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sooo... 6 months playing and ive learnt GW2 PVP is purely RNG based


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1k hours spent in game about 6 months of actual playtime and from what i've seen GW2 pvp is either choose a broken Holo/condi thief/condi mesmer class AND face-roll AND (not "OR") get effing lucky with matchmaking OR just get effing lucky with matchmaking. **Prove me wrong**. Also anyone who wishes to comment ("you can carry if you know your class git good skrub" my ingame is Scarybananas.6975 by all means add me and carry me & my team in-game) with your superior skills i will post actual Game carries here on this thread just so there is no doubt people can actually back up their vainglorious claims without having epic luck with the crap algorithm which Anet uses for class balance(which is ALREADY BROKEN) in pvp (carry = 2person(your epicness + my average skills + 3 Bots/non-factors vs 5 players ). Also do note im trash at the game i know the mechanics for about 6-7 classes that i have used and yes this post is to find a genius with an ego big enough to carry me to my PVP leggy set. BUT still my thoughts on GW2 pvp will remain and please by all means "prove me wrong" add me and we can 2x5 pvp and you can showcase the "git good skrub" part of your logic and i can well... get carried (and improve by watching your awesomeness in action) (Note: im about average myself maybe worse but by no means a total loss)


P.S yea im pissed about how shit the pvp in this game is. Also Anet, btw Condi = DOT, DOT stands for (please get this, like seriously, its not that hard really) "Damage Over time"... key word being.. "TIME"

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Skill does matter in a legitimate environment where there is no metagaming.


However, this is no longer the case in GW2 ranked.


If you want to have good competitive games that are fair, make a team and do ATs.


Ranked is such a gamble nowadays, that players who used to be solid plat 2, are now playing between bottom gold 3 and top plat 2, depending on their luck of the queue for the day. In other words, the effect you've mentioned is indeed very real.

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > @"Scarybananas.6975" said:


> > P.S yea im pissed about how kitten the pvp in this game is. Also Anet, btw Condi = DOT, DOT stands for (please get this, like seriously, its not that hard really) "Damage Over time"... key word being.. "TIME"


> .5 seconds is still technically time


IKR. cant fault logic, have you applied to the Anet development/test staff? dont think you'd even need an interview with that perspective. You can have an easy job there especially with that outlook (no offense intended im just trying to prove a point)

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Skill does matter in a legitimate environment where there is no metagaming.


> However, this is no longer the case in GW2 ranked.


> If you want to have good competitive games that are fair, make a team and do ATs.


> Ranked is such a gamble nowadays, that players who used to be solid plat 2, are now playing between bottom gold 3 and top plat 2, depending on their luck of the queue for the day. In other words, the effect you've mentioned is indeed very real.


carry me sempai? I.G Scarybananas.6975 i shall learn from your blinding brilliance ( sorry for the sarcasm i have seen really good players but still its more about luck and well, more luck than actual skill unless its a "1v1 specific class v specific class scenario", also idk if im doing anything wrong but i've seen necros and holos outrun, (not teleport to wurm or blink) literally freaking outrun a soul beast merged with pet + swiftness (elite skill) for 25-40 seconds, i use a necro as pve main and i KNOW that's not possible P.S he didn't have the speed sigil :) and the damage numbers dont suggest a rune of the lynx involved or the one that adds to swiftness up-time because... damage)

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> @"Scarybananas.6975" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > @"Scarybananas.6975" said:

> >

> > > P.S yea im pissed about how kitten the pvp in this game is. Also Anet, btw Condi = DOT, DOT stands for (please get this, like seriously, its not that hard really) "Damage Over time"... key word being.. "TIME"

> >

> > .5 seconds is still technically time


> IKR. cant fault logic, have you applied to the Anet development/test staff? dont think you'd even need an interview with that perspective. You can have an easy job there especially with that outlook (no offense intended im just trying to prove a point)


As someone who has been on both sides of that fence, I do understand where you are coming from. Ive played/built pure cheese condi (play DPS atm with very little cleanses). Its not so much the damage itself, but more of the sustain some classes have applying it as big doses.

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > @"Scarybananas.6975" said:

> > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > > @"Scarybananas.6975" said:

> > >

> > > > P.S yea im pissed about how kitten the pvp in this game is. Also Anet, btw Condi = DOT, DOT stands for (please get this, like seriously, its not that hard really) "Damage Over time"... key word being.. "TIME"

> > >

> > > .5 seconds is still technically time

> >

> > IKR. cant fault logic, have you applied to the Anet development/test staff? dont think you'd even need an interview with that perspective. You can have an easy job there especially with that outlook (no offense intended im just trying to prove a point)


> As someone who has been on both sides of that fence, I do understand where you are coming from. Ive played/built pure cheese condi (play DPS atm with very little cleanses). Its not so much the damage itself, but more of the sustain some classes have applying it as big doses.


