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Official Feedback Thread about Build and Equipment Templates

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IMHO, I think that the gear should also be storeable across account! It is not clear that the gear is only swap able on the 2 slots on the toon.


The cost of these extras are a joke...20 gems per set would be a fair price as no real benefit to this system.

If it had been build and gear template that could be transferred to any toon of the same type in the account then 500 gems for the set per profession would have every one buying them.

Also, you say that equipment tabs with different items in tab 1 & 2 do not show in the storage, but they do so still have to carry a second set around taking up space



Sorry, as it is at the moment you failed to deliver something that is more than useful!


I will not be buying any!


Please can we have a option to turn off function as this is a pointless money grab!


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I've never used ARC Templates, and I'm speaking as a player that mostly plays WvW with a lot of legendary gear (3 sets of legendary armor, 2 legendary trinkets, the WvW legendary back piece and a boat load of legendary weapons). And my first impression is that the Equipment Template feature is unfortunately a little too clunkly to use on the fly. I'm going to play around with it more and see if I can make it work in a way that keeps it from being cumbersome, though. I know nothing is perfect the first time it's implemented.


Now I WILL get some use out of the Build templates and Build storage out of the box with what you've provided for free. Thank you! :smile: NOTE: there is a lot that can be (_and should be_) changed to make these features better (as many have said before my post). Again, this is coming from a player that didn't use ARC Templates; I had nothing.


For those folks that used ARC Templates, unfortunately, I see this as a **MAJOR** step backwards, especially for Raiders and multi-game mode players with a lot of alts. I think it would be beneficial to the player base to have a time period where ARC Templates is allowed to coexist with your Templates feature -- sort of a **Transition Period**. At least until you can come out with some updates to your Templates that bring the two closer together in functionality and work out any major issues. I believe doing this transition period could help the community ease into the water, per se, as we gradually adopt your Templates.


Thank you for any consideration! :smile:

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> @"Caelin.9167" said:

> What was the point of giving us a preview if not to get feedback from the player base?


What gave you the impression the preview was to give feedback to begin with .. other than your own ideas of how things work?


The implementation is pretty close to what I expected it to cost and work.

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Can we have keybinds change for weapon skills, utility skills, healing skills, elite skills, pet swap, profession skills that will set to each individual of them based on the keybinds in the template you assigned, I dont want to change the keybinds manually everytime when I play a different class. also templates should remember the auto-cast on skills on each of different templates.

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The templates are a very poorly implemented addition to the game. I won't reiterate the same points many people have done in words that suffice just as well as whatever I could come up with, so please just read another post about all the issues with this. I am posting to add to the quantity, to make it seem like less of a "minority" are complaining. This is an utter disgrace, if not for the sole reason that there were WEEKS of feedback, all of which were ignored.

Even the inventory space saving feature of equipment templates is not even close to redemption for how terrible this is. Overpriced, overly restricted, overly complicated, overly greedy and disappointing.

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Overall I am quite okay with the implementation of templates. It's really just the numbers that hold the update down. Given these gem prices _per character_ people with many active characters who participate in content with different build/equipment demands will only get the full extent of this quality of life update if they are willing to spend more money than a new game would cost them.

This feels like you are throwing the larger community a (small) bone in order to go whale hunting. That's not a good direction.

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> @"iZoNeR.4390" said:

> With the current standings on the templates, ITS BETTER TO HAVE ASCENDED GEAR THAN LEGENDARY GEAR IF YOU PLAY MULTIPLE CHARACTERS since a new ascended set, even if it's the same stats that your other character is using , is cheaper than another legendary set on another character.


> I think this problem might be solved if you add the legendary gear to a "Legendary Pool" that can be accessed by all characters. That way the equipment templates should be able to keep their templates.


Upcoming legendary QoL template update! Get 1 Legendary Pool slot for free! Pay 1,000 gems to unlock each additional Legendary Pool slot! $$$

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Templates were proposed long time ago by PvP players, so they may switch builds fast, in the short time-frame before match started. Such feature would have helped both the comfort of player, as well as team dynamics for better synergy.


