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Conditions and some words about them


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My dislike for conditions in PvP and why*


*Just an opinionated rant. I'm speaking as an average ranked player, not the upper echelon of the most skilled sPvP players.





### TL;DR

* DoT abilities should never be a main source of damage in a PvP setting, only supplementary.

* Every profession should only have access to a set few conditions that match their theme. Having to deal with cleansing **AND** avoiding cleansing "blanket" conditions is super frustrating.

* Condition application is too frequent for the damage it can do and the amount of them that can be output.




### Why are they unhealthy for a PvP environment?


They are a low risk, high reward damage source as they are designed now. It's easy to spec into being tanky _with_ high condition damage. This allows people to play offensively and defensively at the same time which is "ideal" but not healthy for PvP in a game. A major part of what makes PvP fun (for me at least) is having to read your opponent and situation to know when to switch between defense/offense. Being able to do both at once turns fights into a battle of attrition and puts people who are not built for offense/defense simultaneously at a instant disadvantage.


With the amount of different conditions that can be applied by a single profession it can make cleansing difficult if not impossible at some points. Not to mention it's child's play to bait out cleanses with minor condition application or blanket conditions since the sources from which to apply conditions are usually pretty varied. The sheer number of conditions that can be output by something like DrD, Mirage, FB, or Necro while being able to avoid/tank damage is staggering. You also usually can apply them in an AoE and they have little to no tell and are very hard to read.


Getting to the crux of the question, they are unhealthy because they promote a "fire and forget" gameplay style that allows for simultaneous defense/offense. Conditions should come with drawbacks just like power. Going "full condition" should require you to sacrifice some defensive capabilities **OR** conditions should be a slow burn effect that only partly contribute to your damage overall.




Problem conditions


### Burning

Burning is way too strong (this is coming from someone who just started playing fire weaver). You can absolutely delete someone with 6-10 stacks of burning in a second or two if they don't have a cleanse up. Not to mention you can apply them faster than a majority of people can cleanse so even if they do cleanse I'll have my burn application abilities up again before they can cleanse it again. Burn FB can also accomplish something similar. It's not like the burning stacks are built up over time, they show up in quick succession and if you let them tick more than once then RIP. For burning I would suggest a decrease in the amount of stacks that can be applied at once in proportion to an increase in the time they last. That way you can provide supplementary damage and if ignored for a long time the damage will become major but not hit all at once. The idea would be to apply a constant stream of 1-3 stacks of burning weaved in with small bursts of power damage.


### Cripple/Immob


There just need to be less sources of this. It's common, it's annoying, and can be easily used to cover damaging conditions. It's just not fun to play at points where you have 100% cripple up time because you can't waste a cleanse on it. It wont win someone a fight it's just not enjoyable to play against. I'll repeat this several times **Taking away or reducing a players agency is not a fun game mechanic.** This is why stuns are (usually) short and few and far between. Cripple/Immob isn't a stun but it still reduces the agency the player has.


### Chill


This condition alone can shut down the whole profession of elementalist and is downright annoying on any other. As above, **Taking away or reducing a players agency is not a fun game mechanic.**. Not only does this slow you more than cripple, it slows your ability to react with skills. It's more or less an "almost stun" but usually lasts much longer and "breaking out" of it requires you to waste a cleanse you should be saving for damaging conditions. For this one I would remove the speed reduction and instead of causing all skills to go on longer cooldown only increase the cooldown of skills that are used during the chills uptime.


### Slow


See **Chill**


### Confusion


This is in a similar boat as burning. You shouldn't be able to stack enough confession to straight up kill someone with it **especially** since it targets your opponents agency. This should be a slow burn effect that racks up major damage over time if your opponent goes a long time without paying attention to it.



These are only the ones I see as major "issue" conditions, the others can be addressed by reducing the number of stacks of them that can be applied.





Common rebuttals



### "Just dodge"

No u


### "If you reduce conditions to a slow DoT effect, they'll be worthless!"

Only if you don't reapply them when cleansed. Conditions are essentially **Damage Over Time** effects, the key word being **TIME**. They should take time to really take effect. Being able to stack up enough conditions to kill someone in 1-2 ticks basically eliminates the time element.


### "If you reduce condition build's defenses they wont be able to stay alive long enough to kill someone"

I said reduce, not delete. If you build for high condition damage you should be tankier than a glass power build but not be an M1 Abrams.


