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Warrior bubble


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Hey, would like to put a new topic into consideration for balancing.


I think the state of bubble in GvG (15v15) could be way better than it is right now. Warrior Bubble givers in its current state not enough outplay options as it should.

Defense is just too strong to interrupt it, so the only way to counterplay, is to thief steal. Also bubble stacking gets highly rewarded and the effort that is put into that is fairly low for such a big value.

Back in the day, when the bubble was static, it gave a lot more options to outplay movement wise. I do know that that this form of the skill would make it way too strong in public, because the current warrior bubble can be easier interrupted there.


So I do have a suggestion how this skill could be balanced in both WvW scenarios:


Winds of Disenchantment stays a channeling skill. The duration also stays the same.

The difference would be, that after 2 seconds of channeling the warrior drops the bubble static on the ground and it stays for another 3 seconds there.

The radius should also be changed to a lower amount, so stacking bubbles becomes less of a thing. It‘s hard to say to what amount, but it shouldn’t be by much. Maybe around 300-330


That would make the skill still easily interruptible for big zergs and would punish them if they don’t pay attention. It also would not have such a big impact when it‘s static on the ground, because there would be a lower radius of the skill.

In GvG it would give more options of outplaying it and stacking the bubble wouldn‘t have that much of an impact anymore.


I would also be happy if I can see some modifications or other suggestions in the comments, so we could work together on the problem.


Have a nice day all of you.



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Uh, just corrupt their boons, stab gets turned into fear, instant interrupt, doesnt even need cc ontop


> @"Lala.8752" said:

> i agree, this skill warrior is too strong in openfield, outnumbered is like impossible against big blob, you just can't interrupt them and they have just to have like 5-6 warrior and rush it's so kitten


Lol you are outnumbered.

Do you ecxpect to win with your 15 man vs a full blob just because you l have the same guildtag?

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note ppl boon rip is not only the war. you get hit from revs, sigil of absorp on interup, necros. @,..@ this dome is simply visible


what to do if in war bubble


1. food -10% damage

2. rotgd

3. scrap bulwark

4. stun break dodge out

5. cc the war since it is a cast spell.

6. guard strength in nos.

7. necro warrior barrier

huddle with healer for dodge heals and blasting waters.


if ur team in good position inc war gets ccd before goes to u.

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I'd like to point out that GvG isn't a mode that ANet acknowledges and they won't make any balance changes based on anything to do with GvGs.


Having said this, i agree that Warriors are easy to interrupt out of their bubble (I main Warrior myself so i know), you just need to focus them, as soon as our invulns are popped which if you have enough attention they pop pretty early, it's simply corrupt and focus them down when they try to run back to their zerg IF the Comm doesn't follow up/push on it.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> i thought pll wanted the warrior train back. :/ guess they want easy carries.


Why would anyone want stacking bubbles. It‘s just too much value for doing nothing. Defense is just insanely strong, when it comes to survivalbility and it should stay like this, because without warrior is shit.


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> @"chilled.6794" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > i thought pll wanted the warrior train back. :/ guess they want easy carries.


> Why would anyone want stacking bubbles. It‘s just too much value for doing nothing. Defense is just insanely strong, when it comes to survivalbility and it should stay like this, because without warrior is kitten.



i dont know. we rarely have warriors when we raid and we make do beating teams with warriors.

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> @"chilled.6794" said:

> Openfield is not gvg tho. Imagine in 15v15 three warriors in a comp. There is literally only thief steal that can interrupt bubble and also only when the warrior used his autostability.


Dont lie, there is not "literally only thief steal to interrupt bubble"


Thats blatantly wrong.


Bubble can only be casted without getting interrupted when the warrior has stability, so you rip the stab and cc him, even better if you just corrupt his stabilit, turning it into fear, automatically interrupting the casted bubble.


And autostab is also just a normal stab boon, which can be ripped/corrupted.


You have no idea what you are talking about. Please read up on information and how the game works before spouting such nonsense.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"chilled.6794" said:

> > Openfield is not gvg tho. Imagine in 15v15 three warriors in a comp. There is literally only thief steal that can interrupt bubble and also only when the warrior used his autostability.


> Dont lie, there is not "literally only thief steal to interrupt bubble"


> Thats blatantly wrong.


> Bubble can only be casted without getting interrupted when the warrior has stability, so you rip the stab and cc him, even better if you just corrupt his stabilit, turning it into fear, automatically interrupting the casted bubble.


> And autostab is also just a normal stab boon, which can be ripped/corrupted.


> You have no idea what you are talking about. Please read up on information and how the game works before spouting such nonsense.


What’s worse is correcting someone wrong.

If someone is channeling bubble and auto stab from Defense is not used yet, the channeling doesn’t get interrupted. The trait procs on the interrupt and it doesn’t let it happen. Source: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Last_Stand

Also try to cc pulsing stab, you can rip 1 stack all 0.75 seconds. Also count in guard stab stacks in.

