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Core Power Mesmer Is Nasty Toxic Nonesense

Trevor Boyer.6524

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Yeah, I know there's l2p. Especially since that was my first time seeing it. It was also my first match of the day (warmup), right at the start of the match.


I'm not saying anything about changing the build. Just that it felt like crap playing against it and the rest of the meme team it was on:


![](https://i.imgur.com/DQu80qN.jpg "")


At least one of the Daredevils was a 1-shot backstab build too (25K from stealth). They kept my team of random solos on respawn. Yeah it was unranked shenanigans, but I think there is something to be said about how these experiences drive people away.

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> Ouchies :cry:


> https://streamable.com/v6ksk


First of all, you could hear mes stealth.

Sec of all he whiffed and you should punish

Third of all, did you srsl follow up his combo with ambush?


Its hillarious becouse I see people do this exact thing all the time, I just evade it and laught at them lol.


Diut in the vide 1 Whiffed f1, was too far.

Used gs too far so it bounced wrong.

Didnt instantly gs3 ( it has 0,25s casttime ) so you evaded it with no issue.

If you are on EU i could show you how the real burst looks like, at least complain righ!

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > Ouchies :cry:

> >

> > https://streamable.com/v6ksk


> First of all, you could hear mes stealth.


I play with volume fairly low, but I don't even hear it in the recording. :confused:


> Sec of all he whiffed and you should punish

> Third of all, did you srsl follow up his combo with ambush?


> Its hillarious becouse I see people do this exact thing all the time, I just evade it and laught at them lol.


> Diut in the vide 1 Whiffed f1, was too far.

> Used gs too far so it bounced wrong.

> Didnt instantly gs3 ( it has 0,25s casttime ) so you evaded it with no issue.

> If you are on EU i could show you how the real burst looks like, at least complain righ!


Honestly I was caught off guard and probably a bit stunned IRL. As I said in my post above, I have no experience with this burst. I don't claim to have the best reaction time or ping, but the burst really felt like it came out of thin air. Good thing for me it's not too common in ranked (I think).

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > I am seriously getting tired of builds that can stealth in at you from 4000 some range and instantly drop your health from 100% to 0% with no tells.

> > > >

> > > > It's a bad design that makes for a bad game that isn't fun to play.

> > > >

> > > > ~ Edit

> > > >

> > > > I'm gonna paste this into the OP because I should have written this here to begin with:

> > > >

> > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > Just want to make this post to really elaborate on quite exactly what attributes are stacking up here, to make this build so toxic:

> > > > >

> > > > > 1. **Nuclear damage output.** This is normally fine imo on glass cannon designed specs. But it begins to get out of control here for the following reasons.

> > > > > 2. **Too many instant cast pre-charged skills.** It can front load enough damage to drop any build instantly. Again, this is normally not that big of a deal in most situations, when a build provides tells so that it can be counter played. But this leads to the next reason of what makes this so toxic.

> > > > > 3. **Too much stealth uptime paired with their mobility.** Lately these Mesmers have enough stealth to approach you from blind spots in the map where you are unable to see them visually on the screen, or even their class icon on the mini map. Don't believe me? Watch that video that was posted. This means that you have no ability whatsoever, to counter play the Mesmer's position or to interpret where he is or where he is going. Now your survival vs. the Mesmer burst is entirely dependent upon raw reflex, for when it attacks you, and if you have some kind of an instant invuln or instant mobility stun break with an evade, such as Roll For Initiative. This takes us to the following point to be made, which is the deepest and most toxic part about all of this.

> > > > > 4. **There are no tells when a good Mesmer player is wielding this build.** Even middle tiered players can sort of "no tell" blow you up a fraction of a second with this build, but the good Mesmers out there, seriously instantly kill you by perfectly timing all of the instants & precharges, and landing them all simultaneously for a visual representation on-screen of seeing your health go from 100% to 0% instantly. There is no counter play to this. By the time any visual graphics appear or you hear any noises at all, you're already dead.

> > > > > 5. **Subsequently, it is important to compare Core Power Mesmer to other notorious 1HKO builds** -> Even Deadeyes & Soulbeasts provide warning of inc burst when a DE marks a target or a Soulbeast uses Sic Em. A player can see these things on their UI, as a warning that they are being focused. The Mesmer on the other hand, delivers no such warning. The DE & Soulbeast also must approach a general vicinity before engaging in stealth play. Players can see this happening, and are ready to engage the situation. They know the DE or Soulbeast is close, they are being marked or seeing Sic Em on UI, they know if they are being targeted. The stealth's are also short on DE & Soulbeast to where players can intuitively gauge how long the DE or Soulbeast will be in stealth and if he is about to land a burst or how far he could move during that short time. The Power Mesmer on the other hand, yeah reread the points made in 3. Furthermore, the DEs & Soulbeasts don't actually "1shot" anything. The damage may lay down quickly, you may see your health drop from 100% to 75% to 50% to 25% to 0% from a Rapid Fire that takes 2 and a half seconds to complete, or you may see a 100% to 50% o 0% with a Maul leading into Worldy Impact that takes roughly 2s to complete even with quickness. You may see your health drop from 100% to 25% from a Death's Judgement, and then a DE follows up with some other attack to finish the job, requiring a good 2s to complete. <- All of this as annoying as it is, requires like 2s at the minimum to actually do, which is allowing counter play. But the Mesmer? Nah, all that damage lands in the fraction of a millisecond right out of stealth, especially if a person has a good macro set. Even the approach of the DEs & the Soulbeasts are rather obvious and allow players to position themselves to engage them. But the Mesmer? Nah you can't see it or interpret where it is at all. The final point to be made is that: DEs and Soulbeasts are nailing people with projectiles, which can be LOSed. But the Mesmer? That's mostly all melee functioned & ground targeted damage that HIT THROUGH WALLS.

> > > > >

> > > > > I don't know what else to say. The implementation of this Core Power Mesmer lately, feels like I was eating at a nice dinner and enjoying my meal, then someone tossed a nasty leaky dirty diaper up on my table, and then I had to get up and leave. For real though. I've put up with a lot of bad metas in this game over the years, but there is something extra _bad feeling_ about this no-tell Mesmer stealth across the map and 1HKO you stuff. Like actual instant 1HKO. Not like DEs or Soulbeasts that just deal a lot of damage really fast. No, this is an actual quite literal "instant 1HKO right out of stealth"

> > > >

> > > > ~ 2nd edit

> > > >

> > > > And this meme deserves to be here too

> > > >

> > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/XgdCok7.jpg "")

> > > >

> > >

> > > How about we just nerf stealth on mesmers just like we did for the thief class?

> > > If 4 explosions of illusions are a problem and hitting that hard with mind stab cand o 20k well if we make stealth last 2 secs or something and then stealth falls off as soon as mesmer does anything they won't be so overpowered and maybe we might not need to touch their damage or maybe I dunno

> > >

> > > Stealth should never last too long anyways. I still remember when perma stealth thief was wreaking havoc in WVW.

> >

> > It's not 4 explosions of illusions, actually.

> >

> > The typical instant kill mesmer burst you're seeing is just a one clone shatter plus the mesmer who counts as a clone themselves. That's it. I've seen just the 1 Clone Mind Wrack portion of the burst hit for 14k. It typically hits for 9-12k.

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/EC1Z5ni.jpg "")

> >

> > People keep pointing fingers at everything except what is actually killing people. We can talk about the stealth, and the multicasting. But 1 Clone Shatters were never supposed to be doing this level of damage to being with and are supposed to be something of a wasted opportunity in their own way. If we were talking actual 3 clones+Mesmer shatters the set up required for that actually probably does deserve to be something of an exodia execute style win condition, but that's not what is going on here. Mirror Blade into Mind Wrack can truck people as soon as the Mirror Blade makes its clone.

> >

> > Like we can and should look at the multicasting with Mantra of Pain, Mind Wrack, and the very high stealth uptime with the Chaos Traitline (Though in my opinion mesmers should typically be very high stealth as part of their design). But I think the change that makes the most sense is to hit the damage on Mind Wrack with only 1x Clone and trimming might off mantra of distraction.


> I hate those no clone 6k+ MW or up to 14k with one clone MW too, don't get me wrong, but they only do that much dmg when the Mesmer stacks every passive dmg multiplier he can find in the game. Just remove passive dmg mulitplier from traits, its a stupid, uncreative and lazy traitdesign doesn't add any skill ceiling anyway. Let only runes and sigils add small passive dmg boni. Or at least put different passive dmg traits in the same place so you have to choose between them, as Viquing suggested as a first step until Anet has some new ideas for a better traitdesign can replace that stuff. Superiority Complex also seems a bit bugged or simply overperforming, some crits i got hit by (not only from MW) run riot here and there. If you nerf the shatters, then every Mesmer build not using stacked dmg traits and run the more skillbased and active traitalternatives will do zero dmg, with other words we would punish the builds running more skilled traits for no reason. That is exactly the best way to kill skillbased Mesmer builds. Compared to the power creep we have shatters base dmg is already not great. Without stacked dmg traits/ rune they do less dmg per clone than most classes autoattacks.


> As for the PU core stealthspam oneshot build just rework MoP into a non dmg boonremove mantra and the build maybe is already dead anyway. Used or not, PU still should get reworked into a less unhealthy mechanic too. For example remove the steathduration and higher boonduration in return (only defensive boons, delete the might from all grandmaster traits in Chaos).


> No clue why we have so many so long threads about a build that is so obviously not skillbased and unhealthy from its playstyle (no matter how viable it is in conquest) but also so easy to fix...



