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User Interface mechanics on new Map: Massive issues for Vision Impaired people.

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> @"Torzini.1523" said:

> Good lord, people like to complain about _everything_.


> Using the Raven shrines to get rid of the effect isn't hard. There's like one literally every ten feet in the area of the meta.


Not sure if its changed but it wasnt functioning like that when i went.

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I personally find it the whole opposite, it's a very nice mechanic that make it way far more immersive. It's just like the Brandstorm in Vabbi, or Sandstorm in Dry Top. But note I never play post-processing, I'm using high texture and native rendering that's all. No shadows and little shader.



-> Jora's keep is 100% protected, staying in it will not add any stack.

-> Use Raven shrines (the 3 ones you defend) to clear the effect.

-> {edit} It even seems thay the forest is 100% protected.


I wonder, you're partially colorblind or full colorblind? Maybe, putting the terrain in white, landscape in grey and shrines/sanctuaries in black can help?

Or if you are partial, increasing colors saturation and changing some colors.

Reducing the opacity of the effect too.

Some don't detect blue, some red, some green or the three.


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I hope there is something that can be done to help the vision-impaired among us. I haven't anything to add to the insightful comments above regarding the freeze effect but I note no one's talking about an easy (at least to me) workaround on the blue bubble concern: zoom out. I play zoomed out anyway since I have motion sickness issues with a close camera, and that blue bubble around me just makes my character easy to find in the crowd of one to two inch tall figures. I didn't even realize it could block visibility. Granted, I also have a big monitor with high resolution so I have a lot of spare screen real estate, so I don't know if it would work for folks with smaller views to start with.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

> > i haven't done the story yet, but i like what they're doing. it sounds more immersive. I hope they don't change it.


> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > So you're not working the mechanic. ...gotcha

> >


> > @"WhatLiesBeneath.9018" said:

> > Wow really? I love those effects, make it more immersive.


> > @"GummyBearSummoner.7941" said:

> > Stop your crying . You can avoid it but choose not to. Learn to play


> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > I haven’t experienced any visual issues but then I do have post processing turned off as I found it to be annoying in this game. Is that where the issue is?


> Please read the portion of the post where he stated, and has repeatedly stated over and over again throughout the thread that he already has issues with his vision, and is asking for a way for it to be turned off or lessened due to those issues.


> Which is not a bad idea, at all. More Options is never bad. Perhaps they shouldnt use visual impairments in a game that has way to many visual problems already. There are less annoying and intrusive ways for the mechanic to work, and they should have done one of those.


I agree, having more options is always a good thing. Giving those who want to turn it down is fair. People who don't want it turned down don't have to opt in. Options are always good.

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I take issue with this topic title for saying us, as well as any other title that does.

The episode was out hours before this topic states “you don’t listen.” Give them a week. To those who say this isn’t new, the npc aura just adds to the visual noise, like just how zoomed in do you play this game in pve?

I give you this is the most obstructive effect to the UI.

I sympathize with how it affects you.

I appreciate the fx for giving a total sense of this crippling cold.

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The effect is annoying to me, and I don't have visual impairments. My screen has somewhat poor contrast so the difference between the snow overlay and the environment is very low, and the extra levels of effect for high stack counts is excessive in my opinion.


That said, literally no amount of 'immersion' it adds justifies how inexplicably hostile some of these replies are. OP has a major issue with this minor system (easy to change; there was a similar issue with the 'branded' effect at PoF release) that you evidently cannot be bothered to empathize with, and if you cannot even make an attempt to understand the problem they have and respond with something that can be boiled down to "git gud" or "I don't have a problem so the problem can't exist," you are entirely irrelevant to the discussion of said problem.

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Sometimes, I honestly just have to facepalm at some of the complaints i see nowadays on these forums.


The whiteout effect is easily counterable by staying near a shrine and just running to it when you get a few stacks, the whiteout even at max stacks doesnt inhibit your view that much other than the outer edges of your screen, unless your playing at 100x100 resolution I'd say your overreacting about this. The mechanic is fine. the setup is fine, this is entirely a learn to play issue. You have the ability to wipe the buff at any time you want, if you choose not to do that, that is your choice.

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> @"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:

> The new map, has during storyline and during snowstorm an affect on the interface that makes me want to put my fist through the screen.

