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Tier 6 materials observation

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End result from opening and salvaging at least 2,500 blue, 2,500 green, and 500 yellow. Just shy of 50 hardened leather sections and just over 50 gossamer scraps. And in comparison a full stack of orichalcum ore and a full stack of ancient wood logs. This to me is kind of crazy. It should not be so heavily slanted to the ore and wood when those can be readily gathered from nodes throughout end level zones. But leather and scraps can only be gotten outside of such means (no significant source outside of salvaging). To put perspective on the time effort here. In the same amount of time it took me to get just shy of 50 leather sections I was able to harvest the following:


5,580 Elder Wood Log

900 Seasoned Wood Log

1,740 Hard Wood Log

1,160 Soft Wood Log

180 Ancient Wood Log

180 Green Wood Log


That's nearly all of the wood needed to complete the second collection for crafting nevermore.

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Well, it sounds like the drop rate is higher for materials used in weapons than those used in armors. Maybe it was designed that way.

On the other hand, if it's the result of gear salvage, maybe unidentified gear is more likely to give you weapons than armors. Might be designed that way too.

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Were your salvaging stacks of unidentified gear or individual armour and weapons? And if you opened them what profession were you on at the time?


I'm not sure about the unidentified gear but armour and weapon pieces each salvage into specific materials (e.g. you'll only get metal from a sword, only cloth from light armour etc.) and I think you're more likely to get drops which are useful for your profession - so if you were on a warrior when you opened all the unidentified gear you'll get more heavy armour and therefore more metal (and wood from weapons) and less cloth and leather.


I'm not sure that would completely explain the discrepancy, but it needs to be taken into consideration if we're going to draw any conclusions from your data.

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> @"Airdive.2613" said:

> Well, it sounds like the drop rate is higher for materials used in weapons than those used in armors. Maybe it was designed that way.

> On the other hand, if it's the result of gear salvage, maybe unidentified gear is more likely to give you weapons than armors. Might be designed that way too.


The drop rates doesn't need to be higher for those results. There are simply more sources for metal and wood.


You get metal from heavy armor, weaponsmithing weapons and trinkets

You get wood from huntsman and artificier weapons

You get cloth from light armor

You get leather from medium armor

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > Well, it sounds like the drop rate is higher for materials used in weapons than those used in armors. Maybe it was designed that way.

> > On the other hand, if it's the result of gear salvage, maybe unidentified gear is more likely to give you weapons than armors. Might be designed that way too.


> The drop rates doesn't need to be higher for those results. There are simply more sources for metal and wood.

> [...]

> You get leather from medium armor

And bows, rarely.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > > Well, it sounds like the drop rate is higher for materials used in weapons than those used in armors. Maybe it was designed that way.

> > > On the other hand, if it's the result of gear salvage, maybe unidentified gear is more likely to give you weapons than armors. Might be designed that way too.

> >

> > The drop rates doesn't need to be higher for those results. There are simply more sources for metal and wood.

> > [...]

> > You get leather from medium armor

> And bows, rarely.


Dont bows drop wood only?


As I thought


By item type

Light armor produces cloth scraps

Medium armor produces leather scraps

Heavy armor produces ore (but not Silver or Gold)

Weapons can produce either ore (but not Silver or Gold) or logs, depending on weapon type:

Always produces log: focus, *longbow*, scepter, *short bow*, staff, torch, trident ALWAYS LOG AKA WOOD

Produces log or ore: axe, hammer, harpoon gun, mace, pistol, rifle, shield, spear

Always produces ore: dagger, greatsword, sword, warhorn

Trinkets produce ore (but not Iron)

Runes produce Lucent Motes and a small chance of charms

Sigils produce Lucent Motes and a small chance of symbols

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > > @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > > > Well, it sounds like the drop rate is higher for materials used in weapons than those used in armors. Maybe it was designed that way.

> > > > On the other hand, if it's the result of gear salvage, maybe unidentified gear is more likely to give you weapons than armors. Might be designed that way too.

> > >

> > > The drop rates doesn't need to be higher for those results. There are simply more sources for metal and wood.

> > > [...]