ALright, for all the whining that this build takes no skill.

1 You need to understand other classes ( know how and when to burst )

2 You need to do the combo properly

3 You need to be mindful of ALOT of interactions, reveals, what hits you in stealth, ETC

4 You need to know how to kite, way more then I had to on thief/warrior.

5 You need to pay attention to the map, MORE then on any build I played

The combo itself is not very complicated ( but still 90% of core mes I met just whifs it all the time, I think I personally met only 2 that actually could reliably land it )

But you have to pay attention to the map, surroundings, know when and how to take opportinities, and how to midgame oponents, understand when people will dodge ETC.

I think when playing this build WAAAAAAAAAAAY more then with any other build i played, I Constantly keep track of cooldowns of oponents watch the map, have a mental clock when people spawm etc.

When I played warrior i didnt gave a rats ass about your cooldowns, I did pve rotation and evaded for 70% fight, if by that time you didnt die then i would kite and propably leave or start paying attention tiny bit more.

As thief i wouldnt care about map at all, just ram myself into random node to help, quick 10-15s gank, if it doest work just fuck off with 5 teleports and try somewhere else.

And I fear how utterly boring and easy FB is, im afraid to make FB just to not lose braincells.

Also respect to necro, had to use some brain to properly setup defensive marks, pay attention to corrupts and track players that are strong into me.


Thats just my take on the builds I played, having build be "skilled" doesnt mean I dodge your stuff more on average so im more skilled, for me map and game knowhow is much more impressive.

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > > Ouchies :cry:

> > >

> > > https://streamable.com/v6ksk

> >

> > First of all, you could hear mes stealth.


> I play with volume fairly low, but I don't even hear it in the recording. :confused:


> > Sec of all he whiffed and you should punish

> > Third of all, did you srsl follow up his combo with ambush?


> > Its hillarious becouse I see people do this exact thing all the time, I just evade it and laught at them lol.

> >

> > Diut in the vide 1 Whiffed f1, was too far.

> > Used gs too far so it bounced wrong.

> > Didnt instantly gs3 ( it has 0,25s casttime ) so you evaded it with no issue.

> > If you are on EU i could show you how the real burst looks like, at least complain righ!


> Honestly I was caught off guard and probably a bit stunned IRL. As I said in my post above, I have no experience with this burst. I don't claim to have the best reaction time or ping, but the burst really felt like it came out of thin air. Good thing for me it's not too common in ranked (I think).


Thats odd, I heard it about 1-2s into the video, just about when you were passing the wheel of the cart on your right.

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> Yeah, I know there's l2p. Especially since that was my first time seeing it. It was also my first match of the day (warmup), right at the start of the match.


> I'm not saying anything about changing the build. Just that it felt like kitten playing against it and the rest of the meme team it was on:


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/DQu80qN.jpg "")


> At least one of the Daredevils was a 1-shot backstab build too (25K from stealth). They kept my team of random solos on respawn. Yeah it was unranked shenanigans, but I think there is something to be said about how these experiences drive people away.


Trust me, no ammout of toxicity has anything of the introduction I had in league, yet here I am playing it 9 years later.

Along with MILIONS of other players,

From people walking through the wall to bugs that make people unkillable ( literary )

To bug that instaspawned you to instakill you ( yes I got banned for "intentionally feeding" ), at least support apologised after that one :D

You get instagibbed even to this day, and your counterplay is "dodge" exept you dont have dodge button, and some of the things cant be dodged anyways.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > I am seriously getting tired of builds that can stealth in at you from 4000 some range and instantly drop your health from 100% to 0% with no tells.

> > > > >

> > > > > It's a bad design that makes for a bad game that isn't fun to play.

> > > > >

> > > > > ~ Edit

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm gonna paste this into the OP because I should have written this here to begin with:

> > > > >

> > > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > > Just want to make this post to really elaborate on quite exactly what attributes are stacking up here, to make this build so toxic:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > 1. **Nuclear damage output.** This is normally fine imo on glass cannon designed specs. But it begins to get out of control here for the following reasons.

> > > > > > 2. **Too many instant cast pre-charged skills.** It can front load enough damage to drop any build instantly. Again, this is normally not that big of a deal in most situations, when a build provides tells so that it can be counter played. But this leads to the next reason of what makes this so toxic.

> > > > > > 3. **Too much stealth uptime paired with their mobility.** Lately these Mesmers have enough stealth to approach you from blind spots in the map where you are unable to see them visually on the screen, or even their class icon on the mini map. Don't believe me? Watch that video that was posted. This means that you have no ability whatsoever, to counter play the Mesmer's position or to interpret where he is or where he is going. Now your survival vs. the Mesmer burst is entirely dependent upon raw reflex, for when it attacks you, and if you have some kind of an instant invuln or instant mobility stun break with an evade, such as Roll For Initiative. This takes us to the following point to be made, which is the deepest and most toxic part about all of this.

> > > > > > 4. **There are no tells when a good Mesmer player is wielding this build.** Even middle tiered players can sort of "no tell" blow you up a fraction of a second with this build, but the good Mesmers out there, seriously instantly kill you by perfectly timing all of the instants & precharges, and landing them all simultaneously for a visual representation on-screen of seeing your health go from 100% to 0% instantly. There is no counter play to this. By the time any visual graphics appear or you hear any noises at all, you're already dead.

> > > > > > 5. **Subsequently, it is important to compare Core Power Mesmer to other notorious 1HKO builds** -> Even Deadeyes & Soulbeasts provide warning of inc burst when a DE marks a target or a Soulbeast uses Sic Em. A player can see these things on their UI, as a warning that they are being focused. The Mesmer on the other hand, delivers no such warning. The DE & Soulbeast also must approach a general vicinity before engaging in stealth play. Players can see this happening, and are ready to engage the situation. They know the DE or Soulbeast is close, they are being marked or seeing Sic Em on UI, they know if they are being targeted. The stealth's are also short on DE & Soulbeast to where players can intuitively gauge how long the DE or Soulbeast will be in stealth and if he is about to land a burst or how far he could move during that short time. The Power Mesmer on the other hand, yeah reread the points made in 3. Furthermore, the DEs & Soulbeasts don't actually "1shot" anything. The damage may lay down quickly, you may see your health drop from 100% to 75% to 50% to 25% to 0% from a Rapid Fire that takes 2 and a half seconds to complete, or you may see a 100% to 50% o 0% with a Maul leading into Worldy Impact that takes roughly 2s to complete even with quickness. You may see your health drop from 100% to 25% from a Death's Judgement, and then a DE follows up with some other attack to finish the job, requiring a good 2s to complete. <- All of this as annoying as it is, requires like 2s at the minimum to actually do, which is allowing counter play. But the Mesmer? Nah, all that damage lands in the fraction of a millisecond right out of stealth, especially if a person has a good macro set. Even the approach of the DEs & the Soulbeasts are rather obvious and allow players to position themselves to engage them. But the Mesmer? Nah you can't see it or interpret where it is at all. The final point to be made is that: DEs and Soulbeasts are nailing people with projectiles, which can be LOSed. But the Mesmer? That's mostly all melee functioned & ground targeted damage that HIT THROUGH WALLS.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I don't know what else to say. The implementation of this Core Power Mesmer lately, feels like I was eating at a nice dinner and enjoying my meal, then someone tossed a nasty leaky dirty diaper up on my table, and then I had to get up and leave. For real though. I've put up with a lot of bad metas in this game over the years, but there is something extra _bad feeling_ about this no-tell Mesmer stealth across the map and 1HKO you stuff. Like actual instant 1HKO. Not like DEs or Soulbeasts that just deal a lot of damage really fast. No, this is an actual quite literal "instant 1HKO right out of stealth"

> > > > >

> > > > > ~ 2nd edit

> > > > >

> > > > > And this meme deserves to be here too

> > > > >

> > > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/XgdCok7.jpg "")

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > How about we just nerf stealth on mesmers just like we did for the thief class?

> > > > If 4 explosions of illusions are a problem and hitting that hard with mind stab cand o 20k well if we make stealth last 2 secs or something and then stealth falls off as soon as mesmer does anything they won't be so overpowered and maybe we might not need to touch their damage or maybe I dunno

> > > >

> > > > Stealth should never last too long anyways. I still remember when perma stealth thief was wreaking havoc in WVW.

> > >

> > > It's not 4 explosions of illusions, actually.

> > >

> > > The typical instant kill mesmer burst you're seeing is just a one clone shatter plus the mesmer who counts as a clone themselves. That's it. I've seen just the 1 Clone Mind Wrack portion of the burst hit for 14k. It typically hits for 9-12k.

> > >

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/EC1Z5ni.jpg "")

> > >

> > > People keep pointing fingers at everything except what is actually killing people. We can talk about the stealth, and the multicasting. But 1 Clone Shatters were never supposed to be doing this level of damage to being with and are supposed to be something of a wasted opportunity in their own way. If we were talking actual 3 clones+Mesmer shatters the set up required for that actually probably does deserve to be something of an exodia execute style win condition, but that's not what is going on here. Mirror Blade into Mind Wrack can truck people as soon as the Mirror Blade makes its clone.

> > >

> > > Like we can and should look at the multicasting with Mantra of Pain, Mind Wrack, and the very high stealth uptime with the Chaos Traitline (Though in my opinion mesmers should typically be very high stealth as part of their design). But I think the change that makes the most sense is to hit the damage on Mind Wrack with only 1x Clone and trimming might off mantra of distraction.

