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Which Elder Dragon do you like most?


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I actually liked Kralk for being conflicted - that makes Glinth easier to be "believable" (for a lack of a better worth). Here I am mainly referring her switch to be good.

My favourite is Primordous tho, there is a lingering sense of him being the ultimate threat ever since EotN - I really hope they do not screw him up.


As a side note: I think final dragon encounters should have been raid encounters with story and hard mode. This would have allowed for both just getting the story and being bad ass. I know it is a long shot, next to impossible really, but I would love to see them remake those battles in raids, even tho it will not make story sense but I believe it would payout

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> @"Glow.9385" said:

I think final dragon encounters should have been raid encounters with story and hard mode.

Zhaitan **was** the final boss of Arah's story mode.

But then Arenanet decided to scrap said story mode and turned it into the Victory or Death mission we know today.


My guess is that Arenanet doesn't want the story to require players forming parties.

And due to Arenanet's more-than-obvious distaste of having multiple difficulties for the same content, I doubt Elder Dragons (or Balthazar) will ever become more.



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This is really really hard for me to decide actually because first of all I absolutely love dragons in general and I think all of the elders here are interesting and unique in their very own ways.

I did however vote for Zhaitan simply because of his concept and the fact that I also love necromancy and everything else connected to death. Also they give me a strong Cthulhu vibe which I know was intended. Apart from all this I think Zhaitan overall still had a lot of its potential hidden and that the dragon we saw in the end wasn't even his final form and that the dragon was still kind of weak due to them not having consumed as much magic as the other dragons. However I do have a greater theory on elder dragons and their "forms" which I think I'll maybe make an extra post in the future but I'm not sure yet since I already did one for tumblr.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Glow.9385" said:

> I think final dragon encounters should have been raid encounters with story and hard mode.

> Zhaitan **was** the final boss of Arah's story mode.

> But then Arenanet decided to scrap said story mode and turned it into the Victory or Death mission we know today.


> My guess is that Arenanet doesn't want the story to require players forming parties.

> And due to Arenanet's more-than-obvious distaste of having multiple difficulties for the same content, I doubt Elder Dragons (or Balthazar) will ever become more.


It is indeed that ArenaNet doesn't want the story to require parties. This was a bit of a complaint at launch, that you needed to party up, and as time goes by there will be fewer people doing the older story, thus making stories harder.


And then when ArenaNet made a 5-man version for Mordremoth, it was hated. So I don't expect we'll see more of such again, ever.


Ironically about that "more than obvious distaste" is that the Strikes are literally that - a harder version of the final boss fight (and two others in Sanctum Arena's case) of that episode's story. There isn't really an aversion by ArenaNet - they've tried three iterations, and two were hated, and the most recent are also being hated but for a different reason.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Ironically about that "more than obvious distaste" is that the Strikes are literally that - a harder version of the final boss fight of that episode's story. There isn't really an aversion by ArenaNet - they've tried three iterations, and two were hated, and the most recent are also being hated but for a different reason.

There is **one **Story boss that they _maybe_ made harder, **one**.

I don't know about that Savir Shaman anymore, but I don't remember it harder than the story boss.

And the Icebrood Construct did **not** get harder.

Slapping ten times the HP on a boss is an atrocious endurance test, but **not** difficulty.


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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > Ironically about that "more than obvious distaste" is that the Strikes are literally that - a harder version of the final boss fight of that episode's story. There isn't really an aversion by ArenaNet - they've tried three iterations, and two were hated, and the most recent are also being hated but for a different reason.

> There is **one **Story boss that they _maybe_ made harder, **one**.

> I don't know about that Savir Shaman anymore, but I don't remember it harder than the story boss.

> And the Icebrood Construct did **not** get harder.

> Slapping ten times the HP on a boss is an atrocious endurance test, but **not** difficulty.


Sorry, I guess I should have put it in "quotes" since difficulty is subjective to the players' skill. Technically they all are harder - it deals more damage on top of having more HP - it just *isn't balanced for 10 players*. The Fraenir even has an expanded skillset (not sure about Icebrood Construct and Whisper of Jormag though).


Suffice it to say, a single player cannot solo them like in the story - or a group of five wouldn't have as easy of a time. Which does confirm they're harder - even if "not hard enough for 10 players". ;)

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Glow.9385" said:

> I think final dragon encounters should have been raid encounters with story and hard mode.

> Zhaitan **was** the final boss of Arah's story mode.

> But then Arenanet decided to scrap said story mode and turned it into the Victory or Death mission we know today.


> My guess is that Arenanet doesn't want the story to require players forming parties.

> And due to Arenanet's more-than-obvious distaste of having multiple difficulties for the same content, I doubt Elder Dragons (or Balthazar) will ever become more.