> > > You get leather from medium armor

> > And bows, rarely.


> Dont bows drop wood only?

> Edit

> As I thought


> By item type

> Light armor produces cloth scraps

> Medium armor produces leather scraps

> Heavy armor produces ore (but not Silver or Gold)

> Weapons can produce either ore (but not Silver or Gold) or logs, depending on weapon type:

> Always produces log: focus, *longbow*, scepter, *short bow*, staff, torch, trident ALWAYS LOG AKA WOOD

> Produces log or ore: axe, hammer, harpoon gun, mace, pistol, rifle, shield, spear

> Always produces ore: dagger, greatsword, sword, warhorn

> Trinkets produce ore (but not Iron)

> Runes produce Lucent Motes and a small chance of charms

> Sigils produce Lucent Motes and a small chance of symbols


Huh. I could have sworn I had gotten leather from a bow at some point. Must have missed there was other stuff there too, or I just convinced myself that it must drop.

Appologies for incorrect info!

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In general reply to those who replied about wood and ore having more sources. That was part of the point of my thread. Because not only can it be gotten from salvaging far more of it can be gathered by gathering from nodes. But leather and cloth can only be gotten from salvaging (there is no significant source outside that). So each item that salvages to tier 6 cloth and each that salvages to tier 6 leather should then give several more and not just one when a salvage results in tier 6 or gathering nodes at least as plentiful as the other tier 6 gathering nodes to properly balance them.


Unless there is another activity in game that can give 3 times as many in the same amount of time than I got in daily lab farm then there is still a problem. I needed 150 sections to make the 50 squares for collection 2 of nevermore. So in the time it took to obtain the entirety of the wood needed for the collection; and with the same amount of time only a third of the leather needed. To expand on just how little the amount actually gotten was.


> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Were your salvaging stacks of unidentified gear or individual armour and weapons? And if you opened them what profession were you on at the time?


I opened them and salvage as stated already. I however didn't mention the class I used to open them and salvage them, elementalist. I also maxed out my magic find if that even was supposed to help.


> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I'm not sure about the unidentified gear but armour and weapon pieces each salvage into specific materials (e.g. you'll only get metal from a sword, only cloth from light armour etc.) and I think you're more likely to get drops which are useful for your profession - so if you were on a warrior when you opened all the unidentified gear you'll get more heavy armour and therefore more metal (and wood from weapons) and less cloth and leather.


> I'm not sure that would completely explain the discrepancy, but it needs to be taken into consideration if we're going to draw any conclusions from your data.


If this were true than I should have gotten more cloth than I did. However unless they changed something in the game I have never had in the thousands of hours played over 7 years the game has been out any significantly more gear usable by my elementalist than gear that cannot be used by it.

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> @"Jia Shen.4217" said:

> End result from opening and salvaging at least 2,500 blue, 2,500 green, and 500 yellow. Just shy of 50 hardened leather sections and just over 50 gossamer scraps. And in comparison a full stack of orichalcum ore and a full stack of ancient wood logs. This to me is kind of crazy. It should not be so heavily slanted to the ore and wood when those can be readily gathered from nodes throughout end level zones. But leather and scraps can only be gotten outside of such means (no significant source outside of salvaging). To put perspective on the time effort here. In the same amount of time it took me to get just shy of 50 leather sections I was able to harvest the following:


> 5,580 Elder Wood Log

> 900 Seasoned Wood Log

> 1,740 Hard Wood Log

> 1,160 Soft Wood Log

> 180 Ancient Wood Log

> 180 Green Wood Log


> That's nearly all of the wood needed to complete the second collection for crafting nevermore.


Indeed, I too consider that it is a real unbalance in the acquisition ratio for the materials you listed.


The current situation is the result of (may be the first serious) ANet step into a harder monetisation of the common aspects of the game.

If you remember, the leather and the fabrics (textiles) were very common drop from salvaging. Using the reason that the players complained that the leather has no value, ANet changed the drop ratio from salvage for leather. Then, changed the number of sections used for a square. Then introduced a LOOOOT of use for the leather. Almost in the same time.


