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Dead Game? Population decreasing!


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> @"Jackie.3156" said:

> Why are people quitting the game :( , every time i goto WvW /PVP or do a Big World Boss Event it decreases in waves of people and this is not just the week days its the weekends too? what is it that i am not understanding that a lot of people dont play anymore , i cant even do some events because it requires a set amount of people, Heck even the raids it becomes lacking except the organized ones.


As for "Big World Boss Event" -- that would be Kralkatorrik in Dragonfall. There's always a lot of players in that map whenever I log in, may it be weekdays or weekend.

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> @"Jackie.3156" said:

> > @"Tsakhi.8124" said:

> > showdoubt.gif

> > Gotta love these "game iz ded" threads.. . It's not like we get these threads every time there's something new.


> sorry if this thread offended you :(


It didn't offend me at all. Sorry if I gave that impression. It's just we get these "gaem iz ded" thread every week. XD You're fine~<3!

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> @"Jackie.3156" said:

> Why are people quitting the game :( , every time i goto WvW /PVP or do a Big World Boss Event it decreases in waves of people and this is not just the week days its the weekends too? what is it that i am not understanding that a lot of people dont play anymore , i cant even do some events because it requires a set amount of people, Heck even the raids it becomes lacking except the organized ones.


Because nothing new gets added, more time gating and grinds every update and well our feedback is ignored.

> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> During the weekend I accidently jumped into Dragonstand... With meta under way, 3 commanders and absolutely packed with people. I was only there to buy a collectible, lol. We breezed through it, not one failure on the circle dance.


> And yesterday, our community guild ran the largest WvW raid since... well I dont know, probably before summer. Full squad.


> Point is, anecdotal evidence is anecdotal.


Thats Awesome if you are American timezone but i must agree even sea of sorrows is seeing diminishing populations and that was considered a higher server.

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> @"Jackie.3156" said:

> > @"Tsakhi.8124" said:

> > showdoubt.gif

> > Gotta love these "game iz ded" threads.. . It's not like we get these threads every time there's something new.


> sorry if this thread offended you :(


there is a lot of truth to your thread. The diehard 'i will play gw2 til the servers shut down' ppl will always see things on the bright side.

The ppl in wvw, pvp, and raids feel ya.

Those game modes ARE DEAD and deservedly so.

I wish no ill will to ANET but they certainly aren't going in a positive direction.

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I've gotta be honest, and somewhat agree with op.

There is a significant decrease in active players.

I don't think that is reason to panic just yet though.


However, someone did mention grinding, and that's what I find myself doing these days.


In my case, I avoid large number of players anyways, unless really necessary; due to my kitten graphics card not being able to handle more than 10 players on screen at the time.


Sometimes I have to run away from the large number of players, precisely because of it.

So to me, it makes no real difference.


However, there are times that you really need other players to help.

You can't solo everything, unless ANet introduces Hero henchies just like old school GW1.


But like I said, they might not consider time to panic yet, and thus no need for henchmen.

Even though I would really love to, even if it was just the one or two units based on my other characters.


Anyways, this is not an essay, just a general insight to Aurora Glade server.

As it stands currently, and comparing to last year, I would say there's a 70 to 80% decrease in active players.


I have about 20 friends, and last year they were all constantly active.

Now only 2 of them are active, and a 3rd that only occasionally logs in.


The new map in charr homelands is empty most of the time.


Imo, As long as I can find just enough players to join in when really necessary, it doesn't bother me at all.


Last but not least; ANet have said it countless times that they will never be shutting down neither GW2 or GW1.


I think they've established that already.

So don't panic.



Here's a list of the most active maps.


Lion's Arch 100%

Dragon's Fall 95%

Bitterfrost Frontier 95%

Sandswept Isles 90%

Bloodstone Fen 80%

Lake Doric 80%

Siren's Landing 80%

Ember Bay 80%

Draconis Mons 80%

Kourna 75%

Istan 70%

Silverwastes 70%

Dry Top 70%

Malchor's Leap 65%

All other HoT maps 60%

All other PoF maps 60%

Everything else 50% or less




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> @"Pirogen.9561" said:

> If game doesn't get new content the size of expansion, it fades away over time. GW2 needs new expansion.