### "These kind of changes would make power build meta and condi builds completely obsolete!"

Good, full condition builds in PvP is not a fun mechanic to play against. Conditions should be a tactic that contributes to you winning a fight, not the entire reason you win it.

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everything you said could be ok but not right now when most of the classes have a lot of condi removal. there is power creep in everything: damage, condis, healing, boons, evading/blocking. in older days of gw2 condis were way less powerful but so were condi removal skills. condis were counter to high toughness builds with high protection uptime.

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> @"Nix.3152" said:

> everything you said could be ok but now right now when most of the classes have a lot of condi removal. there is power creep in everything: damage, condis, healing, boons, evading/blocking. in older days of gw2 condis were way less powerful but so were condi removal skills. condis were counter to high toughness builds with high protection uptime.


This is a good point. My complaints would have to come with reductions to condi cleanse as well. It's more an symptom of overall power creep.

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Your problem condition list seems a bit biased imo.


I find chill a bit hard to understand because its kind of rare outside of necromancer which in itself has had great number of chill nerfs. Really you dont feel chill hurting your mobility unless you are a ele or another necromancer so im troubling to understand that one. Ive ran super invested chill builds against people and only then do they find it annoying and that requires trait rune, and weapon, and utility investment to really drive it home.

Cripple is a bit too common but it kind of has to be if both the chill and cripple conditions also reduced movement skills like they use to i could agree on cutting back cripple durations a bit more but as of right now both chill and cripple are not that big a deals for most professions.


Especially on keep away professions that need conditions like chill and cripple whats also not fun is having a profession with super limited mobility and have someone dance around you because their base speed is greater, they have more evades, or more movement skills in their weapon kit.


Slow, like chill, is pretty rare pretty much only used by chronos which are rare in pvp today. The only other common source of slow is arcane thievery which is sad really i want to see more things in the game actually be able to apply slow where it makes sense that it could.


burning just does too much in general in pvp it needs to be scaled down which no one is going to argue but the problem here might be more so with the counts of burning that can be stacked at one time.


immobile is pretty rare especially in long durations usually only ranger can apply long durations of this and what use to be mesmer with CI i for the most part thing immobe is fine no one has a ton of it anymore aside from ranger with entangle.


What about bleed, torment, and poison?

This is why im starting to think your problem condition list is a bit bias, all conditions are problematic in some way or none of them are in most cases you cant just pick out a few that might bother what you play the most which is what it seems like you might have done.


That said i dont discredit the facts you pointed out and the topic / conversation you want to bring about with your post this is a interesting way of looking at combat and some other games are made where conditions are pretty much almost a non factor but that starts to limit diversity if you cut things back too much or it becomes unfair if you limit it so that only 1 profession is capable of really still working with conditions well while others cannont by almost any means.


What about lowering condition caps in general?


If you want to limit conditions just limit the max caps to a lower number in competitive settings if no damaging condition could stack above 10 counts then that would limit how much condition damage could be done at max at any given time by any given build or profession. Even if application was constant nothing would be stacking about 10 counts which would encourage a min max play style for condition builds to weave in and out from offensive to defensive play styles there would be no reason to over pressure someone at the max condition count by trying to drown them in more condition.


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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:>

> > What about lowering condition caps in general?

> >

> As long as you limit the amount of damage you can take from power if multiple targets are hitting you.


most power damage is fine the issue with power strikes over performing is the insane might gen that alot of professions have. You tone the might down and their goes their damage. its not quite the same with conditions right now.


Right now some condition builds perform like power builds while keeping the sustain that running a condition build provides. ITs naturally for condition builds to have more sustain so that the conditions have time to do damage and so that you can survive while waiting for that damage to be done. But for example weaver burn combos melt you like you ate at a power burst combo from a warrior and that should not be a thing in the game.



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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> Your problem condition list seems a bit biased imo.


> I find chill a bit hard to understand because its kind of rare outside of necromancer which in itself has had great number of chill nerfs. Really you dont feel chill hurting your mobility unless you are a ele or another necromancer so im troubling to understand that one. Ive ran super invested chill builds against people and only then do they find it annoying and that requires trait rune, and weapon, and utility investment to really drive it home.

> Cripple is a bit too common but it kind of has to be if both the chill and cripple conditions also reduced movement skills like they use to i could agree on cutting back cripple durations a bit more but as of right now both chill and cripple are not that big a deals for most professions.