Nowadays, build templates seem too little, too late, because PvP is just a SoloQ farming, without premade teams and with a huge lack in friendship.


All this is just my personal opinion, as I remember history of old forum version. As a casual PvE player I do not find it useful for me at all, but maybe (just maybe) there are players out there who like this thing and buy it.

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> @"DarkNighT.7319" said:

> > @"The Sabio.1309" said:

> > The new template system is an insult to all the people who have the 3 sets of legendary armor. We have spent 10k gold to get the armor and now they are useless. And the same for any legendary object.

> > Why can't we use legendary items in any character? I mean, if I link my heavy legendary armor with my revenant, why can't I use it with my warrior?

> > We who have all the legendary objects are the ones who really need the templates.

> > It is not fair or worth having any legendary object with the new system.

> > I am very disappointed with you arenanet because with the current system it is better to have 3 ascended sets than a legendary armor. Much better.


> I have all 3 leggy sets and i don't feel insulted at all, the leggy armors on the characters that have them can switch to whatever i feel like when i need it, this template stuff wasn't going to unlock any equipment account wide and the fact you expected as much just shows how jaded some people really are. When i need my BS War to be condi i now can do that in a mere 2 seconds and go on, when i need it power, 2 sec and i can continue, that is the reason we got templates, it is for swapping spec on a character basis rather then account wide, which you should have known if you had any knowledge of how this game has been operating, yes there is account bound gear, but its still stored on a character which is on the server and you have to move it either through bank or shared slots between chars, Build Templates was never going to change that.


> As for my feedback, yeah the swapping feels good, setting up took some doing but once it's there it seems to be working fine and dandy for now.

> Pricing, yeah no this is way to expensive, i get that it is based per character as most people only really prefer to do their thing on their main, but it should be cheaper to do that. The Equipment template should be 250-300 gems, build templates 150-200 and storage 300.



You can currently do the same without having the legendary armor. You simply need two armor ascended, one power and another condition. You will change in 2 seconds too.

There is no advantage today for those who have legendary armor. And that is the problem.

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"This system is great for those who have no need of it and terrible for their most dedicated players"


This quote says more then 1000 comments, like its perfect.

Beside the pricing (what seems to me extremly greedy) that u need to pay 2 times for build temp. equipt temp each charakter is a joke.

But thats just the icing on the cake

the more frustration is about the removed QoL from the legendary armor,

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It used to be really easy for me to swap gear between characters; I only have one ascended set per armor class, fully infused. Now when I swap gear in the bank tab to a given character, the items are removed from the bank tab as opposed to swapped; I now have to drag and drop to swap between characters.


This adds 5 seconds per piece, bringing the previous 30 seconds wait while I swap characters, move to Lion's Arch for a bank, and re-accessorize to about a 1m20s of dragging and dropping.


Make account wide armors swappable account wide in inventory, or don't touch bank functionality, please.

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It's great, thanks. Things will be a lot easier now switching.


Would have liked three equipment templates available. Actually, considering in the beginning a big draw for GW2 (and a lot of pre-release official advertising, remember those comic strips?) was the fact that any class could fill any of the traditional trinity of roles with a couple of simple modifications to their equipment/build, I'm surprised three equipment templates were not given standard. But it's not the end of the world.

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Rip smooth and seamless out-of-combat legendary weapon swapping for mobility/swiftness/block/etc... everything legendary that is also equipped in other equipment template gets stripped off upgrades and both items get stored in armory (the currently equipped legendary weapon and the one you want to swap to). Only way to avoid it is to have unique weapon in each equipment template so they are not reseted in the Armory when temporarily swapping to other weapons through inventory.


Suggestion: Swapping weapon or any gear through inventory should always swap those gear items between the equipment UI and inventory, not adding them both in armory and resetting legendary item which is also used in other template. There should be special option to add item to armory

and swapping gear between equipment panel and inventory should be by default, just like before.