> Old age: no. WoW is old and still huge. You can't use "age" as an excuse, reason.


> Oh, and just new map here and there is not enough. It also needs new race or new class. Or new "origin story". Human noble or commoner or Asura for that school gets boring over time.


> Really new stuff. Or it goes in direction of maintanance mode or even shutdown. But if you add new stuff, game can live forever and make good money. Example: WoW


Yes and look where that got WoW.


Controversy, more complaints, people leaving, and them forced to reboot their age old vanilla version of the game that got jeopardized because of more stupid mistakes/controversy.


WoW ain't the best canidate nowadays.

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A game doesn't need to be at death's door to have a population decline. In fact, it would be an anomaly to **not** have a population decline for a MMO of that age. Older players leave and there is no way to match the new player influx of the earlier years. Especially not without the media hype of expansions. Decline is natural.


The real question is if it has a more severe drop than expected and if there are specific periods/events in a game's life that accelerated that decline. In my (purely anecdotal ofc) evidence, GW2's active population has declined a lot in the past couple of years. It's not a drop that makes it unplayable but anyone who has been in the game a long time can see the difference in metas, lfg, guild lists, friends etc. The "feel" I get from the game (feel, because my numbers would mean nothing coming from just one person) can only be compared with the post-HoT drought to me. And even then, the community itself was really active outside the game (forums, reddit, youtube/twitch, fan-sites). It's noticeably less lively today.




> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > @"Pirogen.9561" said:

> > If game doesn't get new content the size of expansion, it fades away over time. GW2 needs new expansion.

> >

> > Old age: no. WoW is old and still huge. You can't use "age" as an excuse, reason.

> >

> > Oh, and just new map here and there is not enough. It also needs new race or new class. Or new "origin story". Human noble or commoner or Asura for that school gets boring over time.

> >

> > Really new stuff. Or it goes in direction of maintanance mode or even shutdown. But if you add new stuff, game can live forever and make good money. Example: WoW


> Yes and look where that got WoW.


> Controversy, more complaints, people leaving, and them forced to reboot their age old vanilla version of the game that got jeopardized because of more stupid mistakes/controversy.


> WoW ain't the best canidate nowadays.


Despite its age and shortcomings, WoW is still the market leader by a wide margin. Comfortable enough to make an arguably dubious investment in vanilla, trying to make more bank on nostalgia. I would consider **having the ability** to make risky investments that have mediocre results, a better alternative to **not** having the ability at all.

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> @"Greg.7086" said:

> It's always the same after Halloween. If you played actively during this period and looked at LFG for 3 weeks, every day there were loads of Squads for Labyrinth Farm:

> This comes at a consequence though, as many players get burnt-out, exhausted and tend to take a break after, quit for a while for some down-time.


and that is why I think all those festivals should not be longer than 2 weeks. After two weeks, I am sick of the lab, sick of Queen Jennah inviting me to try the snacks. Sick of the bosses around her, sick of all the wintersday stuff, sick of the stupid treasure hunt in Lab. Cliffs etc pp.


Two weeks. Concentrate the stuff, keeps it special, instead of especially exhausting and boring.



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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > @"Greg.7086" said:

> > It's always the same after Halloween. If you played actively during this period and looked at LFG for 3 weeks, every day there were loads of Squads for Labyrinth Farm:


> > This comes at a consequence though, as many players get burnt-out, exhausted and tend to take a break after, quit for a while for some down-time.


> and that is why I think all those festivals should not be longer than 2 weeks. After two weeks, I am sick of the lab, sick of Queen Jennah inviting me to try the snacks. Sick of the bosses around her, sick of all the wintersday stuff, sick of the stupid treasure hunt in Lab. Cliffs etc pp.