> Especially on keep away professions that need conditions like chill and cripple whats also not fun is having a profession with super limited mobility and have someone dance around you because their base speed is greater, they have more evades, or more movement skills in their weapon kit.


> Slow, like chill, is pretty rare pretty much only used by chronos which are rare in pvp today. The only other common source of slow is arcane thievery which is sad really i want to see more things in the game actually be able to apply slow where it makes sense that it could.


> burning just does too much in general in pvp it needs to be scaled down which no one is going to argue but the problem here might be more so with the counts of burning that can be stacked at one time.


> immobile is pretty rare especially in long durations usually only ranger can apply long durations of this and what use to be mesmer with CI i for the most part thing immobe is fine no one has a ton of it anymore aside from ranger with entangle.


> What about bleed, torment, and poison?

> This is why im starting to think your problem condition list is a bit bias, all conditions are problematic in some way or none of them are in most cases you cant just pick out a few that might bother what you play the most which is what it seems like you might have done.


> That said i dont discredit the facts you pointed out and the topic / conversation you want to bring about with your post this is a interesting way of looking at combat and some other games are made where conditions are pretty much almost a non factor but that starts to limit diversity if you cut things back too much or it becomes unfair if you limit it so that only 1 profession is capable of really still working with conditions well while others cannont by almost any means.


> What about lowering condition caps in general?


> If you want to limit conditions just limit the max caps to a lower number in competitive settings if no damaging condition could stack above 10 counts then that would limit how much condition damage could be done at max at any given time by any given build or profession. Even if application was constant nothing would be stacking about 10 counts which would encourage a min max play style for condition builds to weave in and out from offensive to defensive play styles there would be no reason to over pressure someone at the max condition count by trying to drown them in more condition.



It is biased, I started with saying it's an opinionated rant. The reason the list is short is just because I'm at work and decided to cut things short and lump the rest I didn't cover into a generalization. I just target the ones I find to be the most annoying, personally.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:>

> > > What about lowering condition caps in general?

> > >

> > As long as you limit the amount of damage you can take from power if multiple targets are hitting you.


> **most power damage is fine the issue with power strikes over performing is the insane might gen that alot of professions have.** You tone the might down and their goes their damage. its not quite the same with conditions right now.


> Right now some condition builds perform like power builds while keeping the sustain that running a condition build provides. ITs naturally for condition builds to have more sustain so that the conditions have time to do damage and so that you can survive while waiting for that damage to be done. But for example weaver burn combos melt you like you ate at a power burst combo from a warrior and that should not be a thing in the game.



The limit idea is just bad....player A interacting with player B should have no impact on me, player C, interacting with player A.


The point about sustain..some of the current and historic builds with the highest sustain have been power builds? Condi builds don't inherently have more sustain than power builds.


This is my problem with this entire argument every time it comes up and its always, in the most general sense:

"Insert condi build here is a problem so all conditions are a problem" VS "Insert power build here is an issue and here are the points that are causing that build to be an issue".


You specifically mention fire weaver but if all conditions were a problem then this build would have always been an issue but it wasn't until the fire line and ele burning got a buff. Where are my complaints about condi engi, condi warrior, condi ranger, rev? When one of them gets a condi build thats strong are all conditions to blame once again? Where were the complaints about fire weaver before the buff? There weren't any because non-mender water weaver was considered bad.


Its even in your post in bold. "Power builds that generate a lot of might are an issue" VS "Some condi builds are over-tuned so the damage type is OP and needs handicapping". People need to get over the bias and generalisation. Conditions in general are mostly fine, just like power is mostly fine. Just there are some build in both that are over-tuned.


I would go as far as to say that condi as a damage type is weak. Because in the current game state cleanse is so high that if you aren't on a build that puts out a lot of variety, reapplication or both you are borderline irrelevant.





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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> It is biased, I started with saying it's an opinionated rant. The reason the list is short is just because I'm at work and decided to cut things short and lump the rest I didn't cover into a generalization. I just target the ones I find to be the most annoying, personally.


Understandable and knowing this your list makes more sense to me.

I personally find burning very frustrating to deal with (in high counts) and immoblize depending on how it was applied. When a ranger does it its "how annoying but i can handle this" when the old mesmer CI was doing it it was just **bang head against desk or wall** level infuriating.


But all conditions are problematic in some way. I personally think torment should not exist in the game in its current form and that the way torment works should have just been how bleed works from the start.

