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New Build Templates


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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> You were already being forced to use them. At least with the exception of equipment templates as that’s new.


I didn't see it 'in action' yet, but I assume the wvw doesn't automatically swap your traits for you anymore. So he's basically complaining about those 4 clicks (except you still had to change the items one-by-one unless you used one build for everything, at which point... it's the last of your concerns imo :D).

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> @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> I want nothing to do with this new template fiasco. Just let things operate as they are (and I don't mean ARC, I just mean in game). To those who find these useful, that's great - just leave me out of it.


Considering you were not using ARC, I don't see how the free part of templates is in any way a downgrade for you. Care to explain in what way it's a "fiasco"?




Before responding, read https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1085935/#Comment_1085935

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Urgh, it did not differentiate between the game modes and now my builds are messed up. Thanks anet, since by default now it used whatever game mode I last logged in as my build, it completely messed up my wvw builds by putting either pve or pvp build there before I log in wvw. Thanks anet, this is wonderful. Now I have to go through all my alts and start over again. Why couldn't you have just used the old way where it can differentiate between game modes, and then just have the templates swap but not tainting builds between modes. To top it off it seems the build storage is not stored per character either, so I have to use these 6 slots shared between the 24+ alts I have, nice joke lel. What this means is, let's say I have used all 6 build slots for warrior builds, now every single one of my other character/classes is messed up because I will have to manually change the builds between game modes, since the current build loaded is "universal" between all 3 modes. Bravo!

Edit: I found the 1/2/3 in build template, 1 would have been your previous pve build, 2 was the build you used in pvp, and 3rd tab is wvw. Thank god I don't have to redo my builds.

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So I assume that Anet disabled the mechanism that occurs when you enter WvW and the game changes your gear/build to that which you had when last in WvW. I assume they did that because it is, in effect, a template. I assume they did that because now they have given us 3 build templates and 2 equipment templates and having that mechanism still in effect would be another template. So now that has been taken away from us. Well, at least I will have something to do while I am waiting in queue.

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The previous builds for all game modes are still there but in the 1/2/3 build template area instead and they are now universal between the modes. I just find the build storage part awkward. I find the whole thing not very intuitive or at least not visually appealing, though it doesn't take long to figure out.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> > > I want nothing to do with this new template fiasco. Just let things operate as they are (and I don't mean ARC, I just mean in game). To those who find these useful, that's great - just leave me out of it.

> >

> > Considering you were not using ARC, I don't see how the free part of templates is in any way a downgrade for you. Care to explain in what way it's a "fiasco"?


> Kinda is if you didn't care at all. Like my engie. I'd use sword/shield in pve then hammer in spvp just for dailys. I log in and he's got hammer and all skills are grayed out in pve and skills you cant use in spvp are grayed out requiring things I have to do now for something that required zero effort before. Sure I can do a couple builds but I still have to swap everytime I switch between modes instead of auto. And nvm if I wanted a 3rd wvw build which would now cost gems. Fiasco fits but more for us who weren't using any system before.


...so you're complaining that you need to swap a weapon while going into pvp? Because you have 3 build (traits) templates available for 3 modes and you only change weapon to choose a weapon type in pvp. I mean I see how it's indeed arguable a downgrade because you need to doubleclick once and pick your spec-template, but it's hardly a valid complaint tbh. Even moreso when you're doing it just to get pvp dailies, which are... well, worthless.


> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> Feel likes its better to have say a necro and use those 2 builds for pve/wvw then buy a char slot make another necro just for spvp for 540 gems when on sale and get birthday gifts etc on the new alt.


At this point you make as many clicks as during weapon +traitbuild swap. It's hilarious how some people like to blow their complaints way out of proportion.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> > I want nothing to do with this new template fiasco. Just let things operate as they are (and I don't mean ARC, I just mean in game). To those who find these useful, that's great - just leave me out of it.


> Considering you were not using ARC, I don't see how the free part of templates is in any way a downgrade for you. Care to explain in what way it's a "fiasco"?


Step one, go to WvW, build no longer loaded. Now have to track it down and load. Sure, its minor, but I would have been fine having a 'turn this stuff off' option so I could just manage my equipment and builds the way I have since release.

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For me it is a slite loss of QoL because:

I play mostly wvw and a bit pve (dailies, gathering stuff for equipment). So I have used one build in wvw and another one in pve as the game provided. I didn't have to change anything at all swapping between game modes (except maybe weapons).

Now I have to actively choose another build template every time when I'm switching between wvw and pve maps. Yes it is only a few clicks but I have to **remember** to do them! That's annoying!

It would have been so easy to avoid that. The game just should remember which build template (and equipment template) was switched on the last time I was on a pve/wvw/pvp map and switch automatically to it. Same QoL as before plus the additonal comfort of the templates.

