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"There's nothing to do at level 80!"


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I see that complaint and variations of it a lot. So being an engineering type in real life and primarily an Asura player in game, I decided to do some research to determine if there actually was nothing to do.


In the last 36 hours or so, I have:


- Completed two maps on my Deadeye toward another Gift of Exploration.


- Entered WvW with my Soulbeast, joined a party in EotM, captured all the specials, completed all the one-time achieves and scored a couple of roamer kills on the way.


- Tagged up on my Mirage in TD and led SCAR meta start to finish.


- Two days of PVE and WvW dailies. Also spent some Mirage time porting the daily JPs.


- Did lots of events and gathering in parallel with all of the above.


- Lots of guild fun time just messing around in DR. Light RP, listening to music, just being with friends.


Conclusion: People who complain there's nothing to do in this game have no idea WTK they're talking about.

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I don't always _like_ the stuff that's available for me to do, but you're right. There is stuff nevertheless.


- Living Story achievements I hissed at three years and tried to pretend didn't exist (Looking at you, Caithe sneak mission)

- Maxing crafting disciplines like cooking and scribing and then crafting all the armor skins I've been avoiding making

- Collections that unlock other collections that unlock other collections

- Guild missions to collect guild tokens to collect guild weapon and armor sets

- Hunting down novelty potions and other gimmick items throughout the game

- Finding out what common item is selling ridiculously well and then going on a massacre of verdant herb nodes and sheep to the bewilderment of everyone who sees me

- Going back into ye olde dungeons to save up dungeon tokens and get all the edgy dungeon armor and weapons I got too lazy to complete years ago

- Challenging friends to beat your race or adventure completion times

- Squinting at fractals and some of their more challenging achievements because some of them can give you neat skins


Annoying as some of those options are, they become a lot more palatable when done with friends and LFG. All this, of course, assuming I'm not already buried under a pile of scheduled roleplay scenes.

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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:>

> Conclusion: People who complain there's nothing to do in this game have no idea WTK they're talking about.


They do know. It's just they've taken to ignoring the giant neon sign telling them that they've overplayed the game and they need to move on. But habits are hard to break and complaining is easier.




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> @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

> > @"Jimbru.6014" said:>

> > Conclusion: People who complain there's nothing to do in this game have no idea WTK they're talking about.


> They do know. It's just they've taken to ignoring the giant neon sign telling them that they've overplayed the game and they need to move on and but habits are hard to break and complaining is easier.





Overplaying the game is like overkill...there's no such thing as overkill.

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I've gotten to the point where I have so much to do I don't know where to start.


I grind to work on Legendaries (not everyone's thing), while I hate many jumping puzzles (I still try every month or two), and I try alternate weapon sets (recently finished Eureka and The Binding if Ipos) now I think the focus looks so cool I use it everywhere.


If a person isn't finding anything to do, they aren't looking.

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GW2 has unrivaled repeatable/end game content options. There are not enough hours in the day. If you play every prof as well then it's just endless entertainment that easily lasts until each LW episode. It's a minimum 2-3 hour a day just to do every daily--T4s, main daily at min--and 1 round of amalg meta chain.


Also, I cannot recommend enough getting every prof to 80. The value of ascended sets just goes sky high, and you never get bored.



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Yup, the whole "Nothing to do really" that actually means "I don't / won't / to lazy" to do the things currently offered in the game.


By no means am I saying everything in GW2 going to tickle every players fancy, but I have often come across players who only laser focus one small aspect of the game, and don't want to, or refuse to try or play other portions of the game, then they complain about having nothing to do.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> I've gotten to the point where I have so much to do I don't know where to start.


> I grind to work on Legendaries (not everyone's thing), while I hate many jumping puzzles (I still try every month or two), and I try alternate weapon sets (recently finished Eureka and The Binding if Ipos) now I think the focus looks so cool I use it everywhere.


> If a person isn't finding anything to do, they aren't looking.


Same here, I made it a point to focus on one or two things at a time so I don't get too scattered. There's so much to do! :)

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I continually play to earn multiple things, no grinding for one thing at a time. Still trying to finish getting all the Amberite weapons in Drytop, only do the sandstorm like twice a week trying to find those dang fossilized insects. Try to use map bonuses to earn more T6 comps for my next legendary, again I only do this up until I get the ten count bonus. Play the LS maps randomly picking an achievement to try completing. Run world boss train on occasion, think I will never finish that collection. I guess I am not in any hurry for anything I just go at my own pace.

