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Upcoming Changes to Fall Damage and Revival

Robert Gee.9246

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While you're at it, you could just as well rename Signet of Undeath to Signet of Suicide.

I did like the signet in sPvP, but activating it after the change will only be possible in absolute niche situations, so we might just as well just not take it. The other changes - reduced CD, reduced target - seem quite fun, but the health cost is too much for a PvP setting, I guess.


Aside from that, I'm quite alright with the changes.

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> @"Tyga.7056" said:

> I don't see why people complain about the removal of fall damage traits. If you can't do a jumping puzzle without, you dont deserve to finish that. As simple as it is. Also who wants passive skill activation for example in WvW. Just start playing the game properly and stop complaining about things that require no active skill usage, you can easily fix that issue by using your brain while you play :)

Exactly. Once again there is a portion of the community that is overreacting horribly to a change. They complain that it's hardly an important change to waste time, but certainly they have the voice to complain all the same about the upcoming changes. It smacks of hypocrisy.


Sadly this is basically done by a few in response to almost every change. And then the same populous turns around and abuses development when they don't listen to them... Talk about crying wolf.

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> @"Drgnfly.5812" said:

> This question may have been asked, but what about Rune of Snowfall? Will that rune also be reworked?


**February 06, 2018**

Changed the Superior Rune of Snowfall and Major Rune of Snowfall so that they no longer give a 25% damage decrease for falling. Instead, they now grant superspeed when taking falling damage.



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> @"Reverielle.3972" said:

> > @"Tyga.7056" said:

> > I don't see why people complain about the removal of fall damage traits. If you can't do a jumping puzzle without, you dont deserve to finish that. As simple as it is. Also who wants passive skill activation for example in WvW. Just start playing the game properly and stop complaining about things that require no active skill usage, you can easily fix that issue by using your brain while you play :)

> Exactly. Once again there is a portion of the community that is overreacting horribly to a change. They complain that it's hardly an important change to waste time, but certainly they have the voice to complain all the same about the upcoming changes. It smacks of hypocrisy.


> Sadly this is basically done by a few in response to almost every change. And then the same populous turns around and abuses development when they don't listen to them... Talk about crying wolf.


There are people of all ages and skill abilities who play this game. From old to young. From people with physical disabilities, such as arthritis to those with other impairments, such as having problems with depth perception, which make certain activities more challenging -- like jumping puzzles. By removing the dall damage mitigate, these people will be further penalized for wanting to take part in something ubiquitous in the game. It is (redact insult) to judge other players based on your own abilities as well as this "the mode ain't for you" mentality, especially since anet has made doing these puzzle an integral part of end game content -- such as getting said mount that supposedly negates the need for fall damage mitigators. And don't say "they can just get a mesmer port" It's not like the game has a 1-800-portmenow button people can push.

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> @"Robert Gee.9246" said:

> Hey folks,


> **Mesmer**


> * Descent into Madness: Removed fall damage functionality from this trait. Renamed to "Method of Madness"

> * Medic's Feedback: This trait no longer increases revival speed. It now causes Feedback to revive allies inside it by 5% per second.


# Mesmer Portals

Not all Jumping Puzzles allow gliding or mount use.

I don't think Mesmer JP Portals was taken into consideration with this change. Many mesmers like portaling people and they use fall damage reduction to help them do it.

Several Jumping Puzzles will **suffer** greatly from this change. So, imo, **Mesmer** fall damage trait should be left **alone**.


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> @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> While I agree with these changes, I'm sure fall damage reduction will be missed for the times we do need it.


> I hope you consider it as a Mastery someday, since I think it would fit nicely with that system.


Having an optional fall damage reduction mastery would be amazing, imo :D

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I don't see why people complained about people complaining about the removal of fall trait. If you don't like the trait, don't use it. If you never use it, why bother about others liking it? Oh i know, the trait description sounds too complicated right? : D


This is another of the many examples that ANet always make changes to or remove skills and traits no one asked for and ignoring those that players have been requesting for thousands of times over the years.

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> @"XatraZaytrax.2601" said:

> > @"Reverielle.3972" said:

> > > @"Tyga.7056" said:

> > > I don't see why people complain about the removal of fall damage traits. If you can't do a jumping puzzle without, you dont deserve to finish that. As simple as it is. Also who wants passive skill activation for example in WvW. Just start playing the game properly and stop complaining about things that require no active skill usage, you can easily fix that issue by using your brain while you play :)

> > Exactly. Once again there is a portion of the community that is overreacting horribly to a change. They complain that it's hardly an important change to waste time, but certainly they have the voice to complain all the same about the upcoming changes. It smacks of hypocrisy.

