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If you think this is funny to you is not for most of us


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> @"Loboling.5293" said:

> This build shows everything wrong with Ranked. Even while losing every single 1v1, and contributing almost nothing to the game, the OP managed to get an easy win.


And I bet the losing team blamed the Deadeye for the loss.



Your move pool, as dragonhunter, hard counters thieves. Also, since rifle is now blockable, you really have no excuse to be letting that deadeye do that to you. He cant touch the point if your kit involves light use of traps, and you have forward block on utility. If you manage your utilities, you can stand on that point and waste the Deadeye's time indefinitely, alternating between blocking on the point and using the fences for cds.

But yeah whatever, nerf thieves/deadeye more I guess.


And dont waste your dodges /utilities before you even get to the point. and if your home point is taken, stand on it while you engage...


*rubs temples*


> @"Loboling.5293" said:

> I'm not a super big fan of DE stealth mechanics being tied to dodges, and only when holding a rifle. Maybe put an ICD on the ability of about 2 seconds, so double dodge will get you punished.


This is fine but lets balance the other overperforming stuff first instead of constantly nerfing thieves because theyre kind of annoying.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:


> This is fine but lets balance the other overperforming stuff first instead of constantly nerfing thieves because theyre kind of annoying.


Oh I agree, still have FB over performing with no nerfs in sight, and condi ele is a little too spammy and brainless for it's potency. Then, there are the other outliers already being nerfed next patch, and we'll see how they perform after.


Honestly, thief feels pretty balanced, but I wouldn't be against some type of mechanic that prevents/slows one shots from all classes. (Maybe player hp can only decrease by a maximum of 50% per second in pvp, so someone being pressured hard has at least 2 seconds to react in some way before the fight being over)


I cringed during the OP video, especially since I mained thief for a long time, so I saw all the ways he could destroy that DE. Still, unhealthy gameplay is unhealthy. But, if it doesn't overperform, than it's really a minor issue. I can usually kill any DE on most classes. But good ones can still contribute to a match. Before all the nerfs, I found DE very bad for the game. Same with Scourge when it first came out. Funny enough (not to change topics), but I finally thought scourge strength in pvp was balanced and then it was nerfed hard in all modes.


There have been a lot of elite specs that were game killers at their inception: Chrono, DH, Herald, Mirage, Scourge, Holo, DE, SlB, SB, FB, Renegade.

Some made the game too static: Chrono, FB

Others were simply too powerful: Herald, Mirage, Holo, SlB, SB

Some had ridiculous mechanics: Scourge, DE

And some made you regret ever rolling the character: Renegade


Back to the original topic, I don't think DE is a significant problem today, however it's base concept and mechanic is very hard to balance, but with lower effectiveness, it's under control for now (mostly), when compared with the main issues today: Mirage, FB, Rampage, Condi & Staff thief, condi ele and Holo. Once all those are fixed, then we can start to focus on things like DE. (Scourge is already solved imo in terms of no longer being oppressive) And finally when all that is sorted, the gameplay might start to resemble older patches in terms of pacing and combat. PvP these days can be way too spammy, but it's all got to get sorted on so many different classes before it can be brought back to more balanced levels.

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@"Kaburro.4712" This player is teaching you how to play the DH vs DE matchup. That’s 100% constructive criticism, and it’s going to improve your DH play and overall battle-sense quite a bit.

You might also want to work on your camera skills, zoom out and set field of view to largest and always keep it looking at useful things as you traverse terrain.

Watch streams on twitch to see how people move their characters.


Please don’t give the “I’m losing only because I’m not playing seriously” quote; if you are playing Ranked, you should play seriously to respect yourself and your opponents. I’ve been in Gold1-Plat1 and I can tell you it is possible to climb if you want to.


The only factor you can change is yourself - demanding changes in the next patch won’t fix all your subsequent issues because then you have the tendency to just rely on external factors to adjust things for you - every single time you can’t beat something - and you won’t reach new heights with your class and innovate new playstyles.


A reason explains what you’re doing (on purpose).

An excuse explains why you’re not doing something (avoiding effort).

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> @"Ralkuth.1456" said:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1094499/#Comment_1094499

> @"Kaburro.4712" This player is teaching you how to play the DH vs DE matchup. That’s 100% constructive criticism, and it’s going to improve your DH play and overall battle-sense quite a bit.

> You might also want to work on your camera skills, zoom out and set field of view to largest and always keep it looking at useful things as you traverse terrain.

> Watch streams on twitch to see how people move their characters.


> Please don’t give the “I’m losing only because I’m not playing seriously” quote; if you are playing Ranked, you should play seriously to respect yourself and your opponents. I’ve been in Gold1-Plat1 and I can tell you it is possible to climb if you want to.


> The only factor you can change is yourself - demanding changes in the next patch won’t fix all your subsequent issues because then you have the tendency to just rely on external factors to adjust things for you - every single time you can’t beat something - and you won’t reach new heights with your class and innovate new playstyles.


