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Official Feedback Thread about Build and Equipment Templates

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I think the following needs to be changed (this should be possible within the currently existing system):


1. A "Save" button for both build and equipment "templates" - making them real templates (if you don't want to overhaul the complete system this means (in case if the equipment templates) keeping the gear inside the "armory" when unequipping - if its still referenced anywhere inside the equipment templates)

2. Split the templates for the three game-modes and have us set a default template for each game mode - when entering the respective game-mode, apply the default templates for the game-mode (also see point 4)

3. Let us link build and equipment templates and let us assign a hotkey to these linked templates

4. If you don't want to change the additionally bought templates to a account wide unlocks (for more gems - preferred solution), then at least give a template for each game-mode (three templates per unlock - one for each game-mode) - they currently are WAY overpriced

5. Increase the maximum number of available templates (the split for the three game-modes will also help - see point 2 and 4)

6. Populate the three build and two equipment templates with the load-outs from each game-mode when loading each character (not when entering the respective game-mode) the first time - or at least let the players know that a (random? currently selected? fixed?) template will be overwritten without warning when entering another game-mode for the first time (on each character)

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I'll get right to it, as waxing poetic is pointless:


When first shopped, I was under the impression that while the 3 "free" build slots would be POPULATED with the 3 builds we currently run with in game (PvE, PvP, and WvW), that we would still have our pre-saved builds in those game modes and even if we changed the builds in those build slots that those original game mode builds would be untouched (thereby giving us two slots we could "play with" regarding builds.


Instead you have just taken away that old set up and supplanted it with those three slots and now expect people to label them thusly AND remember before going into PvP to swap the build.


So you didn't really give each character three build templates, you just reshuffled your existing system and said, "now you can buy slots if you want build templates".


I mean, I've seen some shady stuff in my time, but wow.


I can't speak too much to the equipment slots as I usually only ever run a second set of gear for any one toon, but for those that don't have as many alts as i do, I can see how they might be annoyed as well. Especially if these glitches I've read about are as abundant as it would seem.


All in all, changing the orientation of the furniture in the room and calling it a newly decorated room, but only if we have to buy additional furniture isn't the same thing as actually redecorating.


At this point this template system (as it stands right out of the box) ONLY benefits brand new players that have only played PvE and want an easy way to play with builds as they level to 80 and if they don't really bother too much with PvP, and maybe dabble in WvW eventually. Anyone who's been around for a while and had established builds for those game modes...well, they're SOL.

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What about skills? Has anyone noticed that there is no loadout (build template) for skill bar? Upon going to PvP and WvW you have to manually change skills + build + loadout, all this each time. This is actually a downgrade, because so far it was done automatically, and now each time I go PvP I must change everything fast, in that short timeframe before match begins.


Who knows?! Maybe they plan to completely remove PvP and WvW game modes, considered forgotten or obsolete.

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still mad about you deleting all my wvw builds on the 12 characters i have. i messed around for 1 hour fixing 4 of the toons. all you had to do was save whatever skills and gear i had on into a template already by default instead of removing them. then all you had to do was add a button to save the gear and traits i select into a build template. then all i had to do was click the saved template and my gear and traits would load. you gave us trash

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Build Storage Per Character Would Be Way More Fair


so you can save the build per character while build templates should unlock the slot per account, why they made storage to account just to money grab people?


this way every character would have 3 slot free for save the build. would equal to 2 to pvp 2 pve and 2 wvw, if the person want more they should buy it

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Way too disappointed! People already had a shift tone of criticism during the build template live stream and you did NOTHING, you kept everything as it was, that is LAZY and not nice for your comunity. Three build templates for each character is just a kick in the face, you know why, because we already had them! Pls give us 3 templates for EACH MODE, or at least two templates for each mode. I don't freaking need my WvW build selectable while playing pve, I just DON'T.

It just has to be said, you are just GREEDY, nothing else!


Also it is way too freaking expensive. 300 gems for an additional build template means 7200 gems to get all 6 build templates for 8 characters. This makes 100€. NO EFING WAY!

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> @"UnDeadFun.5824" said:

> > @"Sumpfkraut.7195" said:

> > it should be 4 free... or not (he speak english and it's not my native language)

> >

> If nothing else listen to Mike Z pitch about templates with full control over your characters builds and especially the last part about being free.

> *103/104 minutes


> Thank You Sumpfkraut.7195 for finding this and reminding us.


> @"Alin.2468" said:

> Who knows?! Maybe they plan to completely remove PvP and WvW game modes, considered forgotten or obsolete.


No, those games are not being removed.


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> @"Alin.2468" said:

> What about skills? Has anyone noticed that there is no loadout (build template) for skill bar? Upon going to PvP and WvW you have to manually change skills + build + loadout, all this each time. This is actually a downgrade, because so far it was done automatically, and now each time I go PvP I must change everything fast, in that short timeframe before match begins.


> Who knows?! Maybe they plan to completely remove PvP and WvW game modes, considered forgotten or obsolete.

What do you mean? Your skill bar is set from the build window (+ underwater skills) and automatically change as you change the build template.

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I want Guildwars2 to make money and to do that it must offer Quality Of Life Improvements that are worth buying. This Implementation of the Template system is Awful. What was needed was Templates at the Account Level i.e. the same screen that you currently select your character from. The Template would include everything including character, with all the settings for their traits and equipment and equipment settings if Legendary. All settings for a character to make a specific build. Plus a user definable description. So that at sign in I could select a Template and instantly be my Condie Toon , or Silverwaste Farmer or WvW Healer, Of course there would be a limit to the number of Templates and extra slots would have to be purchased. This would have made sense. However the current choice is do I buy Awfully Implemented Template stuff or an extra Character. An extra Character is more useful and cheaper. To me a "full complete account level" Template slot should be cheaper than a whole new Character.