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I like the template system overall. It is a very much needed feature, thanks!


A few changes I'd like to see (in order of importance):


1. Equipment and build template changes should require a manual save. Changing a skill/piece of gear should not automatically be saved to the templates, as these are usually one time changes for specific encounters. It is very easy to screw up templates when save happens automatically


2. Allow the ability to choose an equipment template for a given build template, so both can be activated together with a single keybind. In other words, build and equipment templates should be linked, as specific builds will usually run with a specific equipment layout anyway


3. Increase the maximum number of equipment and build templates. 6 is way too few and is sometimes not enough for a single game mode, let alone saving builds/equipment for multiple game modes (fractals, raids, wvw, open world etc)

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The way build templates are implemented is super convoluted and overcomplicated, confusing to say the least (look at those sub-builds called 'Template 1-2-3' under the account slot - this is just a mess)


Guild Wars 1 had this perfectly, without any complication at all, you could have just re-implemented it. Although I see one reason it was done this way: to create and enforce artificial limits so that people will pay for more template slots - and this makes me really sad.


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I think this is a good update in the right direction.


While there could be a few improvements to be made, it is important to recognize that nothing is ever perfect right at the release of any major game update. I am not worried about the future of build templates - I know ArenaNet will do what needs to be done. I am, however, worried about communication going forward.


I would like to see that ArenaNet is taking this feedback and applying it constructively to the game with the mutual goal of making this game better and better. I would like to see ArenaNet ask for player feedback before developing new parts of this game going forward. And I would like to see a stronger relationship cultivate between the game developer and the player base.

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##Legit Problems (even after you fix pricing issues):


#** 1) Legendaries Unfriendliness**


If you have legendary armor, you are penalized for using the equipment templates because switching the gear to

another character of the same weight class erases the gear from all existing equipment templates.


This also applies to legendary weapons.


**Solution: add legendaries to an account wide equipment storage.**


#** 2) Separation of Templates**

A proper build templates/managers should remember the customization of stats of all weapons and armor (runes,

sigils , infusions) along with associated traits used in the build which can later be loaded out on the go for different

situations, occasions and bosses. An example would be a build called "Ranged Deimos" and another called "Melee

Deimos" which requires different weapons, traits and possibly armor.


Instead of a convenient one button on-the-go loadout we have...... (queue drumroll).....


....Separated trait templates and equipment templates in order to double the monetization.


Please take a look at how ARCDPS did this or look at how The Secret World (TSW old version) handled their build



**Solution: Merge equipment templates with traits+skills templates.**


#** 3) Missing Clear Save and Load Buttons**


A clear save and load button for user UI friendliness. I know some people that didn't know/understand how to save

and load these templates properly or accidentally overwriting things or misunderstanding overwriting for loading...




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**First, a suggestion:**

I'd personally like to see the ability to associate an equipment template with a build template. That way, changing your build would also swap your equipment to the gear that you use with it.

It would specifically need to auto-select the equipment template upon build template swap, rather than linking the two in a way where selecting equipment also switches the build. This way, you could always swap equipment manually within the same build if you selected the build first, but choosing a build swaps your equipment automatically.

(Also, it would be awesome if it remembered our show/hide toggles on gloves, helm, and shoulders? Super nitpicky and not functionally relevant, I know, lol. It would just be nice.)


**Second, overall feedback:**

I'm honestly so grateful for this system, so, thank you, ANet devs.

I know there's a lot of grumpiness regarding the cost of extending the system, but frankly, I think it's a good place to monetize considering it's convenience-based yet heavily valued. There's so much content in this game that is given for free or with the initial purchase, and you guys have always done a great job of keeping cash-shop items aesthetic or convenience items rather than something game-impacting. I appreciate that most of all. I'm happy to support the game because of this, and happy to do so in this way. Keep up the great work, friends.

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