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PVP is horrible


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> @"VoidNard.7206" said:

> > @"Speedylord.2798" said:

> > > @"VoidNard.7206" said: The game was made around WvW and pvp but the devs are creating a different game.

> > I'm quite sure the game's focus from the beginning on was PvE/Open World/Story.

> > Anyways, although I don't play PvP or WvW on a regular basis, I agree with your statement that these modes deserve some love from the developers:)!

> >

> >


> Open world? yes. Story? absolutely. PVE? lol, not even close. maybe you werent there when the game came out, but it was all open world and the end game was WvW.


Both Open World and Story are PvE though ;)

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> @"VoidNard.7206" said:

> > @"Speedylord.2798" said:

> > > @"VoidNard.7206" said: The game was made around WvW and pvp but the devs are creating a different game.

> > I'm quite sure the game's focus from the beginning on was PvE/Open World/Story.

> > Anyways, although I don't play PvP or WvW on a regular basis, I agree with your statement that these modes deserve some love from the developers:)!

> >

> >


> Open world? yes. Story? absolutely. PVE? lol, not even close. maybe you werent there when the game came out, but it was all open world and the end game was WvW.


WvW was never designed about being the endgame mode, in the first time it was designed as a mode where spend the waiting time to do a dungeon or the next world boss you want to kill spawns, players taking the gamemode as a serious thing and being devoted to it maked it engamish mode

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im noob / newbie and i hit almost plat without meta builds.


some streamers are playing non meta builds at legend or high plat rank. So who cares meta? just get good.


my pvp history (mostly)


played 386 games.


played condi rev

played scepter fresh weaver.

played sp and dp thief in condi thief meta.


9 games power mesmer in condi meta

9 games core warrior

7 games ranger



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SPVP is bad because of toxic amount of CC thrown out and AOE that destroy people and then people who are newbies like i saw in a twtich video just got destroyed becaus there is so much visual clutter and aoe spam.


The game doesn't really teach you properly how cc's work, so pvp you have to learn on your own what stability and cc's do such as knockback and daze.


Some classes have a kitten high amount of mobility and cc spam, that if you play necro for instance or core ele/tempest you get blown up and your agency gets taken away so you just get angry and quit and don't want to come back, its a terrible feeling and terrible design.


PVE is basically either fractals some random open world events or raids for the most part, and some classes are either limited or even expected to not play these game modes.


WVW some classes have either super limiting or non existence in this mode.


This game is also around fashion wars not much epic quests to get epic items.


Also Having the elite specs that you pay for being meta vs core is Pay to win in my opinion too, so if you do not have mount in WVW you are at such huge disadvantage, because your team runs forward at mach 100 and are slowly running after them.


Then there is the problem that the game literally doesn't try to keep you playing more than a few hours to do your daily fractals or log on for daily, and thats about it.


Solution for SPVP: Nerf the sustain and mobility and dmg combined of some classes EG:


Firebrand. Because of firebrand, scourge got nerfed into the ground. I wouldn't be surprised if boon rip clases get nerfed because they are able to take tons of boons and then firebrand gets left untouched.


Soulbeast:Tons of sustain dmg got nerfed mobility such needs looking at.


Revenant:There has to be a good reason that anet mentioned tons of people were playing them, so they probably need nerfed. They are kinda insane in amount of spewing boons too.


Core guard:Boon spam galore and fire guards do tons of damage. In fact: Sometimes necro gets blamed for the amount of condi spam that guard thief and eles can do. 6-7 stacks of bleed does not equal to damage of 6-7 burn and or 6-7 torment.


Deadeye: This also needs checking as well, as they have been problematic for ages.


Next: Some classes need their kits adjusted so they can fight back and not be so hard countered that they lose their agency.


Remember when engineers were farmed by thieves? thats terrible when scrapper was farmed and had no chance to win. Necros need actual improvement of their kits to add better defensive tools eles need checking up as well with tempest for support so it becomes viable in SPVP as healer. Some classes like necro just have very weak defense kits for small scale battles, and need improvements, others need culling of the more toxic and stronger SPVP classes from POF.



