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VIDEO Wvw core guardian one shot


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Hi guys, new video showing off some more of my favorite weapon sets.


Also anet please if to nerf this please make sure to nerf all other one shot builds from classes that have more ways to escape and survive after opening burst.


Build in previous videos, comment and suggest something new for me to try.


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who cares, words of mouth that guild wars 2 is a +1 shot game and to stay away from guild wars 2 is what matters.


guild wars 2 loss of continually to address toxic design with toxic mechanics is a gain for us.


we walk away to its competitors whose serious about your healthy competitive experiences'


In other word, don't waste your time discussing +1 shotting, waiting for something to never happen


Its a good thing, Only in guild wars 2




--side note-

**Toxicity Not Needed**

--Guild Wars 1

**The True Guild Wars Experience**-


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> @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> This build is highly telegraphed. Focus 5 obviously is but play the game enough and judges intervention prediction becomes easy as well. This build is fine - it can kill but has little survivability, as it should be.

Which you can see in the video with the early scrapper fight - if it misses the burst and fight a decently capable person, its a "normal" fight. +1 on the scrappers side would have **easily** wiped the guard in less than a second (6-8K, pretty much one thief teleport away from death). I also *highly* doubt he would have stood a chance if that scrapper had been condi.


To reiterate the **Truth of GW2 PvP**:

*All classes are capable of bringing the enemy class below 50% hp regardless of class, if not you got outplayed. Whether it was by build or skill is irrelevant.*

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> > This build is highly telegraphed. Focus 5 obviously is but play the game enough and judges intervention prediction becomes easy as well. This build is fine - it can kill but has little survivability, as it should be.

> Which you can see in the video with the early scrapper fight - if it misses the burst and fight a decently capable person, its a "normal" fight. +1 on the scrappers side would have **easily** wiped the guard in less than a second (6-8K, pretty much one thief teleport away from death). I also *highly* doubt he would have stood a chance if that scrapper had been condi.


> To reiterate the **Truth of GW2 PvP**:

> *All classes are capable of bringing the enemy class below 50% hp regardless of class, if not you got outplayed. Whether it was by build or skill is irrelevant.*


True i had most cds and just outplayed him, he was not as good as me or would ve killed me easy.


Also condi aplications are too easy in this game, i prefer when it was as a plus damage back in the days instead of main source of damage.


I kniw this build lacks a lot but it should as it is high reward for high risk as every one shot should be.


I do not use only one skill for the burst as it should and if i mess up should be fairly quick to die unlike thiefs mesmers rangers and warriors.

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> @"Mikhael.2391" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> > > This build is highly telegraphed. Focus 5 obviously is but play the game enough and judges intervention prediction becomes easy as well. This build is fine - it can kill but has little survivability, as it should be.

> > Which you can see in the video with the early scrapper fight - if it misses the burst and fight a decently capable person, its a "normal" fight. +1 on the scrappers side would have **easily** wiped the guard in less than a second (6-8K, pretty much one thief teleport away from death). I also *highly* doubt he would have stood a chance if that scrapper had been condi.

> >

> > To reiterate the **Truth of GW2 PvP**:

> > *All classes are capable of bringing the enemy class below 50% hp regardless of class, if not you got outplayed. Whether it was by build or skill is irrelevant.*


> True i had most cds and just outplayed him, he was not as good as me or would ve killed me easy.


> Also condi aplications are too easy in this game, i prefer when it was as a plus damage back in the days instead of main source of damage.


> I kniw this build lacks a lot but it should as it is high reward for high risk as every one shot should be.


> I do not use only one skill for the burst as it should and if i mess up should be fairly quick to die unlike thiefs mesmers rangers and warriors.


Do you remember how Ranger Profession used to be the most punished profession until they had a dev who tried his best to help him, than left?. Than years later, Ranger Profession finally had a dev who helped them?


Necromancer Profession became the punching bag for all the other Professions including Thief Professions and became Nerf target to Anet. Throughout the years, they have devs who tried to stand up for them but wasn't enough; they were already targeted. Elementalist Profession came third because they really do not have an identity and Anet does not know what to do with it (my personal opinion) so they react quickly to call out nerfs without understanding what role they should play in the game.


