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Got hit by an over 25k single shot from a rifle warrior.


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Does anyone have a single hit that instantly does more damage than this? Of course it was unblockable apparently as my reflective shield did nothing.


I mean it was kinda funny, one moment I was standing with full health and my shield up, the next I was downed. Was told the feat could be replicated every 30 seconds. I assume glass as heck... but warrior has some reasonable active defence. I figured you'd see this troll build more often.

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It is actually kind of an annoying build. It just runs up to +1 a fight and one shots the unsuspecting victim, turning the tide in a team fight, and then if you focus it, it uses its defense and superior mobility to make a clean escape while their allies are free to focus you down.


Sure, it is glassy in the sense that once you get past the active defenses and if you have the mobility to catch it, you can down it pretty easily. However, I feel that if something is going to be able burst you from range like that, it shouldn't have the defenses and mobility that warriors have to go with it.

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It is probably the most balanced of all the one shot build nonsense. For big D damage, they really dont have much defences. And as much as I hate to say this, just dodge; see a warrior kneel down, dodge the incredibly telegraphed projectile, 100% burst shutdown (LoS works too when possible). They truly are a 1 trick pony.

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Until Anet remove Toxic design with Toxic mechanics resulting in +1 shotting, expect nothing to change

-Just yesterday, i was curious enough to check out wvw improvement status until i was instantly +1 shot by Thief Profession lasers


the best part of my toxic experience, i quickly spent money in a competitive game company with a big smile on my face; knowing that they will do whatever it take to implement healthy competitive gaming experience for their players


guild wars 2 toxic +1 shot...... **X** Cheers :)

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> So its deadeye but stronger and unblockable, until tactics gets adjusted?



Deadeye was/is obnoxious because of its stealth and mobility (and Binding Shadow), not because of the raw DPS. Rifle Warr is very easy to kill, Deadeye isn't, unless you have a lot of range/mobility and reveal in your kit.

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> 25k is a pretty standard/low hit with that build, Ajaxx managed 40k with it.


> https://www.twitch.tv/irajaxx/clip/DelightfulPeacefulTitanAMPEnergy?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time


> Unfortunately this is how Arenanet does trait reworks, I mean, 50% extra dmg vs barrier, why not...


Wow, that's pretty obscene. Doesn't even have the tell that DJ does.

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Just be happy it was not a Berserker rifle Warrior, they still do around 20k what is a onehsot for most builds but they do it with barely any casttime and animation. Also i think this power creeped dmg is not rly healthy (like 15k would be rewarding enough, why 20+k) but the skill itself on Corewarrior is balanced in terms of long cast and good animation at least and it is easy to focus.

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This is fine! I mean I jump thru a bunch of smoke fields using up my global attack resource then have to position myself hugging someone from behind before stealth runs out, pop assassin signet and backstab(with a cd) a moving target for 7000-8000 using hidden thief in cs line lol seems about right that a warrior can kneel at range and do a easy 20k unblockable lmao that's player driven balance right there and why this game has zero hope.

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Lol i play rifle warrior in unranked.


Playing that proves how little people pay attention in team fights and their surroundings, so I don't feel bad in the slightest. Rifle was garbo for the longest of times. It's a meme build people try to compare to deadeye even though the warrior takes a whole cast time to rev up kill shot. The other skills are there to literally set up the usual warrior combo on their melee set.


Heck, I even played it in gold and people STILL don't pay attention. Says more about the overall player skill than the build itself tbh.

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It’s not that bad compared to a lot of other builds. Their survivability isn’t anything problematic either; It’s just annoying.


Although on a whole unblockables are running a bit to rampant, and imo main burst should NEVER be unblockable. The only things that should be unblockable are:

Setup tools you need to land to make the core burst hurt.

Soft cc and boon strips as an option to pressure the block or set up on a block

and other mixup bait tools to directly punish blocks (in ways that aren’t pure damage, unless it specifically does more damage to blocking targets.)


Also GS whirl never needed the evade and it’s just survivability power creep and should be removed along with the rest of the games power culling.

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