After a while, to solve the rain of complains that the leather is way too rare, what ANet did? They changed the recipes? They changed the drop ratio? They changed the number of sections per square? The answer is NO for all the questions. They "solved" the probelm (artificially created - under the pretext of "fixing" something working) by inventing (and selling) the glyphs. The solution for the leather is the "Glyph of Leatherworker". If you buy this "sollution" you may have a part of what you had before without paying - oooh! this is somehow like the Build Template "sollution" :# . Then, to solve the textile part - you can buy the "Glyph of Tailor".


You see? It is simple. Instead of complaining for something you had and now you have not anymore, you can buy some glyphs. Well, even with the two sets containing 3xGoL and 3xGoT you will not completely solve the problem. But nothing is perfect.

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The 'solution' at the time of concern about leather was the Leather Farm. Glyphs (for leather) came much, much later.


It isn't that opening on an Elementalist will give more items for an Elementalist, but more items geared toward Light Professions. And, it's not a really _big_ difference.


Have you considered promoting the plethora of Tier 5 materials; or opening all Champion Bags on a mid-level character and selling the materials to buy Tier 6 mats?


If I needed Tier 6 materials, and was doing a 'daily Lab farm', I would have sold the ToTs and bought what I needed.

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> @"Jia Shen.4217" said:

> So each item that salvages to tier 6 cloth and each that salvages to tier 6 leather should then give several more and not just one when a salvage results in tier 6 or gathering nodes at least as plentiful as the other tier 6 gathering nodes to properly balance them.


Yes, but only if one thinks "properly balanced" means "equally available". We don't know the entire reasoning behind the current situation, though. Personally, I still think the reasoning is to make higher-level weapons more easily available than armors (because weapons are more impactful and can directly change your gameplay experience).

Then again, trade caches have been added in PoF that are an additional source of cloth and leather.

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I had thought about the glyph so I went out and spent a bunch of karma to test the consumable version of them. The result was 100% all T5 leather out of thousands of nodes harvested. Doesn't give me faith in the value of the glyph.


> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Have you considered promoting the plethora of Tier 5 materials; or opening all Champion Bags on a mid-level character and selling the materials to buy Tier 6 mats?


> If I needed Tier 6 materials, and was doing a 'daily Lab farm', I would have sold the ToTs and bought what I needed.


I wasn't aware you could turn T5 into T6. If this is a reasonable method then perhaps I have missed an important part of things. But only if it is reasonable. Like if it would cost you more to promote than it would be to sell the stuff to do the promotion and buy the needed T6 then I wouldn't consider that reasonable. Also unfortunately I hadn't considered selling the ToT bags and then buying what I need because I also wanted holloween event stuff. Though in hind sight I should have consulted the forum prior to the event to see if it was in my best interest to sell the ToT bags and then just buy anything and everything that I would want/need out of them vs opening them all.


> @"Airdive.2613" said:

> Then again, trade caches have been added in PoF that are an additional source of cloth and leather.


This is also something I'm unaware of.... What are trade caches? Perhaps there are things like this that I'm unaware of that has already adjusted the supply similarly to my previously mentioned options. I do know that I don't expect "equally available". But when you consider all I needed was 150 pieces to make the processed leather compared to the said thousands of wood, I expected a game activity designed to supply you most efficiently with source of the material to require equal time to obtain. That seems to me to be the reasoning behind balancing supply and demand or altering the recipes is so that there is an equality of time investment.


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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Have you considered promoting the plethora of Tier 5 materials; or opening all Champion Bags on a mid-level character and selling the materials to buy Tier 6 mats?


After looking into what promoting is, this is not an cost effective way of obtaining T6. For T6 leather promotion costs about 2g 50s per 10 vs buying the T6 leather at about 1g 25s. So you could sell the T5 leather and buy about 14 T6.


> @"Airdive.2613" said:

> Then again, trade caches have been added in PoF that are an additional source of cloth and leather.


I have little experience with the zones these are in at this time. The mats are key gated so how much you can get and how fast is dependent on how many keys you can get and just how many you get from one key and if they are guaranteed per key. But I get the feeling, from researching if this is worth my while to try, that this is not a viable method to farm. And only a nice little bonus while doing the areas relevant to the one you can get T6 from.