Next:WVW: Some classes need to add some changes to make them more viable. I did see a mirage with wells leading and bombing, so i can't be sure how good it is, but it looked pretty good. I'l leave it to you mirage players i heard rangers suffer in this area not sure if its true them being better at 1v1 heard same about thief.




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PvP is not horrible, it's actually awesome. It's the same PvP since 2012, tweaked a little bit and balanced here and there. For 7 years it's the same mechanic of controlling 3 bases; players liked it all this time, and still play it.


If it works, don't fix it! PvP should remain like this forever (with just a little bit more tweaking here and there).

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I love PvP and even more playing with my friends (hi gambal :3) Actually playing with them and chatting helps me to tilt less, to seek and give advice, to celebrate wins and to enjoy the game mode much more as a whole. Try find people to q with and u can overcome the bad sides of pvp. I love to learn new things and to improve myself. I sometimes even embrace the small player base cause it makes it feel like some kind if „2nd family“because I know so many players. I just wish there would be more frequent balance patches. Stop playing when it’s not fun anymore or change the circumstances, if possible...this is my advice :)

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This city beneath me screams like an awatar full of retarded children... I like this game a lot. The open world pve is nice then you got fractals,raids,pvp,wvw, you can farm and play fashion wars or role play. There is so much to do, so if you got bored or mad at a game mode ake a break and do somethink else in the game. Tham after a time come back and you should be fine. Just look for some goals like legendary armor weapons , the ascension leggy backpack. Those are things that keeps you playing while having fun. Fun alone or with friends, guildies on ts or discord... Tthere is much to love about this game and the only think in my opinion is to change game modes regularly so you will feel exttatic instead of being mad or sore, Btw im glad that you are honest with saying you are newbie, because everyone was there as newbie at some point and learning the tactics builds and so on is nothing but mind blowing in a good way for me. Hope you will find fun in the game because thats the point of plying games to get out of real life to relax a bit. Wish you good luck and lots of fun, just dont give up on the game pls :) txo

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can agree pvp itself is imbalanced and people are toxic af because thats the cool thing to do in 2019.

Gw2 pvp use to be super fun now its super infuriating for one reason or another if its not the balance is the community of people who are butts because they always feel the need to kick someone while they are down or have god complex playing something thats still broken.


Pvp is gonna effectively just done until

They heavily rebalanced the professions and elites

It gets new supported game modes thats not just capture and hold (they seriously need to get away from just this 1 mode)

A new system that measures a persons individual skill and not just the skill of their team comp (what the current system does if you really think about it)

They do something about win/loss manipulation and bots


Of any of the games ive played in the recent years gw2 in pve can have awesome nice players

Gw2 pvp it has some of the worst and nasty people ive ever seen in a game by far.


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In my humble opinion, PvP of GW2 officially died in October 2016, when Anet decided to setup a vote, where players voted to no longer allow team gameplay (5 premade), so players can only farm alone. The DuoQ system is just something to still maintain the appearance of friendship, but there is no real team foundation for such fast paced game.


Sure, there is the chance to play a few times per day as premade team, in those 5 man automated tournaments, at specific hours. But this is is all there is to it, and Unranked is just something to grow to pvp-lvl 20 or to test some things, unable to satisfy the requests of teamwork and team bonding.


Please note: this is just my opinion for this 7 years old PvP _control 3 bases_ mechanic. Other new players may think that PvP is awesome and booming with fun; I totally respect their opinion. However, I consider PvP here dead and buried.


The new item [snowflake Gobbler](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Snowflake_Gobbler) with +25% reward to PvP and ~~([the new announcement](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/looking-ahead-to-the-new-year/))~~ (self correction) the [2 years promise](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/19541/pvp-discussion-automated-tournaments) are just something to increase sales during Christmas period; a well-known marketing strategy. But I will not put my hopes too high.


Maybe, just maybe, it's time for a whole expansion designed 90% for PvP, with a complete overhaul; but I don't think this can happen, not in a time when many developers left the company, including a founding CEO.


Cheers! Let's be optimistic and focus on the new PvE episode on January 28th: new skins, new things to do in 3 days, and maybe new legendary items to keep us busy.

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