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:>

> > > > What about lowering condition caps in general?

> > > >

> > > As long as you limit the amount of damage you can take from power if multiple targets are hitting you.

> >

> > **most power damage is fine the issue with power strikes over performing is the insane might gen that alot of professions have.** You tone the might down and their goes their damage. its not quite the same with conditions right now.

> >

> > Right now some condition builds perform like power builds while keeping the sustain that running a condition build provides. ITs naturally for condition builds to have more sustain so that the conditions have time to do damage and so that you can survive while waiting for that damage to be done. But for example weaver burn combos melt you like you ate at a power burst combo from a warrior and that should not be a thing in the game.

> >

> >

> The limit idea is just bad....player A interacting with player B should have no impact on me, player C, interacting with player A.


To be honest that was just a quick idea but probably not the best one, but i see what you mean the issue is more player A melting player B quicker than power build Player C can nuke Player B when anet said conditions are explicitly not suppose to work that way.



> This is my problem with this entire argument every time it comes up and its always, in the most general sense:

> "Insert condi build here is a problem so all conditions are a problem" VS "Insert power build here is an issue and here are the points that are causing that build to be an issue".


Most power builds are not as safe as alot of the condition builds they are compared to lets not forget this the safest power build was high evasion staff thief which was using the bugged staff 3 and we saw what happened so expect the same to condition builds that are called out within similar reasoning.



> You specifically mention fire weaver but if all conditions were a problem then this build would have always been an issue but it wasn't until the fire line and ele burning got a buff. Where are my complaints about condi engi, condi warrior, condi ranger, rev? When one of them gets a condi build thats strong are all conditions to blame once again? Where were the complaints about fire weaver before the buff? There weren't any because non-mender water weaver was considered bad.


I mentioned fire weaver as an example but you can also look at poison thief or staff mirage before the nerfs if you like, heck even firebrand. Weaver is probably one of my least concerning elites when it comes to looking at the annoyance of conditions.


And i dont even think the fire line buff was the issue the issue was specifically just weaver with primordial stance and being able to perform evades while it pulsed generally speaking you just cant fight a weaver till they leave fire or their stances are not active because its over punishing to be in melee range of them that said kiting is a solution.


As far as condi engi, warrior, ranger and rev (which they all do have builds some which solid believe it or not) are not complained about because they dont instantly melt you after landing afew taps and are not as safe while applying their conditions or their applications have very blunt down times in which if you evade or clense burst you have ample time combat them.


There are reasons why those builds are not complained about because they are seen as more balanced properly than some of the other major offenders (most of which are just too safe for the damage they deal)



> Its even in your post in bold. "Power builds that generate a lot of might are an issue" VS "Some condi builds are over-tuned so the damage type is OP and needs handicapping". People need to get over the bias and generalisation. Conditions in general are mostly fine, just like power is mostly fine. Just there are some build in both that are over-tuned.


Once again one example of many i could list out my issue with each condition if you wanted because almost all of them have something i dont like about them but then again they are conditions you are not suppose to like them when they are on you. I could say i have a small issue with each condition and in some cases its not on what its doing to me its on what its not doing to the target its applied to.



> I would go as far as to say that condi as a damage type is weak. Because in the current game state cleanse is so high that if you aren't on a build that puts out a lot of variety, reapplication or both you are borderline irrelevant.


Cleanses are high because condition pressure is high it only make sense dont say conditions are weak just because people run cleanses that makes no sense.

Everyone runs a generous amount of cleanse because they dont want to be instantly melted if they happen to take a few hits but those few hits applied 10 burn or some how you ended up with 22 confusion 15 torment etc.


Wide verity does not always mean its better though it can mean that only if everyone is like that though.

So long as most professions only have 1 or 2 conditions to focus on it will mean your stack counts reach insane numbers very fast which causes people to instantly melt if anything i would prefer everyone had a wider spread, for longer durations, with much much lower stack counts (similar to what you see with core necormancer) so its not instantly killing you. Especially if you apply your conditions extremely safely.



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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:



> I never said power wasn't also broken but I find condi more annoying so that's what I'm addressing here.


i don't see how having a chance to fight back and clean everything is annoying, annoying to me is not having a chance to fight back

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:>

> > > > What about lowering condition caps in general?

> > > >

> > > As long as you limit the amount of damage you can take from power if multiple targets are hitting you.