The problem is that they wasted effort to make those previous minion fights instead of focusing on Zhaitan to make a cool fight.

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**Chad Zhaitan**

* Has been awake since 1219 AE.

* Corrupts the baddest dudes, including Orrian Royalty.

* Eyes everywhere, making sure everything's overseen.

* Eats **RARE MAGICAL ARTIFACTS**. Clearly a dragon of culture and taste.

* Has an army of other undead dragon lieutenants flying around his territory, making sure those Pact airships crash and burn.

* Tequatl. The bane of Hyleks and Turret Operators of Tyria.

* Blightgast the Plaguebringer making the Claw Island its biatch. Also kills your mentor.

* Your friends died? Screw you and the ones you love. They're with Zhaitan now.

* Lives in ancient majestic ruins that were once the home of the gods.

* What a chad.


Compare that to the other dragons.


**Virgin Mordremoth**

* Awakened then died within a year.

* Only has to deal with one race for minions and can't even control them all. Should've invested in **Eyes**, Mordy.

* Mind Control only affects Sylvari. Laughable Power.

* Hindered by his own creations twice.

- Some Pale Thot stopped him from controlling all of his minions. Tried to murder her but couldn't even finish the job.

- A bookworm salad necro was supposed to be his next host, but nope! Cucked with willpower long enough to ask anyone near to murder him.

* Eats soy-based fruity fantabulous sparkly ley-line light.

* Lives in a primitive, malaria-infested, vegan's paradise.



**Virgin Primordus**

* Has been awake since 1120 AE but only managed make tiny rat civilization to surface.

* His world domination plans were hindered by living rocks who can't even reproduce anymore.

* Said tiny rat race put him back to sleep in 1330 AE, and by one prepubescent girl. Laughable.

* Currently not even an issue aside from his puny minions that won't hurt if you have a pail of water with you.

* What does he even eat? Magic rocks?

* Lives underground where the sun don't shine and the moon don't glow and the grass don't grow.



**Virgin Deep Sea Dragon**

* Lives deep below the sea. Technical term is Tyria's basement.

* Drove out the Quaggans and Krait from their natural habitat. Oh wow. Such an accomplishment.

* Said to be mysterious and dark. I say emo.

* Irrelevant.



**Virgin Kralkatorrik**

* Is his own weakness.

* Had near-infinite source power in the mists if he just stayed there until he ate everything. But got jebaited into leaving .

* Destroyed and replaced by his own granddaughter.

* Had some second thoughts about life, the universe and everything. Probably because of too much soy-based ley-line magic.



**THOT Jormag**

* Collects big, burly, muscular men as minions because of course she does. That's what THOTs do.

* Can only persuade and has to share her power to do it.

* If resisted then, oh well. Such a slow way to amass an army.

* Whispers. If Braham becomes deaf he's gonna destroy Jormag ezpz.

* Lives in the coldest regions. What an Elsa wannabe.







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  • 3 weeks later...

If you put Aurene on the list then I'm going to choose Aurene, I love her dearly. Even since I was a wee little thing I had a vested interested in dragons that's only grown and deepened over the years. I'm a nerd for Pern, I could tell you so much about their dragons and how the bonding works. To see something like that in Guild Wars 2 made my heart glad, and it's seen me through any frustrations I might otherwise have with the game.


My perspective is a very... I think it's really native to where I'm from, in a way. Cymru. Wales. My ancestors were druids who valued nature and dragons. From Dewi to draig our culture has had a fascination with them for the longest time. The origination of dragons prior to heraldry wasn't really quite as malignant and greedy for gold as the depictions we see today. If you're interested in the origination of the Western dragon then I heartily recommend research into this topic. They were far more benevolent creatures to be sure, but then that was true of many creatures from old British folklore. You should see what bugbears were originally.


Speaking personally? I see dragons as creatures of wonder. It would be a magnificent thing to be suddenly enshrouded by a massive dragons shadow as it flies overhead, I think. If a world with them existed I wouldn't want to be involved with robbing that wonder away for whatever reason. That's why I hadn't really had much interest in Guild Wars 2 until the story of Aurene, which provided hope that she and her eventual offspring might survive and allow for the kindly dragons I'm familiar with and desire. I'm all in.


So if Aurene is there then naturally I'd pick Aurene. As a Welsh person I love dragons. As a Pern fan I love dragons. I just love dragons. I'm enamoured with the very concept of bonding with these brilliant beasts. So, yes, Aurene would naturally have to be my choice.


If Aurene wasn't there? It'd be Kralk. Kralk gave us a remarkable gift, one of knowledge and revelation. His torment, you see? The mystery of Kralk's torment runs deep as it was obviously present long before consuming other magicks. It's a knowledge that invites question, which is the best kind of knowledge! You can't do much with an answer other than just to have it, quite smugly safe in the understanding that you possess all there is to know. That's not really what Kralk gave us though, is it?


