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Why the game has become more 'spammy' over time


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The main reason I believe the game has become more spammy is because anet's design philosophy has shifted (whether they realize it or not, who can say) with respect to skill versatility. We can start with weaver: when all dual skills provide barrier and deal damage, when in a fight, just use them as frequently as possible. Mirage epitomizes this with it's defense being baked into it's burst. Warrior gains 25 might and deals damage while evading or blocking, and Spellbreaker deals good unblockable damage and cc while absorbing attacks and evading, Firebrand will NEVER run out of cooldowns between it's tomes, renewed focus, weapon swap and utilities, so it might as well plow through them with reckless abandon. Justice and courage skills 2, and 3 are both defensive and offensive, Courage 1, Mantra of Truth and Potence, and liberation are useful in all situations, And all tome skills except fire 1,4, and 5, are exceptional defensively. I would keep going but I think you get the idea. Specializing is a thing of the past ironically, when pressing buttons at random can reward you with staying alive and/or killing your foe.

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It’s because spammy gameplay is usually more fun. A lot of people don’t enjoy pressing one button over and over and saving the rest just in case of a niche situation. It happens in this game, and it happens in other games like league of legends. Over there, champions that can use more buttons over a short amount of time gets a much larger fanbase, even if they aren’t as effective or reliable compared to slower, easier to play champions. A lot of games also try to simplify a lot of buttons to make it more streamlined, but it just becomes boring. Pressing more buttons just feels more active.

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> @"Solnos.8045" said:

> It’s because spammy gameplay is usually more fun. A lot of people don’t enjoy pressing one button over and over and saving the rest just in case of a niche situation. It happens in this game, and it happens in other games like league of legends. Over there, champions that can use more buttons over a short amount of time gets a much larger fanbase, even if they aren’t as effective or reliable compared to slower, easier to play champions. A lot of games also try to simplify a lot of buttons to make it more streamlined, but it just becomes boring. Pressing more buttons just feels more active.


its not about that at all. Pressing one key over and over again is also spam.

The problem OP is talking about, is skillbloat.

And quite frankly, I completely agree.

The 2 expansions have brought massive powercreep with them by adding more and more functionality to skills and traits.

Comparing some core-skills to expansion-skills makes this blatantly obvious.


For Ele, as an example:

Frozen Burst (Dagger Water 3): 12s CD, Chill targets around you for 3s; Blast finisher.

Katabatic Wind (Dagger Water/Air 3): 18s CD, Chill targets around for 3s, also Daze them, Blast finisher, grants Regen, grants Barrier (cause of a minortrait interaction, you can't NOT choose), and deals double the damage of Frozen burst for good measure.


And then you have gems like Riposting Shadows (Rev, Shiro Utility) that stunbreaks, evades, refills endurance, cures soft-CC and grants fury.

Or Binding Shadow (Deadeye Utility), which is a 3s knockdown from 1200 range that also rips 2 boons, immobilizes, poisons and applies 15 vuln.




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Tbh I think the game has always been spammy. It’s not like wow with a designated mana pool or w.e. You can cast skills almost whenever you want so even top tier players at many times will just use all skills available with no punishment besides a cd, which doesn’t matter in situations like where u cleave someone then have to cap node for 10 secs then walk for 30 more, as your cds will mostly be back.

Obviously spamming is gonna increase in the current state of the game because almost every hot/pof spec and the massive amount of boons/conditions in the game currently. Absolutely everything that is present rn including the specs and ways of doing damage or healing themselves entitles players to spam skills, that said much more than when this game first came out.

It’s just the way the game is designed further increased by current op meta specs. Only actual way to reduce it will be play another game or if we can make the meta at least closer to power with less conditions, aoe and more variety of support specs! Also less boon spam

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Stallic.2397" said:

> > Would be cool if they created a whole expansion/elite specs based off of mana pools instead of just CD based. Talk about trade off


> Isnt ini on thief basically a mana pool? Or u mean mana pool with cd's on top?

My comparison of wow

> @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> Tbh I think the game has always been spammy. It’s not like wow with a designated mana pool or w.e. You can cast skills almost whenever you want so even top tier players at many times will just use all skills available with no punishment besides a cd, which doesn’t matter in situations like where u cleave someone then have to cap node for 10 secs then walk for 30 more, as your cds will mostly be back.

> Obviously spamming is gonna increase in the current state of the game because almost every hot/pof spec and the massive amount of boons/conditions in the game currently. Absolutely everything that is present rn including the specs and ways of doing damage or healing themselves entitles players to spam skills, that said much more than when this game first came out.

> It’s just the way the game is designed further increased by current op meta specs. Only actual way to reduce it will be play another game or if we can make the meta at least closer to power with less conditions, aoe and more variety of support specs! Also less boon spam


There thief has a build up of initiative that only happens when u cast certain skills and is a point based system which can be called similar as some thief skills regenerate your initiative but it’s also completely different from a mana pool as it is always there and is spent and regenerated differently from a mana pool. That said as initiative is always there and regenerating you can literally spam your skills non stop making thief a pretty big offender in the long run but as to the actual nature of the skills as being less aoe based(even condition thief is less aoe based than say necro or support class) the skill spam is essentially a little less noticed imo because when spamming skills wrong you are left with huge punishment. So if they change aoe classes to a mana system and keep thief on a similar point system maybe thief will be a very spammy class but thief honestly has a very small pool of initiative that quickly regenerates that I would more closely classify as to be similar to energy in LoL though still inherently different from any real pool for playing to cast spells

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> Why the game has become more 'spammy' over time?


> because of bad design


Classes need to fell stronger so non pve players have to buy the game to “keep competitive” sounds like sell better and easier gimmicks... almoooost like p2w game.


Gw2 isn’t a armor progression mmo but u progress by buying stronger elites.


It’s a marketing placebo there are quite a few stuff on this game and Anet ideals that are quite lame.

Good thing they want to improve rather than slack;) at least that what I’ve notice the latest patches and news.

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The main problem is I think, anet wanted to improve and gain more deepness with there combat system, like if you compare it to vanilla, it's not even faster on the battlefield, it's even much more complex.


And the spam has gotten a lot higher but just because there are more ways to spam, in Gw2 the players did always spam.


But that's makes the difference between a standard player and a good player.


The standard player dies immediately after he has everything on CD, and the good player is timing his skills, he is spaming, but he is not useless spaming.

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