Mesmer Profession included; this is what happens when you remove a Profession identity from its root in Guild Wars 1, chaos.


Raids not excluded


You mention Thief Profession nerfs...yet they're the only Profession who continue to have a dev since guild wars 2 beta till this day? You already know the rest of the story. Nothing more to say


-having about 3 years of Ranger Profession neglect vs 7 years+ of Thief Profession full support??-


-side note-


Not to minimize Ranger Profession long sufferings...they remain the most nerfed abusive and tortured Profession in the game for about 3 years by all including in all game modes.


Lfg were flooded with Ranger Profession hate and exclusion, threads after threads, closed and deleted, as to why we Ranger Professions were not needed and liked ...the cries to Anet to do something about it were completely silenced, resulted in many players leaving the game.



'Yes there are countless other threads, but more threads = greater chance of being noticed right?'



I blame Thief Profession for doing the most damage to guild wars 2 population but Ranger Profession abuse and torture did have have its contribution to its drop.


In conclusion, In all, over all


guild wars 2 has an self-identity crisis since its removal from Guild Wars root.


There is no longer who is right or wrong, wether what Professions is Op or not, whether anything really...


Without a complete rework of guild wars 2 to bring it back to Guild Wars 1 core root


It Is Too Late, Its Game Over!!


![](https://i.imgur.com/UwuAbuQ.jpg "")


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Like others said before. Nothing broken about this build. It's telegraphed and after the initial burst it's a freekill. The video shows only targets not fighting back.


This is not different to a marauder dragonhunter placing 4 traps and then pulling the target into them. In one case you have the blue focus animation which indicates you are jumped at in 2 seconds and in the other case you see him placing the traps (or standing still at one spot even when attacked from range, which is suspicious and should lead you to what's going on there).


Every single class can survive that burst with one button (shroud, invuln, block, evade - it's even dodgeable as it's a 3s timer), then wait 2x 3 seconds for the healing skill block and renewed focus cast and counterburst that build into oblivion.



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> @"Mikhael.2391" said:

> I agree, thats why unlike death from stealth from thieves, mesmers and rangers are not ok in my opinion as you cannot predict where it is coming from amd the classes have too much survival to try again in the same fight unlike guardian one shot.

You cant predict them? I find thieves, mesmers and rangers *incredibly* predictive.


Thieves follow some pretty standard meta builds and has like 2-3 variants that do easy cycling of damage. I only find them a real threat as +1, but sure there are *some* good thieves out there on off meta builds using stuff like the sword. Most of them are cowards as soon as you poke them back though. I dont know, something about the thief that attracts a certain kind of people. No offense to all thieves, but you know it.


Mesmer has some good engagement tools (ie stealth) sure, but the damage cycles are fairly simple. Although I havent played mine for something like a year, having mained a mesmer for years before that in WvW roaming prolly help a little. If they build for sustain - ie condi - they scale horribly against more opponents and if they are glass they are generally one knockback from death.


Rangers can be annoying especially as pewpew +1 but 1v1 they generally just set up rapid fire with knockback, then when that dont kill you they try to swap and do a maul combo. Some I've met do this like clockwork.


If you are complaining about thieves, mesmers and rangers from a glass guards perspective, let me clue you in on a secret... burst is bad at fighting burst because the more effective burst you build for, the weaker you become to bursting. And other classes can be pretty good at it too.


(Eh turned in to a long edit just to add thief, I blanked that out. They're easy to miss)

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> You cant predict them? I find both mesmers and rangers *incredibly* predictive.


> Mesmer has some good engegement tools (ie stealth) sure, but the damage cycles are fairly simple. Although I havent played mine for something like a year, having mained a mesmer for years before that in WvW roaming prolly help a little. If they build for sustain - ie condi - they scale horribly against more opponents and if they are glass they are generally one knockback from death.


