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[merged] Legendary Gear and Templates

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You cannot swap weapons with legendary sigils on the fly any longer, because the upgrades get thrown out and into your inventory if you do so, as the templates don't memorize which weapon uses which legendary upgrade (as they all have the same ID). What on Earth...?!? :o How am I supposed to recall what stats the legendary sigil requires for each equipment loadout? And the time it costs to redo them each and every single time...


So you are basically forced to buy an additional template slot for each simple change of weapons, **or** you don't use legendary upgrades but use exotic sigils instead (which are easier to memorize). You've got to be kidding me. :angry: Of course, when you equip exotic upgrades instead (I now have 3 spare legendary sigils because of this kitten system, by the way), you will still have to redo the stats all over under those circumstances.


Here's a video that shows the issue with exotic sigils (it's ten times as much work with legendary sigils, because you need to look up your build first if you don't recall the exact upgrades used in it, which is likely to happen if you haven't played in a while or of you, like me, have over a dozen characters):


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Or you could keep using your massively convenient Legendary gear as you always have. I have to wonder if the thing you're really upset about is that the new tab system gives at least a small part of that same convenience to those who don't have Legendary gear and you feel like it means you aren't as special now.

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> @"Ygdrasill.9135" said:

> Or you could keep using your massively convenient Legendary gear as you always have.


**You can't!** That's what I am trying to tell you!


My legendary upgrades get thrown out of my weapons back into the equipment storage each time I equip a different weapon. I have to redo the customization _every single time_. The only way to solve this is to buy more template slots!


It's a bad joke. :angry: Equipment templates have made legendary upgrades 100% useless, you can as well use regular sigils.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> They don't. They stay in the template. You can use them in multiple templates though....


Wrong. You don't get what I am saying... If you replace a weapon with one from your inventory on the fly, you later have to redo the previous weapon's customization, which means you cannot swap back on the fly. You need two loadouts for this!


I have to buy two equipment slots in addition just so my ranger can switch to his longbow when needed, both in PvE and WvW. I can no longer just drag it from my inventory into my equipment loadout "on the fly".

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > They don't. They stay in the template. You can use them in multiple templates though....


> Wrong. You don't get what I am saying... If you replace a weapon with one from your inventory on the fly, you later have to redo the previous weapon's customization, which means you cannot swap back on the fly. You need two loadouts for this!


> I have to buy two equipment slots in addition just so my ranger can switch to his longbow when needed, both in PvE and WvW. I can no longer just drag it from my inventory into my equipment loadout "on the fly".


I dont know what you are doing. Mine doesn't do that

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > They don't. They stay in the template. You can use them in multiple templates though....

> >

> > Wrong. You don't get what I am saying... If you replace a weapon with one from your inventory on the fly, you later have to redo the previous weapon's customization, which means you cannot swap back on the fly. You need two loadouts for this!

> >

> > I have to buy two equipment slots in addition just so my ranger can switch to his longbow when needed, both in PvE and WvW. I can no longer just drag it from my inventory into my equipment loadout "on the fly".


> I dont know what you are doing. Mine doesn't do that


I am talking about a character whose weapons and upgrades are _all_ legendary and who uses some of the same weapons in both equipment slots.


Are you in the same situation?

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> So you are basically forced to buy an additional template slot for each simple change of weapons, **or** you don't use legendary upgrades


It does sound like a bit of a rabbit hole, you should probably just buy the extra build template and forget about it, cos I don't imagine it will be fixed anytime soon, if ever.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > So you are basically forced to buy an additional template slot for each simple change of weapons, **or** you don't use legendary upgrades


> It does sound like a bit of a rabbit hole, you should probably just buy the extra build template and forget about it, cos I don't imagine it will be fixed anytime soon, if ever.


So, in addition of having spent thousands for legendary sigils, I am now punished by having to buy additional slots? Not gonna happen. I'll rather keep spending time looking up stats to redo them whenever necessary.


I am beyond pissed right now...

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:


> I am beyond pissed right now...


