so you have a different set depending on if you are in the living world, spvp, or wvw. Last thing is, traits and skills are saved, but gear is not. I know shared inventory for gear/weapons is not what you want but you could compromise by saving/snapshotting what was in the gear tab so we know what was there before we removed it to be shared on another toon. So, if I have the item in my inventory and I click on a button that loads it, it should load everything (if its currently in the inventory) I had saved previously for that tab, similar to the template save feature, and similar to what arcdps had.

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Considering build diversity and use is one of the best parts of GW2, it's sad to see it took so long to get here and even sadder to see the implementation to be so... botched?


Charging for extra templates seems like a poor decision, especially at the costs and limitations that you've put in place. It's likely not a good financial move either (as you're upsetting a lot of customers for the whales), but I'm obviously no expert on that. I'd much rather have seen this be a core built in feature that doesn't cost more to get slots. I say this as someone who has no issue spending money in the gem store to support your team. The maximum slots seems rather absurdly low, and am unsure why its even there.


I think that it would be beneficial if you could link your equipment template and build templates together, so that when I swap from my Chrono to Mirage, I immediately change my gear to my Viper set as well. Most other games that have templates like this also include some way of linking, and this seems like a basic feature that should have been available at launch.


Overall, I'd say this is usable, but it's not exactly exciting. It does it's job, but it's inferior to 3rd party applications or your competitors, and you're charging for it.



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Great QOL feature and I have seen little to no bugs.


With that I have to say I am very disappointed with the monetization and limitations of the feature.

The cost to fully unlock all slots per character is 2900 gems (over 35$ USD) and that's not even counting the account wide build storage.

The limit on how many build and equipment tabs could be forgiven, but the pricing is unlike anything I have seen in the gem store.

I will not be purchasing any additional slots for this system until there are changes to the monetization.

I love this game but this is too much ANet...

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Once you have build templates properly refined Anet, time to add per character keybinds please. This is an option that really needs to be added. For example, just yesterday, I did a support chrono for the first time, but I had to change my keybinds so now my druid and holo game is way out of place. I was lucky I did not need to switch class yesterday but if I did it would mean nothing for templates if not to have keybinds for the class/elite spec.

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Build Storage vs. Equipment Storage.


Sure, equipment storage could be seen as an added paid luxury, should it actually properly hold your equipment to free up space. However, at the cost that it is and the fact that it is per character, not account is absolutely insane.


Build storage on the other hand should 100% NOT be limited. Putting a limit and a price-tag on this is greedy. ArenaNet, you're greedy cows. Greedy, greedy cows.

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So here’s the problem. Your charging an exorbitant amount of money for the Build Templates when they literally equate to just a few lines of text that can be stored outside the game in a notepad. The majority of smart players would simply do that and alt tab or click on their second monitor to copy and paste extra builds instead of paying this crazy price.


Gear Templates being monetized makes a bit of sense to me, but the combination of being character bound and being 500 fricking gems per slot is rediculous. That means if I want to 6 Gear Templates on one character it’s 2000 gems. If I have one of each class that’s 18,000 gems. I would MAYBE pay 2000 gems if it were account wide. But character bound and that expensive is insane. Considering that you also made Delta shutdown ArcTemplates which was free and, in some ways, more intuitive than this system, is really sad. I hope that this is something that you can change and isn’t a decision on NcSofts part. I also hope that if it is NcSoft making these terrible decisions that you can break away from them like Bungie broke away from Activision with Destiny 2 and did away with pretty much all of the anti consumer practices.


Here’s my proposal to fix this: Make them account unlocks. If someone has purchased multiple gear Templates on multiple characters already, give them the highest number of gear Templates that one of their characters have across the entire account. Reimburse them the gems that they spent on other characters. And for the love of god do away with the monetization of Build Templates. It’s unnecessary and predatory.



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> @"gavyne.6847" said:

> We need 3 equipment template by default to match the 3 build templates we get, pretty please. The pricing is expensive, I bought an equipment template not realizing they are per-character only. No problem, but this will deter me from purchasing more for the time being.


> I will buy more if you give us bundled pricing for equipment template. And please do consider giving us 3 by default to match the 3 build templates we receive.


This is the issue I have with this system at the moment. 2 equipment slots just isn't enough to give out and the 500 gem tag per equipment slot is pretty expensive.