> >

> > Sadly this is basically done by a few in response to almost every change. And then the same populous turns around and abuses development when they don't listen to them... Talk about crying wolf.


> There are people of all ages and skill abilities who play this game. From old to young. From people with physical disabilities, such as arthritis to those with other impairments, such as having problems with depth perception, which make certain activities more challenging -- like jumping puzzles. By removing the dall damage mitigate, these people will be further penalized for wanting to take part in something ubiquitous in the game. It is (redact insult) to judge other players based on your own abilities as well as this "the mode ain't for you" mentality, especially since anet has made doing these puzzle an integral part of end game content -- such as getting said mount that supposedly negates the need for fall damage mitigators. And don't say "they can just get a mesmer port" It's not like the game has a 1-800-portmenow button people can push.

Portion does not mean all.

You've read what you want to read, not what was written.

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"Signet of Mercy: Reduced recharge to 90 seconds in all game modes. Changed passive effect from granting 180 healing power (216 when traited) to granting 120 concentration (150 when traited)."


What are you doing? Removing the Healing power from a healing focused skill for Concentration when you can max that without it? Why?

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> @"PaRaPhReNiA.8763" said:

> Signet of Mercy: Reduced recharge to 90 seconds in all game modes. Changed passive effect from granting 180 healing power (216 when traited) to granting 120 concentration (150 when traited).


> ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Yes I fail to see any reasoning on this at all when the other classes that have Utility skills or Traits that give Healing Power aren't being touched and how does swapping healing power to concentration in any way connects to "SIGNET OF MERCY"!!!

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Falling traits were quite useful, especially in wvw. Sure, this may also be a post mount time, but don't forget there are those still running around without mounts or pof. What exactly is the complication to it? They were useful at the beginning, and they are still useful now. Don't bring up mounts when talking about fall damage, this is something we use during combat.

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Don't get rid of fall damage traits without giving it some alternative. It added flavor and content for players to interact more with their environment. Don't remove a potential gameplay option. I could agree with some others with some kind of mastery, but one you can't always have active. Maybe an ability to reduce fall damage by 50% for 5 seconds. Something to keep some measure of mechanics with the damage taken from falling. For wvw, fall damage traits can be pivotal to certain roaming strategies, and excellent sources of fun for the playerbase. I'm fine with the other changes to revive speed.

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Horrible change. Sorry, but no. While they might be niche, they come in handy as people have stated already in WvW and places where gliding and mounts are disallowed, even in PvE maps where that zone can be huge due to a nearby jumping puzzle. I get that Anet wants to ensure people are gliding and mounting up at all times, but to wholesale remove this functionality from the game is a HUGE oversight.



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Signet of Undeath: Reduced recharge to 75 seconds in all game modes. Reduced cast time from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds. Reduced number of allies revived from 3 to 1. Added additional health cost of 50% of base health to this skill. Increased passive lifeforce gain by 100%.


This is absurd. It was already an under-used skill and increasing passive LF gains (PLFg) while addign a 50% hp cost to resurrect 1 person will promote no1 ever activating this skill - if they even use it on their hotbar. With a name like "Undeath" and on a necromantic class thats supposed to be adept at raising the dead/fallen you would think this signet should be more on Par with the Hero Banner on Warrior (Which imo should only revive 3 - its a banner, who the heck would get off the ground for a stick int he ground vs dark magics). Not to mention boosting Guard shield (15% revive) leaving even less room for a skill like this


* A far better alteration would be just alter the CD to 1 or 1.5s cast time @ 3 to 5 targets and no PLFg increase because its pretty unnecessary as well.

* To make it feel unique I would remove the PLFg altogether to be honest and instead make something far more dynamic: Spawn a little Jagged Horror when an allie Dies within 900r with like an ICD of 3s capped to 5 minions. (Way more interesting to say the least)

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"noiwk.2760" said:

> > Terrifying Descent: This trait has been reworked. It has been renamed to "Insidious Disruption". It now causes control effects to inflict torment on foes.

> >

> > does that mean that even soft controls like blind/slow/cripple / weakness will also cause Torment ?

> > if so this could be quite poweful ! remember Scourge got more torment damage and also burning when you cause torment .!