> Rangers can be annoying especially as pewpew +1 but 1v1 they generally just set up rapid fire with knockback, then when that dont kill you they try to swap and do a maul combo. Some I've met do this like clockwork.


> If you are complaining about thieves, mesmers and rangers from a glass guards perspective, let me clue you in on a secret... burst is bad at fighting burst because the more effective burst you build for, the weaker you become to bursting. And other classes can be pretty good at it too.


What class do you play? The problem is that those classes have way too much evades,stealth, teleports withou the need of target and invulns (thief mesmer amd ranger ) that they can reset fights or exaust other classes cds. A necro on amy elite will easily be kited and killed against same skill level players.


That being said on DH the gap is not as bad.

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> @"Mikhael.2391" said:


> > You cant predict them? I find both mesmers and rangers *incredibly* predictive.

> >

> > Mesmer has some good engegement tools (ie stealth) sure, but the damage cycles are fairly simple. Although I havent played mine for something like a year, having mained a mesmer for years before that in WvW roaming prolly help a little. If they build for sustain - ie condi - they scale horribly against more opponents and if they are glass they are generally one knockback from death.

> >

> > Rangers can be annoying especially as pewpew +1 but 1v1 they generally just set up rapid fire with knockback, then when that dont kill you they try to swap and do a maul combo. Some I've met do this like clockwork.

> >

> > If you are complaining about thieves, mesmers and rangers from a glass guards perspective, let me clue you in on a secret... burst is bad at fighting burst because the more effective burst you build for, the weaker you become to bursting. And other classes can be pretty good at it too.


> What class do you play? The problem is that those classes have way too much evades,stealth, teleports withou the need of target and invulns (thief mesmer amd ranger ) that they can reset fights or exaust other classes cds. A necro on amy elite will easily be kited and killed against same skill level players.


> That being said on DH the gap is not as bad.

Core engineer at the moment. Cant stealth if you're a moa. Last time I fought a mesmer this evening, it was a condi mesmer. Downed him with 0% hp loss, burned him off his warclaw, moad the instant he dismounted, then he downed while squirting out clones. It was only after he was downed he took 50% of my hp with 10 stacks of confusion, lol.


Again though, thief, mesmer and ranger are incredibly good at what they do. Well assuming someone good is driving them. Just good at different things, which happen to be focused against single targets. A thief wont teleport in and instakill 4 people, like a certain guard. Complaining about them is throwing bricks in a glass house. The DH is considerably stronger 1v1 than vanilla guard IMO, that's right. The leap heal and pull is usually what wins.

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> Core engineer at the moment. Cant stealth if you're a moa. Last time I fought a mesmer this evening, it was a condi mesmer. Downed him with 0% hp loss, burned him off his warclaw, moad the instant he dismounted, then he downed while squirting out clones. It was only after he was downed he took 50% of my hp with 10 stacks of confusion, lol.


> Again though, thief, mesmer and ranger are incredibly good at what they do. Well assuming someone good is driving them. Just good at different things, which happen to be focused against single targets. A thief wont teleport in and instakill 4 people, like a certain guard. Complaining about them is throwing bricks in a glass house. The DH is considerably stronger 1v1 than vanilla guard IMO, that's right. The leap heal and pull is usually what wins.


If any of those player on my video saw me coming maybe they would not die.


Unlike death from stealth from those other classes that have less counters to it.


I dont mind nerfing this build as long as the others are brought down to the ground aswell.


Fights would be more fun.


And removind the heal jump and pull from dh would make core guardian just better.



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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> Hi OP,

> Does this combo work against warriors that take Defy Pain trait?

> Also if against another guard, since they can block 1st attack and they get aegis at 50% if they take Valor.


Hi, well if you take only like 40% health and then the other crit from focus 5 plus sigil of air and other procs in the same instant yeah its possible. I almost did it to that warrior in the video chasing me but he had a lot of hp so when the stance kicked in he was at around 17% hp.


With guard you have the initial block that is wasted with JI and the passive with 50% will depend of what it will block. If it blocks focus 5 it might not one shot.

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