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Official Feedback Thread about Build and Equipment Templates

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I'm surprised at how absurdly high the pricing is. A quick poll of a few regular customers would have given you that feedback and saved you a huge backlash from your veteran fanbase. By removing the free WvW and PvP templates (yes, some people still play WvW and PvP), the people who play across all those game modes get nothing from this update without paying extra. Add the issues with legendaries, and suddenly we've taken a great opportunity and turned it into yet another PR problem.


The real shame here is that your devs have done a really good job, the implementation looks nice. But as countless people have already said, it's cheaper to buy a whole new character than it is to buy extra equipment and skill slots.

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My suggestions...


The number of free templates should be increased, probably to least double the current free slots for each type.


Increase the limits, ideally at least double for everything.


Reduce the cost or add better bundles for additional slots up to the new limit.


Refund the price difference to players who already bought slots.


Once templates are in a better state, add some cosmetic animations to play when switching builds; similar to finishers or mail carriers.

These would provide optional monetization and appeal even to players who don't buy additional slots, and should be less controversial.

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Let's just accept that build templates are fine as they are. They started thinking on this since 2015. It took 4 years to get implemented after lots of development and testing. Fixing all sorts of bugs, reducing prices, refunding players, rethinking gear and legendary mechanics, adding options for PvE/PvP.WvW, making skills slots to be remembered (revenant?) - this is all a huge amount of work to be done. It's simply better to leave it as it is, and let them focus on new content, otherwise we will create another expansion hype that we might regret later on. Always, be careful what you wish for, it might just come true; we requested build templates, and we got it; now the game needs to move on.

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The template costs and limitations are completely at odds with the direction in which skill/trait balancing has been going. There are more and more cases of nerfs being justified by statements like "we wanted to offer a meaningful situational choice," and balancing is becoming more play-mode specific. I like both of those directions, but the problem is, we still don't have an acceptable way to make those "situational choices." Before these templates it was just way too much work to switch builds and equipment for each situation. Now, even with these templates, we get only a tiny gain in convenience for a huge financial cost. The best we can do is spend $360 to get a measely 12 builds and 12 equipment templates per class to cover all 3 game modes and all of these "situational choices" within each game mode. The builds and equipment templates aren't even tied to each other, so it's almost as much work as it was before to change everything. It's even worse than before when switching game modes because you nixed automatic build switching.


With the recent Scourge nerf I need to double my number of go-to builds now, one set for using Shades and another for avoiding Shades. Add to that several other factors each with a handful of options and I quickly exceed that limit of 12. I'd love to be able to adjust my build & equipment on the fly, but it's sadly way too much effort and expense and disruption of gameplay to be worth it. I'm resigned to just whittling everything down to one or two good-enough builds for each class and then picking the least of two evils in each game situation. And I'm going to cringe every time I see one of those "we wanted to offer a meaningful choice" explanations in balance notes. If you want to offer a meaningful choice, then offer good and affordable template mechanics!! Otherwise just please give me all my Scourge Shade mechanics back.


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Build and storage tab unlocks should be acc bound.


Build templates should be soul bound. Each char should have their own list of templates.


PvP should be completely separate.


You’ve completely broken my trust. This system you released is terrible... the monetisation structure is criminal. Be careful because you will lose big if you keep going in this direction. I won’t spend a penny on templates until the system is completely overhauled.

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Whilst I have no real issues (as per my earlier feedback) and I like the system, a proper update should have been posted by now keeping the playerbase informed. I know communication is taboo, but this is not really a good way to build relations with the community. The new Game Director I would have expected to have posted an update last week let alone leaving it into the second with little beyond "we're looking at options".


For me, what is gained with the feature, is lost by the continuation of poor communicating.

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I really don't understand this system at all. It seems like a classic case of over-engineering. Why on earth are there seperate tabs for gear and traits? Why are build templates account wide? I don't get it and I don't think I've seen any other game ever do this.


What is a build? A build is a set of gear with stats, runes, sigils, etc. in cunjuction with traits and skills. So A build should be made is such a way where you have build 1 change all those things. All builds should be specific to the character. There's no reason for my Thief to have slots not available to them because it's for a necro. I shouldn't even see that. Give like 3 free build slots with each purchase / expansion (9 free as of now) which changes the gear, traits, skills for that character. Have a cheap price for new build slots. A different character would have 9 empty build slots until I fill them with gear, traits, skills. There are a few ways to deal with inventory management, that's dealers choice.


The way it is now, it's so convoluted, and some of your actual wording is incorrect.