> A reason explains what you’re doing (on purpose).

> An excuse explains why you’re not doing something (avoiding effort).


Cmon mate you can do better than that, how can I take you serious when you cant even see I won the game?

I just dont think this gameplay is healthy.

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> @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

> OP, you gotta master the camera to master pvp. You are zoomed in way too much. And you should be using free camera. The camera is your eyes and you should have 360 view of all things around you by rotating your camera independently of your character.


Jesus I will say this only one time:

My mouse wheel was broken and was not easy to me to zoom out. I would not take the effort to do so to record a game. But dont worry, I bought a new one.

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> @"Kaburro.4712" said:

> Cmon mate you can do better than that, how can I take you serious when you cant even see I won the game?

> I just dont think this gameplay is healthy.


I have seen that you won. Congratuations on winning that game. It is true that methods don't matter, only that victory does in competitive gaming.


I gain no benefit from taking the time writing such things - maybe in small part some self-gratification - and drawing your attention to my comment is a genuine attempt at advising you on improving your gameplay so that (1) between patch changes, and (2) in the event the game doesn't change in the direction you wish, you can still show adaptability to play around your opponents and avoid having these situations happen to you (by pointing you to [this valid advice](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1094499/#Comment_1094499 "this valid advice") on how to play DH against DE).


If you feel no need to improve on your rating nor your situation with the classes you have problems with, then that's absolutely fine; everyone has different standards when it comes to enjoyment of this game's PvP, and everyone has different interpretations to threads that tell of problems external to the player. Don't let me affect your fun.

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> @"Ralkuth.1456" said:

> > @"Kaburro.4712" said:

> > Cmon mate you can do better than that, how can I take you serious when you cant even see I won the game?

> > I just dont think this gameplay is healthy.


> I have seen that you won. Congratuations on winning that game. It is true that methods don't matter, only that victory does in competitive gaming.


> I gain no benefit from taking the time writing such things - maybe in small part some self-gratification - and drawing your attention to my comment is a genuine attempt at advising you on improving your gameplay so that (1) between patch changes, and (2) in the event the game doesn't change in the direction you wish, you can still show adaptability to play around your opponents and avoid having these situations happen to you (by pointing you to [this valid advice](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1094499/#Comment_1094499 "this valid advice") on how to play DH against DE).


> If you feel no need to improve on your rating nor your situation with the classes you have problems with, then that's absolutely fine; everyone has different standards when it comes to enjoyment of this game's PvP, and everyone has different interpretations to threads that tell of problems external to the player. Don't let me affect your fun.


Do you want me to show you my last match with a DE?

"The Real Dead Eye"?


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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> Lol.


> 'Hacking'


> Sorry bruh, learn to play issue.


> I see why you are in gold 1


1 - I did not said he was hacking, I am saying os not fun to play.

2 - Because I know what Hacking is..... See 2a and 2b, are videos of mine (maybe some of you did not have an account by the time)



3 - Trust me I have at least 2 years of matches (recorded) to show you how ppl hack and abuse of broken builds and spoiled brats afk'ing in the fisrt 30 seconds or... how I win 10 pts per match and lose 18 with a bot on autorun that dont leave base and run against the first wall, how I even lose points with ppl disconecting and comming back in the last minut.


4 - Ill go do a few matches before ill hit the bed because thats why I am here, to play ;)


PS: You can't see my title but I am Indomitable Legend since season 4 or 5 (when it was fun) and by the time I am writhing this (waisting my time again) I have 4.196 matches done, 2.697 in ranked. 3.758 of witch with Guardian. (I play for fun cos that's what a game is for, and 90% of times drunk as shit)

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> @"Ralkuth.1456" said:

> > @"Kaburro.4712" said:

> > Do you want me to show you my last match with a DE?

> > "The Real Dead Eye"?

> >

> Why not? GW2 PvP content is lacking lately.





I don't need to "expose" this thread (or all match) like someone did on reddit and now after seven years I am being "harassed" in game because of this.

I'll just cut the video to the part that matter (combat chat).


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> @"Ralkuth.1456" said:

> > @"Kaburro.4712" said:

> > Do you want me to show you my last match with a DE?

> > "The Real Dead Eye"?

> >

> Why not? GW2 PvP content is lacking lately.





Do you want me to make the math or can you sum the "last" 10k+12k+13k?

forget the rest, the rest is "garbage"

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> @"Kaburro.4712" said:

> > @"Ralkuth.1456" said:

> > > @"Kaburro.4712" said:

> > > Do you want me to show you my last match with a DE?

> > > "The Real Dead Eye"?

> > >

> > Why not? GW2 PvP content is lacking lately.

> >

> >

> >


> I don't need to "expose" this thread (or all match) like someone did on reddit and now after seven years I am being "harassed" in game because of this.

> I'll just cut the video to the part that matter (combat chat).