> >

> > **most power damage is fine the issue with power strikes over performing is the insane might gen that alot of professions have.** You tone the might down and their goes their damage. its not quite the same with conditions right now.

> >

> > Right now some condition builds perform like power builds while keeping the sustain that running a condition build provides. ITs naturally for condition builds to have more sustain so that the conditions have time to do damage and so that you can survive while waiting for that damage to be done. But for example weaver burn combos melt you like you ate at a power burst combo from a warrior and that should not be a thing in the game.

> >

> >

> The limit idea is just bad....player A interacting with player B should have no impact on me, player C, interacting with player A.


> The point about sustain..some of the current and historic builds with the highest sustain have been power builds? Condi builds don't inherently have more sustain than power builds.


> This is my problem with this entire argument every time it comes up and its always, in the most general sense:

> "Insert condi build here is a problem so all conditions are a problem" VS "Insert power build here is an issue and here are the points that are causing that build to be an issue".


> You specifically mention fire weaver but if all conditions were a problem then this build would have always been an issue but it wasn't until the fire line and ele burning got a buff. Where are my complaints about condi engi, condi warrior, condi ranger, rev? When one of them gets a condi build thats strong are all conditions to blame once again? Where were the complaints about fire weaver before the buff? There weren't any because non-mender water weaver was considered bad.


> Its even in your post in bold. "Power builds that generate a lot of might are an issue" VS "Some condi builds are over-tuned so the damage type is OP and needs handicapping". People need to get over the bias and generalisation. Conditions in general are mostly fine, just like power is mostly fine. Just there are some build in both that are over-tuned.


> I would go as far as to say that condi as a damage type is weak. Because in the current game state cleanse is so high that if you aren't on a build that puts out a lot of variety, reapplication or both you are borderline irrelevant.






I never said power didn't have its issues and I did say this is an opinionated rant in the fine print. They both have their broken builds but here I'm addressing condi because I find it more annoying than power, personally, my opinion. I'm not trying trying to change anyone's mind one way or another, I'm just venting my frustration after having faced condi after condi after condi build in sPvP. I also do not like getting 100-0 by rifle warrior at the moment but they are easier to deal with and are fewer than the constant condi I run into.

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:


> >

> > I never said power wasn't also broken but I find condi more annoying so that's what I'm addressing here.


> i don't see how having a chance to fight back and clean everything is annoying, annoying to me is not having a chance to fight back


That's just my point, you don't really have anymore of a chance to fight back than with those power builds. Instead of being "Bang" -dead from a rifle warrior one shooting you; you get covered, cleanse, get covered, cleanse, get covered _"you are out of cleanses"_ and end up hobbling around in slow motion while your face melts in <2 seconds. It's my opinion anyways, I'm not trying to convince you one way or the other.

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> Fire Weaver, condi-Firebrand, and condi-DrD (more so before nerfs) are emblematic of bursty condi application while having very strong sustain. Rather than nerf conditions across the board, just focus on these overtuned builds.


They can but it will just be a matter of time until something else's condi is buffed into the same state. They should really come up with some over arching metrics and limits around how much of something a profession can do and how often and make sure to keep each profession under a threshold. *Same goes for power* Some people seem to be irked if I don't mention power in equal part

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> there are literarly 2-3 viable condi builds in pvp.

> 1 cmirage

> 2 core necro

> and 3 weaver.

> honorable mention c thief?

> meanwhile there is 10+ power builds, take your condi hate away.

> I 100% disagree with everything but burning, but its class specific.


**I don't have enough cleanses to remove the hate**, so have some more. It really isn't necessary for PvP. You can tell by the lack of heavy use of DoT skills in _most_ other PvP games. They do exist, but nothing to the extent of what GW2 boasts. The only "condi" builds there should be are hybrid builds at best. With anet and how they balance PvP it either ends up being OP or useless, I would rather it just be useless and go full tilt into power.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > there are literarly 2-3 viable condi builds in pvp.

> > 1 cmirage

> > 2 core necro

> > and 3 weaver.

> > honorable mention c thief?

> > meanwhile there is 10+ power builds, take your condi hate away.

> > I 100% disagree with everything but burning, but its class specific.