Right now, it's just easier and cheaper to buy a new character slot for 800, have a brand new character with a whole 120 slots for free (20 slot bags are cheap or free), and easier to manage. But since you screwed up the whole auto trait per game mode, it's now a pain in the but.


Just one more example of you guys half-assing something that isn't a cosmetic.


You need to just remove this feature and do it right, streamline it, simplify it, especially with regards to legendaries.

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> @"Spurnshadow.3678" said:

> I really don't understand this system at all. It seems like a classic case of over-engineering. Why on earth are there seperate tabs for gear and traits? Why are build templates account wide? I don't get it and I don't think I've seen any other game ever do this.


they needed to monetize it and the best way was to break it up into 3 different revenue streams. All they were interested in was sales.


Its kind of what they do when they have a black lion key sale. normally keys are 2k gems for 25 but when they have a sale they put the regular price up to 3150gems so it seems like you are getting a deal


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I guess I'm the odd one out here who happily spent gems on the built template package and am happily using it. Sure, you need to press 2 different key combinations to switch builds and gears but that takes me just half a second to do; the benefits for me definitely outweigh the negatives.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> We want to acknowledge that we are reading the feedback expressed in this thread and the other forums threads about the Build and Equipment Templates. We are discussing this feedback internally to determine how we can address it.


I can understand you want to take your time with this but its been one week now without a word, so I sure hope we will get some info before the weekend.


Even if you havent found a consent yet on how you would like to address certain points of feedback, it would be nice to know which main concerns of the player base regarding build templates you have identified and discussing internally.


Like, if you had to summarize the feedback give in this and the other threads to give to the relevant people, how would it look like?

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Are we going to get a detailed response to these complaints or are we just going to let it drift into the background and get covered up by the newest release?? My money’s on “Will never get addressed properly because newest episode comes out.” Extremely disappointing Anet; it’s been almost two weeks and you guys even had a month of feedback before that as well. SMDH ?

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Hi everyone,


> Now that Build and Equipment Templates are live in the game, we’d like to open this thread to gather your feedback after you’ve had time to play with this feature. Let us know what you think.


> Reminder that we welcome all forms of feedback, both positive and negative, as long as it is respectful and constructive. You can check this post about providing good feedback: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/317/how-to-give-good-feedback



There is really only one thing that made me absolutely hate the templates. It's hard to put it into words, but it feels like you are getting punished for having legendary weapons.

I tend to run dungeons quite a bit since I really do enjoy that aspect of the game, and when doing so one sometimes tend to stack up stealth with the group.

Before this wasn't a problem at all, simply equip my hammer and staff to use the blast finishers and then swap back to the weapon sets I want to use after i'm done. But here comes the problem, now your "glorious" templates removes all sigils and infusions on legendary weapons when you swap, and the amount of times I've done a dungeon and then go do other stuff to find out 3-4 hours later I havent been using sigils at all is quite annoying.

I also would love a option to simply disable the templates if that's possible, I'd much rather go back to the old system where I edited stuff myself, atleast then I could swap weapons without having all my sigils and infusions getting tossed into my bag.

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1. The price is ridiculous. Why would I buy it if I could just pay 800gem for 1 character slot for 2 Equipment Templates and 3 Build Templates instead of just only 1 Equipment Template and 1 Build Template. And this doesn't even include any other benefits you can get from 1 more character slot.

2. They are not template. They are just loadout. I can pass ascended or legendary to alts more easily with extra character instead of using the clunky "loadout" system.

3. Different game modes should have different template slots and automatic change to it just like before. You literally didn't give us any free build slots. They are there before patch already and work even better than what we have now.

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Things I want changed about loadouts:


- Call them loadouts or add a save button to make them templates

- Change slot purchases to be account-wide instead of per character (especially gear slots - for fashion wars purposes)

- Over time, add additional slots to the gem store for purchase as is currently done with account-wide inventory slots

- Unlock a slot for each game mode with each slot purchase

- Automatically switch builds when you enter PvE/WvW/PvP maps to whatever you were using there last time


These changes would make me more comfortable with the current price and marketing of your feature and would encourage me to buy more. Also, the system would feel smoother and improve my gaming experience.

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> @"DarkRam.1572" said:

> its been 10 days now and still silence from anet. As a customer i feel disrespected now.

> Is this being swept under the rug?



of course it is that being said constructive suggestion is to roll back the system and rework it. make them account wide and reduce it to 2 revenue streams by linking build and equipment into one. reduce the price, and we would appreciate a response from steph

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