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The new template system is an insult to all the people who have the 3 sets of legendary armor. We have spent 10k gold to get the armor and now they are useless. And the same for any legendary object.

Why can't we use legendary items in any character? I mean, if I link my heavy legendary armor with my revenant, why can't I use it with my warrior?

We who have all the legendary objects are the ones who really need the templates.

It is not fair or worth having any legendary object with the new system.

I am very disappointed with you arenanet because with the current system it is better to have 3 ascended sets than a legendary armor. Much better.

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Good- works well, saves inventory space. Slots are enough for what I play.

Needs work- UI may be confusing for some, new players (maybe add a small label "Build Templates" over the slots for example).


My personal frustration- Swapping legendary armor between characters. Before I would just bank, equip, do a couple tweaks, good to go in a minute.

Now I would have to unequip pieces to bank them which means losing all stat, rune, upgrade choices and ruin all related templates. Then having to re-select all choices, runes, upgrades all over.

**Wish for - Account-wide equipment slots. **


Thank you for the work you guys do, please consider some tweaks/changes based on our feedback.

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The fact that 2 equipement templates you get straight off are, in fact, **one** equipement template is so dissapointing. The other one is not a template, it's your active equipement. Changes to it change the 'template'. This is so bad.


Other than that, congratz on the UI, I heard several times how badly coded it is.

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I bought 2 more gear templates on top of the 2 free ones for my main character, made all my pve builds in it and i was ready to go to wvw to make my 4 wvw builds for that character only to discover that my pve builds are still there instead of 4 empty wvw gear and build slots... Game modes had separate builds before and i expected to get separate gear slots aswel with this patch but instead we lost this feature. I wanted 4 pve and 4 WVW slots and not 4 in total for both. Its useless to have wvw builds in pve and the other way around so why did you make it like this, i was realy disapointed.

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We lost the PvP and WvW loadouts we originally had, which were saved separately from your PvE loadout.


I'm sorry but this feature has made the game worse for existing players unless they fork over money. Full stop. I cannot support this. As a long-time player since beta, in an uncertain time for GW2, this is enough to make me stop playing the game.


I hope you revert this feature altogether. I don't say this lightly, but it is more convenient to play multiple modes without this feature in the game than it is now. Hotlinking builds in chat is the only thing I can say is a step in the right direction.


Please keep quality of life free, and charge for content. Don't make the game feel worse to play and then charge to make it better. Free content is severely devalued when quality of life costs money and is expensive. The only thing that can make this right is rolling back build templates (minus build links in chat) and refunding people who've bought tabs.


I don't think ArenaNet has ever acted on player feedback threads. If there's a time to do it, now is the time. I don't think you will, but you probably should given the overwhelmingly negative response to how this feature has been handled and monetized three times.

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I'll start with the semi-good thing :


The build templates are nice for switching your build quick. It's a shame you can't add the gear for that however to instantly switch your whole build.


The **REALLY BAD** thing is equipment templates. If you play multiple characters using the same legendary gear for them than you need to unequip them from your equipment template to be able to bank the legendary gear. This resets the stats and takes out the runes and infusions aswell. This makes the equipment template useless and annoying.


Before the update you could just uneguip for let's say your legendary armor with just 6 clicks. it would still have the same runes and infusions and stats. If you used those runes and stats on your other character than that was convenient, otherwise you would just use the "switch all stats" box and your armor maybe add different runes on it. The infusions were always good.


With the current standings on the templates, ITS BETTER TO HAVE ASCENDED GEAR THAN LEGENDARY GEAR IF YOU PLAY MULTIPLE CHARACTERS since a new ascended set, even if it's the same stats that your other character is using , is cheaper than another legendary set on another character.


I think this problem might be solved if you add the legendary gear to a "Legendary Pool" that can be accessed by all characters. That way the equipment templates should be able to keep their templates.


Also, maybe don't add a instant "SAVE" on the equipment template. Take a look at Diablo 3's Armory, there your whole build and equipment changes instant when you want it. Not if you just want to "try" something else for your build. That makes it able to just add different pieces along the road keeping your saved template there if you want to fall back on that, or you can overwrite it if your new addition to your build actually was a improvement.


Anyway, i like the idea, i just think the execution could be alot better.


P.S. i wouldn't mind it if it gets taken out of the game right now and goes into development for another 6 years though.

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