> >

> > I hate those no clone 6k+ MW or up to 14k with one clone MW too, don't get me wrong, but they only do that much dmg when the Mesmer stacks every passive dmg multiplier he can find in the game. Just remove passive dmg mulitplier from traits, its a stupid, uncreative and lazy traitdesign doesn't add any skill ceiling anyway. Let only runes and sigils add small passive dmg boni. Or at least put different passive dmg traits in the same place so you have to choose between them, as Viquing suggested as a first step until Anet has some new ideas for a better traitdesign can replace that stuff. Superiority Complex also seems a bit bugged or simply overperforming, some crits i got hit by (not only from MW) run riot here and there. If you nerf the shatters, then every Mesmer build not using stacked dmg traits and run the more skillbased and active traitalternatives will do zero dmg, with other words we would punish the builds running more skilled traits for no reason. That is exactly the best way to kill skillbased Mesmer builds. Compared to the power creep we have shatters base dmg is already not great. Without stacked dmg traits/ rune they do less dmg per clone than most classes autoattacks.

> >

> > As for the PU core stealthspam oneshot build just rework MoP into a non dmg boonremove mantra and the build maybe is already dead anyway. Used or not, PU still should get reworked into a less unhealthy mechanic too. For example remove the steathduration and higher boonduration in return (only defensive boons, delete the might from all grandmaster traits in Chaos).

> >

> > No clue why we have so many so long threads about a build that is so obviously not skillbased and unhealthy from its playstyle (no matter how viable it is in conquest) but also so easy to fix...

> >


> ALright, for all the whining that this build takes no skill.

> 1 You need to understand other classes ( know how and when to burst )

> 2 You need to do the combo properly

> 3 You need to be mindful of ALOT of interactions, reveals, what hits you in stealth, ETC

> 4 You need to know how to kite, way more then I had to on thief/warrior.

> 5 You need to pay attention to the map, MORE then on any build I played

> The combo itself is not very complicated ( but still 90% of core mes I met just whifs it all the time, I think I personally met only 2 that actually could reliably land it )

> But you have to pay attention to the map, surroundings, know when and how to take opportinities, and how to midgame oponents, understand when people will dodge ETC.

> I think when playing this build WAAAAAAAAAAAY more then with any other build i played, I Constantly keep track of cooldowns of oponents watch the map, have a mental clock when people spawm etc.

> When I played warrior i didnt gave a rats kitten about your cooldowns, I did pve rotation and evaded for 70% fight, if by that time you didnt die then i would kite and propably leave or start paying attention tiny bit more.

> As thief i wouldnt care about map at all, just ram myself into random node to help, quick 10-15s gank, if it doest work just kitten off with 5 teleports and try somewhere else.

> And I fear how utterly boring and easy FB is, im afraid to make FB just to not lose braincells.

> Also respect to necro, had to use some brain to properly setup defensive marks, pay attention to corrupts and track players that are strong into me.


> Thats just my take on the builds I played, having build be "skilled" doesnt mean I dodge your stuff more on average so im more skilled, for me map and game knowhow is much more impressive.


Every roaming +1 dmg build needs to have map awareness and needs to know where to rotate that is nothing i count as specific difficulty of the build, this is simple conquest knowledge you always need for the role you play. As for the other points, train the combo for 10 mins at golems and even i could do it fast enough. Doing the combo never was the hard part of oneshot builds, it was the surviving in case the target didn't instant die for whatever reasosn but thanks to Chaosline you don't even have that difficulty anymore. As a trash Powermes player even i could play that build during i fail to make other Powerbuilds work which rly need to interact with targets and need to actively outplay them. This build doesn't need to do that at all. Ok you need to know reveal that can hit you in stealth, that is more or less all. Wait a bit with the burst after the target used some defensive skills already (no matter what class) or is busy with something else (like your teammates) and just burst it down right in the end of the dodge or other defensive skill. Compared to other Powermes builds this is super easy to play in both offensive and defensive. And you rly feel how shit most of these players are when they suddently have to fight an opponent for whatever reason or when you then see them on another Powermes build or another class with a more reactive playstyle. Most oneshot heroes suck on Mesmer mechanically. Doing the burst fast and correct is one thing (every average Meser can do, even me), being able to outplay opponents on a Powermes build with reactive playstyle and not carried by 2 unhealthy mechanics (Pu and MoP) and stacked passive dmg multiplier is something different. In the end i don't even mind oneshot builds, as long as they are counterable and at least predictable by not too long stealth and punishable for mistakes. Both is remarkable reduced on that Core PU kitten compared to a oneshot build without Chaosline and even more compared to a non oneshot power build.


But as said this build is easy fixed, the 2 unhealthy mechanics are obvious and at least one can be easy fixed fast by turning it into a non dmg boonremove mantra.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > > I am seriously getting tired of builds that can stealth in at you from 4000 some range and instantly drop your health from 100% to 0% with no tells.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It's a bad design that makes for a bad game that isn't fun to play.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ~ Edit

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I'm gonna paste this into the OP because I should have written this here to begin with:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > > > Just want to make this post to really elaborate on quite exactly what attributes are stacking up here, to make this build so toxic:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > 1. **Nuclear damage output.** This is normally fine imo on glass cannon designed specs. But it begins to get out of control here for the following reasons.

> > > > > > > 2. **Too many instant cast pre-charged skills.** It can front load enough damage to drop any build instantly. Again, this is normally not that big of a deal in most situations, when a build provides tells so that it can be counter played. But this leads to the next reason of what makes this so toxic.

> > > > > > > 3. **Too much stealth uptime paired with their mobility.** Lately these Mesmers have enough stealth to approach you from blind spots in the map where you are unable to see them visually on the screen, or even their class icon on the mini map. Don't believe me? Watch that video that was posted. This means that you have no ability whatsoever, to counter play the Mesmer's position or to interpret where he is or where he is going. Now your survival vs. the Mesmer burst is entirely dependent upon raw reflex, for when it attacks you, and if you have some kind of an instant invuln or instant mobility stun break with an evade, such as Roll For Initiative. This takes us to the following point to be made, which is the deepest and most toxic part about all of this.

> > > > > > > 4. **There are no tells when a good Mesmer player is wielding this build.** Even middle tiered players can sort of "no tell" blow you up a fraction of a second with this build, but the good Mesmers out there, seriously instantly kill you by perfectly timing all of the instants & precharges, and landing them all simultaneously for a visual representation on-screen of seeing your health go from 100% to 0% instantly. There is no counter play to this. By the time any visual graphics appear or you hear any noises at all, you're already dead.

> > > > > > > 5. **Subsequently, it is important to compare Core Power Mesmer to other notorious 1HKO builds** -> Even Deadeyes & Soulbeasts provide warning of inc burst when a DE marks a target or a Soulbeast uses Sic Em. A player can see these things on their UI, as a warning that they are being focused. The Mesmer on the other hand, delivers no such warning. The DE & Soulbeast also must approach a general vicinity before engaging in stealth play. Players can see this happening, and are ready to engage the situation. They know the DE or Soulbeast is close, they are being marked or seeing Sic Em on UI, they know if they are being targeted. The stealth's are also short on DE & Soulbeast to where players can intuitively gauge how long the DE or Soulbeast will be in stealth and if he is about to land a burst or how far he could move during that short time. The Power Mesmer on the other hand, yeah reread the points made in 3. Furthermore, the DEs & Soulbeasts don't actually "1shot" anything. The damage may lay down quickly, you may see your health drop from 100% to 75% to 50% to 25% to 0% from a Rapid Fire that takes 2 and a half seconds to complete, or you may see a 100% to 50% o 0% with a Maul leading into Worldy Impact that takes roughly 2s to complete even with quickness. You may see your health drop from 100% to 25% from a Death's Judgement, and then a DE follows up with some other attack to finish the job, requiring a good 2s to complete. <- All of this as annoying as it is, requires like 2s at the minimum to actually do, which is allowing counter play. But the Mesmer? Nah, all that damage lands in the fraction of a millisecond right out of stealth, especially if a person has a good macro set. Even the approach of the DEs & the Soulbeasts are rather obvious and allow players to position themselves to engage them. But the Mesmer? Nah you can't see it or interpret where it is at all. The final point to be made is that: DEs and Soulbeasts are nailing people with projectiles, which can be LOSed. But the Mesmer? That's mostly all melee functioned & ground targeted damage that HIT THROUGH WALLS.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I don't know what else to say. The implementation of this Core Power Mesmer lately, feels like I was eating at a nice dinner and enjoying my meal, then someone tossed a nasty leaky dirty diaper up on my table, and then I had to get up and leave. For real though. I've put up with a lot of bad metas in this game over the years, but there is something extra _bad feeling_ about this no-tell Mesmer stealth across the map and 1HKO you stuff. Like actual instant 1HKO. Not like DEs or Soulbeasts that just deal a lot of damage really fast. No, this is an actual quite literal "instant 1HKO right out of stealth"

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ~ 2nd edit

> > > > > >

> > > > > > And this meme deserves to be here too

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/XgdCok7.jpg "")

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > How about we just nerf stealth on mesmers just like we did for the thief class?

> > > > > If 4 explosions of illusions are a problem and hitting that hard with mind stab cand o 20k well if we make stealth last 2 secs or something and then stealth falls off as soon as mesmer does anything they won't be so overpowered and maybe we might not need to touch their damage or maybe I dunno

> > > > >

> > > > > Stealth should never last too long anyways. I still remember when perma stealth thief was wreaking havoc in WVW.

> > > >

> > > > It's not 4 explosions of illusions, actually.