Converting is also not really an option, because of movement. It‘s basically a huge are effect that you need to escape out of. You can‘t just stay in it without getting killed, because there is follow up.

Also the amount of boons a warrior has in an engage is obviously almost max.

And to come back to the internal problem I mentioned, stacking bubbles is a thing, try to corrupt 2 bubbles by boon conversion in a gvg. I‘ll bake you a cake.


So my friend I guess you should simply read up information and have a clue what you‘re talking about before spouting out nonsense. Pretty pathetic to call someone out like this.



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> @"chilled.6794" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"chilled.6794" said:

> > > Openfield is not gvg tho. Imagine in 15v15 three warriors in a comp. There is literally only thief steal that can interrupt bubble and also only when the warrior used his autostability.

> >

> > Dont lie, there is not "literally only thief steal to interrupt bubble"

> >

> > Thats blatantly wrong.

> >

> > Bubble can only be casted without getting interrupted when the warrior has stability, so you rip the stab and cc him, even better if you just corrupt his stabilit, turning it into fear, automatically interrupting the casted bubble.

> >

> > And autostab is also just a normal stab boon, which can be ripped/corrupted.

> >

> > You have no idea what you are talking about. Please read up on information and how the game works before spouting such nonsense.


> What’s worse is correcting someone wrong.

> If someone is channeling bubble and auto stab from Defense is not used yet, the channeling doesn’t get interrupted. The trait procs on the interrupt and it doesn’t let it happen. Source: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Last_Stand

> Also try to cc pulsing stab, you can rip 1 stack all 0.75 seconds. Also count in guard stab stacks in.

> Converting is also not really an option, because of movement. It‘s basically a huge are effect that you need to escape out of. You can‘t just stay in it without getting killed, because there is follow up.

> Also the amount of boons a warrior has in an engage is obviously almost max.

> And to come back to the internal problem I mentioned, stacking bubbles is a thing, try to corrupt 2 bubbles by boon conversion in a gvg. I‘ll bake you a cake.


> So my friend I guess you should simply read up information and have a clue what you‘re talking about before spouting out nonsense. Pretty pathetic to call someone out like this.




Well, i have over 4k hours on warrior, mostly in wvw, and im telling you, it happens alot that your bubble gets interrupted, and its not from being jumped by thiefs constantly, there is enough boonrip and corrupt flowing around.

And i know very well how last stand works.


Also, i was just stating facts, you said its "literally impossible" to interrupt a warrior bubble, except for thief steal.

That is just wrong. Its a lie. Yes, im calling you out for being a liar, and saying wrong stuff to get other unknowing ppl onboard of your opinion.


If the bubbles are stacked on top, the warriors are close to each other, meaning that basically every necro skill will affect both warriors, meaning that both of them get their boons corrupted.


And no, im not your friend.


Edit: what the kitten has movement to do with being unable to corrupt his boons? And no, you dont rip 1 stack every 0.75 seconds, you use up 1 stack every 0.75 when you would get cc'ed.

A boonrip removes all the stacks at once.

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Well and I've been plaiyng gvg since game release 3-4 times a week. Insane right? Taking gametime as an arguement xd.

You know that I've been talking about GvG since the beginning. Thats the whole point of argument. You have a 4 man max nec comp, 1-2 thiefs and thats it for corruption.

So we have necro with either shades, breach, wells or weapeon 3(either scepter or axe)

shades F2 are 2 conditions x8 because of necro + skill cap of 5 people.

You got breach, which is also a common skill to use to break pushes, but only removes 1 condition on an interval of 1 second and is static. Same formular as above.

Wells is 1 boon a second. Same formular as above.

Weapon 3, 2 condition same formular as above and first be in the position to do that while backpaddling.


And this is only on paper, practical is another story.


So basically you have to cast all those cd's in the hope the warrior hasnt casted autostab yet for interrupting a bubble if not 2.

And lets say you cast all those skills only on those 2 warriors like you said. That would mean your round is lost in the first place.


It's just unbalanced to waste this much skills as a trait for one and really no one is stupid enough to do it, because the risk is way too high to not get value out of.

Also I'm not bashing survivalbility of warrior itself, I'm criticising the bubble mechanic.




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> @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> I personally liked bubble a lot better when it was a static placement. It often created space between zergs when fighting, and baiting/positioning was more important. Now fights feel even more like a steamroller competition.


The problem is that it blocks such a huge area, just by 1 person casting a skill vs 50 other players. I can see why it was unbalanced in publics. Now its a lot easier to get rid of a bubble.

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> @"chilled.6794" said:

> Well and I've been plaiyng gvg since game release 3-4 times a week. Insane right? Taking gametime as an arguement xd.

> You know that I've been talking about GvG since the beginning. Thats the whole point of argument. You have a 4 man max nec comp, 1-2 thiefs and thats it for corruption.