SSSh you, im trying to get carried by pros who go "learn your class git good skrub" here. But thanks for validating my points cheers. Hopefully someone from Anet takes Notice. Its hard to balance class mechanisms sure, but can we at-least ensure class distribution balance within games? at the very least that isn't very hard to do even on a code level.

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Skill can still differentiate, but the extent to which skill can differentiate is largely irrelevant compared to power creep. The difference between a 50th percentile and 95th percentile player is minuscule; spec and basic ability sequence spam carry hard. There is to much damage, CC, and defense to cover for repeated mistakes and poor ability use. You only see the difference between 95th and 100th percentile.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Skill does matter in a legitimate environment where there is **no metagaming.**


> However, this is** no longer the case** in GW2 ranked.


> If you want to have good competitive games that are fair, make a team and do ATs.


> Ranked is such a gamble nowadays, that players who used to be solid plat 2, are now playing between bottom gold 3 and top plat 2, depending on their luck of the queue for the day. In other words, the effect you've mentioned is indeed very real.


I agree that the matchmaking is absolute RNG but there is more then just the meta. It just so that a lot people stopped sharing these on metabattle because

1.) If they are really good Arena.NET will nerf them (like happened to my bleed condi ele -.-)

2.) Everyone seems an expert these days I know if you are a beginner and have a little clue about your class the build is properly trash but there is a lot of people who know what they are doing and testing it but everytime you have something non-meta and new people going NO NO NO e.g

My shout warrior in pvp => platin

Staff weaver in PvE for Sirens Reef #2 dps at the end boss only topped by reaper try to find a build now..

The changes in wvw to go with quickness and alac which is indeed meta try to find the wvw built who gives quickness on meta battle..


I also would say the condi builds are to burst like in pvp

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> @"Scarybananas.6975" said:

> 1k hours spent in game about 6 months of actual playtime and from what i've seen GW2 pvp is either choose a broken Holo/condi thief/condi mesmer class AND face-roll AND (not "OR") get effing lucky with matchmaking OR just get effing lucky with matchmaking. **Prove me wrong**. Also anyone who wishes to comment ("you can carry if you know your class git good skrub" my ingame is Scarybananas.6975 by all means add me and carry me & my team in-game) with your superior skills i will post actual Game carries here on this thread just so there is no doubt people can actually back up their vainglorious claims without having epic luck with the kitten algorithm which Anet uses for class balance(which is ALREADY BROKEN) in pvp (carry = 2person(your epicness + my average skills + 3 Bots/non-factors vs 5 players ). Also do note im trash at the game i know the mechanics for about 6-7 classes that i have used and yes this post is to find a genius with an ego big enough to carry me to my PVP leggy set. BUT still my thoughts on GW2 pvp will remain and please by all means "prove me wrong" add me and we can 2x5 pvp and you can showcase the "git good skrub" part of your logic and i can well... get carried (and improve by watching your awesomeness in action) (Note: im about average myself maybe worse but by no means a total loss)


> P.S yea im pissed about how kitten the pvp in this game is. Also Anet, btw Condi = DOT, DOT stands for (please get this, like seriously, its not that hard really) "Damage Over time"... key word being.. "TIME"


well actually if i were you i'd be glad you realized quick enough pvp in this game at this time sucks big time

it's a shame because 2 or 3 years ago this game was the best for small scale or even large scale pvp

then pof came out with those incredibly stupid noob friendly specs, and skills went flying down the window

and now the game silently changes focus into open world pve because they just don't care about us anymore (pvp/wvw players)

so don't except any big changes, i got sick of fake promises, so i simply went to play something else

thank god there is ESO, thats a game that knows how to listen to their communities, can't find a single game mode suffering or with low population


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> @"Avatar.3568" said:


> > it's a shame because 2 or 3 years ago this game was the best for small scale or even large scale pvp


> >


> You mean when Hots destroyed everything with tankyness and elite specs



well hot brought a lot of power creep, but after several months when they finally nerfed properly every spec they felt great, they were in line with core classes, and they belonged to the game in some way, either lore wise or mechanicly wise


pof specs on the other hand feel like they were made by an entirely different group of people, i always felt not only they were cheesy desing wise, but also dumbed down a lot of combos and mechanics, and they felt pretty unlogical, i mean they gave the most mobile class in the game, the infamous acrobatic ninja class, a stupid sniper rifle... special skill? kneeling.... anet wtf!?!?!?!

and i can name several other points that make no sense at all

like promising everyone this was not another trinity based mmo, and later making firebrand a full healer/support oriented spec... not only that, they did it so wrong now not only he can heal but he can tank at the same time...

or how about engis becoming super sayayins over night...


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