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> @"Samaruis Vulcan.7413" said:

> 3 Days and 10 pages later they finally acknowledge our existence. I have to say it's about time. I hope what we've said is taken into consideration Stephane, you guys kinda dropped the ball on this one. Here's hoping you can make it right.


While this is good, action speak louder than words, we already been giving them feedback for months on how to fix all this mess

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Hey are you guys at Arenanet taking questions? Because I have one.


How do you justify charging us money/"Gems" for a feature that should have shipped with the game 7 years ago and was free in the first game?


Not only was the 7 year wait a travesty, but you guys decided to make one of the worst business decisions I have ever seen by also charging us for it. MassivelyOP put out a negative article about it that outlines the serious problems but no words in that article can really drive it home to express this overwhelmingly negative feeling as someone like me who has played your games since 2006 and has seen firsthand your company slowly become more and more greedy each year. I understand you guys are a company and need to make money, but charging for every little thing outside of Living World releases is absolutely ridiculous.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> We want to acknowledge that we are reading the feedback expressed in this thread and the other forums threads about the Build and Equipment Templates. We are discussing this feedback internally to determine how we can address it.


Is it going to be a "we're sorry you're not happy but we're not going to do anything" post?


I'm not trying to be mean here but I've seen that kind of reaction to feedback far too often from companies recently.

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I play ele almost exclusively. I have a legendary for every slot and weapon type I can. And legendary runes and sigils. Im also a semi hc player. That means In something like fractals im constantly swapping a weapon for a situational, staff for a trash pack or a focus for a skip.


With gear templates and legendary weapons that is basically impossible atm since everytime I switch a single weapon that is bound onto a template it will reset the Upgrades on those weapons meaning I need to put all my sigils in again and that is basically impossible when trying to do a fast run, especially with legendary sigils.


I am very happy that these templates exist. Trait templates are fine other than that there are too few slots for some people and that they save every change you make. They should be a template you save and that when you load it it's always the same. This point also applies to build templates which I feel are the main issue with this update.


I want to have a fractal template that has impact and force sigils by default. Not a template that has what ever sigils I needed for the fractal I did last yesterday.


Also especially for gear templates there are too few slots. For traits I can manage because trait switching is just couple of clicks. But gear stat switching is a major pain in the ass, need more templates. I dont even need keybinds for all of them, just the ability to 1 click them.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> We want to acknowledge that we are reading the feedback expressed in this thread and the other forums threads about the Build and Equipment Templates. We are discussing this feedback internally to determine how we can address it.


Thank you for taking the time to respond to us. This is likely a tough situation for you all on that side of the fence, but I do not doubt you will make the right decisions moving forward. Just know, despite being frustrated with this situation, I am still a huge believer in the game and greatly appreciate your work.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> We want to acknowledge that we are reading the feedback expressed in this thread and the other forums threads about the Build and Equipment Templates. We are discussing this feedback internally to determine how we can address it.


Thank you for taking the time to respond to us. This is likely a tough situation for you all on that side of the fence, but I do not doubt you will make the right decisions moving forward. Just know, despite being frustrated with this situation, I am still a huge believer in the game and greatly appreciate your work.

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Dear Anet,

As you may have noticed, a very vocal part of the community isn't very happy with your current template implementation, myself included.

A few things I hope you can work on:


1. The build template: It would be best to not charge any gems for this whatsoever. Why? Because it is nothing more but a string of text of a few kb that can literally be saved on your HDD, a textfile, or in your guild message of the day while also being unlimited in the amount of builds you can store. Asking money for something like this with restrictions in effect while you can literally copy and paste an infinite amount of builds from a textfile is something that rubs a lot of people the wrong way, and if I may voice my opinion, rightly so.


2a. the equipment template: Lower the price on this one. A bag slot is 400 gems for 20 slots, that is 2 more than the maximum amount of items you can play in an equipment template. For 800 gems you have a new character with 100 storage/bagspace. 500 gems is not a reasonable price considering the alternatives.

2b. Synchronise the amount of templates. Give us 3 build and 3 equipment ones, not 3 and 2. This forces the impression that you shipped an incomplete system on purpose, wanting us to buy that third equipment slot straight away. This does not put Arenanet in a favourable light.


3. The current template limit of 6 makes templates borderline useless for veteran raiders/fractal players with a multitude of builds while the casual player with a single build will most likely rarely use templates let alone buy additional ones. I would suggest to expand this limit ( chrono raiders sometimes use 20+ builds! I understand you want to make money, but 3+3 free templates and a max of 6+6 will not satisfy anyone who actually wants to make use of them), but also to once again seperate pve, wvw, and pvp templates. If possible either give us a seperate set of templates for each gamemode that auto-switches like in the old system, or give us the option to 'tag' a template as pve/pvp/wvw so it automatically switches us to the correct template for the correct gamemode.


4.Please give us an option to 'lock' templates down, so changes we make to equipment or skills do not automatically change the template as well.


Food for thought.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"briggah.7910" said:

> > still mad about you deleting all my wvw builds on the 12 characters i have.


> What are you talking about? they didn't delete your WvW build, it was saved in the 3rd template slot.


That may not be true. I have 16 characters, only 5 of those ended up with their WvW builds in slot 3. For example my Mirage had the correct PvE build in slot1, and correct PvP build in slot2 but it had a vanilla Mesmer build in slot 3 which I was not familiar with. This is quite annoying as I had been tweaking my mirage WvW build fairly recently and can't remember all of the changes I made. Most of the others that lost their WvW builds I am not quite so annoyed about as I was planning on updating them anyway. Fortunately the toon I currently use most in WvW did get to keep the correct WvW build in slot 3, I just need to remember that I need to manually switch builds every time I enter WvW now.

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