> > > >

> > > > The typical instant kill mesmer burst you're seeing is just a one clone shatter plus the mesmer who counts as a clone themselves. That's it. I've seen just the 1 Clone Mind Wrack portion of the burst hit for 14k. It typically hits for 9-12k.

> > > >

> > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/EC1Z5ni.jpg "")

> > > >

> > > > People keep pointing fingers at everything except what is actually killing people. We can talk about the stealth, and the multicasting. But 1 Clone Shatters were never supposed to be doing this level of damage to being with and are supposed to be something of a wasted opportunity in their own way. If we were talking actual 3 clones+Mesmer shatters the set up required for that actually probably does deserve to be something of an exodia execute style win condition, but that's not what is going on here. Mirror Blade into Mind Wrack can truck people as soon as the Mirror Blade makes its clone.

> > > >

> > > > Like we can and should look at the multicasting with Mantra of Pain, Mind Wrack, and the very high stealth uptime with the Chaos Traitline (Though in my opinion mesmers should typically be very high stealth as part of their design). But I think the change that makes the most sense is to hit the damage on Mind Wrack with only 1x Clone and trimming might off mantra of distraction.

> > >

> > > I hate those no clone 6k+ MW or up to 14k with one clone MW too, don't get me wrong, but they only do that much dmg when the Mesmer stacks every passive dmg multiplier he can find in the game. Just remove passive dmg mulitplier from traits, its a stupid, uncreative and lazy traitdesign doesn't add any skill ceiling anyway. Let only runes and sigils add small passive dmg boni. Or at least put different passive dmg traits in the same place so you have to choose between them, as Viquing suggested as a first step until Anet has some new ideas for a better traitdesign can replace that stuff. Superiority Complex also seems a bit bugged or simply overperforming, some crits i got hit by (not only from MW) run riot here and there. If you nerf the shatters, then every Mesmer build not using stacked dmg traits and run the more skillbased and active traitalternatives will do zero dmg, with other words we would punish the builds running more skilled traits for no reason. That is exactly the best way to kill skillbased Mesmer builds. Compared to the power creep we have shatters base dmg is already not great. Without stacked dmg traits/ rune they do less dmg per clone than most classes autoattacks.

> > >

> > > As for the PU core stealthspam oneshot build just rework MoP into a non dmg boonremove mantra and the build maybe is already dead anyway. Used or not, PU still should get reworked into a less unhealthy mechanic too. For example remove the steathduration and higher boonduration in return (only defensive boons, delete the might from all grandmaster traits in Chaos).

> > >

> > > No clue why we have so many so long threads about a build that is so obviously not skillbased and unhealthy from its playstyle (no matter how viable it is in conquest) but also so easy to fix...

> > >

> >

> > ALright, for all the whining that this build takes no skill.

> > 1 You need to understand other classes ( know how and when to burst )

> > 2 You need to do the combo properly

> > 3 You need to be mindful of ALOT of interactions, reveals, what hits you in stealth, ETC

> > 4 You need to know how to kite, way more then I had to on thief/warrior.

> > 5 You need to pay attention to the map, MORE then on any build I played

> > The combo itself is not very complicated ( but still 90% of core mes I met just whifs it all the time, I think I personally met only 2 that actually could reliably land it )

> > But you have to pay attention to the map, surroundings, know when and how to take opportinities, and how to midgame oponents, understand when people will dodge ETC.

> > I think when playing this build WAAAAAAAAAAAY more then with any other build i played, I Constantly keep track of cooldowns of oponents watch the map, have a mental clock when people spawm etc.

> > When I played warrior i didnt gave a rats kitten about your cooldowns, I did pve rotation and evaded for 70% fight, if by that time you didnt die then i would kite and propably leave or start paying attention tiny bit more.

> > As thief i wouldnt care about map at all, just ram myself into random node to help, quick 10-15s gank, if it doest work just kitten off with 5 teleports and try somewhere else.

> > And I fear how utterly boring and easy FB is, im afraid to make FB just to not lose braincells.

> > Also respect to necro, had to use some brain to properly setup defensive marks, pay attention to corrupts and track players that are strong into me.

> >

> > Thats just my take on the builds I played, having build be "skilled" doesnt mean I dodge your stuff more on average so im more skilled, for me map and game knowhow is much more impressive.


> Every roaming +1 dmg build needs to have map awareness and needs to know where to rotate that is nothing i count as specific difficulty of the build, this is simple conquest knowledge you always need for the role you play. As for the other points, train the combo for 10 mins at golems and even i could do it fast enough. Doing the combo never was the hard part of oneshot builds, it was the surviving in case the target didn't instant die for whatever reasosn but thanks to Chaosline you don't even have that difficulty anymore. As a trash Powermes player even i could play that build during i fail to make other Powerbuilds work which rly need to interact with targets and need to actively outplay them. This build doesn't need to do that at all. Ok you need to know reveal that can hit you in stealth, that is more or less all. Wait a bit with the burst after the target used some defensive skills already (no matter what class) or is busy with something else (like your teammates) and just burst it down right in the end of the dodge or other defensive skill. Compared to other Powermes builds this is super easy to play in both offensive and defensive. And you rly feel how kitten most of these players are when they suddently have to fight an opponent for whatever reason or when you then see them on another Powermes build or another class with a more reactive playstyle. Most oneshot heroes suck on Mesmer mechanically. Doing the burst fast and correct is one thing (every average Meser can do, even me), being able to outplay opponents on a Powermes build with reactive playstyle and not carried by 2 unhealthy mechanics (Pu and MoP) and stacked passive dmg multiplier is something different. In the end i don't even mind oneshot builds, as long as they are counterable and at least predictable by not too long stealth and punishable for mistakes. Both is remarkable reduced on that Core PU kitten compared to a oneshot build without Chaosline and even more compared to a non oneshot power build.


> But as said this build is easy fixed, the 2 unhealthy mechanics are obvious and at least one can be easy fixed fast by turning it into a non dmg boonremove mantra.


How is this build not punishable as a +1 ?

IS rev more punishable? or thief that +1?

LoL current meta of weaver/fb/rev means 0 punish spam off cd monkey keyboard roll.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > > > I am seriously getting tired of builds that can stealth in at you from 4000 some range and instantly drop your health from 100% to 0% with no tells.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > It's a bad design that makes for a bad game that isn't fun to play.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > ~ Edit

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I'm gonna paste this into the OP because I should have written this here to begin with:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > > > > Just want to make this post to really elaborate on quite exactly what attributes are stacking up here, to make this build so toxic:

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > 1. **Nuclear damage output.** This is normally fine imo on glass cannon designed specs. But it begins to get out of control here for the following reasons.

> > > > > > > > 2. **Too many instant cast pre-charged skills.** It can front load enough damage to drop any build instantly. Again, this is normally not that big of a deal in most situations, when a build provides tells so that it can be counter played. But this leads to the next reason of what makes this so toxic.

> > > > > > > > 3. **Too much stealth uptime paired with their mobility.** Lately these Mesmers have enough stealth to approach you from blind spots in the map where you are unable to see them visually on the screen, or even their class icon on the mini map. Don't believe me? Watch that video that was posted. This means that you have no ability whatsoever, to counter play the Mesmer's position or to interpret where he is or where he is going. Now your survival vs. the Mesmer burst is entirely dependent upon raw reflex, for when it attacks you, and if you have some kind of an instant invuln or instant mobility stun break with an evade, such as Roll For Initiative. This takes us to the following point to be made, which is the deepest and most toxic part about all of this.

> > > > > > > > 4. **There are no tells when a good Mesmer player is wielding this build.** Even middle tiered players can sort of "no tell" blow you up a fraction of a second with this build, but the good Mesmers out there, seriously instantly kill you by perfectly timing all of the instants & precharges, and landing them all simultaneously for a visual representation on-screen of seeing your health go from 100% to 0% instantly. There is no counter play to this. By the time any visual graphics appear or you hear any noises at all, you're already dead.

> > > > > > > > 5. **Subsequently, it is important to compare Core Power Mesmer to other notorious 1HKO builds** -> Even Deadeyes & Soulbeasts provide warning of inc burst when a DE marks a target or a Soulbeast uses Sic Em. A player can see these things on their UI, as a warning that they are being focused. The Mesmer on the other hand, delivers no such warning. The DE & Soulbeast also must approach a general vicinity before engaging in stealth play. Players can see this happening, and are ready to engage the situation. They know the DE or Soulbeast is close, they are being marked or seeing Sic Em on UI, they know if they are being targeted. The stealth's are also short on DE & Soulbeast to where players can intuitively gauge how long the DE or Soulbeast will be in stealth and if he is about to land a burst or how far he could move during that short time. The Power Mesmer on the other hand, yeah reread the points made in 3. Furthermore, the DEs & Soulbeasts don't actually "1shot" anything. The damage may lay down quickly, you may see your health drop from 100% to 75% to 50% to 25% to 0% from a Rapid Fire that takes 2 and a half seconds to complete, or you may see a 100% to 50% o 0% with a Maul leading into Worldy Impact that takes roughly 2s to complete even with quickness. You may see your health drop from 100% to 25% from a Death's Judgement, and then a DE follows up with some other attack to finish the job, requiring a good 2s to complete. <- All of this as annoying as it is, requires like 2s at the minimum to actually do, which is allowing counter play. But the Mesmer? Nah, all that damage lands in the fraction of a millisecond right out of stealth, especially if a person has a good macro set. Even the approach of the DEs & the Soulbeasts are rather obvious and allow players to position themselves to engage them. But the Mesmer? Nah you can't see it or interpret where it is at all. The final point to be made is that: DEs and Soulbeasts are nailing people with projectiles, which can be LOSed. But the Mesmer? That's mostly all melee functioned & ground targeted damage that HIT THROUGH WALLS.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I don't know what else to say. The implementation of this Core Power Mesmer lately, feels like I was eating at a nice dinner and enjoying my meal, then someone tossed a nasty leaky dirty diaper up on my table, and then I had to get up and leave. For real though. I've put up with a lot of bad metas in this game over the years, but there is something extra _bad feeling_ about this no-tell Mesmer stealth across the map and 1HKO you stuff. Like actual instant 1HKO. Not like DEs or Soulbeasts that just deal a lot of damage really fast. No, this is an actual quite literal "instant 1HKO right out of stealth"

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > ~ 2nd edit

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > And this meme deserves to be here too

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/XgdCok7.jpg "")

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > How about we just nerf stealth on mesmers just like we did for the thief class?