> Two weeks. Concentrate the stuff, keeps it special, instead of especially exhausting and boring.



Well we all need a break sometime and the festivals give anet a break in how fast they need to deliver new stuff mate.


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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > @"Greg.7086" said:

> > It's always the same after Halloween. If you played actively during this period and looked at LFG for 3 weeks, every day there were loads of Squads for Labyrinth Farm:


> > This comes at a consequence though, as many players get burnt-out, exhausted and tend to take a break after, quit for a while for some down-time.


> and that is why I think all those festivals should not be longer than 2 weeks. After two weeks, I am sick of the lab, sick of Queen Jennah inviting me to try the snacks. Sick of the bosses around her, sick of all the wintersday stuff, sick of the stupid treasure hunt in Lab. Cliffs etc pp.


> Two weeks. Concentrate the stuff, keeps it special, instead of especially exhausting and boring.




> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > @"Greg.7086" said:

> > It's always the same after Halloween. If you played actively during this period and looked at LFG for 3 weeks, every day there were loads of Squads for Labyrinth Farm:


> > This comes at a consequence though, as many players get burnt-out, exhausted and tend to take a break after, quit for a while for some down-time.


> and that is why I think all those festivals should not be longer than 2 weeks. After two weeks, I am sick of the lab, sick of Queen Jennah inviting me to try the snacks. Sick of the bosses around her, sick of all the wintersday stuff, sick of the stupid treasure hunt in Lab. Cliffs etc pp.


> Two weeks. Concentrate the stuff, keeps it special, instead of especially exhausting and boring.




What about people who can't play every day and want to get the meta. It might take them 3 weeks to do that. I mean you don't have to do the festival every day, that's a choice. But I have plenty of people in my guild who work full time and only play 2-3 days a week. Those people only get 6-9 days of festivals.

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> @"Acheron.4731" said:

> I think the bigger focus should be how is the game trending.

> Is it dead? ofc not

> Is it thriving? well, i wouldn't say that either.

> But pro or con do you think it is trending in the right direction?

> That is my biggest issue.



I feel like the lack of expansion, or really even expansion level content or anything WORTH talking about or being hyped about contriubtes here. There are other games out there and ones who add tons of content regularly; When you compare guild wars 2 to any of these then it kind of becomes "Well this feels like less, then I could get here." and when that happens people move on. A-net was warned this would happen and they chose not to listen, the Pre-HoT era of living world didn't do well and its not just because the story was meh, the content was fun.


Some Contributing factors Include:

1. Multiple game modes going without major additions for YEARS (WvW and PvP respectively)

2. Content and game modes taking a back seat while new content comes out. (Raids and Fractals.)

3. The abandonment of content modes in the past, In favor of new content. Which has led to the fear that raids and/or Fractals could end up here as well due to strikes.(Dungeons)

4. No new toys for our classes (No E-specs, and according to A-net none planned for the foreseeable future.)

5. New maps which may or many not tie into the rest of the game, and new mastery's also following this trend. (Tons of the living world toys have never been able to cross over to other regions outside of their season. This removes hype because I can only use this in Y content from Y season, not X content from new season.)

6. No new legendary anything to go along with the theme of the saga

7. No redux or makeovers or options for customization on the front-runner races (Norn and charr. Humans got this in PoF and Sylvary got a lot of customization in HoT. We don't really see much going on here and probably won't either.) Both of which could use some new fluff and bells to make them shiny again. They've been lagging behind cosmetically for a while now.

8. The uncertainty of what comes next, MO left. We've lost a good number of Dev's even after the lay-offs including two narrative leads and the recent dev yesterday or the day before.

9. The Infighting in the community amongst its sub-communities and the infighting between what I would consider gamers coming in and gamers who have been here for a while neither understanding the other.