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What they mean is that there is no progression after lvl 80.

And they are right. Collecting gear skins and achievements is not progression.

Most MMO players are not used to playing content for the sake of content.

GW2 is a content heavy but progression light game.

And whatever progression there is it's handed to the player almost instantly.

Removing the gear treadmill is half the story. The rest is what you fill in that void with,

while avoiding the grind, and that Anet has not been able to answer yet.

Maybe the new masteries will help a bit on that matter.


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> @"Aenaos.8160" said:

> What they mean is that there is no progression after lvl 80.

> And they are right. Collecting gear skins and achievements is not progression.

> Most MMO players are not used to playing content for the sake of content.

> GW2 is a content heavy but progression light game.

> And whatever progression there is it's handed to the player almost instantly.

> Removing the gear treadmill is half the story. The rest is what you fill in that void with,

> while avoiding the grind, and that Anet has not been able to answer yet.

> Maybe the new masteries will help a bit on that matter.


There IS progression, just not a required gear grind in RAID each season. We have horizontal progression with masteries, stories, fashion (if you like that) and stat tuning your build. Plus a new map with a story every few months.


As a veteran player ( like many others ), I'm guilty of finishing new content in a few days and craving my next fix.

Like some one stated earlier, perhaps it's time to alternate games I enjoy.



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Progression is a well done illusion, something that keeps us wanting to do more. Vertical progression is an easy method but it wears out; this player base wants nothing do do with it. Horizontal progression has kept us busy longer than I would have expected, but it looks like that has worn thin as well. A break is a great idea, though a properly complex mmo is not worth keeping up with if you break too often.

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Here is what you can do in gw2:




-HoT metas

-PoF metas

-lw metas

-map completion

-wvw roaming

-wvw zerging


-playing instrument

-doing jumping puzzle


-strike missions

-world bosses

-side story events

-festival achivement completion

-achievemnt complation in general

-playing games in gw2

-drifting with beetle mount

-getting legendary items

-playing different classes

-PoF bounty hunts

-exploring random events

-braindead SW farming

-offering people to play blechers bluff xD

-Getting dungeon weapon and trinkets


-ah forgot dailies

-guild missions


- and some other things that I cant recall. Try em before you say anything my dudes. I may be disliking some things anet brought to me but, the content is vast.

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People are too accustomed to play games like it's a job/grind for endgame. See, when people QQ about grind, THIS is why I know they are wrong ... because there is some truth to the statement there isn't anything to do ... WITH the caveat that there isn't anything to do that will allow you to progress. That's the real complaint.

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There's a lot of things to do but it's not presented in an engaging way.


Going through the achievement panel or the wiki to know what steps to take to obtain a certain skin / gear / achievement can feel tedious.


Then there's the horizontal progression that almost forces you to set your own personal goals.


Basically if they take the idea of the dailies but present them in a more engaging way with goals that can last more that 15 minutes, that could help players struggling to set up their own goals or who are put off by the Ui of the achievement panel.

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if you have nothing else in life except playing GW2, then yeahfor me everyday for the past couple of monthslogin -> Tequatil -> 15min Dinner break -> Malchor tree farm with 11 parked toons -> Daily gathering route -> VB -> Effigy -> Pinata -> Malchor tree farm -> TD -> Doomlore -> PvP/WvW daily -> Ooze Pit -> AB loot -> Malchor tree farm -> PvP/WvW daily -> Concert -> PvP/WvW daily -> KQ -> Malchor tree farm -> Logoffon weekends after doing the regular stuffs i do on weekdays, i would do guild missions and raid training with guidies

2 weekends ago, i actually went back to GW1 to start working on getting GWAMM, havent touched the GW1 for 10 years, totally forgot where i left off and found quests to be super long and difficult, a far cry from how easy and quick GW2 is...managed to easily clear everything in EotN til 2nd last mission, having going through reddit to figure out using the niche touch builds to take down the wurm easily, and the final mission i'm still stuck, dont remember how i managed to full cleared everything on normal with my main toon farming for GWAMM; took me 3 days to realise that the toon had actually full clear normal alreadyfree entry into UW/FoW last weekend, so tried to do full clear to get the HoM statue, but almost raged having spent 3 hours in UW, and a reaper died :lol:

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