> > > > > > If 4 explosions of illusions are a problem and hitting that hard with mind stab cand o 20k well if we make stealth last 2 secs or something and then stealth falls off as soon as mesmer does anything they won't be so overpowered and maybe we might not need to touch their damage or maybe I dunno

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Stealth should never last too long anyways. I still remember when perma stealth thief was wreaking havoc in WVW.

> > > > >

> > > > > It's not 4 explosions of illusions, actually.

> > > > >

> > > > > The typical instant kill mesmer burst you're seeing is just a one clone shatter plus the mesmer who counts as a clone themselves. That's it. I've seen just the 1 Clone Mind Wrack portion of the burst hit for 14k. It typically hits for 9-12k.

> > > > >

> > > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/EC1Z5ni.jpg "")

> > > > >

> > > > > People keep pointing fingers at everything except what is actually killing people. We can talk about the stealth, and the multicasting. But 1 Clone Shatters were never supposed to be doing this level of damage to being with and are supposed to be something of a wasted opportunity in their own way. If we were talking actual 3 clones+Mesmer shatters the set up required for that actually probably does deserve to be something of an exodia execute style win condition, but that's not what is going on here. Mirror Blade into Mind Wrack can truck people as soon as the Mirror Blade makes its clone.

> > > > >

> > > > > Like we can and should look at the multicasting with Mantra of Pain, Mind Wrack, and the very high stealth uptime with the Chaos Traitline (Though in my opinion mesmers should typically be very high stealth as part of their design). But I think the change that makes the most sense is to hit the damage on Mind Wrack with only 1x Clone and trimming might off mantra of distraction.

> > > >

> > > > I hate those no clone 6k+ MW or up to 14k with one clone MW too, don't get me wrong, but they only do that much dmg when the Mesmer stacks every passive dmg multiplier he can find in the game. Just remove passive dmg mulitplier from traits, its a stupid, uncreative and lazy traitdesign doesn't add any skill ceiling anyway. Let only runes and sigils add small passive dmg boni. Or at least put different passive dmg traits in the same place so you have to choose between them, as Viquing suggested as a first step until Anet has some new ideas for a better traitdesign can replace that stuff. Superiority Complex also seems a bit bugged or simply overperforming, some crits i got hit by (not only from MW) run riot here and there. If you nerf the shatters, then every Mesmer build not using stacked dmg traits and run the more skillbased and active traitalternatives will do zero dmg, with other words we would punish the builds running more skilled traits for no reason. That is exactly the best way to kill skillbased Mesmer builds. Compared to the power creep we have shatters base dmg is already not great. Without stacked dmg traits/ rune they do less dmg per clone than most classes autoattacks.

> > > >

> > > > As for the PU core stealthspam oneshot build just rework MoP into a non dmg boonremove mantra and the build maybe is already dead anyway. Used or not, PU still should get reworked into a less unhealthy mechanic too. For example remove the steathduration and higher boonduration in return (only defensive boons, delete the might from all grandmaster traits in Chaos).

> > > >

> > > > No clue why we have so many so long threads about a build that is so obviously not skillbased and unhealthy from its playstyle (no matter how viable it is in conquest) but also so easy to fix...

> > > >

> > >

> > > ALright, for all the whining that this build takes no skill.

> > > 1 You need to understand other classes ( know how and when to burst )

> > > 2 You need to do the combo properly

> > > 3 You need to be mindful of ALOT of interactions, reveals, what hits you in stealth, ETC

> > > 4 You need to know how to kite, way more then I had to on thief/warrior.

> > > 5 You need to pay attention to the map, MORE then on any build I played

> > > The combo itself is not very complicated ( but still 90% of core mes I met just whifs it all the time, I think I personally met only 2 that actually could reliably land it )

> > > But you have to pay attention to the map, surroundings, know when and how to take opportinities, and how to midgame oponents, understand when people will dodge ETC.

> > > I think when playing this build WAAAAAAAAAAAY more then with any other build i played, I Constantly keep track of cooldowns of oponents watch the map, have a mental clock when people spawm etc.

> > > When I played warrior i didnt gave a rats kitten about your cooldowns, I did pve rotation and evaded for 70% fight, if by that time you didnt die then i would kite and propably leave or start paying attention tiny bit more.

> > > As thief i wouldnt care about map at all, just ram myself into random node to help, quick 10-15s gank, if it doest work just kitten off with 5 teleports and try somewhere else.

> > > And I fear how utterly boring and easy FB is, im afraid to make FB just to not lose braincells.

> > > Also respect to necro, had to use some brain to properly setup defensive marks, pay attention to corrupts and track players that are strong into me.

> > >

> > > Thats just my take on the builds I played, having build be "skilled" doesnt mean I dodge your stuff more on average so im more skilled, for me map and game knowhow is much more impressive.

> >

> > Every roaming +1 dmg build needs to have map awareness and needs to know where to rotate that is nothing i count as specific difficulty of the build, this is simple conquest knowledge you always need for the role you play. As for the other points, train the combo for 10 mins at golems and even i could do it fast enough. Doing the combo never was the hard part of oneshot builds, it was the surviving in case the target didn't instant die for whatever reasosn but thanks to Chaosline you don't even have that difficulty anymore. As a trash Powermes player even i could play that build during i fail to make other Powerbuilds work which rly need to interact with targets and need to actively outplay them. This build doesn't need to do that at all. Ok you need to know reveal that can hit you in stealth, that is more or less all. Wait a bit with the burst after the target used some defensive skills already (no matter what class) or is busy with something else (like your teammates) and just burst it down right in the end of the dodge or other defensive skill. Compared to other Powermes builds this is super easy to play in both offensive and defensive. And you rly feel how kitten most of these players are when they suddently have to fight an opponent for whatever reason or when you then see them on another Powermes build or another class with a more reactive playstyle. Most oneshot heroes suck on Mesmer mechanically. Doing the burst fast and correct is one thing (every average Meser can do, even me), being able to outplay opponents on a Powermes build with reactive playstyle and not carried by 2 unhealthy mechanics (Pu and MoP) and stacked passive dmg multiplier is something different. In the end i don't even mind oneshot builds, as long as they are counterable and at least predictable by not too long stealth and punishable for mistakes. Both is remarkable reduced on that Core PU kitten compared to a oneshot build without Chaosline and even more compared to a non oneshot power build.

> >

> > But as said this build is easy fixed, the 2 unhealthy mechanics are obvious and at least one can be easy fixed fast by turning it into a non dmg boonremove mantra.


> How is this build not punishable as a +1 ?

> IS rev more punishable? or thief that +1?

> LoL current meta of weaver/fb/rev means 0 punish spam off cd monkey keyboard roll.


Yeah that other stuff is lame and low skill too is just not a good balance argument. I made enough suggestions to make other classes more skillbased and less power creeped too, dw. Weaver/ Fb are a totally different kind of and, i agree, way bigger and easier to play cancer. Rev has a bit too many offensive tools what clearly is annoying but Rev is by far more reactive and active than PU oneshot. Rev and Thief (except of Deadeye) also don't have 15k+ no tell oneshots out of insanely long stealth. Necro (Core and Reaper) also is kind of broken atm in itself, i mean i can have nearly perma full ds, being tanky asf still having tons of dmg and lot of fears, some even instant, every few secs incl booncorrupt and rly good mobility. There are so many builds totally braindead and broken still... but that is not the point.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > > > Ouchies :cry:

> > > >

> > > > https://streamable.com/v6ksk

> > >

> > > First of all, you could hear mes stealth.

> >

> > I play with volume fairly low, but I don't even hear it in the recording. :confused:

> >

> > > Sec of all he whiffed and you should punish

> > > Third of all, did you srsl follow up his combo with ambush?

> >

> > > Its hillarious becouse I see people do this exact thing all the time, I just evade it and laught at them lol.

> > >

> > > Diut in the vide 1 Whiffed f1, was too far.

> > > Used gs too far so it bounced wrong.

> > > Didnt instantly gs3 ( it has 0,25s casttime ) so you evaded it with no issue.

> > > If you are on EU i could show you how the real burst looks like, at least complain righ!

> >

> > Honestly I was caught off guard and probably a bit stunned IRL. As I said in my post above, I have no experience with this burst. I don't claim to have the best reaction time or ping, but the burst really felt like it came out of thin air. Good thing for me it's not too common in ranked (I think).


> Thats odd, I heard it about 1-2s into the video, just about when you were passing the wheel of the cart on your right.


Ok, after turning the volume way higher than normal, and really listening for it, I could just make out the faint "chime" after watching it a few times. Even at max volume, I don't find the sound particularly obvious over the background noise, but that may be my untrained ear.


