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Will I be able to unlock enough hero and mastery points ....


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Back to the game after a 4-year layoff. I'm trying to unlock the mounts and the extra 2 specializations for each class. I'm in Thorns atm doing the story. For the life of me I can't find or get to the hero or mastery points. The only thing I'm accomplishing is keeping the armor repair merchant in business.


Currently, I have level 3 springer, raptor and glider. Are there enough points in other areas to get what I need?

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First: keep in mind that each set of masteries (Core, HoT, PoF and now Icebrood Saga) gets XP and Mastery Points *separately*. So nothing you do in the jungle (HoT) affects your Mount (PoF) Masteries, and nothing in the desert will affect Gliding etc.


The HoT masteries are much slower to get than the PoF ones, so set your expectations accordingly.


It's good that you've stopped at rank 3 in mounts - get all four of Raptor, Springer, Skimmer amd Jackal to 3 before pushing *any* of them to 4. This will *vastly* improve your ability to get the landscape MPs.


A lot of MPs come from other sources than what you see on the map! *Many* achievements give them, including story steps! If you're trying to rank up materies without doing the story, that's going to be very hard.


**Hero Points**

The hero challenges in the desert tend to be easier than in the jungle, but in the jungle people still organise HP trains, going through each map as a group getting all the HP together.


Where you get them doesn't matter - you can spend them in whichever elite spec you want. Even those from Core maps work, though they alone won't be enough to unlock a full spec.


Focus on finishing one and use that - and don't slot a spec where you can't get a full traitline! For the HoT specs, this means it has to be basically fully unlocked; for PoF specs you get a full line earlier, but it's still limited.

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There are far more hero and mastery points in the game than you need to unlock everything, so you will be able to get all the specialisations and all the masteries trained and still be able to avoid some of them. Apart from the regional restrictions it's up to you which ones you focus on. With mastery points especially I recommend focusing on content you enjoy or want to do for other reasons. For example if you like Fractals it would be better to get core mastery points from there and skip the story achievements, but if you're more of a solo player and prefer doing the story you might want to skip Fractals.


One thing I do recommend is trying the adventures in HoT and PoF. They're short and many of them are relatively simple so even if it's not something you enjoy it can be a quick way to get points and will save having to do some of the more difficult achievements.


Hero points are a bit different because challenges in expansion maps give 10 points, whereas ones in core Tyria give 1, so it's much quicker to focus on the expansion maps but the challenges are generally harder. You can sometimes find 'HP train' groups in LFG who will go around all the challenges in an areas doing them together, or you can get to the location and then wait for other people to show up, or ask in map chat. Or of course ask your friends or guilds to help you.


You can also unlock hero points by playing WvW to earn [Testimonies of Heroics](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Testimony_of_Heroics "Testimonies of Heroics") from rank and skirmish chests and then exchanging them at a Heroics Notary for scrolls which automatically complete a random PoF or HoT hero challenge. You need 1 testimony for each hero point, so it would take a while (unless you've already got a lot) but it's another option.

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> @"BadHealer.3608" said:

> In the middle of HoT you should have enough skill points for both classes.


Not unless you have *everything* from Core too - there are 400 Hero Points to get in HoT, each spec need 250. Core offers approx 200, all from 1p challenges.


Assuming no significant amount of surplus HP you'll have enough to finish *one* elite spec a little bit into Tangled Depths. Also, several challenges need masteries to get to without help.

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I started to play a few months ago. It's very easy. As for hero points you need to grab them in PoF/HoT maps.

Choose first specialization and rush PoF maps (raptor, springer with vault minimum that you need). You can finish 250 hero points in a few hours depends on you.


Also you can grab some mastery insights (check Dulfy detailed guides [dulfy.net/2017/09/26/gw2-path-of-fire-mastery-insights-guide/](http://dulfy.net/2017/09/26/gw2-path-of-fire-mastery-insights-guide/))


Rest Hero points you can grab in HoT maps, some will need you to join group. It will took some time.



Also you can grab some Mastery Insights and Strongboxes on each HoT map for some start to unlock some basic or even more mastery skills.

Check guides like this [dulfy.net/2015/10/30/gw2-verdant-brinks-mastery-insights-and-strongboxes-guide/](http://dulfy.net/2015/10/30/gw2-verdant-brinks-mastery-insights-and-strongboxes-guide/) You will find more for other map in that site. In 80% cases you will need basic glider and some other things. But while you will progress it you will unlock all you need for it.