10. Build templates REALLY put a bad taste in peoples mouths. It sets a dangerous ideal moving forward that they could do this type of monetization for ANYTHING, despite the content being free most of us would be ok if the made it into an expansion and charged for it.


This is the risk you run by NOT doing an expansion, Expansions breed hype and offer a lot of talking lip service from players of your game and we ourselves will bring our friends. I'd take a full expansion with a living world coming between it and the next rather than this almost maitenance mode feeling "Episodic content" which I don't believe ANY of us truly like. We want a content dump with stuff for everyone and tons of people feel abandoned and neglected by A-net, WvW, PvP, Raids, Fractals are all in the same boat with little to no content coming our way. ( We don't know if there is another raid wing in development, and we Don't know about fractals either. WvW and PvP literally are at this point the children A-net starve because they don't care about us.) So this lack of hype and the decline in population is probably due to other games coming out and more games coming soon.


An MMO has to retain players, and that is just not how this one has been designed nor do I think will that change in the future. It makes a good Secondary game for if you're bored or have a goal. But between the horrid balance right now and the just absurd amount of time between content patches they are not really installing a good amount of faith in anyone.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > I think the bigger focus should be how is the game trending.

> > Is it dead? ofc not

> > Is it thriving? well, i wouldn't say that either.

> > But pro or con do you think it is trending in the right direction?

> > That is my biggest issue.

> >


> I feel like the lack of expansion, or really even expansion level content or anything WORTH talking about or being hyped about contriubtes here. There are other games out there and ones who add tons of content regularly; When you compare guild wars 2 to any of these then it kind of becomes "Well this feels like less, then I could get here." and when that happens people move on. A-net was warned this would happen and they chose not to listen, the Pre-HoT era of living world didn't do well and its not just because the story was meh, the content was fun.


> Some Contributing factors Include:

> 1. Multiple game modes going without major additions for YEARS (WvW and PvP respectively)

> 2. Content and game modes taking a back seat while new content comes out. (Raids and Fractals.)

> 3. The abandonment of content modes in the past, In favor of new content. Which has led to the fear that raids and/or Fractals could end up here as well due to strikes.(Dungeons)

> 4. No new toys for our classes (No E-specs, and according to A-net none planned for the foreseeable future.)

> 5. New maps which may or many not tie into the rest of the game, and new mastery's also following this trend. (Tons of the living world toys have never been able to cross over to other regions outside of their season. This removes hype because I can only use this in Y content from Y season, not X content from new season.)

> 6. No new legendary anything to go along with the theme of the saga

> 7. No redux or makeovers or options for customization on the front-runner races (Norn and charr. Humans got this in PoF and Sylvary got a lot of customization in HoT. We don't really see much going on here and probably won't either.) Both of which could use some new fluff and bells to make them shiny again. They've been lagging behind cosmetically for a while now.

> 8. The uncertainty of what comes next, MO left. We've lost a good number of Dev's even after the lay-offs including two narrative leads and the recent dev yesterday or the day before.

> 9. The Infighting in the community amongst its sub-communities and the infighting between what I would consider gamers coming in and gamers who have been here for a while neither understanding the other.

> 10. Build templates REALLY put a bad taste in peoples mouths. It sets a dangerous ideal moving forward that they could do this type of monetization for ANYTHING, despite the content being free most of us would be ok if the made it into an expansion and charged for it.


> This is the risk you run by NOT doing an expansion, Expansions breed hype and offer a lot of talking lip service from players of your game and we ourselves will bring our friends. I'd take a full expansion with a living world coming between it and the next rather than this almost maitenance mode feeling "Episodic content" which I don't believe ANY of us truly like. We want a content dump with stuff for everyone and tons of people feel abandoned and neglected by A-net, WvW, PvP, Raids, Fractals are all in the same boat with little to no content coming our way. ( We don't know if there is another raid wing in development, and we Don't know about fractals either. WvW and PvP literally are at this point the children A-net starve because they don't care about us.) So this lack of hype and the decline in population is probably due to other games coming out and more games coming soon.