I still have a feeling that outside of platinum, a lot of the player base has a hard time with these 1-shots from prolonged stealth. And if Shadowpass's and TrevorBoyer's discussions are any indication, well-played 1-shot mes can be problematic at higher levels too. Annoying, if not objectively OP.

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > > > > Ouchies :cry:

> > > > >

> > > > > https://streamable.com/v6ksk

> > > >

> > > > First of all, you could hear mes stealth.

> > >

> > > I play with volume fairly low, but I don't even hear it in the recording. :confused:

> > >

> > > > Sec of all he whiffed and you should punish

> > > > Third of all, did you srsl follow up his combo with ambush?

> > >

> > > > Its hillarious becouse I see people do this exact thing all the time, I just evade it and laught at them lol.

> > > >

> > > > Diut in the vide 1 Whiffed f1, was too far.

> > > > Used gs too far so it bounced wrong.

> > > > Didnt instantly gs3 ( it has 0,25s casttime ) so you evaded it with no issue.

> > > > If you are on EU i could show you how the real burst looks like, at least complain righ!

> > >

> > > Honestly I was caught off guard and probably a bit stunned IRL. As I said in my post above, I have no experience with this burst. I don't claim to have the best reaction time or ping, but the burst really felt like it came out of thin air. Good thing for me it's not too common in ranked (I think).

> >

> > Thats odd, I heard it about 1-2s into the video, just about when you were passing the wheel of the cart on your right.


> Ok, after turning the volume way higher than normal, and really listening for it, I could just make out the faint "chime" after watching it a few times. Even at max volume, I don't find the sound particularly obvious over the background noise, but that may be my untrained ear.


> I still have a feeling that outside of platinum, a lot of the player base has a hard time with these 1-shots from prolonged stealth. And if Shadowpass's and TrevorBoyer's discussions are any indication, well-played 1-shot mes can be problematic at higher levels too. Annoying, if not objectively OP.

Basically always have been mesmer haters, want to nerf anything that beats/give them a hard time. Now after holo when there is no reason for it, because ... it kills him. Must nerf everything that can fight back, its not issue in them but everything that beats them is just broken :joy: . .

By the way, its not the class problem (PU should be reworked into another useless GM trait like CI) that you cant see giant purple greatsword and didnt bother to turn your camera to the left while ran to the point, even more you are mirage with privilege to evade during CC, you should be the last person to complain about it.

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> By the way, its not the class problem (PU should be reworked into another useless GM trait like CI) that you cant see giant purple greatsword and didnt bother to turn your camera to the left while ran to the point, even more you are mirage with privilege to evade during CC, you should be the last person to complain about it.


Yeah it looks bad in that clip because the field of view is cropped to hide the player list and chat box. It was just the quickest way to hide them. In the game I could see pretty far to the left without turning, as I'm on an ultrawide monitor now :smile:


Watching the original, there is no visual indication of the Mesmer's presence at all until the burst, not even on map. I can show you if you want. And there is no way at all I could have heard the stealth sound. I can still only barely make it out when rewatching the clip if I max the volume and focus on the moment Leonidrex mentioned.


Everything's clear in 20/20 hindsight, especially in a video clip where you know what's coming. Needless to say I wasn't expecting that burst from stealth at all. Now I know what to watch for when I see a core mes in the player list. The rest will be up to my reaction time and ping I suppose.


And yes, I know I'm not allowed to complain when I'm playing Mirage, the least sympathetic spec in the game.^^

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > > > > I am seriously getting tired of builds that can stealth in at you from 4000 some range and instantly drop your health from 100% to 0% with no tells.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > It's a bad design that makes for a bad game that isn't fun to play.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > ~ Edit

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I'm gonna paste this into the OP because I should have written this here to begin with:

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > > > > > Just want to make this post to really elaborate on quite exactly what attributes are stacking up here, to make this build so toxic:

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > 1. **Nuclear damage output.** This is normally fine imo on glass cannon designed specs. But it begins to get out of control here for the following reasons.

> > > > > > > > > 2. **Too many instant cast pre-charged skills.** It can front load enough damage to drop any build instantly. Again, this is normally not that big of a deal in most situations, when a build provides tells so that it can be counter played. But this leads to the next reason of what makes this so toxic.

> > > > > > > > > 3. **Too much stealth uptime paired with their mobility.** Lately these Mesmers have enough stealth to approach you from blind spots in the map where you are unable to see them visually on the screen, or even their class icon on the mini map. Don't believe me? Watch that video that was posted. This means that you have no ability whatsoever, to counter play the Mesmer's position or to interpret where he is or where he is going. Now your survival vs. the Mesmer burst is entirely dependent upon raw reflex, for when it attacks you, and if you have some kind of an instant invuln or instant mobility stun break with an evade, such as Roll For Initiative. This takes us to the following point to be made, which is the deepest and most toxic part about all of this.

> > > > > > > > > 4. **There are no tells when a good Mesmer player is wielding this build.** Even middle tiered players can sort of "no tell" blow you up a fraction of a second with this build, but the good Mesmers out there, seriously instantly kill you by perfectly timing all of the instants & precharges, and landing them all simultaneously for a visual representation on-screen of seeing your health go from 100% to 0% instantly. There is no counter play to this. By the time any visual graphics appear or you hear any noises at all, you're already dead.

> > > > > > > > > 5. **Subsequently, it is important to compare Core Power Mesmer to other notorious 1HKO builds** -> Even Deadeyes & Soulbeasts provide warning of inc burst when a DE marks a target or a Soulbeast uses Sic Em. A player can see these things on their UI, as a warning that they are being focused. The Mesmer on the other hand, delivers no such warning. The DE & Soulbeast also must approach a general vicinity before engaging in stealth play. Players can see this happening, and are ready to engage the situation. They know the DE or Soulbeast is close, they are being marked or seeing Sic Em on UI, they know if they are being targeted. The stealth's are also short on DE & Soulbeast to where players can intuitively gauge how long the DE or Soulbeast will be in stealth and if he is about to land a burst or how far he could move during that short time. The Power Mesmer on the other hand, yeah reread the points made in 3. Furthermore, the DEs & Soulbeasts don't actually "1shot" anything. The damage may lay down quickly, you may see your health drop from 100% to 75% to 50% to 25% to 0% from a Rapid Fire that takes 2 and a half seconds to complete, or you may see a 100% to 50% o 0% with a Maul leading into Worldy Impact that takes roughly 2s to complete even with quickness. You may see your health drop from 100% to 25% from a Death's Judgement, and then a DE follows up with some other attack to finish the job, requiring a good 2s to complete. <- All of this as annoying as it is, requires like 2s at the minimum to actually do, which is allowing counter play. But the Mesmer? Nah, all that damage lands in the fraction of a millisecond right out of stealth, especially if a person has a good macro set. Even the approach of the DEs & the Soulbeasts are rather obvious and allow players to position themselves to engage them. But the Mesmer? Nah you can't see it or interpret where it is at all. The final point to be made is that: DEs and Soulbeasts are nailing people with projectiles, which can be LOSed. But the Mesmer? That's mostly all melee functioned & ground targeted damage that HIT THROUGH WALLS.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > I don't know what else to say. The implementation of this Core Power Mesmer lately, feels like I was eating at a nice dinner and enjoying my meal, then someone tossed a nasty leaky dirty diaper up on my table, and then I had to get up and leave. For real though. I've put up with a lot of bad metas in this game over the years, but there is something extra _bad feeling_ about this no-tell Mesmer stealth across the map and 1HKO you stuff. Like actual instant 1HKO. Not like DEs or Soulbeasts that just deal a lot of damage really fast. No, this is an actual quite literal "instant 1HKO right out of stealth"

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > ~ 2nd edit

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > And this meme deserves to be here too

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/XgdCok7.jpg "")

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > How about we just nerf stealth on mesmers just like we did for the thief class?

> > > > > > > If 4 explosions of illusions are a problem and hitting that hard with mind stab cand o 20k well if we make stealth last 2 secs or something and then stealth falls off as soon as mesmer does anything they won't be so overpowered and maybe we might not need to touch their damage or maybe I dunno

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Stealth should never last too long anyways. I still remember when perma stealth thief was wreaking havoc in WVW.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It's not 4 explosions of illusions, actually.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The typical instant kill mesmer burst you're seeing is just a one clone shatter plus the mesmer who counts as a clone themselves. That's it. I've seen just the 1 Clone Mind Wrack portion of the burst hit for 14k. It typically hits for 9-12k.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/EC1Z5ni.jpg "")

> > > > > >

> > > > > > People keep pointing fingers at everything except what is actually killing people. We can talk about the stealth, and the multicasting. But 1 Clone Shatters were never supposed to be doing this level of damage to being with and are supposed to be something of a wasted opportunity in their own way. If we were talking actual 3 clones+Mesmer shatters the set up required for that actually probably does deserve to be something of an exodia execute style win condition, but that's not what is going on here. Mirror Blade into Mind Wrack can truck people as soon as the Mirror Blade makes its clone.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Like we can and should look at the multicasting with Mantra of Pain, Mind Wrack, and the very high stealth uptime with the Chaos Traitline (Though in my opinion mesmers should typically be very high stealth as part of their design). But I think the change that makes the most sense is to hit the damage on Mind Wrack with only 1x Clone and trimming might off mantra of distraction.