> Nope, it's only on hard CC. Knowing ANet it could even end up either only affect fear or only affecting pure hard CC (WH#4, GS#5, spectral grasp, RS#5). They probably worded it poorly and meant "disabling" effect instead or the wide crowd control effects.


Don't think it'll be only hard cc. Else this would be a direct nerf to an already not used trait.

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Well it may be true that this change is random in its nature, some people exaggerate here as usual.


First of all, as you hopefully know, fall damage raises exponentielly. Normally you would survive a fall of 1200-1250 units. With a trait its around 250 more, amazing! If you are taking fall damage at the border range all the time okay, you may need it but then I also question your playstyle. The game is designed otherwise.


Which brings me to the given examples.. Im pretty sure those 250 units have barely any use in most of the JPs because either your fall isnt that high or its way higher. But feel free to prove me wrong, I dont know everyone by heart. And about W3... I mean really. If you are complaining that mesmers will have a harder time now (pugs), then just log to mesmer yourself? Its not like Team com matters in tc. And about wvw... I dont know, not playing this much. Never saw warriors jumping on zergs though and you can descend from the cliffs in small steps pretty much?


Maybe they can give some more minor buffs for it, besides the changes they have already stated. Except for Peak Performance. Its already strong enough for an adept tier trait.

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> @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> > we feel that they are currently over-complicating trait descriptions


> What's complicated about "reduces fall damage by 50%" ?


> Removing the fall damage trait is going to make doing some jumping puzzles impossible to complete. For example someone without a mount or glider doing the Silverwastes JP, that requires you to jump down to reach a checkpoint needs the fall damage reduction part of the trait to survive. There is no way around it.


> I believe they should remain in PvE at the very least.


Not true. Many people completed that JP on their own when this game didn't even have gliding or mounts.

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> @"thrag.9740" said:

> You guys need to change twisted castle then. RIght now you have two options to make that jump, dodge roll of the edge or fall damage trait. However, dodge rolling off the edge is counter intuitive with no in game explanation. By dodge rolling off the ledge, you fall faster, but don't die from the fall. That's incredibly confusing.


> Edit: people don't believe me, so I made a video showing this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7adl9avdXIA&feature=youtu.be


That jump isn't part of the intended way of doing things, it's a player-found shortcut, so worrying about it being counter intuitive is a bit silly imo :p It's still totally doable.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"reapex.8546" said:

> > Several Jumping Puzzles will ~~suffer greatly from~~ **need to be done as intended rather than being cheesed due to** this change.

> Fixed.





Indeed, I've yet to find a jumping puzzle that **need** fall damage traits. And I've done all jp with all professions. The "easiest" one being the necromancer thanks to _spectral walk_ which is on a shorter CD than thief's and mesmer's portals.

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> @"XatraZaytrax.2601" said:

> > @"Reverielle.3972" said:

> > > @"Tyga.7056" said:

> > > I don't see why people complain about the removal of fall damage traits. If you can't do a jumping puzzle without, you dont deserve to finish that. As simple as it is. Also who wants passive skill activation for example in WvW. Just start playing the game properly and stop complaining about things that require no active skill usage, you can easily fix that issue by using your brain while you play :)

> > Exactly. Once again there is a portion of the community that is overreacting horribly to a change. They complain that it's hardly an important change to waste time, but certainly they have the voice to complain all the same about the upcoming changes. It smacks of hypocrisy.

> >

> > Sadly this is basically done by a few in response to almost every change. And then the same populous turns around and abuses development when they don't listen to them... Talk about crying wolf.


> There are people of all ages and skill abilities who play this game. From old to young. From people with physical disabilities, such as arthritis to those with other impairments, such as having problems with depth perception, which make certain activities more challenging -- like jumping puzzles. By removing the dall damage mitigate, these people will be further penalized for wanting to take part in something ubiquitous in the game. It is (redact insult) to judge other players based on your own abilities as well as this "the mode ain't for you" mentality, especially since anet has made doing these puzzle an integral part of end game content -- such as getting said mount that supposedly negates the need for fall damage mitigators. And don't say "they can just get a mesmer port" It's not like the game has a 1-800-portmenow button people can push.


I‘m sure the fall damage traits are not cause for not finishing it then. If you can finish the jumping puzzle with fall damage trait, it means you actually are able to make the jumping puzzle in the first place. People will always find ways how disadvantaged they are, but a jumping puzzle is not in the game because it looks so wonderful, it‘s there because it requires the player to test his skill abilities.


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