That is why I suggested you do the only thing you can do in order to be able to forget about it, if you would rather keep changing stats and always being mad about it then that is up to you ofc, I just feel it maybe better for you to bite the bullet and be able to put it behind you. You are in a lose lose situation.

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you are right.

not only that but this system punishes those with legendary weapons too killing build diversity.

if that weapon is 'tied' to a build ,when you switch legendary weapons all the sigils and infusions are extracted into that gear tab.

for example : you have a legendary warhorn as part of another build... your running about and want some swiftness or you want to buff allies and switch to the warhorn, the system extracts everything from it ,leaving you with an empty weapon.

so essentially we would have to buy a whole extra template to switch to an offhand weapon or something thats not part of that build as we are 'locked' with the weapons we chose for the build.

so certain legendary weapons are now 'locked' into builds ?

this is absolute madness...


The best thing to do is NOT equip your legendary weapons to the template have them free in your bags to switch to on the fly.

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Exactly. **Gear Templates pretty much ruined GW2.** Thanks for that, ANet. :-1:


The number of gear template slots available to us aren't even enough to make legendary equipment work properly across all game modes if you want to be able to swap something quickly on the fly, and most importantly: swap it back! :angry:

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> @"borgs.6103" said:

> Holy kitten. Looks like they didn't take into account legendaries within legendaries. That thing's a mess. Does it work like that on legendary runes too?


Fortunately, I am not in the position where I need to swap armor "on the fly", but yes, from what I read on Reddit it is behaving exactly the same way. :/

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> @"Cobra.6509" said:

> Legendary Runes/ Sigils were no go cost / utility wise. Everyone with some brain didn't make them. Whining here about how you should pay more in order to use them with build templates is just lame. Anet knows that you will pay whatever they asks.... after all you craft the legendary runes / sigils. Pay already....


Wow, Even though i don't agree with leggy sigils and runes, its the person's right to make them if they want, but this post is just hostile and resentful towards those upgrades and the person that made them, and completely ignoring the original topic which is that templates mess things up badly.

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I wanna make sure that I'm not missing anything here, but it appears that legendary armor is stuck to 1 character each, which means that if I want to use it on another character I have to trash my whole Equipement setup on the current. Is that correct? If so, why? Why not make legendary gear altogether dedicated to another type of account wide universal slot so that it's less tedious as well as making everything else seamlessly? I feel rather disappointed if that's the actual fact here.. Or is it in the works at all?


Really don't feel like crafting 2 other sets of each armor type.. It's well known that once you go Legendary, you can pretty much do whatever with it so why not make it easier in the first place for the players?

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Exactly how it is OP.

I was quite surpised that you can use the same ascended on 1 character on 2 diffrent template so you can have power dps deadeye and daredevil were the only thing you switch is the weapon. ( I thought only legendary would have that ability)

Seems like the least us ascended people would have to do is get a second ascended for all slots to have 2 diffrent elite specs.

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Fairly certain this is a problem with the legendary weapons themselves not the sigils?

The same thing happens to me and others with our normal exotic sigils on legendary weaponry.

_**Edit:** Further fiddling around highlighted that this does not happen all the time. I'm not entirely sure yet why it does sometimes and doesn't, perhaps it's the order that you remove the legendary weapon from the various equipment templates that is the defining factor._

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> I wanna make sure that I'm not missing anything here, but it appears that legendary armor is stuck to 1 character each, which means that if I want to use it on another character I have to trash my whole Equipement setup on the current. Is that correct? If so, why? Why not make legendary gear altogether dedicated to another type of account wide universal slot so that it's less tedious as well as making everything else seamlessly? I feel rather disappointed if that's the actual fact here.. Or is it in the works at all?


> Really don't feel like crafting 2 other sets of each armor type.. It's well known that once you go Legendary, you can pretty much do whatever with it so why not make it easier in the first place for the players?


I asked the same question and they moved it to Players Helping Players. Good question - no idea as to the answer.


In fact, I've said it before, Anet should ask players to beta-test, since they obviously have no one good at it.

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