> > > > >

> > > > > I hate those no clone 6k+ MW or up to 14k with one clone MW too, don't get me wrong, but they only do that much dmg when the Mesmer stacks every passive dmg multiplier he can find in the game. Just remove passive dmg mulitplier from traits, its a stupid, uncreative and lazy traitdesign doesn't add any skill ceiling anyway. Let only runes and sigils add small passive dmg boni. Or at least put different passive dmg traits in the same place so you have to choose between them, as Viquing suggested as a first step until Anet has some new ideas for a better traitdesign can replace that stuff. Superiority Complex also seems a bit bugged or simply overperforming, some crits i got hit by (not only from MW) run riot here and there. If you nerf the shatters, then every Mesmer build not using stacked dmg traits and run the more skillbased and active traitalternatives will do zero dmg, with other words we would punish the builds running more skilled traits for no reason. That is exactly the best way to kill skillbased Mesmer builds. Compared to the power creep we have shatters base dmg is already not great. Without stacked dmg traits/ rune they do less dmg per clone than most classes autoattacks.

> > > > >

> > > > > As for the PU core stealthspam oneshot build just rework MoP into a non dmg boonremove mantra and the build maybe is already dead anyway. Used or not, PU still should get reworked into a less unhealthy mechanic too. For example remove the steathduration and higher boonduration in return (only defensive boons, delete the might from all grandmaster traits in Chaos).

> > > > >

> > > > > No clue why we have so many so long threads about a build that is so obviously not skillbased and unhealthy from its playstyle (no matter how viable it is in conquest) but also so easy to fix...

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > ALright, for all the whining that this build takes no skill.

> > > > 1 You need to understand other classes ( know how and when to burst )

> > > > 2 You need to do the combo properly

> > > > 3 You need to be mindful of ALOT of interactions, reveals, what hits you in stealth, ETC

> > > > 4 You need to know how to kite, way more then I had to on thief/warrior.

> > > > 5 You need to pay attention to the map, MORE then on any build I played

> > > > The combo itself is not very complicated ( but still 90% of core mes I met just whifs it all the time, I think I personally met only 2 that actually could reliably land it )

> > > > But you have to pay attention to the map, surroundings, know when and how to take opportinities, and how to midgame oponents, understand when people will dodge ETC.

> > > > I think when playing this build WAAAAAAAAAAAY more then with any other build i played, I Constantly keep track of cooldowns of oponents watch the map, have a mental clock when people spawm etc.

> > > > When I played warrior i didnt gave a rats kitten about your cooldowns, I did pve rotation and evaded for 70% fight, if by that time you didnt die then i would kite and propably leave or start paying attention tiny bit more.

> > > > As thief i wouldnt care about map at all, just ram myself into random node to help, quick 10-15s gank, if it doest work just kitten off with 5 teleports and try somewhere else.

> > > > And I fear how utterly boring and easy FB is, im afraid to make FB just to not lose braincells.

> > > > Also respect to necro, had to use some brain to properly setup defensive marks, pay attention to corrupts and track players that are strong into me.

> > > >

> > > > Thats just my take on the builds I played, having build be "skilled" doesnt mean I dodge your stuff more on average so im more skilled, for me map and game knowhow is much more impressive.

> > >

> > > Every roaming +1 dmg build needs to have map awareness and needs to know where to rotate that is nothing i count as specific difficulty of the build, this is simple conquest knowledge you always need for the role you play. As for the other points, train the combo for 10 mins at golems and even i could do it fast enough. Doing the combo never was the hard part of oneshot builds, it was the surviving in case the target didn't instant die for whatever reasosn but thanks to Chaosline you don't even have that difficulty anymore. As a trash Powermes player even i could play that build during i fail to make other Powerbuilds work which rly need to interact with targets and need to actively outplay them. This build doesn't need to do that at all. Ok you need to know reveal that can hit you in stealth, that is more or less all. Wait a bit with the burst after the target used some defensive skills already (no matter what class) or is busy with something else (like your teammates) and just burst it down right in the end of the dodge or other defensive skill. Compared to other Powermes builds this is super easy to play in both offensive and defensive. And you rly feel how kitten most of these players are when they suddently have to fight an opponent for whatever reason or when you then see them on another Powermes build or another class with a more reactive playstyle. Most oneshot heroes suck on Mesmer mechanically. Doing the burst fast and correct is one thing (every average Meser can do, even me), being able to outplay opponents on a Powermes build with reactive playstyle and not carried by 2 unhealthy mechanics (Pu and MoP) and stacked passive dmg multiplier is something different. In the end i don't even mind oneshot builds, as long as they are counterable and at least predictable by not too long stealth and punishable for mistakes. Both is remarkable reduced on that Core PU kitten compared to a oneshot build without Chaosline and even more compared to a non oneshot power build.

> > >

> > > But as said this build is easy fixed, the 2 unhealthy mechanics are obvious and at least one can be easy fixed fast by turning it into a non dmg boonremove mantra.

> >

> > How is this build not punishable as a +1 ?

> > IS rev more punishable? or thief that +1?

> > LoL current meta of weaver/fb/rev means 0 punish spam off cd monkey keyboard roll.


> Yeah that other stuff is lame and low skill too is just not a good balance argument. I made enough suggestions to make other classes more skillbased and less power creeped too, dw. Weaver/ Fb are a totally different kind of and, i agree, way bigger and easier to play cancer. Rev has a bit too many offensive tools what clearly is annoying but Rev is by far more reactive and active than PU oneshot. Rev and Thief (except of Deadeye) also don't have 15k+ no tell oneshots out of insanely long stealth. Necro (Core and Reaper) also is kind of broken atm in itself, i mean i can have nearly perma full ds, being tanky asf still having tons of dmg and lot of fears, some even instant, every few secs incl booncorrupt and rly good mobility. There are so many builds totally braindead and broken still... but that is not the point.


Try doing that without death magic DC, and enemies will slice through you like nothing.


Defenses were needed and wht mobility? a mobility rune?


Necros generally have very weak mobility.


Wurm has 10-sec cd but you have to go run and place it, and enemies can see it and destroy it.

warhorn has 30 seconds cd and gives quickness.

Besides that, the only other option is to use runes because you would be so slow, that you are gimped without it.


generally speaking we would be free kills without it, probably still with it but at least less.



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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> Yeah, I know there's l2p. Especially since that was my first time seeing it. It was also my first match of the day (warmup), right at the start of the match.


> I'm not saying anything about changing the build. Just that it felt like kitten playing against it and the rest of the meme team it was on:


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/DQu80qN.jpg "")


> At least one of the Daredevils was a 1-shot backstab build too (25K from stealth). They kept my team of random solos on respawn. Yeah it was unranked shenanigans, but I think there is something to be said about **how these experiences drive people away.**




Toxicity in itself drives everyone away including potential players


(the game does not even attempt to encourage healthy competitive play...all that is left are Toxic gameplay)

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

By all means if you can do 20k combos you totally can kill a firebrand.

Lastly your math still does not justify a means to as how someone could have guessed to correctly pick knight amulet this its still invalid that you are trying to justify the idea that he is wrong for not using knight amulet.


Lets stop going in circles because its boring.


Its not possibly to have known their builds thus throwing your idea of "should have had a toughness amulet" out the window. You can blame many things just not that one. Lets also not forget that many of these combos do more than 20k many of them can do realistically closer upwards of 25k to 27k or more even if you reduce that by some odd 30 ish % thats still close to 19k damage which is enough to 1 shot someone running knights ammy even if they are a necro as you wont have bonus vitality. Let alone any other profession who has lower base vitality so even if we exclude necromancers from the list thats still more than enough to 1 shot every other profession in the game with full bonus 1200 toughness. Which is not ok. We are done here.


People dont like it for a reason thats all this conversation ever was

Im not going back and forth with you.

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"LuneSkrawl.4601" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > @"LuneSkrawl.4601" said:

> > > > I think most employees of Guild Wars 2 play Mirage, because it has been an OP class since a long way back. Every class get's nerfed and tweaked except for Mirages. Their clone spawn is absurd, but their sustain is ridiculous as well. It's like they WANT Mirage to be the best class. If it stays this way I'll stop playing the game. Oh and the matchmaking is absolutely horrible as well nowadays.... Another confirmation Mesmer is OP: In almost every PVP ranked game you are with 4 mirages in the game. Great!

> > >

> > > I think even mesmers counter eles don't they? even though weavers got some AE effects on their weapons its not like you got the kinda mobility mesmers had combined on core and their elites.

> >

> > There is really no chance of winning as Weaver against Mirage. My recharge is way too long compared to their clone spawns and my attacks are too concentrated to attack them all together. With my herald it's easier to defeat them, but not easy in any way.


> Bad ~~weavers~~ players cant win and got lost in clones. I bet you dwell somewhere in silver :joy:


whatever. If you are going to be this biased, it's not even worth a reaction to it.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> By all means if you can do 20k combos you totally can kill a firebrand.

> Lastly your math still does not justify a means to as how someone could have guessed to correctly pick knight amulet this its still invalid that you are trying to justify the idea that he is wrong for not using knight amulet.


> Lets stop going in circles because its boring.


> Its not possibly to have known their builds thus throwing your idea of "should have had a toughness amulet" out the window. You can blame many things just not that one. Lets also not forget that many of these combos do more than 20k many of them can do realistically closer upwards of 25k to 27k or more even if you reduce that by some odd 30 ish % thats still close to 19k damage which is enough to 1 shot someone running knights ammy even if they are a necro as you wont have bonus vitality. Let alone any other profession who has lower base vitality so even if we exclude necromancers from the list thats still more than enough to 1 shot every other profession in the game with full bonus 1200 toughness. Which is not ok. We are done here.


> People dont like it for a reason thats all this conversation ever was

> Im not going back and forth with you.