> So we have necro with either shades, breach, wells or weapeon 3(either scepter or axe)

> shades F2 are 2 conditions x8 because of necro + skill cap of 5 people.

> You got breach, which is also a common skill to use to break pushes, but only removes 1 condition on an interval of 1 second and is static. Same formular as above.

> Wells is 1 boon a second. Same formular as above.

> Weapon 3, 2 condition same formular as above and first be in the position to do that while backpaddling.


> And this is only on paper, practical is another story.


> So basically you have to cast all those cd's in the hope the warrior hasnt casted autostab yet for interrupting a bubble if not 2.

> And lets say you cast all those skills only on those 2 warriors like you said. That would mean your round is lost in the first place.


> It's just unbalanced to waste this much skills as a trait for one and really no one is stupid enough to do it, because the risk is way too high to not get value out of.

> Also I'm not bashing survivalbility of warrior itself, I'm criticising the bubble mechanic.





ive played in gvgs aswell, and first, if you die to the first thrown warri bubble you are doing something wrong, you should have defensive stuff up to get out.

second, if the warrior pulls it later in the fight its less likely that he has all the boons in the game, so easier for you to corrupt.

and third, if you know so much about the game, then you probably also know, that lesser balanced stance (aka autostabi) is bugged for years and triggers when he runs through ANY cc while already having stabi, so throw one random cc in his way at the beginning of the fight, his autostab pops, regardless of having guards stabi and not needing balanced stance right there.


boom he has a whopping 5 seconds of auto balanced stance and 40 seconds cooldowns on it, while not even gotten close to your group.

i absolutely agree, so broken, yikes.


anyways, regardless of how likely you are of interrupting him, its still not "literally impossible" except by thief to interrupt him, just refrain to use such exaggerations.


you can trait that their target cap is increased to 10, just saying.

and your warriors can remove his boons aswell

also most boon removel effects trigger before the actual hit, so using a cc that removes a boon beforehand will increase your chance of interrupting the enemy, because you remove a boon right before the hit, if that boon in stab, its very unlikely for him to gain stab inbetween the boon removel and the actual hit.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> Uh, just corrupt their boons, stab gets turned into fear, instant interrupt, doesnt even need cc ontop


> > @"Lala.8752" said:

> > i agree, this skill warrior is too strong in openfield, outnumbered is like impossible against big blob, you just can't interrupt them and they have just to have like 5-6 warrior and rush it's so kitten


> Lol you are outnumbered.

> Do you ecxpect to win with your 15 man vs a full blob just because you l have the same guildtag?


Yes, cuz my mom told me I was in a fight guild and that makes me special. If anet doesn't make it so I can win. I will just take my ball from the playground and demand a different game mode!

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bunker on wells, that would melt the war.


scourge can well fear the guy off. else, you can risk one rev to staff 5 him. the cc should be enough.


staff 5 on scourge is also fear. just dont forget to make marks ublockable.


there's always the guard's staff 5, shield 5 or hammer 5. even banish or f1 3 on fb. the idea is dont fight on the warrior's strength or.that team's.


if you want a sustain scourge team, you can rotate scourges doing f4 every so and so seconds and you probably will never die.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:


> ive played in gvgs aswell, and first, if you die to the first thrown warri bubble you are doing something wrong, you should have defensive stuff up to get out.

> second, if the warrior pulls it later in the fight its less likely that he has all the boons in the game, so easier for you to corrupt.

> and third, if you know so much about the game, then you probably also know, that lesser balanced stance (aka autostabi) is bugged for years and triggers when he runs through ANY cc while already having stabi, so throw one random cc in his way at the beginning of the fight, his autostab pops, regardless of having guards stabi and not needing balanced stance right there.


> boom he has a whopping 5 seconds of auto balanced stance and 40 seconds cooldowns on it, while not even gotten close to your group.

> i absolutely agree, so broken, yikes.


> anyways, regardless of how likely you are of interrupting him, its still not "literally impossible" except by thief to interrupt him, just refrain to use such exaggerations.


> you can trait that their target cap is increased to 10, just saying.

> and your warriors can remove his boons aswell

> also most boon removel effects trigger before the actual hit, so using a cc that removes a boon beforehand will increase your chance of interrupting the enemy, because you remove a boon right before the hit, if that boon in stab, its very unlikely for him to gain stab inbetween the boon removel and the actual hit.


first,I don't make this post, because I complain dying to it. I just think it should have more counterplay than right now. The skill has insane value just because the mechanic is too strong with defense.

second, The current meta is not some clusterfuck right now, so the chance he has all boons up is actually pretty high, because pull out game is big right now. You rarely bubble when you pushed already, rather wait for spike cd's.

third, I don't main warrior and I was actually memeing, because game time has only to a certain extend something to do with your knowledge or skill in this game.

Out of my experience balanced stance still happens most of the time, that is works and it's the first time I hear about this bug actually. Might be true, might be not idk.


I don't get what you want me to tell with the last sentence.




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