> An MMO has to retain players, and that is just not how this one has been designed nor do I think will that change in the future. It makes a good Secondary game for if you're bored or have a goal. But between the horrid balance right now and the just absurd amount of time between content patches they are not really installing a good amount of faith in anyone.


What did sylvari get costumizationwise during hot?

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > I think the bigger focus should be how is the game trending.

> > Is it dead? ofc not

> > Is it thriving? well, i wouldn't say that either.

> > But pro or con do you think it is trending in the right direction?

> > That is my biggest issue.

> >


> I feel like the lack of expansion, or really even expansion level content or anything WORTH talking about or being hyped about contriubtes here. There are other games out there and ones who add tons of content regularly; When you compare guild wars 2 to any of these then it kind of becomes "Well this feels like less, then I could get here." and when that happens people move on. A-net was warned this would happen and they chose not to listen, the Pre-HoT era of living world didn't do well and its not just because the story was meh, the content was fun.


> Some Contributing factors Include:

> 1. Multiple game modes going without major additions for YEARS (WvW and PvP respectively)

> 2. Content and game modes taking a back seat while new content comes out. (Raids and Fractals.)

> 3. The abandonment of content modes in the past, In favor of new content. Which has led to the fear that raids and/or Fractals could end up here as well due to strikes.(Dungeons)

> 4. No new toys for our classes (No E-specs, and according to A-net none planned for the foreseeable future.)

> 5. New maps which may or many not tie into the rest of the game, and new mastery's also following this trend. (Tons of the living world toys have never been able to cross over to other regions outside of their season. This removes hype because I can only use this in Y content from Y season, not X content from new season.)

> 6. No new legendary anything to go along with the theme of the saga

> 7. No redux or makeovers or options for customization on the front-runner races (Norn and charr. Humans got this in PoF and Sylvary got a lot of customization in HoT. We don't really see much going on here and probably won't either.) Both of which could use some new fluff and bells to make them shiny again. They've been lagging behind cosmetically for a while now.

> 8. The uncertainty of what comes next, MO left. We've lost a good number of Dev's even after the lay-offs including two narrative leads and the recent dev yesterday or the day before.

> 9. The Infighting in the community amongst its sub-communities and the infighting between what I would consider gamers coming in and gamers who have been here for a while neither understanding the other.

> 10. Build templates REALLY put a bad taste in peoples mouths. It sets a dangerous ideal moving forward that they could do this type of monetization for ANYTHING, despite the content being free most of us would be ok if the made it into an expansion and charged for it.


> This is the risk you run by NOT doing an expansion, Expansions breed hype and offer a lot of talking lip service from players of your game and we ourselves will bring our friends. I'd take a full expansion with a living world coming between it and the next rather than this almost maitenance mode feeling "Episodic content" which I don't believe ANY of us truly like. We want a content dump with stuff for everyone and tons of people feel abandoned and neglected by A-net, WvW, PvP, Raids, Fractals are all in the same boat with little to no content coming our way. ( We don't know if there is another raid wing in development, and we Don't know about fractals either. WvW and PvP literally are at this point the children A-net starve because they don't care about us.) So this lack of hype and the decline in population is probably due to other games coming out and more games coming soon.


> An MMO has to retain players, and that is just not how this one has been designed nor do I think will that change in the future. It makes a good Secondary game for if you're bored or have a goal. But between the horrid balance right now and the just absurd amount of time between content patches they are not really installing a good amount of faith in anyone.


I agree with everything you say.


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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > I think the bigger focus should be how is the game trending.

> > Is it dead? ofc not

> > Is it thriving? well, i wouldn't say that either.

> > But pro or con do you think it is trending in the right direction?

> > That is my biggest issue.