If you played the build you wouldnt be spewing out nonsense of "it can 1shot everyoneeeee"

It CANT 1shot demo holo with passive, unless you run berserker and get lucky crits.

It CANT 1shot FB unless it has no prot or aegis, if they are in combat they have perma prot so you cant 1shot, and out of combat they have aegis, if you strip it they know you are there, and can easy dodge.

It CANT 1shot thief, passive doesnt allow it.

Rangers is hit or miss, dont frankly know what builds they run but if they have weakness passive you 100% cant 1shot them ever, if they dont its still hit or miss, very unsafe.

Sure if you run berk ammy ( under 50% crit btw ) and land all crits you will whack for 25k ( condi core has 28k hp btw ) but its unrealistic.

And its 100% wrong, If i see 4 warriors on enemy team and take 0 toughtness becouse "ThEy CoUlD bE cOnDi" then I should pay the price for it.

4 POWER 1shot builds, and you take 0 toughness, IF he changed runes and ammy he wouldnt even die half the times he did.



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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > By the way, its not the class problem (PU should be reworked into another useless GM trait like CI) that you cant see giant purple greatsword and didnt bother to turn your camera to the left while ran to the point, even more you are mirage with privilege to evade during CC, you should be the last person to complain about it.


> Yeah it looks bad in that clip because the field of view is cropped to hide the player list and chat box. It was just the quickest way to hide them. In the game I could see pretty far to the left without turning, as I'm on an ultrawide monitor now :smile:


> Watching the original, there is no visual indication of the Mesmer's presence at all until the burst, not even on map. I can show you if you want. And there is no way at all I could have heard the stealth sound. I can still only barely make it out when rewatching the clip if I max the volume and focus on the moment Leonidrex mentioned.


> Everything's clear in 20/20 hindsight, especially in a video clip where you know what's coming. Needless to say I wasn't expecting that burst from stealth at all. Now I know what to watch for when I see a core mes in the player list. **THE REST WILL BE UP TO MY REACTION TIME AND PING I SUPPOSE.**


> And yes, I know I'm not allowed to complain when I'm playing Mirage, the least sympathetic spec in the game.^^


I really want to stress the point behind the bolded.


Lately I've been paying more attention to my ping, as most people know lately that we've been having odd lag spikes at odd times. I noticed that during games where my ping is hovering around 60, I can counter play fairly easily against the bulk of Mesmers out there. However, when ping starts getting to 90-100 or even higher, it becomes a circumstance where even bell curve Mesmers can mulch you with a stealth burst before you have time to react to it. I couldn't imagine trying to play on EU while living in NA as example, when your ping is around 150-200 at all times. Good god man. This single Core Power Mes build would make your regret your decision to change servers.


Furthermore, yesterday at some point, @"mortrialus.3062" and I were doing 1v1 practice inside of a custom arena and he was using the Core Power Mes Power Shatter with a ton of stealth. I was on Druid using Sig of Stone, which is pretty much the best type of skill one could have present vs. such a build, being an instant case invuln & all. Mort was trying to see if he could land perfectly timed bursts that happened fast enough to down my Druid before I could react to it. Keep in mind this guy has been a Mesmer main for years. Regardless of if his Shatters were "perfect" or not, they were all at least "good" shatters that were done properly. It must have been about the first 4 or 5 bursts he attempted, I was able to react and not take too much damage, and continue to counter play. But on the 5th or 6th burst he landed, it was one of the perfect bursts, and I instantly died. You know, that situation where your health goes from 100% to 0% upon the very millisecond that you see any animations or hear any sound at all. Keep in mind he was very specifically launching stealth strike bursts for the purpose of this experiment. It was also inside of a custom arena and we had low ping, which is the best ideal circumstance for me as the defender.


I think what's going on here, that makes the Core Power Mesmer so toxic, are 3x things:


1. lag issues on our servers nowadays. <- This empowers Core Power Mes stealth shattering. The build is setup in a way that depending on how skilled the Mesmer is, the stealth shatter can potentially have no tells at all, even in a low ping environment. But when you're talking a dragging game where we all have 100+ ping going on, Core Power Mes stealth shatters become unrealistic to counter play.

2. Users who macro perfect Power Shatters. <- Yup, don't think that they don't. I won't mention any names but I know of a couple people at the top who definitely do this. It isn't hard to sit down for 30 minutes and record multiple shatter macros until you happen to nail the perfect burst. Then all of your bursts can be flawless perfect bursts. In an environment where everyone is doing these bursts organically, it requires a special kind of player to reliably land perfect bursting. But in an environment where macros are used, now you're talking bell curve opponents landing perfect bursts with each stealth offensive. And then things begin getting wonky.

3. Such frequent stealthing rewards speed hack & tele hack play. <- Oh you bet your butt it is. Most of the ones who are willing to use macros, are usually willing to employ speed hack & tele hack as well. The thing is, it's ridiculously easy to hide and mask on a frequent stealthing Mesmer, who can claim that he is using Mimic for double Blink.


All in all right now, this is the one build in the game that best rewards playing in laggy environments, and using speed/tele hacks & macros. It also covers up the use of these methods just easily as a SA Thief could.


^ I think that's a good portion of the problems we have happening. A good 50% of what is making this so toxic, actually isn't even related to the class design/patching.





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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> If you played the build you wouldnt be spewing out nonsense of "it can 1shot everyoneeeee"

Oh but it can... thats what one shot builds are meant to do under the right conditions. Either im spewing nonsense or you dont know how to play the build to its highest potential meaning you just cant achieve the numbers other people do.


Im not going into all this AGAIN with you we have already discussed it no point in looping it over again and again and gain.

Stop trying to blame his choice of amulet. Thats not the issue here i dont know what else to tell you. im not going to try and explain it to you when you will always find something else to point the finger too.


Have a good day.

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> @"LuneSkrawl.4601" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"LuneSkrawl.4601" said:

> > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > @"LuneSkrawl.4601" said:

> > > > > I think most employees of Guild Wars 2 play Mirage, because it has been an OP class since a long way back. Every class get's nerfed and tweaked except for Mirages. Their clone spawn is absurd, but their sustain is ridiculous as well. It's like they WANT Mirage to be the best class. If it stays this way I'll stop playing the game. Oh and the matchmaking is absolutely horrible as well nowadays.... Another confirmation Mesmer is OP: In almost every PVP ranked game you are with 4 mirages in the game. Great!

> > > >

> > > > I think even mesmers counter eles don't they? even though weavers got some AE effects on their weapons its not like you got the kinda mobility mesmers had combined on core and their elites.

> > >

> > > There is really no chance of winning as Weaver against Mirage. My recharge is way too long compared to their clone spawns and my attacks are too concentrated to attack them all together. With my herald it's easier to defeat them, but not easy in any way.

> >

> > Bad ~~weavers~~ players cant win and got lost in clones. I bet you dwell somewhere in silver :joy:


> whatever. If you are going to be this biased, it's not even worth a reaction to it.


If we get nerfs to weaver can we then get improvements? i heard something regarding mobility and sustain on weaver being rather fragile.


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> @"Lighter.5631" said:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/aMtaTEn.png "")

> bois it's ok, we all know by history that spike meta naturally evolves in to bunker meta, because classes without spike cheese are forced to spec hard bunker.

> either way it will die, i'm sure these guys defending right now will enjoy the bunker meta so much as it's natural progression.


Bunker meta exists already, you have prot holo, weavers and FB as unkillable blobs, and revs roaming. thats it.

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> @"LuneSkrawl.4601" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"LuneSkrawl.4601" said:

> > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > @"LuneSkrawl.4601" said:

> > > > > I think most employees of Guild Wars 2 play Mirage, because it has been an OP class since a long way back. Every class get's nerfed and tweaked except for Mirages. Their clone spawn is absurd, but their sustain is ridiculous as well. It's like they WANT Mirage to be the best class. If it stays this way I'll stop playing the game. Oh and the matchmaking is absolutely horrible as well nowadays.... Another confirmation Mesmer is OP: In almost every PVP ranked game you are with 4 mirages in the game. Great!

> > > >

> > > > I think even mesmers counter eles don't they? even though weavers got some AE effects on their weapons its not like you got the kinda mobility mesmers had combined on core and their elites.

> > >

> > > There is really no chance of winning as Weaver against Mirage. My recharge is way too long compared to their clone spawns and my attacks are too concentrated to attack them all together. With my herald it's easier to defeat them, but not easy in any way.

> >

> > Bad ~~weavers~~ players cant win and got lost in clones. I bet you dwell somewhere in silver :joy:


> whatever. If you are going to be this biased, it's not even worth a reaction to it.


Where is he biased? Mesmers, in particular Power, get hardcountered by Weaver, doesn't even matter what build, if bunker water, still bunker but with fire, or the LR build. Only a oneshot out of nowhere or on a Waever with bad awareness/ reaction time can make a Powermes win that. Condimes gets countered by at least 2 of them (not sure about the LR build, it is not played that often until now and i haven't tried it myself yet).

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/aMtaTEn.png "")

> > bois it's ok, we all know by history that spike meta naturally evolves in to bunker meta, because classes without spike cheese are forced to spec hard bunker.

> > either way it will die, i'm sure these guys defending right now will enjoy the bunker meta so much as it's natural progression.


> Bunker meta exists already, you have prot holo, weavers and FB as unkillable blobs, and revs roaming. thats it.


1/3 classes playing semi tanky spec! wow must be bunker meta! you are funny dude, go check the definition of meta, bye bye don't see again.

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