> It makes the game completely and utterly unplayable.

> Arenanet, now that I calmed down, I will ask politely: Why are you deliberately making playing the game impossible?

> The ice effect is too much, WAY too much. It makes me wanna TP out of the map on the spot.


> Once you hit half or more of a freezing stack, I cannot see anything anymore, No Enemy tags, no information inworld at all. I can only somewhat see the minimap and chat. That is it.

> It is as playing with your eyes closed.

> I have a vision issue and am colorblind.


> This freezing effect on screen has to go... not asking, saying... If you have any regards to visually impaired people, you have to conclude it has to go.


> Or optional turned off.

> Right now, whenever that happens, I TP out... ON THE SPOT... it is COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY unplayable. I simply went through storyline BLIND and where I am repeating storylines on multiple characters elsewhere, this one I will never EVER play again. And if future episodes have the same effect... I am out, I will quit.


> This was a very poorly design decision. Whomever thought that was a great idea... Consider us next time please?!?! What a monstrocety!!


Sorry OP for the many responses attacking you. As per usual, many people didn't read your entire post. I agree with visual effects and the ability to mute/dilute them with a toggle. That would be an incredible step toward making the gameplay inclusive.

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> @"Torzini.1523" said:

> Good lord, people like to complain about _everything_.


> Using the Raven shrines to get rid of the effect isn't hard. There's like one literally every ten feet in the area of the meta.


Did you miss the part of his post that points out he has vision issues - I would surmise that once the effect happens, he is unable to actually see much of what's going on at all, including finding the shrine. I mean, that's the whole point of his post, afterall.

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As a blind gamer I am unaffected by any changes to the UI. Part of the mechanic is to add a challenge to the game play by adding a component that hinders vision. That it is hard to see seems to be the point, and is something I remember from past games back when I had vision. The game is completely playable with hindered vision, and you still probably see far more than I do (My left eye can detect light and motion, but nothing more than that, I can't see what moves only that motion has occurred).


Try using audio to help out, and mitigate the mechanic with the solutions in the map. Think of this as an additional layer of complexity in combat to account for, as you would for any boss mechanic.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> Being colorblind has no effect with the white border. If you don’t want to get frostbite then go to a fire or raven shrine. It takes a fairly long time to get the number of stacks where it is annoying so blame yourself.


Indeed, or do it intentionally so you or other people can get the achievement for getting you out of the ice. :)

I like most things cold/snow/ice related so I have no problems with the screen going icy when you get more stacks.

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My colorblindness is mostly red/green combinations. But not the only ones.

The sensitivity has to do with white/bright light. For example, I cannot read this forum on it's default. Got software that allows me to change over the colors on a browser because default black letters on white is very hard for me. Reversed is much easier.

I am one of those using a filter when driving at night, and avoid it if I have to due to blinding lights of opposite traffic.


The reason I started this, has to do with the ability to have the option.


By no means do I want this to be completely removed. I don't want to mess with the immersiveness when it's enjoyed by so many. And quite honestly, I enjoy it too in other situations.


The Dry Top example is a great one, I have no problem with the sandstorm at all. It's not white.

Nor do I have any issues with blackening of the edges or the red (despite it being one of the main colors of my issue with colorblindness)


We have an option for example that allows us to disable camera shaking to prevent some people from getting motion sick.

For those enjoying that form of immersion, nothing changed.


So why not with these kind of effects?


Option to help some of us, without breaking the game for others. That's all I propose here.


And with that, I have said all I needed to say I think.

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> @"ruikarikun.9402" said:

> Disagree with you. I found it's interesting form me, seems it's depends on how some person like or not something but why do you think they must listen and do what you want because you didn't like it?:)


So, let me translate what you wrote:


"I read the headline of your post and maybe the first line, and drew a conclusion based on that without actually understanding the point you are trying to make about your vision issues. So I am going to answer with a quip and a smiley-face to make it all better."

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

> > i haven't done the story yet, but i like what they're doing. it sounds more immersive. I hope they don't change it.


> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > So you're not working the mechanic. ...gotcha

> >


> > @"WhatLiesBeneath.9018" said:

> > Wow really? I love those effects, make it more immersive.