> >



> This is the risk you run by NOT doing an expansion, Expansions breed hype and offer a lot of talking lip service from players of your game and we ourselves will bring our friends. I'd take a full expansion with a living world coming between it and the next rather than this almost maitenance mode feeling "Episodic content" which I don't believe ANY of us truly like. We want a content dump with stuff for everyone and tons of people feel abandoned and neglected by A-net, WvW, PvP, Raids, Fractals are all in the same boat with little to no content coming our way. ( We don't know if there is another raid wing in development, and we Don't know about fractals either. WvW and PvP literally are at this point the children A-net starve because they don't care about us.) So this lack of hype and the decline in population is probably due to other games coming out and more games coming soon.




I'm going to guess you never watch Guild Chat or saw the August announcement(which wasn't much) or read anything Mike Z. has said? I can guarantee you there will be new Fractals and Raids, they will be released opposite of each other, most likely you get two of each a year at max, 1 each at minimum. If they release 2 it will be something like this, and this is only an example: March you get a new Raid wing, June sees Fractals added to, then September gets another Raid wing and finally December gets Fractals. Don't use those months as exact release dates but that give you and idea of the kind of cadence Mike Z was talking about, otherwise expect one of each 12 months apart, or 1 every 6 months like this: Raid/Fractal/Raid/Fractal, etc., etc.,


MO leaving, not that big a deal IMO, Devs come and go all the time, the ones he took with him weren't even working on GW2 at the time anyways. Alliances are taking longer to develop because of the spaghetti code, but the back end coding is done, and that was the hardest part. People think games are easy to develop and make, they aren't and one that's based on spaghetti code even more so. Also, remember not to speak for everyone when it comes to content...personally I prefer this method of delivery over an Expansion...it means I don't have to wait 2 or 3 years to play new content and I still have time to play other games in between.



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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> Edit:

> Here's a list of the most active maps.


> Lion's Arch 100%

> Dragon's Fall 95%

> Bitterfrost Frontier 95%

> Sandswept Isles 90%

> Bloodstone Fen 80%

> Lake Doric 80%

> Siren's Landing 80%

> Ember Bay 80%

> Draconis Mons 80%

> Kourna 75%

> Istan 70%

> Silverwastes 70%

> Dry Top 70%

> Malchor's Leap 65%

> All other HoT maps 60%

> All other PoF maps 60%

> Everything else 50% or less

So a city hub where people are loitering and/or doing absolutely nothing usefull is "100% activity"?


I'd say that is 0% activity. WvW has more real activity in the middle of the night on desert border.

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> @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> Once again some people in the comments take "dead game" as a literal statement and deny any issues related to decreasing population. Just because you manage to find other people doing the current meta event doesnt mean this game has a healthy population.


Nor does it mean it doesn't. It's all annecdotal. We have more metas and more zones than ever before, so people will be more spread out. It's basic math. Annecdotal evidence remains annecdotal. The population may be declining and the population may not be. No one on these forum knows for sure so saying either is pointless.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> I'm going to guess you never watch Guild Chat or saw the August announcement(which wasn't much) or read anything Mike Z. has said? I can guarantee you there will be new Fractals and Raids, they will be released opposite of each other, most likely you get two of each a year at max, 1 each at minimum. If they release 2 it will be something like this, and this is only an example: March you get a new Raid wing, June sees Fractals added to, then September gets another Raid wing and finally December gets Fractals. Don't use those months as exact release dates but that give you and idea of the kind of cadence Mike Z was talking about, otherwise expect one of each 12 months apart, or 1 every 6 months like this: Raid/Fractal/Raid/Fractal, etc., etc.,


> MO leaving, not that big a deal IMO, Devs come and go all the time, the ones he took with him weren't even working on GW2 at the time anyways. Alliances are taking longer to develop because of the spaghetti code, but the back end coding is done, and that was the hardest part. People think games are easy to develop and make, they aren't and one that's based on spaghetti code even more so. Also, remember not to speak for everyone when it comes to content...personally I prefer this method of delivery over an Expansion...it means I don't have to wait 2 or 3 years to play new content and I still have time to play other games in between.