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Central Tyrian mastery points will be a bit tricky as these require fractals and/or some expensive achievements to complete. The Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire mastery points have so much points in excess of those you need that you can easily skip some that you may find difficult.


Hero points are relatively easy, but just take time. If you play a lot of WvW you can skip them by buying proofs of heroics from the WvW merchants.

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  • 7 months later...

I am very disappointed with the way they have made the ability to upgrade your mount. I am level 80, I earned the first level mount. I have been working for 2 weeks to try to get enough hero points in the expansion "Path of Fire", I solo play, I have purchased weapons and armor from the in-game store. I can do any level 80 quests in any other zone solo, except Path of Fire. The Hero points from the Hero challenge are though to do solo, I can only complete about 1/3 solo. I have spent over 30 gold just today with porting and repairs because I have died so much. I do not understand why you can only earn hero points for Mounts in Path of Fire. I am very discouraged and might just delete the game. I don't need the stress I am making for myself, by trying to complete stuff in this expansion. Covid 19 is stress enough.

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> @"Chavia.1729" said:

> I am very disappointed with the way they have made the ability to upgrade your mount. I am level 80, I earned the first level mount. I have been working for 2 weeks to try to get enough hero points in the expansion "Path of Fire", I solo play, I have purchased weapons and armor from the in-game store. I can do any level 80 quests in any other zone solo, except Path of Fire. The Hero points from the Hero challenge are though to do solo, I can only complete about 1/3 solo. I have spent over 30 gold just today with porting and repairs because I have died so much. I do not understand why you can only earn hero points for Mounts in Path of Fire. I am very discouraged and might just delete the game. I don't need the stress I am making for myself, by trying to complete stuff in this expansion. Covid 19 is stress enough.


I think you mean mastery points mate have you tried the link in this very thread to guide you to more commune points?



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> @"Chavia.1729" said:

> I am very disappointed with the way they have made the ability to upgrade your mount. I am level 80, I earned the first level mount. I have been working for 2 weeks to try to get enough hero points in the expansion "Path of Fire", I solo play, I have purchased weapons and armor from the in-game store. I can do any level 80 quests in any other zone solo, except Path of Fire. The Hero points from the Hero challenge are though to do solo, I can only complete about 1/3 solo. I have spent over 30 gold just today with porting and repairs because I have died so much. I do not understand why you can only earn hero points for Mounts in Path of Fire. I am very discouraged and might just delete the game. I don't need the stress I am making for myself, by trying to complete stuff in this expansion. Covid 19 is stress enough.


There's a few things here which might be causing you problems.


1) You need mastery points for mount abilities, not hero points. I'm hoping you just mixed the names up (because that's really easy to do) but if you've actually been doing hero point challenges - the ones with the yellow/green arrow icons - that will be a big part of your problem because they don't give you the kind of points you need to unlock mount abilities. (Hero points are used to trait elite specialisations for your character, they're useful, just not for mounts.)


2) [Mastery points come from a variety of places](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mastery_point_unlocks#Path_of_Fire_mastery_points), including completing Path of Fire story steps, finding them in the world and doing achievements. You can see a full list on the Wiki, or use the achievement menu in-game - anything which gives Path of Fire mastery points will be marked with a purple star icon. If you're focusing just on the challenges in the open-world maps you'll find there's very few available and at least some are very difficult, for example there's some in Crystal Oasis which I don't think you can get until you have the springer, skimmer or jackal and some of their lower tier masteries trained up, so those points are only useful for the later tier masteries.


3) You say you purchased weapons and armour from the in-game store. Which store? If you got stuff from the gem store then it's irrelevant because those are only skins and do not make your equipment any better at all. If it's the Trading Post then it depends on what you got. GW2 isn't a game where you can simply out level/gear the content, you need to make sure you've got the right stats for your build and know how to use them effectively. For example if you've got equipment with beserker stats (power, precision and ferocity) you'll have high direct damage, but need to use weapons to match. Weapons which cause a lot of conditions have lower base damage, so even with the boost from the stats you won't be doing much damage over all. You'll also have absolutely no passive defense (armour or extra health) which makes you very easy to kill, so you need to be good at dodging and kiting to survive.


There's no single right way to gear your character or stat choice which is right for absolutely everyone, but if you can tell us what profession you're playing and what weapons you're using we can recommend some things.

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