I'm quite disappointed they didn't think of this :(

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> @"LadyHawk.5319" said:

> So I assume that Anet disabled the mechanism that occurs when you enter WvW and the game changes your gear/build to that which you had when last in WvW. I assume they did that because it is, in effect, a template. I assume they did that because now they have given us 3 build templates and 2 equipment templates and having that mechanism still in effect would be another template. So now that has been taken away from us. Well, at least I will have something to do while I am waiting in queue.


Wow.. you have a mid week queue..


I am on a ‘full’ server and we don’t queue prime time drying times other than Reset.

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Went in and loaded up all my templates wvw, didn't run into any problems, system felt a little clunky since you have to do separate tabs between traits/skills and equipment. The extra build templates for copypasta seem pointless unless you're running multiple same classes on one account. I usually run 1 or 2 builds on a character so not complicated and it's nice you can store the extra gear in the templates, freeing up some bag space. I didn't use arc so didn't matter to me one way or another, as long as it's not able to be abused in mid combat.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> So your now forced to use templates and it doesn't save your WvW anymore, that is kind of unhanded, its no longer a feature you can use, its a feature they have forced you to use, you have to wonder is that an over sight that they didn't foresee happening.


That's a mad reach to be mad about. Pre templates PvE, SPvP, WvW all three had their own templates but unchangeable. All they did was make them three free templates and you can swap between any of them freely out of combat or stick to one template. Nothing really changed there except you have a choice on which of those three you want to use.


Not sure how that's a bad thing. Especially for those that didn't use add-ons.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> > So your now forced to use templates and it doesn't save your WvW anymore, that is kind of unhanded, its no longer a feature you can use, its a feature they have forced you to use, you have to wonder is that an over sight that they didn't foresee happening.


> That's a mad reach to be mad about. Pre templates PvE, SPvP, WvW all three had their own templates but unchangeable. All they did was make them three free templates and you can swap between any of them freely out of combat or stick to one template. Nothing really changed there except you have a choice on which of those three you want to use.


> Not sure how that's a bad thing. Especially for those that didn't use add-ons.


It's all about those 2 clicks, man!

But ok, no matter how funny it is, the ability to set a "default wvw template" wouldn't hurt anyone. On the other hand if it's not there, I don't really care.


> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> > > > > I want nothing to do with this new template fiasco. Just let things operate as they are (and I don't mean ARC, I just mean in game). To those who find these useful, that's great - just leave me out of it.

> > > >

> > > > Considering you were not using ARC, I don't see how the free part of templates is in any way a downgrade for you. Care to explain in what way it's a "fiasco"?

> > >

> > > Kinda is if you didn't care at all. Like my engie. I'd use sword/shield in pve then hammer in spvp just for dailys. I log in and he's got hammer and all skills are grayed out in pve and skills you cant use in spvp are grayed out requiring things I have to do now for something that required zero effort before. Sure I can do a couple builds but I still have to swap everytime I switch between modes instead of auto. And nvm if I wanted a 3rd wvw build which would now cost gems. Fiasco fits but more for us who weren't using any system before.

> >

> > ...so you're complaining that you need to swap a weapon while going into pvp? Because you have 3 build (traits) templates available for 3 modes and you only change weapon to choose a weapon type in pvp. I mean I see how it's indeed arguable a downgrade because you need to doubleclick once and pick your spec-template, but it's hardly a valid complaint tbh. Even moreso when you're doing it just to get pvp dailies, which are... well, worthless.

> >

> > > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > > Feel likes its better to have say a necro and use those 2 builds for pve/wvw then buy a char slot make another necro just for spvp for 540 gems when on sale and get birthday gifts etc on the new alt.

> >

> > At this point you make as many clicks as during weapon +traitbuild swap. It's hilarious how some people like to blow their complaints way out of proportion.


>You see the diff? And 2 free pvp potions by joining a daily room and a win progress towards ap arent worthless to me and it's hilarious how you take offense to our minor complaints that don't affect you.


Yup, 2 clicks! :astonished:

And I don't see where I "took offense", but I guess you had to try to take a shot.

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> @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> > > I want nothing to do with this new template fiasco. Just let things operate as they are (and I don't mean ARC, I just mean in game). To those who find these useful, that's great - just leave me out of it.

> >

> > Considering you were not using ARC, I don't see how the free part of templates is in any way a downgrade for you. Care to explain in what way it's a "fiasco"?


> Step one, go to WvW, build no longer loaded. Now have to track it down and load. Sure, its minor, but I would have been fine having a 'turn this stuff off' option so I could just manage my equipment and builds the way I have since release.


You do realize you can even keybind templates? Its 2 button presses to change gear and traits, and you can do it on the fly, if you care so much about wvw you should have atleast 2 different builds you use in wvw. You can now switch between them in 0.5 seconds.


If you dont have 2 for a gamemode like wvw, well... Then, in my eyes, you arent even a real wvw player, and have no reason to complain at all.

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