Very optimistic view and in my opinion unrealistic as hell. I'd rather go with Thornwolf on this one since the last 10 months are supporting his statement much more than vague comments from a company that has always been terrible in communication with their players.


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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > > I think the bigger focus should be how is the game trending.

> > > Is it dead? ofc not

> > > Is it thriving? well, i wouldn't say that either.

> > > But pro or con do you think it is trending in the right direction?

> > > That is my biggest issue.

> > >

> >

> ~SNIP~

> > This is the risk you run by NOT doing an expansion, Expansions breed hype and offer a lot of talking lip service from players of your game and we ourselves will bring our friends. I'd take a full expansion with a living world coming between it and the next rather than this almost maitenance mode feeling "Episodic content" which I don't believe ANY of us truly like. We want a content dump with stuff for everyone and tons of people feel abandoned and neglected by A-net, WvW, PvP, Raids, Fractals are all in the same boat with little to no content coming our way. ( We don't know if there is another raid wing in development, and we Don't know about fractals either. WvW and PvP literally are at this point the children A-net starve because they don't care about us.) So this lack of hype and the decline in population is probably due to other games coming out and more games coming soon.

> >

> ~SNIP~


> I'm going to guess you never watch Guild Chat or saw the August announcement(which wasn't much) or read anything Mike Z. has said? I can guarantee you there will be new Fractals and Raids, they will be released opposite of each other, most likely you get two of each a year at max, 1 each at minimum. If they release 2 it will be something like this, and this is only an example: March you get a new Raid wing, June sees Fractals added to, then September gets another Raid wing and finally December gets Fractals. Don't use those months as exact release dates but that give you and idea of the kind of cadence Mike Z was talking about, otherwise expect one of each 12 months apart, or 1 every 6 months like this: Raid/Fractal/Raid/Fractal, etc., etc.,


> MO leaving, not that big a deal IMO, Devs come and go all the time, the ones he took with him weren't even working on GW2 at the time anyways. Alliances are taking longer to develop because of the spaghetti code, but the back end coding is done, and that was the hardest part. People think games are easy to develop and make, they aren't and one that's based on spaghetti code even more so. Also, remember not to speak for everyone when it comes to content...personally I prefer this method of delivery over an Expansion...it means I don't have to wait 2 or 3 years to play new content and I still have time to play other games in between.




And I take it you haven't been here very long or are incredibly naive to believe that A-net will keep to their word. They've promised so many things over the years and the vast majority never happen. A prime example is the continued support of WvW and dungeons neither of which have seen much, with dungeons being murdered by fractals and WvW being left to rot. You can make excuses for them all you want but announcing it 2+ years ago and then never delivering regardless of the state of the code makes it hard for any of us to believe they are working on it.


Going solely based on the actions of the company prior, they have abandoned content that is not readily accessible. This is where raids fall under because a good portion of the playerbase hasn't and won't touch that game mode. This then places its head firmly on the chopping block, honestly I am unsure where fractals falls in terms of the amount of people doing it. I get you'd rather support this than expansions, however we can and HAVE had both and I feel both is a good way of doing this with the expansion setting the stage and living world continuing it. Nothing in this next release is worthy of hype and therefor people are becoming lax in their desire to stick around, its just more of the same and honestly it doesn't feel to good knowing this might be how it is in the future. Living world didn't stop HoT from being needed and it will be much the same when that happened now.


Their actions speak louder and reach further than some empty statements, if they want me to believe in them then proving themselves worthy of my trust is paramount. Let me also remind you that every decision from PoF onward was Mike Z's decision and a ton of those were not shall we say praise worthy. Build templates also has only harmed guild wars 2's ecosystem with many people being miffed about it. I want to have faith but this is not something that is easy given how shaky their relationship with their player base has been. As for content the vast majority have stated Expansions > living world, at least as the main front runner to delivery and an expansion can build hype and draw eyes . Glorified content patches DO NOT and never have done that ~

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