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> @"Jia Shen.4217" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Have you considered promoting the plethora of Tier 5 materials; or opening all Champion Bags on a mid-level character and selling the materials to buy Tier 6 mats?


> After looking into what promoting is, this is not an cost effective way of obtaining T6. For T6 leather promotion costs about 2g 50s per 10 vs buying the T6 leather at about 1g 25s. So you could sell the T5 leather and buy about 14 T6.


> > @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > Then again, trade caches have been added in PoF that are an additional source of cloth and leather.


> I have little experience with the zones these are in at this time. The mats are key gated so how much you can get and how fast is dependent on how many keys you can get and just how many you get from one key and if they are guaranteed per key. But I get the feeling, from researching if this is worth my while to try, that this is not a viable method to farm. And only a nice little bonus while doing the areas relevant to the one you can get T6 from.


I'm not sure where you are getting such high costs to promote materials of which you already have a plethora.

Unless, I guess, you have no Spirit Shards or Piles of Crystalline Dust.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Jia Shen.4217" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > Have you considered promoting the plethora of Tier 5 materials; or opening all Champion Bags on a mid-level character and selling the materials to buy Tier 6 mats?

> >

> > After looking into what promoting is, this is not an cost effective way of obtaining T6. For T6 leather promotion costs about 2g 50s per 10 vs buying the T6 leather at about 1g 25s. So you could sell the T5 leather and buy about 14 T6.

> >

> > > @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > > Then again, trade caches have been added in PoF that are an additional source of cloth and leather.

> >

> > I have little experience with the zones these are in at this time. The mats are key gated so how much you can get and how fast is dependent on how many keys you can get and just how many you get from one key and if they are guaranteed per key. But I get the feeling, from researching if this is worth my while to try, that this is not a viable method to farm. And only a nice little bonus while doing the areas relevant to the one you can get T6 from.


> I'm not sure where you are getting such high costs to promote materials of which you already have a plethora.

> Unless, I guess, you have no Spirit Shards or Piles of Crystalline Dust.


It's a matter of how much will the promoting give vs how much can I buy with the gold gained from *selling* the same material.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > @"Jia Shen.4217" said:

> > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > > Have you considered promoting the plethora of Tier 5 materials; or opening all Champion Bags on a mid-level character and selling the materials to buy Tier 6 mats?

> > >

> > > After looking into what promoting is, this is not an cost effective way of obtaining T6. For T6 leather promotion costs about 2g 50s per 10 vs buying the T6 leather at about 1g 25s. So you could sell the T5 leather and buy about 14 T6.

> > >

> > > > @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > > > Then again, trade caches have been added in PoF that are an additional source of cloth and leather.

> > >

> > > I have little experience with the zones these are in at this time. The mats are key gated so how much you can get and how fast is dependent on how many keys you can get and just how many you get from one key and if they are guaranteed per key. But I get the feeling, from researching if this is worth my while to try, that this is not a viable method to farm. And only a nice little bonus while doing the areas relevant to the one you can get T6 from.

> >

> > I'm not sure where you are getting such high costs to promote materials of which you already have a plethora.

> > Unless, I guess, you have no Spirit Shards or Piles of Crystalline Dust.


> It's a matter of how much will the promoting give vs how much can I buy with the gold gained from *selling* the same material.


TP actually wins out by a tiny bit(20 vs 19) right now unless you just happen to get very lucky with the promotions but in the long term luck doesn't matter.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I'm not sure where you are getting such high costs to promote materials of which you already have a plethora.

> Unless, I guess, you have no Spirit Shards or Piles of Crystalline Dust.


I'm talking about the price of the materials used for promotion. If you already have them and selling them is worth more coin than what it would cost to buy what you get from the promotion there you go high costs. The amounts I listed were based off me opening the TP and aside from clicking buy or sell those were the totals that came up as a result of entering the amounts of each material. A future reply after you in the thread appeared to garner a much more closer to equal cost. But doesn't seem to be a time effective manner to decide promote vs sell and buy.

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