What are you trying to prove with these clips though? You ran at a full glass cannon build without pre-charging your mantras, dodgeing nothing, wasting stunbreak on nothing... yeah if you do EVERYTHING wrong, glass cannon builds utterly destroy you. What's your point?

All I could conclude from your previous(and this last)clips is that you aren't skilled enough to be taken seriously on balance&gameplay related topics. So if that was your goal, good job. If not, I have no idea what you're trying to do.

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> @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > @"Kaburro.4712" said:

> > > @"Ralkuth.1456" said:

> > > > @"Kaburro.4712" said:

> > > > Do you want me to show you my last match with a DE?

> > > > "The Real Dead Eye"?

> > > >

> > > Why not? GW2 PvP content is lacking lately.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I don't need to "expose" this thread (or all match) like someone did on reddit and now after seven years I am being "harassed" in game because of this.

> > I'll just cut the video to the part that matter (combat chat).

> >

> >


> What are you trying to prove with these clips though? You ran at a full glass cannon build without pre-charging your mantras, dodgeing nothing, wasting stunbreak on nothing... yeah if you do EVERYTHING wrong, glass cannon builds utterly destroy you. What's your point?

> All I could conclude from your previous(and this last)clips is that you aren't skilled enough to be taken seriously on balance&gameplay related topics. So if that was your goal, good job. If not, I have no idea what you're trying to do.


And you ppl still talking about the way a class/build should be played (or my gameplay).... I am keep saying no class should do 10k+12k+13k in a row (dont mind the extras).

Whenever I feel I need to post a video of me playing trust me I'll chose one better.

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> @"Kaburro.4712" said:

> > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > > @"Kaburro.4712" said:

> > > > @"Ralkuth.1456" said:

> > > > > @"Kaburro.4712" said:

> > > > > Do you want me to show you my last match with a DE?

> > > > > "The Real Dead Eye"?

> > > > >

> > > > Why not? GW2 PvP content is lacking lately.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > I don't need to "expose" this thread (or all match) like someone did on reddit and now after seven years I am being "harassed" in game because of this.

> > > I'll just cut the video to the part that matter (combat chat).

> > >

> > >

> >

> > What are you trying to prove with these clips though? You ran at a full glass cannon build without pre-charging your mantras, dodgeing nothing, wasting stunbreak on nothing... yeah if you do EVERYTHING wrong, glass cannon builds utterly destroy you. What's your point?

> > All I could conclude from your previous(and this last)clips is that you aren't skilled enough to be taken seriously on balance&gameplay related topics. So if that was your goal, good job. If not, I have no idea what you're trying to do.


> And you ppl still talking about the way a class/build should be played (or my gameplay).... I am keep saying no class should do 10k+12k+13k in a row (dont mind the extras).

> Whenever I feel I need to post a video of me playing trust me I'll chose one better.


So your point is that damage all across the board is too high? That was a really convoluted way of conveying that. Anyway, the overall power level of builds is about to be toned down, A-net already got the hint.

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> @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > @"Kaburro.4712" said:

> > > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > > > @"Kaburro.4712" said:

> > > > > @"Ralkuth.1456" said:

> > > > > > @"Kaburro.4712" said:

> > > > > > Do you want me to show you my last match with a DE?

> > > > > > "The Real Dead Eye"?

> > > > > >

> > > > > Why not? GW2 PvP content is lacking lately.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I don't need to "expose" this thread (or all match) like someone did on reddit and now after seven years I am being "harassed" in game because of this.

> > > > I'll just cut the video to the part that matter (combat chat).

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > What are you trying to prove with these clips though? You ran at a full glass cannon build without pre-charging your mantras, dodgeing nothing, wasting stunbreak on nothing... yeah if you do EVERYTHING wrong, glass cannon builds utterly destroy you. What's your point?

> > > All I could conclude from your previous(and this last)clips is that you aren't skilled enough to be taken seriously on balance&gameplay related topics. So if that was your goal, good job. If not, I have no idea what you're trying to do.

> >

> > And you ppl still talking about the way a class/build should be played (or my gameplay).... I am keep saying no class should do 10k+12k+13k in a row (dont mind the extras).

> > Whenever I feel I need to post a video of me playing trust me I'll chose one better.


> So your point is that damage all across the board is too high? That was a really convoluted way of conveying that. Anyway, the overall power level of builds is about to be toned down, A-net already got the hint.


Did they really? I think they forgot that we need 10k boulders to kill crap like firebrand or weaver, trust me. hitting them for 2-4k is not going to be good enough.

nerfs to damage need to be followed by nerfs to blocks/evades/invul/cleanses across the board, if that doesnt happen we will end up with 3fb each team vomiting on eachother.

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Oh gosh man I can't watch these videos. Skill clicking, barely moving during combat, not rotating your camera, random dodges, not timing any of your skills... This is gold??


Dude you can't complain about high damage skills hitting you when you don't even use any of the tools at your disposal to avoid them.

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