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Unfinishable achiev "Dark Tools for Dark Times"


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So the situation is pretty easy. I'm trying to finish Joko's staff and earning the title "The inevitable". I have all the pieces apart the item "Palawa Joko's Staff Ornament" which is obtained ONLY by killing legendary wyvern bounty in Jahai Bluffs.


But there is nobody to help me.

Switched between several instances bur always the same result, map is empty while the map is the daily map!!

Asked for help, no answers.

Created a group, no answers.

Seek for a group on lfg, no group.

No coms in the 6 instances I've tried or they pop 20 seconds killing a champion and then disapear.


So here I am, I can't finish that. Tried several times always the same, just want to give up.

Tried to mentor one time, two peeps came but well we werent enough.


I find that dumb to lock that behind a legendary instead of, a veteran or even let's say an elite monster?


If anyone has advices....

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Jahai is pretty dead map. Last time I saw this map, there was only 1 player afking near the Sun's Refuge entrance. This map has some problems... it's bad for farming the currency — Mistonium (dissapearing rift events, almost nothing to gather). You know what's better now? Go to Bjora Marches and exchange Eternal Ice for any LS4 currency. There's enough of Eternal Ice to stay away from maps like Jahai.

You can get 30 mistonium from rift events, 5 or 6 from Shatterer and 15 from hearts. Let's say 50.

You need 125 of Eternal Ice to buy 50 Mistonium. I think it takes less time (gathering, chest, meta, daily, strike) than doing stuff in Jahai.

Maybe your guildmates can help (if you're in a guild).

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The current LS4 Daily Map is Jahai Bluffs, is be interested to see if the population spikes there and this is achievable today.


Otherwise I'd recommend starting to advertise shortly before the death branded shatterer event. People do travel there for the event and then leave afterwards because there is nothing else they want to do there.


If you provide people with something to do while waiting for the event they're more likely to help. If you don't get enough people then advertise during the event "going for legendary wyvern after event" and immediately afterwards tag up and say again that you're going for the wyvern. There's a much better chance of getting enough people that way.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> So the situation is pretty easy. I'm trying to finish Joko's staff and earning the title "The inevitable". I have all the pieces apart the item "Palawa Joko's Staff Ornament" which is obtained ONLY by killing legendary wyvern bounty in Jahai Bluffs.


> But there is nobody to help me.

> Switched between several instances bur always the same result, map is empty while the map is the daily map!!

> Asked for help, no answers.

> Created a group, no answers.

> Seek for a group on lfg, no group.

> No coms in the 6 instances I've tried or they pop 20 seconds killing a champion and then disapear.


> So here I am, I can't finish that. Tried several times always the same, just want to give up.

> Tried to mentor one time, two peeps came but well we werent enough.


> I find that dumb to lock that behind a legendary instead of, a veteran or even let's say an elite monster?


> If anyone has advices....


It is not unfinishable, it is old content and you are pretty late to do it.



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Thanks all for the advices, indeed it's an 'old' content but not as much as ls2/ls3 content. All the achievements should be doable anytime and not aiming with the time to 0% probability. Many are simply experiencing the new map. Or in WVW or doing fractals..


I'm playing on EU, more precisely Jade Sea. Currently played all the afternoon (note: map in daily) and saw nobody, only dead bushes. At the release I wasn't doing the achievs because my nerves broke due to the very expensive nullifications sigils at this time and the long requiem armor.

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I did this bounty on EU not too long ago for the same purpose and it wasn't hard to get a group. In fact, I've been around Jahai and Kourna quite a bit during that time and the maps have been surprisingly busy. Maybe I was just lucky, who knows. But it was before the current LWS Episode though and I think that might be the big issue. Contrary to popular belief ppl do not just play 2 hours of new content and move on. Bjora Marches is still pretty busy and ppl are eagerly farming their achievements/collections. I expect ppl who like to run Jahai & co (and yes, contrary to popular belief those exist, too) will come back when they're finished with the new stuff.

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when i was doing dead maps achievments, less played content like low level fractals achievs, or LS2 history achievments, my best luck was on **sundays**.... its seems that is on sundays that some achievments hunters are around. On sunday ur chance are larger to find some idle players who just want to help without much interest.



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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Thanks all for the advices, indeed it's an 'old' content but not as much as ls2/ls3 content. All the achievements should be doable anytime and not aiming with the time to 0% probability. Many are simply experiencing the new map. Or in WVW or doing fractals..


> I'm playing on EU, more precisely Jade Sea. Currently played all the afternoon (note: map in daily) and saw nobody, only dead bushes. At the release I wasn't doing the achievs because my nerves broke due to the very expensive nullifications sigils at this time and the long requiem armor.



They are doable. If you are in a guild you can ask some for help or you can ask friends. I never really had any problems doing achievements, even on old maps.


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