> **I don't have enough cleanses to remove the hate**, so have some more. It really isn't necessary for PvP. You can tell by the lack of heavy use of DoT skills in _most_ other PvP games. They do exist, but nothing to the extent of what GW2 boasts. The only "condi" builds there should be are hybrid builds at best. With anet and how they balance PvP it either ends up being OP or useless, I would rather it just be useless and go full tilt into power.


removing condi will just make revenant and other anti power builds fucking disgustingly broken, but I guess that is what happens when people that are incapable of looking 1 step forward wanna make changes.

If that happens we would see monkey warriors facetank power dmg for days, clowns running full toughtness sets with perma prot taking no damage, FuN



condi is kinda annoying me so I want it gone, OpS balance even more broken, now time to nerf half the fucking roster becouse their counters got deleted.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > there are literarly 2-3 viable condi builds in pvp.

> > > 1 cmirage

> > > 2 core necro

> > > and 3 weaver.

> > > honorable mention c thief?

> > > meanwhile there is 10+ power builds, take your condi hate away.

> > > I 100% disagree with everything but burning, but its class specific.

> >

> > **I don't have enough cleanses to remove the hate**, so have some more. It really isn't necessary for PvP. You can tell by the lack of heavy use of DoT skills in _most_ other PvP games. They do exist, but nothing to the extent of what GW2 boasts. The only "condi" builds there should be are hybrid builds at best. With anet and how they balance PvP it either ends up being OP or useless, I would rather it just be useless and go full tilt into power.


> removing condi will just make revenant and other anti power builds kitten disgustingly broken, but I guess that is what happens when people that are incapable of looking 1 step forward wanna make changes.

> If that happens we would see monkey warriors facetank power dmg for days, clowns running full toughtness sets with perma prot taking no damage, FuN



> condi is kinda annoying me so I want it gone, OpS balance even more broken, now time to nerf half the kitten roster becouse their counters got deleted.




> but I guess that is what happens when people that are incapable of looking 1 step forward wanna make changes.

> but I guess that is what happens when people that are incapable of looking 1 step forward wanna make changes.

> but I guess that is what happens when people that are incapable of looking 1 step forward wanna make changes.

> but I guess that is what happens when people that are incapable of looking 1 step forward wanna make changes.


Oh by golly gee, you sure got me there!....keep your passive aggressive comments at home. PvP is toxic enough without them.


Seriously though, I have not said nor been suggesting power is A-Okay and needs no changes. If you did reduce condi's prevalence there would obviously have to be other changes. You're throwing out this what-about-ism with power but that's not what I'm addressing here. I dislike playing against condi so I'm addressing condi. This isn't a "how to balance and fix all PvP" thread.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > Fire Weaver, condi-Firebrand, and condi-DrD (more so before nerfs) are emblematic of bursty condi application while having very strong sustain. Rather than nerf conditions across the board, just focus on these overtuned builds.


> They can but it will just be a matter of time until something else's condi is buffed into the same state. They should really come up with some over arching metrics and limits around how much of something a profession can do and how often and make sure to keep each profession under a threshold. *Same goes for power* Some people seem to be irked if I don't mention power in equal part


I think Zdragon hit the nail on the head, and that is fixing the condi applications of these offenders rather than mass nerfs, and making so you aren't necessarily 100% unable to do anything about it helpless. Like if a class dazes and stuns you and puts 15 burns on you and instantly melts you, to me thats not good, perhaps without those 15 burns it would be ok like 3-4 burns at once but not 15.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > > Fire Weaver, condi-Firebrand, and condi-DrD (more so before nerfs) are emblematic of bursty condi application while having very strong sustain. Rather than nerf conditions across the board, just focus on these overtuned builds.

> >

> > They can but it will just be a matter of time until something else's condi is buffed into the same state. They should really come up with some over arching metrics and limits around how much of something a profession can do and how often and make sure to keep each profession under a threshold. *Same goes for power* Some people seem to be irked if I don't mention power in equal part


> I think Zdragon hit the nail on the head, and that is fixing the condi applications of these offenders rather than mass nerfs, and making so you aren't necessarily 100% unable to do anything about it helpless. Like if a class dazes and stuns you and puts 15 burns on you and instantly melts you, to me thats not good, perhaps without those 15 burns it would be ok like 3-4 burns at once but not 15.


I would be okay with that if I trusted Anet to keep it balanced but as soon as they nerf the OP builds you know something else is going to get boosted to OP next patch. Me, personally, I would rather just not have condi be prevalent in PvP at all than having to keep dealing with the rollercoaster of condi builds that pop up from patch to patch.

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