> > @"GummyBearSummoner.7941" said:

> > Stop your crying . You can avoid it but choose not to. Learn to play


> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > I haven’t experienced any visual issues but then I do have post processing turned off as I found it to be annoying in this game. Is that where the issue is?


> Please read the portion of the post where he stated, and has repeatedly stated over and over again throughout the thread that he already has issues with his vision, and is asking for a way for it to be turned off or lessened due to those issues.


> Which is not a bad idea, at all. More Options is never bad. Perhaps they shouldnt use visual impairments in a game that has way to many visual problems already. There are less annoying and intrusive ways for the mechanic to work, and they should have done one of those.

Totally disagree, the game should not be designed with every possible condition taken into account while designing. the game needs to be designed for the majority and if you have medical conditions that cause you to have more of a problem than someone without, then it literally is just, sorry about that and you will need to deal with it. To design for the small percentage of people who may have conditions is not really feasible, see the ridiculous Trypophobia post that has been lurking around the forum.

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> @"kratan.4619" said:

> the game should not be designed with every possible condition taken into account while designing.

I agree, and in fact this was also something I said back when the Skyscale was released and people with limitations asked that the ball catch portion be removed. I was open to having the process adjusted, but I didn't think removal was the best solution. In the end, ArenaNet agreed to adjust the ball catch portion to have a more forgiving time limit per catch which was a solution that kept the content in, but also made it more accessible for people with motor skill issues.


Adding compromises or alternatives to the game is fine. Guild Wars 2 has always done this. Renown hearts with a wide range of eligible participation methods are a great example, and those are core game.


> if you have medical conditions that cause you to have more of a problem than someone without, then it literally is just, sorry about that and you will need to deal with it.


If you review this thread, you will find people without conditions at all who still find the effects overwhelming and against the 'reduction of visual noise' push the company keeps trying to say it's making. This problem with the icy screen is aesthetically and functionally bad, and there are better ways of indicating the same thing that would look and function better for everyone, not just people with visual issues.


> see the ridiculous Trypophobia post

Disappointed to see you haven't actually read it or understand what its purpose is. If you're curious, try reading the OP's entire first post. Don't be threatened just because you've read a thread title. Read what people are actually saying, learn new things, and try to improve the game you're playing.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> wait...... is people complaining about immersion now?


No, just complaining about everything.


In fairness, the gradually increasing frozen effect is cool and teaches you to play according to the mechanics of the Raven shrines and actually adds environmental damage in a slightly different way.


OP is overreacting by a mile, sure enough maybe there's a little too much clutter and the white out could be handled with more subtlety on the screen, but I rather enjoyed the dramatic visual - to add a counter voice to all those crying about this new effect.

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> @"Dondarrion.2748" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > wait...... is people complaining about immersion now?


> No, just complaining about everything.


> In fairness, the gradually increasing frozen effect is cool and teaches you to play according to the mechanics of the Raven shrines and actually adds environmental damage in a slightly different way.


> OP is overreacting by a mile, sure enough maybe there's a little too much clutter and the white out could be handled with more subtlety on the screen, but I rather enjoyed the dramatic visual - to add a counter voice to all those crying about this new effect.


Perhaps the OP could have written the title and his post differently. Everyone seems to focus on his/her disliking the effect but not take into account the reason why. Its a physical limitation that the player ran into. I can understand wanting to voice frustration. The nauseating effects of the initial mount release were tough on my better half. Perhaps if the OP had said, "it would be nice to have a setting to eliminate this 'feature' so those of us with vision issues could enjoy this content", the initial reaction people are having might not be so dismissive.


With all that said, while Anet can't cater to every possible disability or limitation, I'd be happy if they had some settings to disable some of the visuals. Those of us who want it all have to do nothing and those who need less get to turn it down.

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> @"ruikarikun.9402" said:

> Disagree with you. I found it's interesting form me, seems it's depends on how some person like or not something but why do you think they must listen and do what you want because you didn't like it?:)


if you read his post instead of just the title youll realize he has vision issues that make it impossible to play with the effect on. An option to turn the effect is a good idea, and more options are never bad. If you like the effect, leave it on. if you dont, you can turn it off.


As i said earlier, there are far better and less obtrusive ways to achieve the same concept.

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