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Are their bots in WVW?


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> @"jgeezz.7832" said:

> I believe that there are bots in WVW, a lot players say that they are real players but i say their is mainly due to the fact that they don't make any mistakes and they say with in 500-1000 range of a real player and will respond in 5 mins if down if not rez by a player. I say they are bots because i know i am not a great player but that would mean that in 50 to 100 kills they make no mistakes even Nooby has been killed in a fight 1 vs 3 these players using bots never get killed and have been hit by 2 times that many players and not died.


> I could be wrong but really do think so WvW really needs some devs to step and do something.


Bot quality in a game like GW2 is pretty low, they are not good at fighting, I have seen what the actual bots are like, they are very, very poor at fighting. What you are talking about here does not indicate a bot, but a player.


The player probably did make mistakes, but being a newer player you don't understand or see them. This is a learn to play issue. Keep in mind there are many SB and FB builds that are full support that can take on 3-4 people for extended periods if they know their rotations right, this is just a part of the poor balance state of the game right now.

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> Fun fact you have on EBG bot -commanders which are created by Arena.NET^^


Really what is the bots name. I know people are saying you are crazy Nooby everyone knows him he even makes mistakes, which is why i say there are bots. Also when in WVW and have you ever seen a line of players block a spawn all move at the exact same time, I really mean that i have come out of spawn to fight them roamers blocking a spawn and moved forward and watch the whole line back up.


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> @"jgeezz.7832" said:

> > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > Fun fact you have on EBG bot -commanders which are created by Arena.NET^^


> Really what is the bots name. I know people are saying you are crazy Nooby everyone knows him he even makes mistakes, which is why i say there are bots. Also when in WVW and have you ever seen a line of players block a spawn all move at the exact same time, I really mean that i have come out of spawn to fight them roamers blocking a spawn and moved forward and watch the whole line back up.



You DO know why they back up right?


It’s to prevent your easy return to the invulnerable area as they kick your butt.


Often they are in communications together...


This is your proof of ‘bots’?

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in the past there was this one minion manser necro who did the same thing all over again from spawn to cap camp etc., he does it 24 7 it was so funny. and it's more funny when you see him kill people. but i think he's a bot. he does the same thing all day without change on the dot on time per pve event south west camp. i'm sure some ppl in nsp remember this dude. just can't recall which server he was.

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There are a few suspicious instances my guild has noted recently where players sure as heck look like bots. lol. But that isn't the same thing. I know quite a few PVE folks who only rotate around flipping the same camps while chatting in voice. Can't say I've ever noticed anything that seemed wooden, robotic and obviously a troll. Other than Monkey of course. But he is very very real.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"jgeezz.7832" said:

> > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > > Fun fact you have on EBG bot -commanders which are created by Arena.NET^^

> >

> > Really what is the bots name. I know people are saying you are crazy Nooby everyone knows him he even makes mistakes, which is why i say there are bots. Also when in WVW and have you ever seen a line of players block a spawn all move at the exact same time, I really mean that i have come out of spawn to fight them roamers blocking a spawn and moved forward and watch the whole line back up.

> >


> You DO know why they back up right?


> It’s to prevent your easy return to the invulnerable area as they kick your butt.


> Often they are in communications together...


> This is your proof of ‘bots’?


As I understand it, he is suggesting that they all backup in unison. Several accounts moving in perfect synchronicity. This could be a sign of someone mutliboxing but having the accounts linked so controlling one controls all which is against the ToS. In fact, multiboxing in WvW is against the ToS even if the are controlling each separately.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> in the past there was this one minion manser necro who did the same thing all over again from spawn to cap camp etc., he does it 24 7 it was so funny. and it's more funny when you see him kill people. but i think he's a bot. he does the same thing all day without change on the dot on time per pve event south west camp. i'm sure some ppl in nsp remember this dude. just can't recall which server he was.


That sounds like a possible bot. This I could buy into.


The OP? Nope.