From whence it came is perhaps the most intriguing consideration of all. How, and why? Why even moreso. What were the dragons before their torment? And how do the Forgotten play into this? Why did they free Glint? How were they so certain they'd be able to free her and why did they think they'd be able to apply the same ritual to Kralkatorrik? What did the Forgotten know about draconic torment? Why would they have any inclination or idea as to the nature of it? Were they in some way involved? Perhaps not responsible as that seems beyond their power, yet acting at the behest of those that were? Did the Six cast the Elder Dragons into an eternal, unending nightmare sleep to remove the competition? DId they do so to occupy the position the dragons once held of managing the flow of magic? I mean, they were certainly in a hurry to leave when the dragons woke up and I have to wonder why that is? Why was Balthazar so very intent on getting involved if this is the case?


So many questions!


On top of that, the gift of revelation also revealed to us that the dragons may not be innately evil. And whilst we were unable to save Kralkatorrik, perhaps the future could veer towards the curing of dragons rather than the slaying of them. Something I'd find eminently more preferable since it's effectively mind control that's making them act this way. As Kralk told us when he became lucid enough to, the torment lies. One can only imagine what Jormag's torment sounds like. I'm not hedging my bets on saving Jormag, of course, but it would be lovely if that were indeed the case. I'd love to have the story culminate in healing rather than murder.


I'm a fan of deeper stories though so that's just my wont. I think that the most interesting thing ArenaNet could do right now is explore the torment more. Thus, if Aurene had not been on the list then Kralkatorrik would've been my favourite as he showed us that in the end he wasn't evil at all. He also opened up the possibility that perhaps none of the Elder Dragons are. I quite like that possibility.

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> @"borgs.6103" said:

> **Chad Zhaitan**

> * Has been awake since 1219 AE.

> * Corrupts the baddest dudes, including Orrian Royalty.

> * Eyes everywhere, making sure everything's overseen.

> * Eats **RARE MAGICAL ARTIFACTS**. Clearly a dragon of culture and taste.

> * Has an army of other undead dragon lieutenants flying around his territory, making sure those Pact airships crash and burn.

> * Tequatl. The bane of Hyleks and Turret Operators of Tyria.

> * Blightgast the Plaguebringer making the Claw Island its kitten. Also kills your mentor.

> * Your friends died? Screw you and the ones you love. They're with Zhaitan now.

> * Lives in ancient majestic ruins that were once the home of the gods.

> * What a chad.


> Compare that to the other dragons.


> **Virgin Mordremoth**

> * Awakened then died within a year.

> * Only has to deal with one race for minions and can't even control them all. Should've invested in **Eyes**, Mordy.

> * Mind Control only affects Sylvari. Laughable Power.

> * Hindered by his own creations twice.

> - Some Pale Thot stopped him from controlling all of his minions. Tried to murder her but couldn't even finish the job.

> - A bookworm salad necro was supposed to be his next host, but nope! Cucked with willpower long enough to ask anyone near to murder him.

> * Eats soy-based fruity fantabulous sparkly ley-line light.

> * Lives in a primitive, malaria-infested, vegan's paradise.



> **Virgin Primordus**

> * Has been awake since 1120 AE but only managed make tiny rat civilization to surface.

> * His world domination plans were hindered by living rocks who can't even reproduce anymore.

> * Said tiny rat race put him back to sleep in 1330 AE, and by one prepubescent girl. Laughable.

> * Currently not even an issue aside from his puny minions that won't hurt if you have a pail of water with you.

> * What does he even eat? Magic rocks?

> * Lives underground where the sun don't shine and the moon don't glow and the grass don't grow.



> **Virgin Deep Sea Dragon**

> * Lives deep below the sea. Technical term is Tyria's basement.

> * Drove out the Quaggans and Krait from their natural habitat. Oh wow. Such an accomplishment.

> * Said to be mysterious and dark. I say emo.

> * Irrelevant.



> **Virgin Kralkatorrik**

> * Is his own weakness.

> * Had near-infinite source power in the mists if he just stayed there until he ate everything. But got jebaited into leaving .

> * Destroyed and replaced by his own granddaughter.

> * Had some second thoughts about life, the universe and everything. Probably because of too much soy-based ley-line magic.



> **THOT Jormag**

> * Collects big, burly, muscular men as minions because of course she does. That's what THOTs do.

> * Can only persuade and has to share her power to do it.

> * If resisted then, oh well. Such a slow way to amass an army.

> * Whispers. If Braham becomes deaf he's gonna destroy Jormag ezpz.

> * Lives in the coldest regions. What an Elsa wannabe.

> * A THOT.







You just made my week with this post. Jormag the THOT, huh? XD

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