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> @"jgeezz.7832" said:

> > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > Fun fact you have on EBG bot -commanders which are created by Arena.NET^^


> Really what is the bots name. I know people are saying you are crazy Nooby everyone knows him he even makes mistakes, which is why i say there are bots. Also when in WVW and have you ever seen a line of players block a spawn all move at the exact same time, I really mean that i have come out of spawn to fight them roamers blocking a spawn and moved forward and watch the whole line back up.



They back up because when you get to close to an enemy spawn it pushes/ports you back. So if they are spawn camping or chasing you back into spawn, this is why. Go to a BL and try and run into the enemy spawn and you will see it happen. You can also abuse it to cover exits fast on the BL from SWC, just run up to the waterfall, and get on the little rock to the right and jump and turn into the water fall, it will push you back but it ends up porting you to the exit of the main SW enemy spawn. You kill someone at SWC and you know they are not coming back, so wait a little bit, for them to WP and exit out the main spawn exit, then jump into the waterfall and poof, you just ported to their exit BEHIND them, so they never see you coming as you are coming from their spawn direction.

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I suspect I came across one who is in the DH/CD linking. Core mes. Farmed them over and over and when they came to SC, they would follow the exact same path and stop at the exact same spot every time. I wont give out the guild tag of them. When they fought, it reminded me of fighting a bot in PvP...some actions didn't make sense and them fighting seemed oddly.....random with somewhat frequent pauses in movement you wouldn't see even from someone new in WvW

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Actually if anet wasn't so "farbot" sometimes they could easily find a bot all the way from Spawn of any map. If the character in question is a bot. A Combat bot will always be searching for a Target. Which means T to Target will always be the first choice and repeatedly spammed by the bot in order to find any viable enemy in it's field of vision. Once Targeted, close distance, it would change from T to Target to maybe a certain series of combat maneuvers. Since these maneuvers would allow the computer program to react faster than human reactions.....it would almost seem like series pattern would always occur and in sequence over and over and over again. Anet just has to pick up the series....or check the logs of characters that spammed certain actions. Like T to Target all the way from spawn to whatever location the bot was programmed to run to...most likely...camps and sentries.

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:) A combat bot from GW1 JQ and FA arena's will work on the same premises in GW2. Run to location. Attack NPC. How do think those bots in GW1...always reacted to finding a target and attacking it until death? Those bots were being run by Faction Farmers for the major guilds that held outpost's. Those bots were also being ran by Title Hunters. And those bots truly did exist. I have no doubt there is such a function of bots in GW2. What works for the goose, will work for the gander. What worked in GW1 will work in GW2...which means your going to have to finding a driving product of what sticks out for you know conclusively what your fighting is a bot. Did you know that you could fool a bot into continuous attacks at one location. The bots in Jade Quarry arena in Factions gw1...when they ported into the map near stair location...basically got STUCK on the stair location if you just stood there to meet them. They never attempted to bypass you, get behind you, maneuver, or go down the stairs. They literally stayed on the top of the stairs attacking the nearest target. Which happened to be you. And that's how we started to finally beat the bots. We just sent players at the stairs and held the stairs, and the bots would just get wiped each and every time while we ticked off the score. Of course Anet finally wised up and booted them. Took them three damn years....however there are bots that farm the jade sea still in one location, and Anet hasn't done anything to Dhuum those accounts yet. Mostly because nobody complains about the bots there no more. Now as for GW2....I havn't seen anything conclusively unless you count an entire guild that T to Targets you...and literally chases you from one side of the damn map....for a full three minutes to the OTHER side of the map. Without breaking off. Now that....I would call botting. 20-25 guild members chasing 1 player....from point A to point B over a period between 3 to 15 minutes....yah...i'm going to say something very very wrong is happening.

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> @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

> Now as for GW2....I havn't seen anything conclusively unless you count an entire guild that T to Targets you...and literally chases you from one side of the kitten map....for a full three minutes to the OTHER side of the map. Without breaking off. Now that....I would call botting. 20-25 guild members chasing 1 player....from point A to point B over a period between 3 to 15 minutes....yah...i'm going to say something very very wrong is happening.


But, but I love it when this happens and the Benny Hill theme starts playing. . .



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